
The dysfunction of Morganton, North Carolina was alive and well when Josh Hudson returned to his hometown. The defect was very much a disease that ricocheted throughout the state as far as he could tell. He hadn’t smoked in years, but when his feet hit the pavement of the uptown area, Hudson pressed a cigarette between his lips, lit it up, and took a long drag, inhaling as the burning taste swam through his mouth, and into his lungs, until the pressure behind his breath became almost too much.

He walked as he smoked. He remembered when he first started the habit, Hudson told everyone he did it to soothe his nerves. It was an old saying his mother used when he was a child. His hazel brown eyes scanned the ragged landscape around him. When he thought dysfunction, it was because of how run down everything appeared. There were small droplets of life that would spring up like flowers from cracks in the concrete. It was moments like that, that made Hudson miss home. His current residence in the Big Apple offered so much life littered with bright lights and noise, but he never gave a damn about any of that. Despite the ugliness of the small city, Hudson found a simplicity in the fabric of Morganton. Something he never found anywhere else.

His return, however, didn’t pertain to a search for the simple. He yearned for it yes, but at this point in his life, Hudson knew he wouldn’t have it. He was going to remain tortured until he found what he was looking for. Until he completed the mission Hudson set out to do. It was the whole purpose as to why he had returned to the place where he had grown up. The place where his father, Frank Hudson, had instilled in him the same hard ass childhood lessons he had learned as a boy. The most important lesson was to work toward a goal, and to not stop until it was reached. When Hudson arrived in Morganton, he knew he wasn’t leaving until he met the man who had raped his sister, Jalyn. The man behind Jalyn’s suicide back in January. The purpose of meeting him was so Hudson could make the bastard feel more pain than his sister had to.

Hudson ran his calloused hands through his lengthy and curly dark hair, before grabbing the remaining cig from his lips and letting it fall into the ashtray just outside his next destination, Morganton Pawn. The establishment had been one of the few remaining from his childhood years. Many businesses had come and gone from Hudson’s recollection. The pawn shop had been family owned ever since he was a boy, and he had spent many Saturday mornings there, when he’d go on all day trips with his father. His father typically snuck something from the house, something his mother or siblings found to be valuable, and Frank would somehow make money off it. Hudson wasn’t looking to trade anything for cash. He was there to buy.

The old familiar smell of sweat and damp wood rushed over him as the Hall of Famer entered. He knew what he was after, making a Beeline to the weapons section. There were guns and knives of all shapes and sizes encased in glass. Hudson didn’t want a knife, though the thought of inflicting punishment upon his sister’s perpetrator at a slow and steady pace caused a smirk to develop from his lips. He wanted something quick. Just to get in and get out before anyone else had time to react. He figured he would go to jail, throwing the rest of his life away, but the bastard deserved to pay. He didn’t deserve to walk the streets be it in Morganton, or anywhere else, like what he did didn’t matter. Like he was able to be free despite his crimes. None of it sat well with Hudson, and he wouldn’t rest easy until those crimes were paid for. A life for another life.

He froze as the thought crept through his mind, like a snake slithering through the late night grass, eyes fixated on a mouse without a clue in the world, and no sooner did Hudson ask himself if what he thought or felt was wrong, he was brought back to reality by the sound of the clerk’s voice. It was as scrawny as everything else the individual brought to the table. He looked like he could be blown over by the slightest gust of wind. “Looking for anything in particular?” He asked, his words stained, like his teeth, with rot. Hudson saw his nametag. It said Greg.

“As a matter of fact, I am, Greg.” He stated, before his eyes darted down to the artillery on display. Moving back and forth, observing and studying the objects before him, like a scientist looking for evidence to prove a miraculous discovery.

And then, Hudson settled on what he felt would be the best fit. “Tell me about that one.” He said, tapping his finger on the glass.

Greg gave a toothy grin as he reached inside, lifting the weapon at eye level between them, staring at it like it was his most prized possession. His right fingers gently caressed the end of the barrel, chromed from the muzzle to the hammer. His left hand clasped the wooden grip, as his grainy eyes moved from the gun to his customer’s. “This is a .357 Magnum. Smith and Wesson. Some call it a .38 Special.” He moved it toward Hudson. “Want to hold it? See how it feels?”

“Absolutely.” The former SCW World Champion said, having it placed in his hands. He tried different grips, even testing out the sight, checking the weight as well.

“Have you ever fired a gun before?”

“More times than I care to remember.” He said, his sight still on the .38 Special.


Hudson nodded. “All my life. In more ways than one.”

“What do you plan to hunt with that?” Greg asked, shaking Hudson a little bit more than he expected. “Or should I ask who?”

Hudson grinned as he placed the gun on the counter. “That’s for me to know, and that’s it. How much do you want for this?”

The grimy worker scoffed and shook his head, before giving his customer a price. Hudson paid as Greg wrapped his purchase up nice and neatly. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Hudson stated with a gentle nod. He turned to leave but Greg spoke, stopping him in his tracks.

“Can I interest you in anything else?” The words caused Hudson’s muscles to tense, a sliver of dread running down the base of his spine. He knew when Greg mentioned ‘anything else’ that he meant only the worst of possibilities. Places he didn’t want his mind to go. He was in a dark place already. Hudson knew it would be wise to not go any further. “Whatever you can think of,” Greg continued, “I am sure I have it. And it has nothing to do with the shop. It’s a little side business of mine, if you’d prefer to call it that.” His words were followed by a sickening snicker.

Hudson turned and faced Greg once again. He could see the sickness in the man’s eyes, proving further that the decay spread throughout the small city, consuming not only its architecture but its inhabitants as well. “There is something else I need.”

“What might that be? Just remember. Whatever you want, I’m sure I have it.”

“Good.” Hudson said as he returned to the counter. “Because I need ammo.”

“Ah, I see.” Greg replied with a nod. He disappeared into the back for a few moments before returning with a box. He showed Hudson the bullets contained within the flimsy cardboard box, being held together by duct tape. It was a Morganton mainstay as Hudson recalled. He paid for the ammo as well. Hudson grabbed the box and dropped down to one knee. “What are you doing now?” He heard Greg asked, as he popped the chamber out on the handgun, before sliding a bullet inside, and popping the chamber back into its proper position. “Hey, you’re not allowed to do that, man.” Hudson ignored his statement before rising and locking eyes with Greg, the gun held up between them, aimed right at the living, breathing, walking sickness. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

“What did I do?”

Hudson scoffed. “You offered me something else. Anything I could think of and you would have it right?” Greg shuddered and Hudson repeated himself. “RIGHT?!?!?!” Greg nodded rapidly, with his hands held high. “Something tells me that something else was sick and twisted. Something to do with children?” Greg looked down and away, keeping his hands up. “No, look at me.” He did as he was told as Hudson continued. “Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll leave.” He remained silent. Hudson did not. “Something tells me I’m not wrong. No fucking way.”

He slowly backed away, going toward the front door while keeping his eyes locked on Greg, who began to whimper and plead. “It’s not what you think, man. It’s really not. It’s nothing more than a side business. Just an extra way to make money. If you’re not interested, then that’s fucking good. Its fucking good, right?” Hudson stayed quiet as the pleas continued. “Are you even listening to me? I’m telling you that it’s just business. I’ve not done anything wrong.” Greg grew silent once again as Hudson flipped the opened sign to closed, before his eyes reverted back to the piece of shit before him. “Oh, what the fuck man? Seriously! Stop! Please, don’t do this! Stop!”

Hudson blinked, and he was still standing before Greg, the box of ammo along with a receipt in his hand. “Will there be anything else?” The customer was asked, and Hudson merely shook his head no, before walking out. His mind and body craved violence. He knew he should have hurt Greg, made it to where the man could not utter another word, or make another movement in his life, but he didn’t. He knew why, too. It was a promise he’d made, and a promise he was going to break, but not at the expense of Greg. It would occur at the sight of someone else, Hudson thought as he continued through the streets of his hometown, as day slowly began to drift into night.

The sound of water rushed through Hudson’s ears as he scrubbed his hands of the grime and disease of the city. Of the sickness he had just experienced. No matter how hard he scrubbed, everything seemed to remain, as if it had become ingrained within his skin, adapting to portions of his cells, ready to live until the end of his days, like a cancer preparing to slowly eat away at him from the inside out. It came back each time he slid a bullet into the chamber. Each time he touched the gun.

He dried his hands and looked at his reflection. The bathroom was rundown like just about everything else he’d seen since he returned. The floors were dirty like his soul. The mirror was cracked, and to Hudson, that felt familiar in more ways than one. Stepping out, he tossed the empty ammo box before he saw his brother Jacob across the Denny’s restaurant in a corner booth. It was the same booth their family would sit in when their mother would bring them for lunch on a Sunday afternoon after church.

Jacob looked like he wore what he’d rolled out of bed in. His hair, like everything else, was a mess. Hudson could tell his brother had chosen to follow their father’s lifestyle, though he knew Jacob could have been anything that he wanted to be. When it came to sports, he was a stallion. Jacob was even better than his older sibling at wrestling, but he chose to take the wrong path. But Hudson told himself, they had all taken the wrong path at some point or another in their lives. It was in their genetic coding to royally fuck up, not only their lives, but the lives of others. All except for their sister, Jalyn. The one time she fucked up was because she could no longer take living the life she had, so she took matters into her own hands, letting her life slip into the darkness, to never return.

“What the fuck were you doing there? Jacking off?” Jacob asked, as Hudson took a seat across from him. “You were in there an awfully long time.”

“I was in there as long as I needed to be.”

Jacob ran hands through his dirty light brown hair and shook his head, snorting snot as a sigh escaped him. “I can’t help but be curious, big brother. We agreed to meet here. You were late and bolted straight to the shitter when you got here. What gives?” Hudson thought about the situation at the pawn shop with Greg and what transpired before he left. He knew he could tell his brother but decided not to. Jacob waited for a few moments, realizing he wasn’t going to get a response. “Alright, I guess we’ll leave that there.”

“Would be best.”

“How have you been?”

Hudson sighed. “How about we cut the pleasantries out of this conversation. We aren’t at that point in our lives. That aspect of our relationship waved bye-bye a long time ago, Jacob. So, how about you tell me about Levy?” Just saying the man’s name caused Hudson to grind his teeth, his muscles tensing just as they did at the pawn shop. He wore a jacket and Hudson slid his hands into the pockets, his fingers tracing an outline of the gun he had concealed.

His brother sighed once again. “I know he’s out. I’ve been keeping my eye on him ever since he stepped through the gate. He’s spent most of his time at the bar.”

“Which one? This is Morganton? There are more bars here than I can count on my hands and feet.”

“Blue Thunder. It’s the one near the bowling alley. Or what used to be the bowling alley.” Jacob said, and Hudson remembered going there as a kid with his siblings. He recalled how much fun they all had, especially Jalyn. She was the best of them all when it came to landing strikes. “I’m sure Levy will be there tonight. I can almost guarantee it.” His brother said, taking him away from his trip down memory lane. “You want to go have a drink?”

Hudson shook his head. “No, I’d rather not. If anything, I want to be alone.” He said, as they locked eyes. “In fact, I feel that this will be the last time we see one another, or more than likely speak.”

“And why might that be, big brother?”

Hudson scoffed. “Now that Jalyn and Mom are gone, there’s really no need for us to have any connection. Those two kept the family together. You and our dear old dad seem to enjoy one another’s company, if a twelve pack’s involved.”

Jacob chuckled while shaking his head. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re judging me?” Hudson said nothing as his younger sibling continued. “You, of all people, have no right to judge me. Especially after all the terrible things you’ve done. You want to act like you’re noble when we both know you’re far from it.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Hudson replied. “And that will be something I’ll have to live with. Something I’ll have to pay for when the time comes. Just as you will have to do the same. You and Dad. Just as we will all have to live with the fact that we weren’t there for our sister. We were meant to protect her, and none of us did that.”

“You think I don’t feel like shit for what happened to Jalyn? You think that I don’t care?” Jacob growled. “If that’s what you think then you’re the dumbest son of a bitch that I know.” Both looked down and away for a few moments, until the younger sibling spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper. “So, what are you going to do to him?”

Hudson knew the answer to his brother’s question, but he asked one of his own. “What would you do?”

“I’d kill him. Plain and simple.” Jacob muttered weakly. “He doesn’t deserve to live for what he did to Jalyn. For what the shit he caused. The pain she endured.”

“There you have it.” Hudson said coldly, as he slid out of the booth and rose to his feet. He went to leave but his brother’s voice stopped him, as he uttered his name. Hudson looked to find Jacob, looking down at the table, appearing sad and lost. Something Hudson hadn’t seen from him in a very long time, if at all. “What is it?”

Jacob quickly wiped tears from his eyes, like he was trying to conceal his pain and sadness. “I don’t know if it means anything but I’m sorry. For everything. For Jalyn. For Mom. For how you and I stopped being close. I’ve always looked up to you. The bottle…” His voice broke for a moment. “The bottle just has me in a stranglehold. I don’t know how to get free. Or if I can.”

Hudson let his brother’s words resonate in his brain, his mind processing them as a response was conjured up. “We are all in a stranglehold of some kind, Jacob. I’ve come to realize that, just as I’ve come to realize that there is no saving us. It’s not that we can’t be saved. It’s that we don’t want to be.” Jacob went to speak but Hudson turned and walked away, back out into the streets of Morganton. His fingers gripped the gun once again as he repeated his words to his brother, repeating them over and over for no real apparent reason that he could think of, until he stopped. When Hudson looked up, he recognized where he was immediately.

He was at the First Assembly of God church. It was where he’d gone to church with his family as a child. His grandparents went there, and his mother felt they all needed to go as well. Their father rarely went. Staring at the building, Hudson recalled how he loved the structure as it reminded him of a medieval castle. “It’s not that we can’t be saved. It’s that we don’t want to be.” He spoke the words once again, this time out loud, before he felt his feet moving forward and then he entered the church. It was like walking through a haunted house, as Hudson felt a sudden chill racing up and down his spine. He had never been a Godly individual, but with what he had going through his head, he felt he needed to be right where he was, as he stepped foot into the sanctuary.

“Good evening, sir. Can I help you with something?” He heard coming from his left. Hudson turned to see a plain-clothed gentleman with a happy face walking toward him, his hand extended. Hudson shook it. He was much older than he had been the last time Hudson seen him, but he knew the man before him, nonetheless.

The old man’s name was Dana McClellan. Pastor Dana to most. Hudson shrugged before finally replying, after taking a few moments to size the old pastor up. “I’d like to think so, but I’m not sure you or anyone will be able to help me.”

Pastor Dana cupped his hands together in front of him as he stood, the happiness remaining on his wrinkled face. “And what might it be that you’re seeking?”

Hudson sighed. “Forgiveness.”

“Have you been to this church before?” Hudson wanted to tell him yes, but decided against it, shaking his head no, as the old man continued. “Well, I tell those in my congregation that, as it states in the Scripture, if you accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart, he will forgive you or absolve you of all your sins.”

Another sigh escaped Hudson before he replied. “I’m not looking for God’s forgiveness, but forgiveness nonetheless.”

“Who do you want forgiveness from, if not the Lord?” Dana asked, looking slightly confuse at Hudson’s declaration.

The former SCW World Champion looked up at the altar, seeing the same three crosses that were there as a child, holding strong. He turned his attention to the pastor, knowing he’d rather talk to a real live person than images such as the crosses. “I want forgiveness from someone who died. Someone who, if Heaven exists, is up there, beyond the pearly gates.” Hudson stated, pointing behind him, before continuing. “I want their forgiveness for not being there. For not listening when I should have.” He sniffled, trying to catch his breath and regroup emotionally. Not much had made the man cry, but knowing he’d lost his sister tore him up to the point of tears. He exhaled and shook his head, as Hudson looked down now. “No, pastor. I don’t want forgiveness from your God. At this point, I feel he owes me an apology for allowing something so criminal to happen to my sister. Something so damned vile that she took her own life.”

He glanced at Dana from the corner of his eye, to watch as the pastor glanced down as well, looking like shame had fallen over his face. The pastor sighed heavily, shaking his head. Hudson, however, cut him off before the old man could muster any sort of verbal response. “If you’re going to tell me that my sister’s soul has been damned to Hell because she took her own life then I suggest you bite your tongue.” They locked eyes. “If Hell exists and that’s how it goes then it was your God who put her there.”

Dana finally spoke. “I’m sorry for what happened to your sister. I’m sorry for the pain it caused her, for what it caused her to do. Just as I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I know my words will provide no real comfort to you. I know this, just as I know that if I pray for you that it will mean nothing to you because you don’t seem to believe.”

Hudson scoffed. “You seem to know me pretty well.” Silence fell between them and he knew it would have been better to just leave, but for some reason, the Hall of Fame wrestler didn’t have it in him just yet to make his exit. “Do you think I could be forgiven?”

Dana sighed once more. “In my studies of the Word, I’ve learned that no one is above forgiveness. I’ve also learned, from my own experiences, one must be willing to forgive themselves. Do you think you can do that? I think that is the question you need to ask yourself.”

“I wish I knew the answer to that, but I don’t.” Hudson stated. “I’d like to think she’d forgive me for not being there when she needed me the most. She always had that nature about her. She’d let things go. She’d try to see the best in people. She was always able to see the best in me, telling me that I was a good person. I’m not sure what she saw, but I took her word to heart.” He locked eyes with the pastor. “I’ve not been given a lot of compliments in my lifetime. Not that I’ve earned kind words, either.”

“Like forgiveness.” Dana began. “Goodness is there, for anyone and everyone. A person just needs to be able to see it for themselves, otherwise they could care less about their own worth. And that right there, will result in them not seeing worth in anyone else.”

“I lost the ability to really see the worth of anyone a long time ago. I’ve been mad at the world and everyone in it, for as long as I can remember. I’m 43. I don’t foresee that changing. But I’m trying. When I crawl back to the weeds, I’ll be able to say I tried to change at least. Though I won’t have much choice by the time the night is through.”

“Why is that?”

Hudson rose to his feet. “I made a promise. The thing is that I can’t really try until after I do something. Something I feel I have to do. Something I doubt I’d receive any sort of forgiveness or sympathy for, but I still have to do it. For her. I have to make things, and then…and then, I believe I’ll feel like she would have forgiven me. Maybe that’ll give me peace.” Hudson looked down, a part of him waiting for Dana to try and comfort him with words, but those words didn’t come. Hudson nodded then, before leaving the sanctuary, walking out into the night. There was nowhere else to go now except for the bar, where he hoped to see the man who put everything into motion.

As he walked, Hudson couldn’t keep the promise off his mind. He told himself to wipe it away, to forget about it until everything is done and over with. He knew if he didn’t forget it, then what he planned to do wouldn’t happen. That he would be weak. He shook his head as he whispered to himself. “I can see it now. Dad would be fucking laughing at me for being like this. For being so…emotional if that’s what one could call it, Sis.”

“I can’t help but wonder what you’d think of me. If you saw me tonight, with this gun, with these thoughts running through my head. I’m sure you would have been happy to see Jacob and I having a conversation, since we hadn’t had one in a long, long time.” He said, as he recalled the argument that had taken place at his childhood home shortly after their mother died. Hudson remembered how he found Jacob drunk on the front porch as soon as he arrived, and how he ended things by putting his father through the living room wall.

“Would you want me to do this?” He asked, as if Jalyn was right there walking alongside him. His fingers wrapped around the gun once again. Despite what his father always force fed him and his siblings, Hudson didn’t feel powerful with a gun in his hand. “Do you think I should do this?” He scoffed just as he had at Pastor Dana’s comments. “I’m sure you wouldn’t. You would rather me just leave it be, like you always wanted me to when we were growing up. Every single time someone gave you trouble, you’d come tell me about it, but then you’d say…’Don’t worry about it, Josh. I can take care of it myself.’ And you did.” He chuckled. “You were always able to defend yourself.”

“Just not this time.” He said weakly. “Was it because I wasn’t there? I promised you a long time ago that I’d always be there to take care of you, if you needed me. And yet, what did I do?” He growled, growing angrier with himself by the passing minute. “I called you a burden, Jalyn. A fucking burden!” Hudson grinded his teeth together, shaking his head in disappointment at himself. He felt the gun again. “I made you another promise, but I think I’m going to break it, Sis. You should have seen this coming. If you were still here, I know you would have. You would have tried your best to talk me out of it, but with what happened to you, I don’t think it would have worked this time. I would have defended you, even if it was the wrong manner.”

He let out a sigh and went to speak again, only to be but off by the sound of his cell going off. He slowly pried his fingers from the gun and reached into his back pocket, grabbing his phone. It was Erica, possibly the only light in his life. “Hello?”

“Hey babe.” She said, and he pictured her sitting on her couch, or on a weight bench at the gym, smiling like she was happy to hear his voice. He knew he was happy to hear hers. “I just finished training and I figured I’d check in to see how you were.”

“I’m doing okay.” He lied, knowing everything about his situation was far from okay. It was all spiraling toward an inevitable disaster, and Hudson didn’t know if he could stop it even if he wanted to. “Sorry you couldn’t make the trip.”

“I figured I’d give you time with your family. You all need to heal. Besides, I’m with you all the time. Nothing wrong with taking a break from one another.” She said. He was happy when they were together. He knew she wouldn’t see that if she was to lay eyes on him now. “How are they doing?”

He glanced down, hating himself for lying but he didn’t want to give Erica any reason to feel alarmed. Like his promise, he knew he was going to have to shut her out of his mind. “I saw my brother. We talked for a few minutes, but nothing too special.”

“That sounds fucked up, babe. Is everything okay?”

He paused for a few moments, struggling to come up with some lie, some façade, anything he could to mask how he really felt, to mask the taste for violence clinging to the back of his throat, just waiting to force its way out. “Babe?”

He shook his head, blinking as her voice took him out of his thoughts. “Yeah, sorry. I’m here. I was just reminiscing for a moment.”

“Where are you?”

He found himself looking at the outside of the bar Jacob told him that Levy would be at. He could hear the thunderous music as it vibrated off the walls. “Just a place my Dad took us as kids.”

“Good memories, I hope.” Erica stated.

He had spent many nights in the bar with his father, growing up. Nothing bad ever really happened, but even as a child, Hudson knew it was no place for him. “They’re memories. I can say that much.” He swallowed knowing what was going to happen once he stepped inside, more than likely. “Its an old rundown bowling alley.” He lied once more. “I think I’m going to go play a few games.”

Erica sighed. “Alright. Well call me when you get in. You’re staying in a hotel, right?”

“Yeah. One of Morganton’s finest.” He stated with a laugh, because there was nothing luxurious about anything in the city. “But I’ll call you soon.”

“Okay, babe. Talk to you later.” She said and the call ended. He slid his phone back into his pocket, before letting his fingers rub against the gun once again, as Hudson told himself to forget Erica for the time being. To forget his promise to his sister. That, in that moment, it was about revenge. It was about setting things right. He repeated this until he felt it was stuck in his brain, and then Hudson took a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he stepped inside.

The place was packed but he didn’t care. He was there for a reason, and he wouldn’t leave until his purpose was fulfilled. Many of the patrons danced and howled maniacally as they tossed back to their liquor shots or beers. The music continued to shake the walls, just as it had always done from what Hudson remembered. He looked around and couldn’t really make out many of the faces due to the dim light shining throughout the place, so he walked toward the bar, waiting for a bartender to become available.

When one did, Hudson asked one question. “Do you know where I could find a guy named Levy…last name Greene?”

The bartender looked at him, slightly confused. “Yeah I can but I gotta ask. Why would you want to talk to that piece of shit? The only reason he’s allowed here, is the same reason he’s not been beaten to death behind closed doors. The law. I don’t need a fucking lawsuit. You feel me?”

Hudson smirked. “Yeah that I can get. But I still need to find him. I need to speak with him, so if he’s here how about doing me a favor, and pointing him out?” The bartender paused for a few moments before giving a nod and pointing to the far-left corner. Hudson followed the man’s finger as his eyes rested on a red-haired male, sitting by himself, nursing a beer. He touched the gun again before ordering a shot. The bartender obliged and Hudson downed it just as fast, before wiping away the residue off his beard, and made his way toward Levy, toward the reason he was there.

He reached the booth and took a seat opposite of Levy. They locked eyes and Hudson could see a longing there. Like Levy just wanted to belong once again. Hudson then told himself to not feel sorry for the son of a bitch, reminding himself of what Levy had done to his sister. He let out a deep breath, one hand snatching Levy’s beer, while the other grazed the gun.

“Do I know you?” Levy finally asked.

Hudson shook his head. “No. No, you don’t. But I know you and we have a lot to talk about.”

“And what might that be?”

He finished off the beer, telling himself to get somewhere so he could regroup. “I need to hit the john. We can talk when I get back.” He stated as he rose to his feet. He mimicked shooting a gun before heading into the bathroom. Once inside, he locked the door behind him and placed his hands on the sink, as he stared at his reflection. He blinked multiple times, as Hudson told himself he just needed to get it done and over with.

He exhaled heavily, multiple times, rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair. “Alright. Alright. You can do this. You can do this.” Hudson pressed his forehead against the mirror. “You can do this. You have to do this. You NEED to do this.”

But you promised, he thought. Hudson shook his head, trying to rid his mind of that notion, of anything that would make him weak or submit to his own conscience. “You don’t the fucking time for that!” He hissed at his reflection. He pushed away from the sink and mirror, before pulling the gun out of his pocket. He looked at it, telling himself it was the right thing to do. That it was the only thing to do, and he cocked it before concealing it under his coat sleeve, palming the barrel at the same time before he returned to the table.

“I’m back.” Hudson exclaimed with a wild grin. “Sorry that I kept you waiting.”

“Look man.” Levy began. “I don’t know who you are or what it is that you want, but I’m not looking for any trouble. I just want to enjoy my beer and sit in peace.”

Hudson chuckled and shook his head, before leaning forward as he gave his response. “You don’t want trouble? You asked for trouble a long time ago, boy. And you want peace? Let me be the bearer of bad news, but you don’t deserve peace. Not one fucking modicum of peace.” They held one another’s gaze for a few moments, and he could tell Levy was nothing less than confused and slightly intimidated by it all. “I’m surprised you’ve not pieced it together yet, Levy. But don’t worry. I can help you out if you’d like.” He leaned forward. “My name’s Josh. You knew my sister. Her name was Jalyn.” It seemed like everything else around them ceased to exist as soon as Hudson said her name.

Levy looked down quickly. “She…she was your sister?”

“Yes, she was. And I know what you did, you little fuck.” Hudson hissed, feeling himself beginning to seethe the longer time went on. “And I know she got pregnant.”

It looked like Levy was sinking lower, trying to disappear from all that was being said. From the glare he was getting from Hudson. “She…she did?” He asked, his voice breaking which only made Hudson sicker.

“Yeah, she did. You didn’t know?” Levy shook his head. The former SCW Champion grinded his teeth together, feeling his hand grip the barrel even tighter. “Well, you can breathe a sigh of relief, you fuck. You don’t have to worry about paying child support or anything, because my sister took her goddamn life. Thanks to you.”

He noticed tears form rather quickly in Levy’s eyes, which he didn’t expect. He had to remind himself to not grow weak, once again. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know.” Levy said, his voice transitioning into a whisper, like he was on the verge of collapse. “I was drunk…Just out of my fucking mind. And that’s no excuse.”

Hudson shook his head. “Stop. Nothing you’re going to say is going to make any difference. Its not going to change what happened, just as it won’t change what’s going to happen soon.”

Levy continued however, ignoring Hudson’s statement, brushing the warning off like it was nothing, like he was waiting for something to happen. “I always liked Jalyn, but I also knew she was too good for me. That I didn’t deserve her.” He scoffed. “But that didn’t give me any right to do what I did.” Levy looked up and they locked eyes. “I know it means nothing to you, but I’m sorry. She didn’t deserve to have that happen to her. None of this needed to happen, especially not to her. She was a beautiful human being inside and…”

Hudson had had enough. “Stop!” In one quick motion, he lifted his arms onto the table, letting the gun slide out of his sleeve and into his hand, pointing the barrel toward Levy, who just lowered his gaze, as Hudson pulled the trigger.

The gunshot ricocheted throughout the bar as well as his head. Hudson just stared for a few moments at the lifeless body before him. He had done it. He couldn’t believe it. His heart was pounding, and he blinked. When he opened his eyes, he found himself no longer facing Levy, but in the bathroom. The gun was still in his sleeve, the barrel pressing into his palm. With his free hand, he opened the bathroom door to find Levy sitting at the table still, looking down and out. Closing the door once again, Hudson looked at his reflection, telling himself repeatedly that he just needed to do it. There didn’t need to be any talking. He just needed to go out and shoot the bastard.

Exhaling, he bolted from the bathroom, stomping toward Levy. Just as he was inches from the man, Hudson called out his name, getting Levy’s attention, just as the gun slid in between his fingers. He pointed, aimed, and fired.

And then, he blinked. As his eyes opened, Hudson discovered he was in the bathroom once again. The barrel of the gun was still pressing into his palm. He let the weapon fall into his hand, and he lifted it up, as Hudson suddenly became overwhelmed with more emotions than he felt he could possibly fathom. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in his free hand as he whispered. “You promised. You promised. You promised.”

Rising to his feet, he placed the gun back into his pocket and splashed warm water over his face, patting it dry, hoping it would help calm his nerves in some capacity. He made his way back to the table and sat down, looking down now, avoiding eye contact.

Levy spoke first. “Look man…”

Hudson cut him off. “Stop. Don’t say a word. I need to say something and after that, you can talk all you want but right now…” He looked up. “Just listen.” Levy nodded, and he continued. “You don’t know me, but I know who you are. Just as I know what you did. I know the person you did it to. She was my sister.” Levy looked down and away, just as he imagined it. “Her name was Jalyn. I say ‘was’ because a few months back, she took her own life. She killed herself, and the baby she was carrying thanks to you, you fuck.” Hudson let out a deep sigh. “That’s why I’m here, talking to you. I came here to kill you.” That got the man’s attention as fear and worry seemed to course through Levy’s body, filling him up to his eyeballs in both. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since I heard about what happened to Jalyn. Knowing she killed herself because of what you did, only intensified that want. You’re why I came here. You’re why I bought a gun. And you were probably going to be the reason I went away to prison for the rest of my life. I’ve wanted to point that gun right between the eyes so I could blow your brains out. Hell, I’ve thought about beating you within an inch of your life before snapping your neck. That is how badly I want you to pay for what you did.”

Levy went to speak but Hudson cut him off. “I told you not to talk.” He watched as Levy sank back into his seat, looking as if he wanted the seat to swallow him whole, to protect him in some way, shape, or form. “But I’m not going to kill you. Not because I feel sorry for you, because I don’t. I’d be alright if you were hit by a train or eat up with cancer. But the person you hurt…my sister…She…” A scowl came over his face as Hudson growled. “She is your saving grace, because I made a promise. I lost sight of it up until I came back to the table. And I wanted to look you in the eyes, so I could tell you that you need to consider yourself lucky that all you have to live with is the fucking guilt of what you did. Of what your actions destroyed.” He looked away, trying to calm himself once again.

“Knowing what I did to her, and just now hearing about her taking her own life…” Levy began, causing Hudson to look back up. “I deserve to die. I deserve that. But, like you, I feel dying would be too easy for me. Living with the guilt probably isn’t the worst punishment, but it is like cancer. I’ve dealt with ever since it happened. I’ve lived with it and I can’t shake it. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m no longer going to try. I want you to kill me, but I deserve to live. I know I’m never going to be able to move on. I’ll never have happiness or peace.”

“I hope you don’t.”

“I hope it doesn’t happen. Your sister deserved…”

Hudson cut him off again. “She deserved happiness. All the shit she had to put up with when it came to my father, to my brother…she deserved peace as well. She deserved to find a good man and to have a good family, but it was all taken from her….”

Levy cut him off, in turn. “I’m sorry.” His response caused Hudson’s eyes to grow wide for a few moments. “I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t mean anything to you. I know it won’t make up for what I did, or bring her back…but…But I am sorry…” He looked down and away. Hudson followed suit for a few moments, before weakly getting to his feet. He looked down at Levy, wanting to say one last thing, but he knew the man was right. Nothing could be said that would change anything, so he turned and walked away.

He walked a few blocks before getting a cab, and he asked to be taken to the Lake James docks, riding in silence, with the conversation with Levy screaming in his head. Once at the docks, he told the driver to leave him be, that he’d find his way back. He then walked out onto one of the piers and just stared out at the still water, pulling the gun from his pocket, the one thing that could have changed the course of his entire life if he had let it. He took one last look at it before Hudson chucked it into the water, dropping down to his knees once again, as the memory of his promise made finally crept into his head.

It wasn’t long after she arrived in New York at his school. She decided to tag along with him while he trained one day. He was at the heavy bag, taking all his frustrations, which consisted of everything else plus her constantly being around, out with his fists. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the bag, as he found himself in the zone that had led him to becoming a multiple time World Champion, a true killer in the ring, a legend in the business of pro wrestling. A zone that many didn’t want to catch him in, and then Jalyn spoke. “You don’t have to be so angry, big brother.”

He glared at her for a few moments, breathing heavily before he threw his fists down. “What are you even talking about? I’m an athlete. What I do is combative. If you don’t have some anger in you then you’re going to fail, and I refuse to do that.”

“And I get that, Josh.” She replied. “You may not know this, but I’ve watched your matches. I’ve watched for years. I guess ever since you started. You weren’t always angry. Competitive, yes. But not always angry. You seemed like you were having fun and enjoying yourself for a long time, but then something changed. Not sure what it was, but it was like you became…bitter? Mad at the world, or something. Not sure if that makes sense.”

It did but he didn’t want her to know that at the time, so he turned and walked away, heading toward his office, but that didn’t stop her, as Jalyn remained right behind him. “Did I strike a nerve?” He still said nothing. “I did, didn’t I?” She asked, giving a slight giggle as she pushed him. He turned and glared at her. “Yep, that’s the look right there. That is exactly what I’m talking about.”

“What do you want? Like I don’t get what you’re trying to say? You know good and damn well why I’d be mad at the world. Hell, you should be just as mad as me if not worse.” He bellowed. “I think I was treated like a prince compared to how you were done by Dad.”

“So, you think it’s Dad’s fault you are the way you are.”

“I can’t think of any other person to blame it on.” He fired back. “I’m sorry I’m not some happy go lucky person like you. You can take things in stride and not let it bother you. I can’t. I let it build and build and build until it gets to the point where all I can do is explode.”

She shook her head. “You don’t have to tell me anything I don’t already know, Josh.” Jalyn sighed. But let me tell you something you don’t seem to know. I was angry for a very long time. You didn’t see it, because I let it build and build, just as you do. Just as you’ve always done. So I guess we’re alike in that regard. But where we’re different is that I forgave Dad. I refused to let that anger destroy me, and it hasn’t.”

“But that is all life is, Jalyn. It is a never ending roller coaster, going up and down, destroying you and building you back up again. It’s a vicious fucking cycle.” He stated, throwing his arms up in the air, wondering if he was getting through to her. “I don’t understand why you don’t get that.”

She looked down and shook her head. He knew what that meant. She was going to unload on him. “I refuse to live in a vicious cycle as you put it. That is what our Dad and brother have done. I didn’t think you’d do the same, but it seems you’d rather stay on the same path. And I have to admit, that’s highly disappointing.”

“I’m not exactly sure what it is that you want me to say. Or what point you’re trying to get at. This is who I am, Jalyn. I can’t change it, and even if I could, I’m not sure if I would.” He stated, before glancing down just as she did. He hated the words coming out of his mouth, but that didn’t change the fact that he knew the words were true.

They finally locked eyes once again, as she replied. “If you honestly believe that, then you truly are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met in my life. You can change. You just have to want it, and work at it. I work at it every day and I stay sane. I stay strong. There are days that I want to give up. That I want to cave to my anger, but I don’t.”

Her words hit him like a bullet to the chest. He wasn’t sure what was going on or what he was meant to feel, but he felt something. It was different. “You make it sound so easy.”

“But it isn’t. And I know that it isn’t, but you soon realize just how worth it is.” Jalyn exclaimed, and Hudson became silent once more. The silence filled the space between them until she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You don’t have to be angry, Josh. You don’t have to be. You don’t have to live life like you’ve always had to. You won’t have to lose any more loved ones like you have with Rachel or Kristen. Or your children, more importantly. And if you’re worried about your career and losing your edge, all you have to remember is that you’ve always been an amazing wrestler. That doesn’t have to change.”

He remained silent for a few more moments, finally hugging her back. Once their embrace ended, Hudson managed to respond. “Thank you.” He looked up and nodded at her. “I mean that. I know, deep down, what you’re saying is true. I just don’t know where to begin, or if I truly have it in me to try. Or if I’d be successful.” He scoffed and shrugged. “Hell, I don’t even know what I’d be looking for.”

“I want you to be happy, Josh. I want you to stop torturing yourself for a past you can’t change. I know you can do it, and now…by looking you in the eye, I can tell you want it.” He looked down and away as she continued. “Just promise me you’ll try. You deserve it more than anyone else that I know. Promise me.” He looked up and she asked him to promise once again. He said nothing. He only nodded.

The memory faded, but Hudson knew it would always be with him. It haunted him as soon as the conversation ended and it remained in the back of his mind from that point on. He’d turn to it like many people would turn to the Bible in a time of great agony and pain, or depression. Thinking of it now, after everything that had happened during the last few hours, Hudson was glad he retained the memory, as he needed to reflect then more than ever before. He wanted to kill a man, but in the end, he chose not to. He  remembered that he tossed the gun, and looked at the serenity within the darkness before him, knowing that while he was angry, it didn’t feel as bad as it did once before.

Was his anger diminishing? Was he finally walking toward true peace?

He hoped so, because he made a promise, and he knew he owed it to his sister to try. And not only her, but to Erica, to maybe reunite with his boys, and finally, he owed it to himself.



I’ve been in this business a long time. I’ve seen them all. New faces and old, they’ve all come and gone. I did what I could back in my hayday to make others better. To make this business better, because I love wrestling. It is all I am. It is all that I have.

That is why I mentioned failure the last time I stood before a camera. I failed at Taking Hold of the Flame. I didn’t even come close to winning the match. I was nothing more than an afterthought, and that doesn’t sit well with me. Now, I’ve never been one to get too comfy, letting the time pass me by, sitting around and collecting a check. No, that’s not me.

Never has been, and never will be.

That’s why I wanted to bring the IFW to the world. I wanted to keep the fighting spirit, I’ve always maintained, alive and well. Things didn’t go that way. Tragedy struck and I knew I had to decide. I could sit back and just look at the cards I’d been dealt, or I could reshuffle the deck and try again. That is why I am here.

The SCW, my home.

That is why I am more than prepared for my match at Rise to Greatness. That is why I am more than prepared to trade words as well as fists and holds with Blake Mason. Our match may not be the main event. Things may not seem personal, but things are very personal for me, and I’ll address that when the time comes. Bring home that SCW Television Championship. Get yourself some momentum going. You’re going to need it.

But that is what this is about, right?


This six-person tag match right here, the main event of Breakdown, is all about momentum in terms of its players. Sienna and Jordan will want to gain some momentum going into their already signed clash at Rise to Greatness. The same could be said for David Helms and Bree Lancaster. Chris Cannon will be looking to regain whatever momentum he captured by placing second at Taking Hold of the Flame. And I will be fighting to gain some momentum because last time I was in the ring, I didn’t do so hot. No. I didn’t live up to the expectations I have for myself.

And sure, some will say I’m too old. That I don’t belong here. That my time has come and gone.

I say, go for it. Hurl that my way. Everyone who spews that nonsense knows, deep down, that I’m still one of the greatest to ever do this. Sorry Glory. I know being the best is your moniker. But that’s all it is. A moniker to give yourself. I have lived it for a long time.

So, Josh, why are you back? I made a promise and I intend to keep it.

Why are you getting in Jordan’s business with Sienna and Bree? Jordan reminds me of my sister. She does her very best, but somehow manages to land herself in hot water, one way or another. I’ve always believed in Jordan’s talent, as I’ve told her face to face. I owe her a lot for when she invested in IFW. I owe her more than money, at least in my eyes. So, I’m not going to allow her to get overrun by the numbers game.

I know how Sienna operates. She likes to take people by surprise. She likes to stack the odds against her opponents. Hell, she uses dirty tactics away from the ring.

See: Her acquisition of Regan’s Trios Contract.

See: How she’s become World Champion.

Now, I’m sure you’re just itching to address me, Sienna. You’re ready to throw it in my face that you beat me when you were SCW World Champion. I know you’re ready to say things like you’ve surpassed me and that I could never achieve the level of success you have. I know you’re ready to talk about how I said I was your first real test in the SCW, and you want to rip my a new one for such a comment.

Yeah, you beat me. You pinned me. One, two, three. I won’t deny that. And yeah, you’ve obtained a level of success in SCW that I haven’t. Yeah, you stepped into the ring with the best this company has had to offer, and yes, you’ve beaten the best. I can’t deny any of that, either.

I’ve been a journeyman wrestler. I’ve been all over the world, learning new tricks to the trade. I did that from the moment I started in this business. I wanted to learn from the best to become the best. I didn’t get to the level of being World Champion only to complain about not having a legend train me, like you did. You didn’t have me to train you like James did? Sienna, there are those of us who live, sleep, and breathe this business, this sport.

You’re not one of those people.

You don’t care about this business. You want it to watch you. You want others around you to make you look even stronger. To make you look even more important. Call me a liar and I’ll challenge you to tell Glory to stop saying she’s the best in the world. We know you won’t because you’re always on the lookout for another minion.

That’s what you expected from me during the days of Past, Present, and Future. You wanted me to stand aside so you could take over everything. You didn’t care about the group. You didn’t care about the company. You just wanted your face on TV and getting your name in the spotlight. You could leave this all tomorrow to go on another modeling gig, like you did as World Champion which is why I cashed in against you. You spat in the faces of those who work their asses off to become World Champion, or to make it to an elite company like the SCW.

That is why I’m glad Jordan walked away from you, Chris, and Bree. She was going to be another minion. Someone to tell you yes and to praise every single thing you did or said. She is someone who has worked her ass off to get better. She has grown over the last year, and she’s finally gotten the point where the spotlight is on her. To the point where she doesn’t have to have her hard work overshadowed by an egotist such as yourself.

Just as there are those of us who live, sleep, and breathe this business…there are those of us who are not afraid of you.

I’m one of them, just as Jordan is.

Chris, you live in fear. Sure, you’re one of the most jacked competitors to grace this business with his presence. You put anger and arrogance on full display each and every week, just as your display great skill when you actually wrestle.

You can scoff at my notion that you live in fear. I wouldn’t expect anything less if we’re being honest. And what I am Chris, is honest. This next statement may boost your ego a little bit after watching Selena Frost become a two-time SCW United States Championship, but you have all the potential in the world to be the next breakout superstar. Some would argue it should have happened a long time ago. I don’t know if it was injuries, or the fact that you swallowed your frustration multiple times in order to let your wives step ahead of you. Maybe it was because you didn’t believe in yourself.

When you do believe in yourself, you come off like you’re on the brink of greatness. But when I’ve been in the SCW, or just watching from home, I’ve never seen you truly stand out on your own. You’ve always had a woman at your side. You let them take the lead, while you sit back and brood. I’ve been there with your current squeeze and let me tell you, it’s fucking depressing. To know you’re capable of so much more yet you can’t maximize your potential, or show how damn good you are, because someone is always holding you back.

And sure, you can go that typical route of how the SCW is holding you back. How Sasha is a bitch, and she needs to be beaten with a tire iron. Yeah, you know the same old song and dance you’ve been using for only God knows how long. Nothing will change until you actually open your eyes and take a long hard look at who you are, and who you surround yourself with. I mean, we all know Sienna will more than likely eye Selena and the United States Championship, because she can’t live without a belt, or Selena. They’ve been unable to quit one another since the PPF days. And where will you be, Chris?

On the outside. Cheering her on. Thinking up ways to brag about her, when deep down, you feel something else. You won’t say anything because of that fear.

Fear is something you know a lot about, Bree. Am I right? Sure, you finally became the SCW World Champion by beating my protégé, James Evans. Though we all know you didn’t do it on your own. The world will never be able to overlook that infamous bone thrown to you by the hands of Syren.

You became World Champion and in your first defense, you drew with a returning Matt Hodges. A competitor who has been banged up for years. A competitor who hasn’t been in the ring since 2014. You were confident when the announcement was made, but the look in your eyes said otherwise. Your so-called empire was nearly destroyed after a week.

You pulled out all stops to beat Aaron Rupp, and you’re going into Rise to Greatness as the reigning SCW World Champion. You think the SCW is your empire. I look at you and I see fear. You’re saying all these things because you fear not being as relevant as you think you are. You fear not being as important as the World Champion should be.

And that fear can translate into a cocktail with paranoia. You feared dropping down the card when Selena beat you for the United States title, so in your paranoia, you said you let her win. When you lost to Kimberly Williams beat you for the title, you attacked her because you felt you were going to become another minion for Sienna, because like her, without a title, you feel like you and your career have no meaning.

As World Champion, your ego has inflated, but so has that fear. So has that paranoia. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have attacked David Helms like you did during his match with Thorn. You know how damn good he is. You know if he manages to get one up on you this week, he will have more momentum than you. You and Sienna will cling to one another, because that is how you operate. You feed off one another to the point where having a dog is the only thing that separates you from her. Shit, you and her, along with Chris…I have no doubt you could beat the team I’m on at Breakdown.

I have no doubt you will all exude the utmost confidence, because you’re three of the best in the SCW. I can’t deny that. But when you take a step back and stand on the outside looking in, you can see that the three of you will be your own undoing.

But you know all about undoing something good, don’t you Bree? Because of that fear, you dropped me like a bad habit, hurling threats my way to remain silent, because you didn’t want your precious friendship with Sienna to be ripped apart based on the fact that you had feelings for her rival. Yeah, you and I…we had our fling. We had our feelings, and you pissed on them because you were paranoid of losing Sienna.

I wish you’d just come out and say it. I think you’d feel a lot better. Just say that you wouldn’t be in the spotlight, that you wouldn’t be as relevant if it wasn’t for Sienna wanting to be your friend. The two of you are a plane crash waiting to happen. You’re going to take Chris down with you. You won’t need David, Jordan, or myself to do it for you.

You will, however, get our absolute best at Breakdown. The three of us are hungry. We love this sport. We want to get better. We want to push for a change in the narrative, so the SCW universe and the rest of the locker room can know that the story isn’t always about the three of you. You will get our best, and if at the end of the night, you three stand tall, I’ll say this.

Enjoy it while it lasts, because when the time comes, I am going to kick back and watch as you three destroy one another.

Unless you’d rather be eviscerated at Breakdown, to save you all from your inevitable implosion. I will oblige you three.

One way or another.

Taking Hold of the Flame, 001

May 30th, 2020

Josh Hudson hated surprises.

“Why do I feel like this is a surprise?” He asked his girlfriend, Erica as they drove through the city. They had arrived earlier in the day. She said she’d made plans for them. All he was able to think about, based on his nature, was the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal that loomed ahead for him. It was going to be his return to the ring, and he didn’t want any distractions to cost him.

“You feel the way you feel, babe. I can’t control that.” She said. They drove, windows down. He liked how the wind flowed through her long black hair.

“You really enjoy fucking with me I do believe.” He replied, before looking ahead. He knew he needed to be in a gym somewhere, training. He knew his father would be rolling around in his grave, if the old man was dead, knowing his son had given up training early. It was always his rule. You train, even the day of battle. That was the sermon he’d shove down the throats of Hudson and his siblings. They were all athletes in some way.

And he exhaled heavily, at the very thought of his siblings. Of what had happened to all them. She spoke, breaking him from his mind. “I would never fuck with you. Okay yeah, I probably would. I think I really need to decide on my stance.” She shot him a smile. He gave one back. It felt genuine. “But you won’t know until its too late.” Erica gave him a devilish smirk and a wink, before they continued to drive through Newark.

His career had taken him through the city more times than he had been able to keep up. He had captured several championships, as well as put on extraordinary performances only to end up eating a loss at the end of the night.

She brought the car to a stop. He looked up, recognizing where they were instantly. It was the Prudential Center, the arena hosting the pay per view the following night. “We’re here.” She said, and he looked at her, slightly confused. “Stop looking like an old man.” Erica stated, getting out of the car. “And get the fuck out of the car.”

He let out a playful groan before climbing out of the car. He took another look at the arena, recalling several matches he had taken part of. Matches where he’d been commended for his technical prowess, as well as his ability to bring a crowd into a match and hold their attention. He only hoped he’d be able to the same thing at Taking Hold of the Flame.

It was one match he’d never won, being one of the few legends to never main event the SuperBowl of the SCW pay per views, Rise to Greatness. “What we are doing here?” He asked.

She gave a groan of her own. “You know, you really need to just trust me. I promise it’ll be in your best interest.”

“Fine.” He said, before adding. “I’ve heard that before.” That earned him a scowl, as he drew closer to Erica. “I’m just saying.”

She rolled her eyes before they entered the arena. They walked hand in hand, as they maneuvered through the building, getting nods and greeting from employees and members of the ring crew. He was starting to question his girlfriend’s motives, but all that stopped when they reached what was known as the Gorilla position. Through the curtain, he saw a sliver of the ring. “Close your eyes.” She said.

He gave her a scowl. “Are you serious, right now?”

“Close your fucking eyes, Josh.”

A heavy sigh escaped him, before he did as he was asked. Their hands locked together, and they stepped through the curtain. He felt the silkiness of it graze his skin, the heavy thudding of the ramp echoed in his ears, before they stopped. “Okay open them.”

When he did, Hudson heard the one word he hated hearing. “SURPRISE!!!”

He saw Regan and David Helms, two faces he definitely didn’t expect there, as well as a few of his students. “Fuck you all.” He said, before giving a slight chuckle while shaking his head. He looked at Erica, taking a moment to take in the fact that he couldn’t recall any of his partners doing something as nice as what she had done. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I don’t have to explain shit. Just know I love you.” She said, before entering the ring where the others stood. He scoffed, shaking his head once more, before following her lead.


“Josh, it’s Jalyn.” The voicemail began. “I just want you to know that I love you. That we aren’t bad people. We just come from a bad place.” Hudson let out a heavy sigh before ending the call, as he walked around the backstage area.

The arena was jam packed. The show sold out. He knew he should feel proud of that accomplishment, but with Hudson, he knew the work was just beginning. He wanted the IFW to be a success, and he wanted to give the fans the type of wrestling he felt that they deserved.

Erica walked up to him, and he draped his arm around her shoulders, as they both stared out from behind the curtain. “You did it, babe.” She said, and they shared a smile.

“We did it.” He said. “We fucking did it.” A member of the camera crew ran up, telling him the show would be starting in a few minutes.

“So, can I get the keys to the truck?” Erica asked.

“Why do you need the keys?” He asked, slightly confused. “Aren’t you staying for the show?”

“Well, I was thinking about the issue with your sister, on my way over here.” Erica began. “And it hit me. Why don’t we celebrate what a success tonight will be, after the show is over?”

He moved his head from side to side, like he was pondering her offer. “I think that sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”

“So, let me get those keys to the truck, and I will head to the house where I can get a few things.” She said with a wink. “I will be back before you know it.”

He sighed before pulling out his keys. “Well, you have a lot to make good on, just so you know.”

She kissed him. “You know that I’m always good.” He watched her walk away before he was told that it was show time. Hudson adjusted his suit before his new theme, “H” by TOOL began to blare through the arena. The lights went out as he stepped through the curtain. The lights shined upon him, and the crowd became electric.

He stepped into the ring and saluted the crowd as the ring announcer made the proper introduction, before Hudson riled the crowd up, welcoming them to the promotion that was going to take over pro wrestling with an iron-fist.

The crowd started an “IFW” chant, and once it died down, Hudson continued, promising the people one hell of a show. And that tonight, they would see the crowning of the first-ever IFW World Champion, which got a huge pop as well. “H” hit once again, and he made his way backstage. Once backstage, he looked at his students, at his roster, and he told them that they were going to fucking kill it. That this was their future. “In fact.” He continued. “You guys are the fucking future of this business. Tonight, you’re going to show the world just that. You’re going to do with an exclamation point at the end, so no one will ever question us.” They shared a moment, before he killed it. “Now, get to work.”

Hudson sat behind the curtain, watching the show, taking down notes for the performers, as well as things that weren’t working and what was working in terms of production. He couldn’t take his eyes away, as he felt like he was falling in love with pro wrestling one again.

And all that changed when he got the phone call from Erica. It was about Jalyn, though he couldn’t quite understand what she was saying, as his girlfriend was a hysterical mess. She screamed and cried into the phone, and he couldn’t get home fast enough.

He cursed his sister, as he knew she would have tried to ruin his night out of spite. He had to leave the roster, the show, and the fans. He had to leave it all behind because she wanted to show off her skills as a spoiled brat. He tried calling Erica a few times but couldn’t reach her. He did the same with Jalyn, but her phone went straight to voicemail. That was when Hudson began to actually worry.

He didn’t expect to have those worries confirmed as he arrived at his home. There were police and an ambulance in the driveway. Hudson rushed toward the front door, and police tried to hold him back but he managed to wrangle himself away from them. He heard Erica’s screams down the hallway in their bathroom, and that’s where he found them.



His sister was lifeless. Hudson dropped to his knees and tried to crawl to his sister, but the paramedics were pushing him back. Erica was trying to fight for him, only for police to enter the room, pulling them both out.

“I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER! I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER!” He shouted, as he tried to fight the police off, as they piled on top of him, trying to keep Hudson restrained. Erica knelt beside him, telling him to stop. That they were trying to help. That they couldn’t help. They tried, and they tried, but nothing worked. That they were all too late.

“What…what the fuck do you mean?” The words barely escaped him. And that’s when she told him that his sister was gone.


May 30th, 2020

“Thanks for coming.” Hudson said, as he stepped closer to David and Regan.

“Cheers you fuck.” The HellCat said, as they all lifted their beers, clinking them together.

“Oh, Regan. How I’ve missed you.” He said, and they all shared a laugh before taking sips of their beers. He returned his attention to David, a man he had faced once over a decade ago. David was still trying to get his feet under him in the SCW, while Hudson was well on his way to capturing his second SCW World Championship. “And you…” He said, with a heavy sigh following, “I feel I definitely owe you an apology.”

David shrugged. “I don’t know. I think the night I decked you…”

Hudson cut off his former rival turned SCW legend. “Okay, you’re right. You probably owe me an apology.”

“Yeah, about that.” David said. “Let me drink on it.”

“It’s probably best.” He said, as they all shared a laugh. He looked back at Regan, seeing her not the way he once saw her. She was no longer a sexual conquest. She was someone he respected above many in the industry they had all chosen to compete for. “Are you ready for tomorrow night?”

“Oh, I’m fucking winning.” She hissed. “I guess I should ask if you’re ready? You know…ready to get your ass kicked by me before getting tossed to the outside.”

“Way to bust a man’s balls for his birthday.”

“I’ll make sure you get a birthday present tomorrow.”

“Let me guess.” Hudson began. “It’ll be seeing you winning. Am I right?”

“Well, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

Hudson shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s a good chance that I will treat myself tomorrow night and win. I think it’ll be the best…” He glanced over at Erica before returning his attention back to them. “The second best gift, excuse me, I could have.”

“Alright, you two.” David said, stepping between Hudson and Regan. “Save it for tomorrow night.”

They laughed again, though Hudson knew Regan was serious. Just as he knew that she knew he was just as serious about the matter. “Thanks, babe. We’re here to celebrate the old man.”

“It’s not my birthday.” David said, smirking at Hudson.

“I’m not that old.” Hudson said. “Okay, yeah I’m 43. I’m rapidly entering CHBK territory.”

“I don’t think Syren will put out for you.” Regan added. “You did try to maim her. David should go back in time and try do that.” The HellCat with a sneer.

David scoffed. “And on that note…” He began to push his wife out of the way, before looking at Hudson. “Happy birthday, dude.”

Hudson lifted his beer and nodded. “Thanks, man.” He watched as they returned to the rest of the party, and he felt himself hoping that amends could try and be made between all of them. Hudson had never allowed himself the luxury of friends within the industry. He saw everyone as cutthroat, mainly because he knew that was his own nature. He knew he needed to come with a warning that he couldn’t be trusted.

“Hey, birthday boy.” He turned, to find Erica standing next to him. They clinked their beers together and took a sip. “You happy?”

He gave a grin. “I think so.” He looked around. “How did you manage to get all this together?”

“Lots of sexual favors.” She said, with a wink.

“Should I be jealous?” He asked.

Erica shrugged. “I don’t know. Should you?”

“I feel you’re dropping hints.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’d hope so. I feel like I’m being pretty subtle.”

“Well, we can blow this popsicle stand if need be.”

She shook her head. “No way. We have plenty of time for you to unwrap this present.” She said, running her free hand up and down her body. “Enjoy your party.” Erica stated, staring at him seductively, before she turned and went back to the rest of the party. She was much more outgoing than he was or had ever been. Hudson sighed, recalling how his sister had always wanted him to be more social. How she said it’d give him some peace. A lot more than he would have ever expected.

“Listen to someone else, other than yourself.” He whispered to himself, before walking back over to Erica, as she stood with Regan and David. I hope you can see me, Jalyn. I hope I make you proud.


He heard Erica walking into the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his waist. It had been just a few weeks since his sister had come to stay with them, but it felt like an eternity. To Hudson, at least. Erica didn’t seem to mind. She enjoyed being around Jalyn and enjoyed helping her. Despite their fling driving Kristen Rae away, Erica had turned out to be a truly great person.

“Are you ready for tonight?” She asked.

He was looking at himself in the mirror, adjusting his tie. “I certainly hope so.” He replied. “If not, then I am going to need you to help me lick my wounds later on.”

“You know that I will most certainly do that.” She replied, and he turned around, facing her as their lips met. It didn’t take long for her hands to grab at his lower region, moving up and down, as blood rushed from one head to the other. “I can give you a hint of what I’ll do for you, if you’d like.” Erica said, shooting him a seductive grin. They stood in the bathroom, connected to the bedroom, and he closed the door, telling her to not let him stop her.

Another grin followed before they kissed once more and she dropped to her knees, bringing him out of his pants, and taking him in her mouth. Hudson pressed his hands on the sides of her head, running his fingers through her hair, as his eyes rolled back into his skull. She was good at what she did. Much more than anyone else he had been with in the past, and he thanked whatever God existed for that. He had quite the sexual appetite and she brought it out of him, letting it live like never before.

And then, there was a knock at the door. He was taken from Erica’s mouth, as their eyes met. She seemed to find it funny. To Hudson, it was anything but.

He heard Jalyn’s voice. “Josh?”

He rolled his eyes, but not in pleasure as he had done just a few minutes before. “Yes, Jalyn?”

“Is there anyway we could talk before you left?”

“Yes. Yes.” He groaned. “Just give me a few minutes.” She agreed and he listened as she exited the room. He groaned once again, shaking his head. “Goddamn it. God fucking damnit.”

“It’s okay, babe.” Erica said as she rose to her feet. “She needs you.”

He shook his head again, as he placed himself back in his pants. “I know she’s having a kid, but its like we already have one running around here. She is such a fucking child.” He scoffed. “I don’t know how much more of this that I can fucking take, Erica. I really don’t.”

“You’re her brother, Josh. She needs you. Besides, what are you going to do? Throw her, while pregnant, out on the fucking street?”

He lowered his gaze, gently shaking his head once more. “No, I’m not going to do that. I just can’t have her here anymore.”

“Look.” Erica stated, stepping close and pressing her forehead to his. He looked up and their eyes met. “You just have blue balls.” He scoffed but she continued. “I will take care of you later. Right now, all you need to do is go talk to your sister. Make sure she’s okay. Once you do that, head over to the arena, so we can give the people the best damn wrestling on the planet. Do you think you can manage that?”

“What would I do without you?” He asked.

She shrugged. “There’s no telling.” She kissed him and then he watched Erica leave. He heard her and Jalyn exchange goodbyes, as he looked at himself in the mirror. He finished fixing his tie, before giving himself a really hard look. He stared into his own eyes until it became apparent what he had to do.

Hudson found Jalyn on the couch, watching TV. He took a seat beside her and she shot him a smile. They sat in silence for a few moments, before she rested her head on his shoulder. “We need to talk, Jalyn.” He said, breaking that silence.

“Yes. We do. There’s something I need to tell you, Josh.”

He shook his head. “There’s something I need to tell you, as well. So, I’d appreciate it if you just let me get out what I have to say.”

She exhaled heavily. “Okay.”

He exhaled heavily as well. “This isn’t easy for me, sis but it needs to be said. Has to be. I need you to leave. I can’t have you here anymore.” Hudson stated, slightly regretting his words, knowing Erica was going to be disappointed, just as he already was with himself.

“And where do you expect me to go?” Jalyn asked, and he could tell she was crying.

He shook his head. “I don’t know where you can go.” Hudson stated, as he turned and faced her. “But, its time for you to go. I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but it’s the truth.”

“Can’t you just let me stay here until I can get on my feet?”

“And how long is that going to fucking take? I have a life of my own, Jalyn. I have a girlfriend. We can’t even fool around without you interrupting. Jesus Christ!” He rose to his feet, agitation rushing through him. “I have a show to get to. A wrestling promotion that I’m starting on my own.”

“I won’t get in the way, I promise.”

“The only way you’re going to get on your feet is if I give you money. Is if I put you up in your own place. I don’t have that right now. Everything that I fucking have is tied into this promotion.”

“Can’t you go back to SCW?” She asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “Can’t you go back there for a little while?”

“Are you kidding? You’re asking me to put everything on hold for you? You’re goddamn selfish.”

She buried her face into her hands for a few moments. She looked up, appearing worse for wear. “I’m sorry I’m such a fucking burden to my big brother. I’m sorry I didn’t do what you did and become fucking famous. I’m sorry I didn’t leave our little hometown to make something of myself.”

“I’m sorry, too.”

A hard breath escaped her. “You don’t know what I’ve been through, Josh. You really don’t, but when I say that I need you, I fucking mean it.”

He shook his head. “That’s just it, sis. You will always need me. Because I have always taken care of you. Just as I always took care of the family when Mom needed help. Just as I have since she’s been gone. If I don’t do that, you will all fall apart.” Hudson scoffed. “I think it’s time that I cut ties and let you all figure shit out on your own.”

“So, that’s it then? I’m pregnant and you want me gone? And you call me selfish.”

“I am thinking about myself for once, Jalyn. Instead of taking care of all you. If that makes me selfish, then so be it.”

“Well, you don’t have Alex or Jayden coming around so if you ask me…it seems you’ve always been selfish.”

“And those boys will be able to take care of themselves without me, unlike you. They aren’t weak.” She went to reply, but she broke down, crying even harder. Hudson didn’t stick around for it, however. He grabbed his keys and left his house. He had work to do. That was more important than the never-ending soap opera that was his sister’s life.


May 30th, 2020

The party had ended, but his thoughts about his sister hadn’t.

They traveled to their hotel. He pressed Erica up against the elevator wall as their lips met. He kissed her, trying to find passion. Trying to forget. Trying to ignore the pain and sadness rushing through him. Memories of his sister’s last few months. Memories of how he held resentment against her, until he later found out how Jalyn had been raped.

That was why she came to him. She wanted a fresh start, feeling like she couldn’t live in Morganton, and see the family of the fucker who raped her, taking away her innocence and dignity.

“Are you alright?” He heard Erica ask, and he realized he had pushed away from her.

He sighed. “Yeah, I’m good. I think I just had a little bit more booze than I thought.” He gave a grin, hoping it looked real, because Hudson knew he had lied through his fucking teeth.

“Okay.” She said, pulling him closer, and they kissed once again. He forced passion to generate between them, telling himself he needed to focus on her, to be in the moment with her, to not think about his sister, and how she had died.

He cursed himself once again before the elevator door opened. Erica led them to their hotel room. Once they were behind closed doors, she pushed him against the wall, kissing him once again. He felt something then, and clothes began to come undone before falling to the floor. He lifted her up, as they wandered through the room naked. He rested Erica on the kitchen island, dropping to his knees as he began to serve her.

Her body writhed, as her moans filtered through his ears, before she managed to speak. “Take me to bed.”

He stood up and lifted her once again before carrying her into the bedroom, where he continued to serve her. He was delicate with her. Something he had never been when it came to sleeping with Trish Wiseman, Amber, or even Rachel. He wasn’t that way at first with Erica. They were rough. They were in the middle of tearing into one another when they were discovered by Kristen Rae. He had never been the best at relationships.

Another thing Jalyn had wished he’d change. To be better. To find love, and to keep it.

He cursed himself, before climbing on top of Erica, pressing her hands down to the bed. He went to put himself inside, only for a thought to cross his mind. He asked whether Jalyn had been held down like that while she was raped. More questions followed. He wondered if she managed to put up a fight. If the bastard who did it had hit her or beat her. If anyone had heard her screams. And if they did, why the fuck didn’t they help.

The passion he wanted for Erica died rapidly. He felt nothing but anger. He wanted to find the man who did that to his sister, that hurt Jalyn. He wanted to hurt them badly. Very badly. He exhaled, heavily as he told himself that Jalyn wouldn’t want that. She wouldn’t want him to live in anger, but Hudson knew it couldn’t be helped.


Erica’s voice echoed in his head, and he returned to reality, the reality he was ignoring, the present where he needed to be. He kissed her, but it was out of necessity. He tried to put himself inside, but he felt he wasn’t hard.

His mind began to scramble, picking up Erica being naked, how attracted he was toward her, but all those thoughts were wiped away as guilt emerged. Guilt for not being there for his sister right when she needed him the most. Guilt for calling her a burden.

Guilt, always the guilt.

He told himself that he killed her. He killed his sister.

The guilt.

The goddamn guilt.

His hands squeezed, but not himself. Not Erica. They squeezed the bed sheets, as he realized he had pressed his face into the mattress and blanket, still laying on top her his girlfriend. Not filled with passion, however. Only pain.

He said he was sorry. Not to Erica, but to Jalyn.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…” The statement continued to filter out of him, until the guilt became too much. Until the pain was unbearable.

He felt Erica wrap her arms around him, and for the first time in his life, Hudson felt comfortable enough to do something he rarely, if ever, had done.

He cried.


Hudson told himself that he couldn’t believe it. The statement rushed through his brain repeatedly as he and Jalyn traveled through the city. The only noise filtering between them was whatever noise came from outside. Hudson was happy for it, because he was angry. He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want to hear anything she had to say. He had always wanted more for his sister and felt she had thrown her life away before she could ever truly get started.

Morganton was no place to raise a family, especially around the one they came from. Their father was a piece of shit. Their brother, Jalyn’s twin, was no better. He wanted her to get the fuck out of that Hell hole before making decisions such as the one she had made. He shook his head on that thought, knowing full and damn well she didn’t make the decision. He knew she didn’t really think things through. Jalyn never did, and that would always be her downfall.

He knew that she knew she was a weakness for him. He had always been her protector when they were growing up. He had protected her even when they were adults. That was why she came to him. She wanted him to protect her, to save her from the mess she had gotten herself into. Hudson also knew there was no way he could do that. He had too much going on.

The IFW was starting. Not to mention the fact he and Erica lived together. And Hudson knew his track record with his own children. He was terrible at it. Alex chose not to speak to him, and Jayden simply could not. He knew they were better off without him in their lives, but there was no way he would be able to raise a child from infancy. He knew Jalyn would try to pawn the kid off on him, because she was worse in terms of taking care of things, including herself.

The idea of her being a mother made him sick to his stomach.

“Can we talk?” Jalyn asked, breaking him from his train of thought. He shot her glance before returning his eyes to the road. He had nothing to say, so he cut the radio up.

Jalyn looked at her brother. His gesture of turning the music up let her know where he stood. He was upset, but that didn’t truly describe Josh Hudson. She knew it, but she told herself that if he only knew the truth behind her so-called surprise.

She pressed her head against the passenger side window, looking at the Big Apple as it passed by at a rapid pace. The memory forming in her head did not follow suit.

She was back in Morganton, in a little stretch of highway known as Glen Alpine, swinging on a swing set on what was left of a tiny playground, in the middle of the night. Glen Alpine was dying like most of Morganton. The playground was frequented often when she and her siblings were children. It was filled with great, just as they were. When they were away from home, at least.

She had gone to visit her father and brother, Jacob. They were both drunk and didn’t seem to care that she was around.

The house was a wreck. “Guys, why the hell can’t you keep this place clean?” She asked, tears in her eyes, as she recalled how their mother took care of their home.

Her father, Frank was the first one to speak. “What’s wrong with this place?”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you serious? Look at it! Its fucking trashed!”

Frank looked at his son. “Jacob, do you see anything wrong with our home?”

“Not at all.” Her brother stated, before taking a swig of a beer.

“You know.” Frank began, before climbing to his feet. “You’re an awful lot like your mother. Always goddamn nagging me over some stupid goddamn shit. And I thought…” He paused, opening the fridge and grabbing another beer. “I’d have some peace and quiet once she kicked the bucket.”

She wanted to slap the shit out of him, but she left instead. She got into her car and sped through Morganton, crying her eyes out before coming to a stop at the playground. She sat in the swing, it creaked through the quiet of the night, and she felt a semblance of peace.

That was until a young man named Levy Rayner walked out of the shadows. They had been friends in high school, but Levy turned to a life of drugs and partying. A lifestyle he couldn’t break free from.

They spoke and he seemed alright, but she could tell he was on something with the way he itched and scratched. When he wasn’t doing that, Levy was rubbing her thigh and didn’t seem to care that she had asked him to stop.

“Let me touch you. For old times’ sake. Remember our prom?” He asked, giving a sickening chuckle.

“Stop, Levy. Please. I don’t like that.”

“I know what you like.”

She continued to plead with him, and he continued to not listen. That was when she hit him across the jaw. Jalyn got to her feet and began to walk toward her car. A train began to roll through, so she didn’t hear him coming behind her. When she was knocked to the ground, and Levy was on top of her, she knew what was going to happen. No matter how much she struggled, or hard she fought, he had her. Her screams were drowned out by the train as it barreled down the tracks.

As night turned into day, her underwear at her ankles, that was where she laid until Glen Alpine police helped her to her feet. She felt her life had been taken from her, but little did she know that there was life that would begin growing within.


May 31st, 2020

Night turned into morning. The sun wasn’t up, but Hudson was still awake. Erica slept, but he couldn’t. Despite finding freedom in the tears that fell, the guilt would return. He made his way outside, after grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels and taking it out onto the balcony. He had his phone as well. He popped the top, taking a swig before beginning to look through his pictures.

He saw Jalyn. She had been there the opening day of his school, House of Hudson. They stood next to one another in the picture, both smiling. She had been so proud of him, telling him that their mother would have been as well.

He took another swig, when his phone rang. “Who the fuck…” And then, Hudson realized who was calling him. It was his brother. Accepting that knowledge, Hudson took another swig before answering. “Jacob. What is it?”

“Nice to hear your voice too, big brother.”

“What do you want?”

“Where are you right now?” Jacob asked. Hudson imagined his brother, sitting on the couch in the living room of their childhood home, now dilapidated, drinking his life away as he had done for years. It made him sick to think of his younger brother like that, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do about it.

“I’m in Newark. I have a wrestling event later tonight.”

“What day is it…” Jacob asked. “Oh, wait. Happy birthday, big bro.”

Hudson nodded, not really caring for his brother’s sentiment. “Yeah, yeah. Thank you. So, why don’t you tell me why you’re calling.”

“I’ve always loved that about you, Josh. You’ve always gotten straight to the point.”

“Look, I know you’re drunk and I don’t really feel like having this conversation last any longer than it needs to…”

Jacob cut him off. “He’s getting out, man. He’s getting out.”

“Who is getting out?”

Jacob sighed. “Levy. The fuck who raped Jalyn.” Hudson felt his fingers clench the phone tightly, before he had any other chance to react. “He’s getting out.”

Hudson took a few deep breaths, knowing he didn’t need to get involved, knowing Jalyn wouldn’t want him to, but he knew he was already in deep. That he couldn’t stop the wheels from turning. “When does he get out?”

“Monday. When can you get here?”

He knew his sister was gone, that she wasn’t coming back. The words barely escaped him, but he meant them. “I’ll be there Monday night.” He ended the call, knowing that bad things were going to happen in a few days. That he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on Taking Hold of the Flame. But as soon as his time was done, he was getting on a plane. He had to be there. To look the son of a bitch in the eye. To let him know there were monsters far bigger than him. Hudson knew there was no other way.


His alarm went off. It was 6:00 in the morning. With a tired hand, he turned it off, and rolled over to face her. She had become a light in his life, and she came out of nowhere. Her name was Erica and she brought out another side of him.

“Stay in bed.” She said, her words slightly muffled.

He chuckled a bit. “You know I can’t. I have to get to work.”

“Josh, you work so much. I thought you were retired.”

He grinned. “You’ll learn in this business that no one ever really retires. Its just not a thing.” He sat up. “Besides, I have to do something to bring home the bacon.”

“Are you trying to say I need to get a job?” She smacked his shoulder playfully. “Whenever you get the IFW going, I will have one. So, how about you get on that?”

“You can get on me if you’d like.” He said, giving her a smirk.

“I thought you had to go to work?”

He shrugged. “Well, as the saying goes…All work and no play, makes Josh a dull boy.”

Erica shook her head. “I don’t believe that’s a saying.”

“Are you sure?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow, giving her a confused look. “I feel I’ve heard it in many, many circles.”

“Is that right?”

He shrugged once again. “I’m going to go with yes.” She cackled as he reached over and began to tickle her. Erica brought such joy to his life. Joy he had never really known despite the fact Josh Hudson had been in love before. Even though he had two sons. But he turned his back on love, on his boys, just as he had always done when it came to getting close. He worried he’d do the same with Erica, so the little voice in the back of his head told him to enjoy her for as long as he’d allow himself to do so.

“Well, in that case.” Her voice trailed off as she climbed on top of him and pressed her lips to his. He loved the embrace. He didn’t want it to end. 

The love they made felt real. Felt like it was meant to be so much more. He tried to shake off any thoughts of him ruining it.

He grabbed a shower afterwards, then headed out. New York City welcomed him as the streets were slowly getting busy. He enjoyed driving in the quiet. Hudson didn’t listen to the radio. The silence gave him a sense of peace, albeit a small one.

He arrived at his wrestling school and gym, the House of Hudson. Once inside, he saw his students were hard at work, training. They, like him, knew there was a lot riding on the IFW. The IFW was to be a promotion, Hudson’s brainchild. He wanted to make wrestling about wrestling once again. To make it about the sport, so the sport aspect could entertain the fans who loved wrestling as much as he did. It had been nearly two years in the making. Now, all he had to do was put on a successful show, which was planned for the end of January. It was called “Built from Scratch.”

All eyes were on Hudson as he strolled through the gym, before climbing into the ring. His students stopped what they were doing as they gathered around.

“Alright, listen up.” He began, as he looked at each student in the eye. “We have a lot to be thankful for, just as we have a lot to prepare for. Built from Scratch is a go. Tickets are selling out fast. People want to see what we’re made of.” He noticed a few nods as he held everyone’s attention. “Hell, people also want to see me fall flat on my ass with all this.” That earned a few laughs. “But I refuse to fail. I refuse to let you fail. We are in this together, so when I jump…right now you need to ask me how high and you need to go above and beyond those expectations. It is time to push yourselves more than you ever. And if you’ve not been pushing yourself, then step it up or get the fuck out. It’s as simple as that.” He looked into their eyes once again, as silence fell between Hudson and them, before he broke it. “Let’s get to work.”

He climbed out of the ring and went into his office as everything went back to the way it was. His ears rang with bangs and clangs, shouts and grunts, thuds and cheers, before he closed his office door. He began to look over the final paperwork for the business side of things, before he went to work on the structure of the show. He wanted a tournament to crown the IFW Champion. He had his eyes set on a certain talent that he felt he could build the company around from the start.

There was a knock at his door. He motioned for whoever it was to come in. He looked up. He saw the kid who wanted to be known as John Angel enter. John showed a lot of heart, but Hudson could tell he had more ego than he knew what to do with.

“What is it, John?”

“There’s someone here to see you, sir.”

“Is it Erica?” John shook his head. “Is it Kristen?” Hudson asked, as Kristen was someone whose heart he had broken in more ways than he cared to count, as each way filled him with a guilt he couldn’t stomach. John once again shook his head no. “Then who is it?”

John shrugged. “She said she was your sister. She said her name was Jalyn.”

Hudson swallowed hard. He’d not seen his sister since their mother’s funeral a few years prior. He expected the worst right out of the gate, but knew he had to talk to her. “See her in, John. Thanks.” His student left, closing the door behind him as Hudson worked his best to ensure he didn’t go into panic mode. Family wasn’t his strong suit.

All that was thrown to the wayside when his office door opened again. The person before him, Hudson didn’t recognize as his sister, Jalyn. The person before him looked like she’d been through Hell and never came back. “Jalyn?”

She gave a faint smile. “Hey, Josh.”

“Hey yourself.” He said, leaning back in his chair. “What brings you by?”

She shrugged, taking a seat herself. “Nothing, really. Just wanted to see my big brother. I’ve not seen you since mom’s funeral.”

Hudson nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been going through a lot of shit since then. It was probably best that I didn’t come around. I couldn’t handle Dad or my little brother, Jacob for that matter.”

His sister nodded as well, looking like she had something to say. “I guess you could say that is one reason why I’m here.”

“One reason? So, there’s a purpose behind you being here. More than one? Do tell.”

She exhaled, which made him feel uneasy. Her next statement intensified that feeling. “I’m pregnant.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m pregnant.” She gave a grin, though he could tell it wasn’t genuine. “Surprise.”

He said nothing, because if there was one thing that one should know about him is that…

Josh Hudson hated surprises.



(Recorded May 30th, 2020)

My name is Josh Hudson , and May 31st, 2020 is the night where we’re all going to take hold of the flame.

At least, that will be the intentions of every single superstar who steps foot inside that eight by ten in the Prudential arena.

Everyone is going to be thinking about that big number 40, and what number they enter, and what number they make it to until there is but one left standing. Right now, its just a numbers game. And I can’t take myself out of the conversation. I’m thinking of numbers, too.

Just a different combination.

I’m thinking of 5/30/2010. Ten years ago today. Now, for a lot of the newer roster, or even our newer fans, that number means nothing to you. That date means nothing to you. But, it means everything to me. Everything.

You see, ten years ago, I walked into the arena. I competed on the Taking Hold of the Flame pay per view, in the main event, as the SCW World Heavyweight Champion. When the end of the night came, thanks to Anthony “Glacier” Thomas, I walked out empty handed. And I have scrambled ever since that night.

I am considered a legend in this business, but I could care less about that moniker, that label. Right now, all I see is red, because the truth has reared its ugly face in front of my eyes, and I simply cannot look away. And because of that, I can tell you that I don’t like what I see.

What I see isn’t a legend.

I see a failure.

Every single day since 5/30/2010 has been nothing short of a failure in my eyes. Yeah, I won a Trios contract, but big deal. I know how people like to flaunt that shit. Yeah, I won the SCW Television Championship, but so what. Yeah, I am one title win away from becoming a Supreme Champion. Once again, big fucking deal. I have not won the World Championship in ten years, and I have been considered a championship caliber wrestler for nearly twenty years in this business.

Sure, I am a nine-time World Champion, as I’ve been a journeyman in this industry, but none of those World titles compare to holding the SCW World Heavyweight Championship. Its been called a trinket by many from my generation, and probably even today. Hell, I’ve even called it a prop, but that was because it was in the wrong hands. Just as it is now.

When I have held that championship, I’ve not carried it like a prop. It wasn’t an accessory to show off to my friends so they could see how vain I was. No, I carried it the way it needed to be carried. With respect. Respect seems to have died with this generation. There is nothing short of a sense of entitlement when you hear so many of these people speak.

I know I’m not entitled to a damn thing. I could stand here and say that I am owed based on my legend status, but that’s for the birds.

I’m here to do what I have always done.

Earn my way every single damn step.

I know I will be placed in the ring against people I respect, as well as those who I could care less for. All that is window dressing. It will be cast aside. I will not go out there to put on a great performance, to show why I am the greatest technician to grace this industry. No, I will go out there to hurt each and every competitor that gets into my line of sight.

If it is Regan Helms, I will not care. If it is Syren, I will not care. Matt Hodges, or even if CHBK laces up the boots one more time, I will not care.

Now, I know I turn 43 tomorrow night. I know I’ve been out of the game for quite some time. I’m not going into this thing to compete for five minutes. No, I am here to go the fucking distance. To show that I have it in me to do so, while inflicting agonizing pain to anyone and everyone like only I can. I am tired of seeing failure when I look into my eyes.

I’m not going to hide behind contracts or surround myself with yes men. I am going to come at anyone and everyone will all that I have. Whoever ends up as a casualty is of no concern. Being the last wrestler standing is. Main eventing Rise to Greatness is.

Taking the title from Aaron Blackbourne is a concern. He needs to learn firsthand how creative I can be when it counts, which is in the ring. Not painting my face like a circus clown. Taking the title from Bree Lancaster is a concern. She and I made amends for some personal disagreements, but should I win, and she can post a moronic GIF on social media if she wants, but should I win, then the gloves come off.

People will be hurt.

Maybe not because I want to, but because I have to.

Its gotten to the point where failure is no longer a goddamn option.

Especially when your name is…Josh Hudson.




Gary “Red” Hudson smelled freedom. Sitting in the jail cell of the Haywood County Detention Center in Waynesville, North Carolina, one’s nose would become overrun by the aroma of sweat and stink. The walls of the cell oozed with it. The air carried that smell, and it would knock you over if you didn’t breathe correctly, but on this day, his nose picked up a different scent.

It was sweet. It was intoxicating.


Two guards named Rusty and Hank led him from his cell down the corridor, where Gary received his belongings. His wallet made of brown leather. He was surprised to see it, as he thought it was missing the extent of his three-month sentence.

He was given a faded blue denim shirt, which he wore under his coveralls as he worked, and a pair of dark blue jeans. His boots, brown leather like his wallet, slid on his feet with no issue. The rest of his clothes gave him quite the struggle.

He spent three months behind bars. There wasn’t much to do while surrounded by all those walls. He could read, which he hated, so he figured he would work out when given the chance. He lifted weights, training like he was a boxer preparing for his next title fight. He destroyed his body while on the outside. Once inside, he got into the best shape of his life.

There was a part of him that did it as a way to pass the time. The other part of him did it because Gary knew what waited for him once he tasted freedom.

There was a multitude of reasons why he had been arrested. A multitude of people he left behind, and just as many he had pissed off in the process.

He was safe on the inside, but Gary knew once those bars closed, and the light of the outside world welcomed him, the safety of his well-being would be called into question. That sweet smell of freedom would be replaced by the smog. The old familiar burn of the world he knew all too well, was going to open and pull him in.

Gary “Red” Hudson knew the score all the way around. He knew there was no way to avoid it. Stepping outside, he saw his younger son, Josh standing beside his black Ranger. It looked beat to shit before he went inside, and from the look of it, Gary could tell nothing had changed.

The warm and wet summer weather swept over him. Sounds of blaring rap music, high school aged kids hooting and hollering, the loud exhaust on a Ford F350 celebrated in his eardrum.  Taking a few deep breaths, Gary took his first steps into the land of freedom.

“What’s taking you so long?” Josh asked, in a monotone country twang.

A few deep breaths escaped his lungs as Gary looked around, edging closer to the pick-up. He surveyed the land, seeing how much it had changed, or how much it hadn’t. To see if any unwanted visitors were waiting for his release as well.

Knowing one could never be too careful, but he didn’t want to worry his son, he said, “Just feels weird.”

“Do you want to go back inside?” Josh asked, playfully.

Gary remembered what Rusty said before they left him on his own. “We’ll be seeing you, Gary.”

He swore they wouldn’t, but Rusty and Hank, Gary included, knew that was more of a lie than anything else. He took one last look at the detention center, hoping he’d never see it again. Hoping he could turn his words into truth. Hoping to find hope, he climbed into the truck and Josh fired it up, before they barreled out of the parking lot.

Gary felt his entire body shift into a clench as they traveled through downtown Waynesville. They couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Once they hit the bypass, he started to breathe a little easier.

“So, where are we headed?” Josh asked.


Home wasn’t Waynesville, though Gary felt he didn’t have a true concept of home. He had spent years in and out of jail cells, homeless shelters, or shacking up with whatever random woman who would have anything to do with him for a few nights.

“You want to go back to Morganton?”


His son huffed and puffed. “You know there’s no reason for you to go back there.”

“Why not?”

“There’s nothing there for you. Just trouble.”

“That’s something. They say something is better than nothing, right?”

They rode in silence for a few moments, the truck wandering aimlessly over the long stretch of highway before Josh spoke again. Gary could sense the agitation. “Suit yourself.”

He knew his son was right. There was nothing but trouble for him in Morganton. Gary grew up there. He raised all kinds of Hell as a child. Despite his age, he was still very much a kid at heart. In most cases, he knew, that wasn’t a bad thing. For him, however, it was.

He never grew up. It seemed like the older he became, the more he regressed. He partied like he did when he was 17. Back then, his body could handle it. The same with his mind. Back then, he was the high school quarterback. Everyone loved him. He could do no wrong, and what wrong he did, Gary was a silver-tongued devil. He could talk himself out of any hole he dug for himself.

And that was just it. Morganton was a hole that had been dug for him. No matter how far he traveled, he could never get out. He always came back. It was the place of birth. It was where he got started on the path he never stepped off.

“Something on your mind, boy?” he asked as he found himself hating the silence. It reminded him of the many bad things he saw in the dead of night while on the inside. Inmates killing other inmates in their sleep.

“I just don’t get why you want to go back to Morganton.”

“You don’t want me there?”

Josh grew silent. “You can tell me? You’re grown.”

“Fine. I don’t want you there. Nobody who gives a damn about you, wants you there. No good will come from it.”

“Well, there will be some good. I don’t know how much, but I better enjoy it while it lasts.”

Josh went to speak but stopped himself. Gary watched his son as he shook his head, knowing he had no dog in the fight. They continued driving. The day becoming night as interstate 40 welcomed them. Gary knew it was the only warm welcome he’d receive, as home was going to be far worse than anything he would have faced in Waynesville.



It was another failure for Hudson, and he knew it. Alban celebrated in the ring, as Josh Hudson looked up at him, standing tall. His eyes shifted to the arena lights above, and he could do nothing but curse. Once he felt like it, he finally got to his feet and made his way to the back. He didn’t shower or anything. He wanted the stench of defeat and failure to remain on him, before he left the arena, catching a cab to his hotel room. Once he got there, he found Saber waiting for him. Mika Kozlov was there, but it was Saber who spoke.

“You failed.” The clown said with nothing less than disdain.

Hudson replied, unable to hide the disappointment in his own voice. “I know. I’m not sure if you actually watched, but I was in there. I’m the one who ate the pin.”

Mika didn’t seem to like Hudson’s response. She began to make her way toward him, but Saber stopped her, putting an arm over her chest. They locked eyes. Hudson knew despite the fact that he fucked Mika, she was still with Saber. That it seemed like he had some sort of control over her. “I did see, and as always, you seemed to second guess yourself. And when you do that, you fail. You are not the same man who helped me out of the mental institution all those years ago. You may look like Josh Hudson, but you are not him.”

“That’s cute. Have you ever heard of evolution, clown?” Hudson asked, telling himself that he would take another ass kicking if he did attack Saber, but he also knew he wasn’t about take the clown’s shit, no matter what the odds were. Saber simply nodded in response. “I’m not going to be the same person I was years ago. I’ve gotten older. Probably a little wiser. Hell…look at my promo against Dillusion? The entire reason I gave to you to go after him…I went against it in the end.”

“You had sent me back before I could listen to your words. Now, I can see why.”

“It wasn’t like you were a success, now was it?” Hudson fired back, recalling Saber losing to Dillusion as well.

“You only wanted me to wear him down. To make him vulnerable. I believe I did just that.”

“It was about the only thing you got right.” Hudson sighed, growing even more agitated. “But are we going to stand here and continue measuring dicks? If so, we need to ask Mika since she’s probably been fucked by the both of us. I know I hit it.” Mika tried to burst through again, but Saber continued to keep her back. Hudson smirked. “If we’re not going to do that, are we going to fight? If that’s why you’re here, then we need to go ahead and get on with it. I may not be able to take either of you down, but I can damn sure give you a reason to never forget me.” Saber laughed at Hudson’s statement. Hudson didn’t like it. “Something funny?”

“We have no interest in fighting a broken man. Just as we have no interest in standing by your side any longer. We will leave here and rinse ourselves of any idea we had of bringing you into our fold. Any idea that you would be able to lead us into a new era of violent enlightenment.” Saber stated.

Hudson nodded. “That’s good. Well, I’m bored so if we aren’t fighting or fucking, please get the fuck out of my room.”

He and Saber stood nose to nose for a few moments, before the clown motioned to Mika with his hand. Hudson stepped aside, pointing to the door, before watching them leave his room. Once they were gone, he made sure to lock it. He wouldn’t put it past them to sneak back inside and try to attack him, or maim him, or something far worse. He knew Saber was sick, and that Mika was probably worse than he and the clown combined.

Once he felt it was safe, Hudson took a shower, finally rinsing the sweat of loss and the grime of defeat from his battered body. The God of Wrestling tournament had been nothing short of grueling. He made it to the finals, which wasn’t something many had expected, as they had counted him more times than not over the last few years. He hadn’t had the greatest of track records. At least not like he used to. It was a thought that didn’t quite sit well with him, but as Hudson rested his head on the pillow, finding himself staring up at the ceiling just as he did the arena lights after Alban beat him, he couldn’t help but question just what in the Hell he was going to do about it.



They drove without saying a word, as the drive to Morganton was a little over an hour. Gary hated the silence still. He wanted to speak to Josh, but he didn’t know what to say. They could talk about sports as Josh was always on the up and up. He had been since he started playing little league football.

Gary missed a lot of the kid’s games.

He turned the radio up, instead. The sounds of Led Zeppelin filled the cab. Leaning back into the seat, he let the music take him far away from his troubles. He could have been a star athlete. Probably could have gone pro, but his real love was music.

He couldn’t sing to save his life. He sounded like a cat that had smoked six packs a day. He couldn’t play guitar, but he was a wiz on the fucking drums. Gary always took pride in that.

He had to swallow it every time he thought about how good he was. How good he used to be. How good he could have been. Instead, he chose the life he led.

That life led he and Josh to the worst best bar in the little city no one probably knew of. It rested half a mile from the old bowling alley that held a lot of life when Gary was growing up, but it had since died out, and closed. It was nothing more than an antique. One of the many that Morganton held near and dear.

The music as well as the hoots and hollers vibrated the ground they walked on as Gary and Josh made their way into Thunder Blues. It was a small bar from the looks of it, but when you stepped inside, you could tell it had a much bigger feel. Everything, and everyone, was alive and well.

Gary noticed familiar faces glancing over at him, sharing a look with him, like time stopped for a few moments. When things started again, he made his way to the bar. Josh followed, looking unsure. He felt the same way as his son, but Gary did a better job of hiding it.

“You sure this is a good idea?”

“I don’t know kid, but here we are.” The bartender walked up. A young woman that looked familiar. Gary couldn’t put his finger on it. He was certain they fucked the last time he was in town.

“What will it be?”

“Get me a shot of Jack. You want anything?” Josh looked at him, shaking his head. Damn boy! You could try to look like you’re having a good time, at least! He thought before giving the potential lay a smile and nod. She returned with his drink before he had a chance to turn around. He took the shot, letting it burn. He felt it in his stomach as well as the back of his teeth.

“Want another?”

His face held pain as he nodded. “Hit me.”

The bartender made another shot and Gary downed it just as fast. He leaned back, wincing when he heard Josh whisper in his ear. “Don’t you think you should slow down a little bit?”

Gary exhaled. “What the fuck for? This is a bar. You’re supposed to drink and have a good time. Well…” he said, looking his son up and down, “Most of us are. I guess you’re the exception.”

“One of us needs to be sober just in case shit goes south.”

“You worry too much.” Gary replied, before ordering another shot. He reached for it as soon as the hot thing behind the bar placed it on the counter, but Josh scooped it up, downing it himself. “The fuck did you do that for?”

“I told you to slow down.”

“I just got out of jail.”

“No shit! Don’t you want to do your best to stay out longer than six months?”

“Does it really fucking matter?”

He saw the look in his son’s eyes, and Gary wanted to care. He wanted to give a shit. To tell Josh everything was fine. That he would slow down, but the look in his son’s eyes told him all he needed to know. Nothing was going to be alright.

Even if he did slow down.

Thunder Blues belonged to a ghost from his past. Someone Gary had known for as long as he could remember. That ghost used to be his best friend. They spent their youth corrupting one another, with him getting the short end of the stick.

Seeing that ghost walking toward him, Gary knew nothing had changed.


Gary ordered another shot. The ghost gave his approval. Another shot down. Gary wiped the residue from the bottom of his chin. “Randall.”

“Is this your boy?”

“One of them.”

“Yeah I’m Josh. Sorry if we…”

Gary cupped Josh in the back of the head. “There’s nothing for you to apologize for.”

Randall grinned. “Not at all, kid. You’ve done nothing wrong. Not yet, at least.”

“Something wrong with me having a drink in your bar, Randall?”

“Normally, I’d say no. But since its you, things aren’t exactly normal. Are they, Red?”

“Only my friends call me Red. You know that.”

“Just as I’m sure you can tell by the look on my face, that I don’t give a fuck.”

“I suppose I can.”

“Come with me.”

Randall, along with his cronies, moved passed them. Gary didn’t budge. He wasn’t sure if it was due to fear or a lack of caring at that point. It could have been a combination of the two.

“I’m not asking, Red.” He said, with a certain hiss. His grin was mocking. The glare in his eyes was something else entirely. Almost haunting. Those eyes shifted from Gary to Josh, back to Gary. “No need to do this in front of the kid.”

Gary looked at his son. He could see the fear in the boy’s eyes. That fear matched his, as he was certain he was afraid. That he did care now more than ever. Not about his own safety, but for Josh’s. “Go warm the truck, kid. I’ll be out before you know it.”

“Are you sure?” Josh asked, trying his best to sound tough.

“I’ll be out before you know it.”



Hudson changed his flight the next day to California, and after a slight delay, made his way through the skies, landing in the hell hole known as Los Angeles. He grabbed a quick bite to eat, because the plain food was fucking horrible. He knew he had no real call to be back in California, but he was there any way. His plan was to link back up with his ex-wife, Rachel. Something told him it wasn’t going to end well, but he felt he had to try.

After he got a bite to eat, he caught a cab and drove around, before he felt it was time to go by Rachel’s place. It was Regan’s beach house from what he remembered, just as he remembered things didn’t go that great the last time he was there. Rachel kicked him. It seemed like they were about to come to blows. He knew he had hurt her worse than anyone may have ever hurt her, inside and out of the ring, away from the lights, cameras, and the action. He didn’t see a vehicle parked near the house as he inched closer. He walked around, peering in the windows, and saw no movement, so he sat against the front door, out of the sun, and he waited.

He waited. And he waited some more.

But as day turned into night, she never showed up. Hudson knew it was going to be a lost cause. He wanted to talk with her, spend time with her, but also sleep on her couch. He wasn’t getting any of that, so he made his way back to the city streets, fetching a cab which transported him to the nearest hotel. He got a room, and found himself in the bathroom, staring at his own reflection.

“You brought this upon yourself, you dumb son of a bitch. What did you expect?” He asked himself, with a chuckle, meant to mock himself. “Did you think she was going to show up because you wanted her to? Did you think she was going to let you back into her life because you had this idea in your head that she would?” He questioned himself, because calling himself a dumb son of a bitch once again.

He made his way to the hotel bar and began to drink away whatever sorrows were trying to creep into his mind. It was what his father had always done, and who would he be to not follow suit? He drank and would carry random conversations with random women, letting them know of his intentions to sleep with someone that night. He didn’t want anything else. Nine out of the ten times he had tried ended up with him receiving disgusted looks, as well as being called a piece of shit.

He welcomed it because he knew it was true. On the tenth try however, he found himself back in his room with a young woman and her friend. They started in the elevator, sucking one’s tit while the other sucked on him. They barely made it into the room, as hands went everywhere, and he found himself inside one, as the other bent over the bed with her ass in the air. He played around with that as well after carrying the other woman closer.

His night was filled with more excitement than he expected. He made them good. At least that was how they seemed. For the night, he forgot about his failures. He forgot about Rachel, but by morning, after not having slept, he felt as empty as he did before he started drinking in the hotel bar.

He caught a shower and booked a flight to New York City.

It was time to go home.

When he arrived, he found his house empty. There was no Rachel. There was no Kristen. No Jayden. It was empty, just as he was. He tried to call another ex.

Trish Wiseman.

She answered after the second call. “Yes, Josh?”

He paused for a moment, as he didn’t expect her to answer. Once he regrouped, he was able to strike up conversation. “How are you, Trish?”

“I’m busy but what can I do for you?”

“Is Alex home?” He asked, knowing he hadn’t seen his oldest son in nearly three years. He wasn’t sure why he was asking, because their relationship was like Hudson’s with his father. Almost nonexistent.

“No, he isn’t. Have you tried his cell?” She asked.

“You know that I’ve never been given his cell number, Trish.” He stated.

“Well, then I don’t know what to tell you, Josh. I can take a message.”

He sighed. “Can you give me his number? Maybe he’d like to talk to me.”

“We both know I’m not going to do that, Josh so I don’t even know why you’re asking.”

“You have a point. Well, I guess…” He said, doing his best to refrain from cursing her out. He knew that was what his father would have done. “I guess just tell him I called, and that I asked about him. I hope he’s doing well.”

“He’s doing great, Josh. I can tell you that. He’s overcome a lot since you and I ended things. I can’t put into words how well he’s doing.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Alright. I’ll tell him you called. If there’s not anything else, I need to get off here.”

“There’s nothing else.” He replied. He didn’t get a chance to finish his statement, as the call ended as soon as he said the word ‘else’. He sat there for a few moments, looking at his phone. There was part of him that felt like calling Bree. He felt there was still a chance to fix whatever he didn’t really fuck up the previous year with his cash-in against Sienna Swann, but he couldn’t bring himself to call her. He even looked at Rachel’s number. He had kept it, as he always felt there was a chance that they’d find their way back to one another. As time had gone on, the slimmer that chance became, and he knew it even if Hudson didn’t want to outright admit it.

He looked at another number and exhaled deeply. He didn’t want to end up lonely like his father had become, but he couldn’t get over the voice in his head telling him it was going to happen. He exhaled deeply once more before making the call.

After a few rings, she answered. “Hello?”

“Hey…Kristen…it’s me…Josh…”



It felt like the music died. The hooting and hollering no longer existed. That’s what it felt like at least, as Gary followed Randall and the cronies to the back of the bar, shutting themselves off from the chaos that ensued. They left the good times for the loneliness of a back-room.

A back-room Gary knew all too well.

He and Randall worked for the bar’s original owner. An old fucker named Don. Nobody fucked with Don. He owned a lot more in the small town of Morganton than just Thunder Blues.

He ran weapons, dope, and money. Owned a lot of pigs, too. That was how he kept out of jail. It was a trick he didn’t pass down to Gary. Randall got the secret, it seemed. But those two were inseparable back in the day. It was Gary who started working with the old man first. He felt on top of the world with the excitement that came with the jobs handed to him, as well as the thrills that came with the money lining his pockets.

A run-in with some rich pricks from high school changed all that. They jumped Gary, taking his money and whatever product Don had him running that day. Gary was able to bring Randall along for back-up. Those rich pricks were never heard from again. Nobody knew where they ended up except for Don. When Gary, or anyone else told you that you didn’t fuck with Don, those words were meant to ring true.

After each job was complete, they’d meet in the back-room. Don handed them their cuts. They’d party, though Randall didn’t party too hard from what Gary remembered. That was why he took over for Don when the old man went down for the dirt nap. That was why Gary ended up in and out of jail every time he turned around.

He wanted to turn around and run for the door, but he knew there was no use. Whatever was going to happen, would happen. He could only escape it for so long.

What’s coming for you will eventually get you. He knew it all too well. It was something Don instilled in him and Randall.

A statement they could never forget.

“So, what’s the fucking deal Randall?”

Gary got his answer in the form of a fist into the center of his chest. He felt the air rip through his lungs, before trying to draw it back in, like it was grasping for straws but getting nothing. He choked on desperation as he struggled to maintain his balance, only to fall to his knees as they buckled.

“Why don’t you tell me why the fuck you’re here, Gary? Especially after I’ve told you I didn’t want to see your fucking face here ever again. I felt like I made myself pretty goddamn clear the last time we saw one another.”

“This is my home.” He said, speaking in fragments.

“No, it isn’t.” Randall stated, dropping to his level, as their eyes locked. “I did you a favor when I let you leave here last time. You were free to go do whatever the fuck you wanted. You got yourself in trouble up the mountain. Did some cell time from what I heard. You got out…when? Today?”

“So, fucking what?” Gary asked, still trying to gather his breath as well as his bearings. The shots of Jack were talking to him. They told him what he already knew. He should have listened to Josh. He should have slowed the fuck down.

“I figured you would have been smart. I know that’s saying a lot. I figured you would have stayed away for a few days. Maybe two weeks, at least. But no, you come back here the same fucking day you get out.”

Gary hacked up whatever phlegm that punch knocked loose, spitting it on the floor. He looked at Randall. “My kid is with me.”

“You should have thought about that before you came back home.”

Gary spit again, closing his eyes as he shook his head. He told himself he should have stayed in Waynesville.

“Can you do me one more favor?”

He heard Randall chuckle. The man he once knew as his best friend, someone he told he’d die for when they were teenagers, stopped laughing. Things got quiet. Too quiet. Just like they did at night as he tried to sleep in his cell. Just like they did when something bad was about to happen.

“No more favors, Gary. You should have known this was going to happen when you showed your fucking mug around here.”

“What’s coming for you will eventually get you,” Gary said, letting out a laugh of his own as he struggled to his feet.

“That’s cute, man. Taking a trip down memory lane before you have known left. Real fucking cute.”

Gary saw the glare of the Glock, and he knew what was coming. Just as he knew then why he wanted to go to Morganton. Why he wanted to return to that hole already dug for him. He wanted an ending. He didn’t want to keep running.

He also knew he wanted to go out on his terms.

“Let me do you a favor, Randall.”

“What are you talking about?”

Gary exhaled. It hurt, but he started to sing, spilling secrets and hitting all the high notes. He was buying himself time. It wouldn’t be much, but it was something.



“What do you want, Josh?” He heard Kristen ask with a sigh. He could tell she was already disappointed.

“I wanted to see how you were.” He said, not sure of what to say, or if there was any truth to his words. He knew he didn’t want to be alone.

“If I remember correctly…” Kristen began. “You wanted nothing to do with me or Jayden. Was that a lie, or do you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about most of the time. I mean, if you want my opinion, I think it’s the latter. But that’s just me.” She said with a mocking chuckle.

He grinned, telling himself of how much he seemed to love her attitude. “You’re probably right.” He replied. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. But how is Jayden?”

“You don’t really get to ask me that.” She fired back. He knew she was beyond pissed, just as he knew that she had every single right to be. “You lost that right when you gave him up. And you have no idea what kind of shit he’s been through since the last time you two spoke. Fuck, I shouldn’t even be talking to you.”

“You’re right. I don’t have the right.” Hudson stated. “I don’t have a single fucking right, but when we get down to the thick of the matter, he is still my son.”

“Since when?”

He bit his lip, knowing he really didn’t have a goddamn dog in this fight. “He and I had some good times before things went to shit, Kristen. You can admit that at least.” She said nothing, so he continued. “The boy was kidnapped. I think it not only changed him, but me as well.”

“I know it changed you both. But he needed you once he was returned home, Josh. He needed you and you did nothing but push him the fuck away. Now, I have to deal with the repercussions of your choices and your actions.” Kristen said, her voice raising with each passing moment. He knew she cared about the child more than anyone else ever did. He knew there was no way to deny that. Just as he knew he couldn’t deny her words as truth. He did push the boy away, trying to force him to learn how to defend himself.

“Look.” He said after a long pause. “I wanted to see how you two were. At least you. I care about Jayden, just as I care about you. I wasn’t in the best head space, Kristen. If that wasn’t obvious then I have no idea what I can really say here.”

“You can tell me what it is that you want.”

He exhaled deeply and nodded. “I wanted to see you. I know I can’t see Jayden. At least not right now, but there’s no reason we can’t see one another. I know you cared about me. I don’t know if you do, but I know that you did.”

“You know that I did, Josh.” She said, exhaling deeply as well. “You know that I still do. And if you don’t then you really are a fucking asshole.”

“I am, Kristen. I can’t deny that but…” His voice broke for a moment or two. Hudson cleared his throat before he managed to continue. “I’d like to make it up to you.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Josh. I can’t deal with it.”

He nodded. “I know. And I’m not. Look…I will book you a flight to New York. See if you can get someone to watch Jayden. I’d come there, but it probably wouldn’t be best. But if you accept the ticket and come here, then I will do all I can to show you that I can change.”

“You’ll show me?” She said with a slight snicker. He knew she wasn’t biting, but she wasn’t exactly turning it down, either.

“I will most certainly try my best. That’s all I can say.”

She grew silent for a few moments, and as he did at Rachel’s, Hudson waited. Kristen released a sigh. He couldn’t tell if it was filled with relief, sadness, or both. “I will think about it.”

“How will I know your answer?”

“You’ll when, and if, you see me.” She replied. He went to speak, but before he could, the call was ended.

Feeling slightly rejuvenated, Hudson made his way to his gym and wrestling school. He saw some of his students there. Most of them said hello, while others kept their distance. He figured it was because they knew he wouldn’t be in the best of moods after losing the God of Wrestling tournament. He slipped some earbuds and cranked up some music, before he began to hammer away at the heavy bag. He didn’t take his eyes off it until it got to the point that he could barely throw a punch.

He finally stepped back, letting his earbuds drops, as he took a deep breath. That was when he heard a voice. “I pity the fool.”

He turned to find a rather fit and lean dark-haired female before him. He had seen her a few times in his trainings, and he knew they had spoken a few times, but he couldn’t quite place her name, which Hudson hated, because with the way she looked, she wasn’t someone you’d want to forget.

“You like that, huh?” He said, with a grin before grabbing a bottle of water.

“Like what?”

“Beating the shit out of the heavy bag?”

She grinned. “I don’t think that’s what I liked if I’m being honest.”

“What do you like?”

Her grin remained. “It should be pretty obvious. I’ve waited all night to talk to you. Wanted to make sure we were alone.”

“And why would you want to do that…um….”

“The name’s Erica. Erica Eden. You know you’re blowing it, right?”

He shrugged. “Eden huh? Like the garden?”

“Yeah, maybe. The only difference is that I don’t care to sin. I like temptation.”

He let out a laugh, as he found himself feeling more tempted with each passing moment, as something told him he needed to get to know Erica Eden a lot better. To the point he wouldn’t forget her.



At the age of 17, Josh Hudson couldn’t believe he had to deal with so much bullshit with his dad. He shook his head as he remembered when his father called, asking him to get him out of jail. He just finished cleaning the kitchen, while his then girlfriend Andrea, got the kids, her two boys, down for bed. Josh sat on the couch in the living room of her home, which rested in a quiet neighborhood near the outskirts of a little town called Morganton, when he looked up to find Andrea standing in the doorway.

“Hey.” She said quietly but with a seductive smirk. He felt my heart pick up the pace, as she sauntered closer. She sat on his lap, and his hands were on her hips as her lips met his.  Quality time was sort of a rarity in the house with two boys keeping them preoccupied from sun up to sundown. Their lips met and shirts were removed, as hands grabbed and rubbed.

And then, the phone rang.

“Who the hell is calling at this hour?” she asked, climbing off him in frustration. He sat, in his own frustration, as she walked over to the kitchen where the phone rested. She tossed it to Josh. “It’s a weird number. Not sure who it is.”

He shrugged as he rolled the phone in his fingers. “I’ll find out.” He stated as he answered the call. An automated message was followed by his father’s voice, and while he felt annoyed and regretted it, he accepted the call. “Hello?”

Once the call ended, Andrea sighed and shook her head as she stood in the kitchen. “I can’t believe you agreed to pick him up.”

“He has no one else.” He replied, repeating his father’s words.

“He could call your mom.”

“We both know that’ll get him nowhere.”

“I just don’t think you need to waste your entire day for him, when he’s the one who got into trouble in the first place.”

He nodded, knowing she was right, but her family was different than Josh’s. She wasn’t exposed to the same things he had been exposed to. Her life seemed to be mainly sunshine and rainbows when it came to her parents, while his was covered in dirt and grime.

“Yeah, I know he did. I’ll never understand why he did what he did for our dad, but he did it.”

“Can’t he call your sister?” she asked. He could tell she didn’t want him to go.

He shook his head as he rose from the couch, the blood flow traveling upwards once again, “That’s not going to happen, either. I’m all he’s got.” He said, thinking if he said it a few more times then he’d actually believe it. “Look, if there was any other way, I’d take it, but we both know I can’t leave him hanging.”

“You’re too damn nice,” she said as he pulled her in close. Being too nice is something he had heard many people say. Those same people, like Andrea, didn’t know all the details of his past. He worked hard to keep it buried.

He knew there was a saying about not being able to keep secrets hidden. He also knew it to be true, which meant he’d have to work even harder.

He felt he had been working for most of his life to do so. Once he felt content with that, Hudson worked hard to scrape together a regular, everyday normal life.

“I know they say nice guys finish last.” He stated, before pressing his lips to her forehead as she stood just a few inches shorter than him. “But, I lucked out with you. You get me.”

“Because I love you, dork.”

Their lips met once again, and again, as he spoke. “Well, since you love me…” He recalled how their lips met once more, “Is there any way that we can finish what we started?”

She smiled, kissing him again before she replied. “Not a chance. I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“I can change that.”

She faked a yawn. “I don’t think so. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

She walked away as he cursed his father, for cock blocking him yet again. It was something he had done numerous times since he lost my V-card in high school. As he sat in his pick-up outside Thunder Blues, waiting for his father to emerge, he couldn’t help but laugh. He planned to drop his dad off wherever the fuck the old man planned to go, before going to Andrea’s. She had told him the boys were with their father, so they’d have the house to themselves. The idea seemed nothing short of amazing, as Andrea was great in the sack. Probably the best he had ever had up to that point. She was a little older than him and more experienced. He also had to keep her a secret due to the age difference. She had more of an edge to her as well, something he hoped to pick up on, and have it rub off on him. He didn’t like being nice.

All those thoughts faded however, as soon as he looked up and saw his father stumbling out of the bar. He hesitated for a few moments, figuring the old man was drunk. The truth was revealed when the man people knew as Gary “Red” Hudson stepped into the light coming off a nearby street lamp. His father was battered and bloodied. He held his hands up and Josh could tell two fingers were missing. He watched his father collapse face first into the pavement. He took a few deep breaths, trying to swallow the fear before bolting from his truck, grabbing his father, pulling the old fucker to his feet, before dragging him toward the truck. Josh told himself that whatever trouble his father found himself in could find its way outside to meet them, to ensure they didn’t leave the parking lot.



There was a knock at his door, causing Hudson to wake up. He had fallen asleep on the living room floor. An empty bottle of whiskey rested beside him. It took him a few moments to get to his feet. When he did, the entire room started to spin, so he had to use the wall in order to make his way to the door. He didn’t even bother to look out the window to see who stood on the other side. Part of him hoped it was going to be someone he had pissed off, like Sienna. Maybe she was going to finally crack and kill someone. He would have been okay if she had chosen him to be her first victim.

That all changed when he opened the door, and there she should. He choked a bit as he locked eyes with her. “Kristen…”

She stood, looking at him for a few moments, before looking down. He could tell she didn’t know what to say or do. And neither did he. She kept her eyes to the ground as she replied. “Yeah. It’s me.”

“Would you like to come in?”

“I’m not really sure what to do, Josh. I guess that would be a start.”

He nodded, before stepping aside and letting her in. He followed her through the hallway corridor before they ended up in the living room. She looked down at the bottle before looking at him. “I guess old habits die hard, don’t they?” She said, bending down and grabbing the bottle from the floor.

“Its been a rough couple of weeks. What can I say?” He asked, giving a slight chuckle that she didn’t seem to buy.”

“Look…Josh…” She began, breaking eye contact once again. She took a deep breath and shook her head, still not looking at him. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. We’re not at that point. Hell…” She gave a shrug. “Who knows if we will get to that point ever again.”

He took a few steps closer and she stepped backward. “It’s alright, Kristen.”

“I don’t know if it really is. I feel so fucking uneasy around you. I didn’t know if I would or not, but being here in front of you…” She scoffed. “It feels like our time together wasn’t real.”

“But it was.” He found himself saying, which surprised Hudson, and he wasn’t sure why. “I promise that it was.” He took another step closer. That time, she didn’t move. Hudson got to where he was just an inch or two away. He felt like he could hear her heartbeat, noticing her chest moving faster.

“You promise?” She asked, letting out a chuckle of her own.

“Yes.” He said, and before he knew it, Hudson reached over and grabbed her. He pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers. She resisted at first, but he didn’t stop and eventually she caved, kissing him back, showing more passion than Andrea, Rachel, or even Bree ever did. He welcomed it, feeding off it, craving it, needing it. That passion erupted on the living room floor, in the bed, then in the shower, before finding its way back to the bed once again.

That was how they spent the first two of three days together. The uneasiness returned here and there, but that passion would return as well, erasing any doubt, at least for the time being.

On the third day, they had breakfast. He said he needed to run by the school for a training session. Kristen gave him a kiss. “Sounds good. Hurry back. Maybe we can shower together.”

“I’d like that.” He said, giving her another kiss, before making his exit from the house, getting into his truck and hitting the main highway. He had gotten a newer truck, adding some modifications to it, such as adding a small arsenal to the twin cab after Jayden had been kidnapped nearly a year ago. He didn’t want to keep making the same mistakes.

He arrived at his school and went inside. He worked out a little bit with the free weights on his own, as his students did their thing. Once they cleared out, he found himself standing in the middle of his ring, looking across it at Erica Eden, telling himself to focus on training and not the way her gear squeezed her in all the right places.

“Alright.” He began. “Time to learn some chain wrestling. Technical wrestling is a lost art. There seems to be no passion for it.”

“You don’t have to worry about me then. I have nothing but passion. For wrestling.” Erica said, stepping forward. “Among other things.” She said, looking him up and down, before looking deep into his eyes. He quickly grabbed her and tossed her to the mat, locking in a side headlock, telling her to fight her way out. She struggled at first, but Erica continued to fight, something he admired, something he couldn’t help but enjoy. She managed to finally break the hold, and they both got to their feet, before tying up again. He breathed in her scent, watching as sweat began to form and slowly drip off her body. Hudson wanted to taste her, but instead, he transitioned behind her, locking his arms around her waist. He felt as she pushed her ass into him and looked over her shoulder at him as she gave him a grin, letting him know it was fully intentional. “Is that the best you got?”

He spun her around, and their lips met. Wrestling gear was removed from their bodies and tossed to the mat, where their bodies became intertwined. Hudson knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t ignore how right it felt. As he thrusted into Erica, he told himself that he should have seen this coming. That he should have known Kristen was too good for him, that the entire idea of them being together was too good to be true. That she satisfied a need, and cured his loneliness, but it wasn’t real. That was why when he heard her…”Josh…” And he looked up, he felt nothing, just a tiny hint of shame that Kristen had caught him. He looked down at Erica who smirked and shrugged, before Hudson pulled himself out of her and got to his feet, just in time to watch Kristen storm out of the gym.

“Should I wait here?” Erica asked, placing her hands behind her head to provide a bit of cushion as she seemed relaxed despite the situation.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”

“Oh.” She said with a nod. “Well, I will go grab a shower. I’ll make sure it’s a long one. Maybe you can join me after you finish breaking her heart.”

“You think that’s what I’m going to do?”

She climbed to her feet. “Looks like you’re already there. You’ve crossed a line you can’t come back from. No need to even try.”

He said nothing else as he got dressed and made his way outside. Kristen was parked in the car she had left at his house months prior before their trip to Morganton, beside his truck, as she sat in the driver’s side, hands on the steering wheel. She planned to drive back to North Carolina as he recalled, saying it would give her time to really think about things, depending on how their time together went. “Kristen…” He managed to say, knowing there wasn’t anything to really think about.

“Fuck you.” She said, not making eye contact, as she stared straight ahead. He went to speak, but she cut him off. “I cannot fucking believe I came to see you. I should have known…” She groaned, appearing to be fighting back tears, as she continued. “I should have known you weren’t real. I should have known that everything you had to say was bullshit.”

“Can I say something?” He asked, and she finally looked at him. Her eyes told him that he really had some fucking balls to ask such a question.

He went to speak but she cut him off. “Whatever the hell it is that you have to say, Josh…fucking save it. I don’t give a damn anymore. Do not contact me. Jayden and I are going to fine without you. Just as we were fine before you decided to call me a few weeks ago.”

He looked down, letting out a sigh. She put the car in drive, before pressing on the brake as they locked eyes. “I do want to ask you something. I don’t want your answer, because God knows that there is no truth to it. But I want to know…what happened to you to make you such a bastard?”

Without thinking, Hudson went to reply but Kristen peeled out of the parking lot. He watched her leave, before standing there in silence for a few moments. He finally returned inside, going into the locker room showers, joining Erica, knowing there was nothing else left for him to do.

He couldn’t help but repeat Kristen’s question over and over in his mind.

What happened to you to make you such a bastard?



Josh Hudson drove around, recalling the events of earlier in the night. He got his father to the hospital, despite the old man’s protests. Josh didn’t know what to do. He just knew he had to take care of his dad, no matter what. He couldn’t help that he had a lot of his mother in him, that protective and nurturing side.

“Get me the fuck out of here!” “Red” shouted as Josh brought his truck into the emergency room entrance area. He got out of the truck, grabbing a wheelchair, before returning to the truck and opening the passenger side door. His father lashed out at him, but only connected with the ground as Josh stepped out of the way.

“You dumb bastard!” he shouted before grabbing his father and wrestling him into the chair. He wheeled him inside as anyone and everyone looked at them, gawking. He could just since their words, as his father had quite the reputation all over the state of NC. A reputation that started in Morganton. Josh got his father checked in, giving as little detail as possible in regards to what happened that left “Red” in the state he was in. He then sat beside his father, who was trying to avoid anyone and everyone as they sat in the waiting room. “They’re going to see you soon, they said. They can tell you’re a higher risk than the rest of these fuckers in here.”

“I can’t fucking believe you brought me here.” His father growled. “I don’t need to be here. You don’t know what kind of shit you’re stirring up, boy.”

“I don’t fucking care, Dad. Look at yourself.” He hissed, pointing at various injuries. “You didn’t need to be at Thunder Blues, dealing with Randall’s sorry ass. But you fucking went there anyway. Why? I don’t know. I guess I’m not the only one stirring up shit, am I?”

“If you give any shit about me son…” His father began before coughing up whatever sickness was trying to make its way out. “You will get me out of here.”

“I do care about you.” Josh said. “I don’t know how much, but I care enough to not let you leave here. They can take care of you, and right now by the looks of shit.” He said, looking his father up and down. “You need all the goddamn help you can get.”

“You are just like your fucking mother. Always soft.”

“My mother has nothing to do with this. I’m trying to help you.”

“She has everything to do with it. She’s done nothing but nurture you. Any time I was ever hard on you, she was there to patch up your wounds. It was pathetic. Just like you’re being right now.” His father hissed, the anguish on his face mixing with disdain.

“I’m doing this because you need it. I’m doing this so your sorry ass doesn’t fucking die, dad! I’m sorry that’s not good enough for you, but it is what it is.” He fired back, trying to keep his voice down to not bring anymore unwanted attention to them.

“Like I said…you’re goddamn weak and pathetic.”

Josh turned away, biting his tongue and any tears that he felt trying to escape his eyes. He was pissed and sad at his father’s words. The man had never given him anything positive. Even when he trained him for wrestling, he was always negative, burying him with insult after insult. He said he did as a way of tough love, to push him to be better, but even when he felt he was better, his father was there to shut that shit down.

Before he knew it, he found himself asking his father a question. As soon as it fell from his mouth, Josh wished he hadn’t. “What can I do to prove to you that I’m neither of those things?”

His father looked at him and went to answer, but they were called to the back. Josh went with his father and sat there as he fed the hospital staff lines of bullshit to ease their worried minds. It seemed to work, but neither of them were sure. They were eventually led to a room, where his father was placed onto a bed and hooked up to different tubes.

Once staff cleared, they sat in silence for quite awhile. Josh hoped his father had forgotten his question. The old man spoke however, letting him know nothing had been forgotten.

“You want to know what you can do to prove you’re not fucking weak or pathetic?”
He swallowed before facing his father. “What?”

“You see…” his father began. “I’m tired, son. I’m just so goddamn tired. Had I not been that way, this…” He paused to point out his injuries before he continued. “None of this shit would have fucking happened.”

“But it did.”

His father nodded. “It did, and that is where you can prove something to me. Hell not just to me, but to yourself.”

“And what would I be proving?”

His father grinned. “I don’t believe it will happen, but you can prove that you’re not weak or pathetic. You can prove that you have some of my cold-blooded nature in you, even if its just a fucking little. That could help your standing in my eyes.”

He could tell where his father’s mind was going, and it scared him, but that didn’t stop him from asking another question. “What do I need to do?”

His father said it was simple. He went to his grandparents’ shed, grabbing one of the old gas cans that never really got used. He went to one of the few gas stations that would still be open into the wee hours of the night, before filling the can up. He tossed it in the back of his truck and continued to drive through the night, repeating his father’s instruction over and over in his mind, before he eventually found himself parking behind Thunder Blues, far enough away that his truck wasn’t visible, being swallowed by the darkness the night offered.

As he sat there, he remembered the phone conversation he had with Andrea after he left the hospital. “He wants you to do what?” She asked. He could sense the fear in her voice. She knew nothing of what he had to do when he was much younger. “You know that is insane, right?” He said nothing. “Right?” She asked, the sound of her voice heightened.

“I don’t know what it is.” He managed to say, despite knowing exactly what it was that he was being asked. He knew exactly what his father requested. The only thing he couldn’t quite put his finger on was why he was doing it.

“Yes, you do! Yes you do, Josh!” Andrea shouted into the phone. He heard her sniffling, which told him she was crying. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t owe that bastard anything. You know that. Fuck…” She exhaled deeply after drawing in a deep breath twice as fast. “I know that you know that. In your heart of hearts.”

“In my heart of hearts…” He said, as if he was questioning the entire concept.

“Yes.” She replied. “I know you have a good heart, Josh. I know you do. You’ve been nothing but amazing to me and my boys.” He pictured her kids, and the good times he had had with them. Running through the halls of her house, screaming and yelling as they played. That translated to outside as well. He didn’t want them to be like kids their age who were turning more to staying inside playing video games. He wanted them to explore the great outdoors, just as he had to.

“And you know that for sure?” He asked as if he was trying to believe her. He wanted to, but given the direction he was headed, he couldn’t help but question it.

She grew silent. He called her name. He listened as she took another deep breath. He figured she was starting to question things as well. Josh knew she had good reason to. They both did. “You’re really starting to scare me.” She finally said.

“I’m scared myself. My father said fear is a strong emotion. He also said it’s better to be the one who is feared, instead of the fearful.” He said, as he recalled memories from his past.

“When did he say that?”

He sighed. “He had taken me hunting. We weren’t looking for deer. We were looking for wild pigs. We had set a trap, before getting up into our deer stand, where we waited. Every time I wanted to talk, my father would smack me in the back of the head. He said less talking can get into the mind of your enemy, or your prey. They won’t know what to expect. And when I wanted to cry, I forced myself to suck it up. My father never did anything half-assed, and that included hitting me.”

He continued. “I can’t remember how long it took, but we waited for quite some time. I was just chilled out and laid back telling myself we wouldn’t catch anything. That all changed when my ears were filled with the most awful sound I believe I have ever heard.” He remembered pausing from his story, as the sound began to ring in his ears.

“We caught a pig. That thing squealed as loud as it could, crying out. I remember how excited my father got as he bolted from the stand. I followed, moving a little slower until he threatened to beat my ass all through the woods. I took off after him, and there I stood next to him. We watched the pig thrash around, trying to find an escape, but being unable to do so.”

He released a deep breath as he relived the memory. “My father handed me a knife, but I was too afraid to take it. I told him I was afraid. He gave me a back-hand, knocking me on my ass. He asked me if I was going to be afraid the rest of my life. I told him I didn’t want to, even though I was still scared shitless. That was when I took the knife, as he uttered those words to me…those words that prompted me to tell you this, babe…”

“Please don’t call me that right now.” She said, sniffling more as he could hear her crying harder, while trying to muffle it while covering her mouth.

He spoke once again, “I held that knife and I took a step closer. The pig had stopped thrashing. It just stood there, looking at me out of the corner of its eye. I watched its body move as it breathed rapidly. It was like it knew what was coming. Like it was just hoping it wouldn’t happen, but it did.” He sighed. “My father told me where to drive the blade, and I did. I stuck the pig over and over. It cried out, so I kept sticking it as if I was trying to drown out its cries in my head. I kept going until there was no longer any life in that pig. My father told me that I held control over that pig and it knew it. He said controlling fear allowed us to control any situation.”

Silence fell between them. He didn’t know what else to say. He knew if she hadn’t been scared of him before, she surely was by the end of his tale. “Andrea?” He finally asked, and listened as another heavy breath escaped her lungs.

“I don’t know what to say, Josh.”

He nodded. “You don’t have to say anything. You can forget everything I said. You don’t need to worry yourself. I will come over tomorrow…”

She cut him off before he could finish his statement. “No…no. If you do what your father asks you…there will be no need for you to come over. And not just tomorrow. I’m talking ever again, Josh. You won’t get to see me or my boys ever again.”


She cut him off again. “I’m being fucking serious, Josh. Your father is a goddamn monster. I know everything you’ve told me, and I refuse to be around you, or allow my children around you, if you start to go down the same path as him.”

“I’m not him.”

“If you do this, then you might as well be him.” She said, and he could feel the coldness in her voice. He knew he probably needed to feel it. “If you do this, you will never get out of this town. You wanted to get us out of here, remember?”

“You don’t think I can get out of here?”

“You’ll be tied to this place forever.”

He went to speak, but said nothing. Silence fell between them once again, until she sniffled as she exhaled. “I guess I will know your answer soon enough. Won’t I?”

“You don’t have to end things.”

“If you do this, then I won’t have a choice.” She said, before ending the call. He tried to tell himself, everything was going to be alright, as he continued on the mission he had been sent to do.

He repeated his father’s words some more, before he looked over at the gas can. He opened the driver’s side door, and stepped outside, his eyes on the bar.

What happened next played out into his dreams, causing them to become nightmares. His mind and body could only handle but so many, as Josh Hudson finally woke up, finding himself inside his father’s hospital room. The old man was awake. His face had been clean of blood, but it was still bruised. His hands were bandaged. Josh noticed the TV was on.

There was a news report about a bar that had caught fire the night before. The reporter stated several were injured, with the owner being in critical condition, and had to be air lifted to Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. The news report ended, and his father turned the television off. They looked at one another, locking eyes. He noticed his father’s smile, something he never really saw, unless the old man was in the process of making others miserable in some way, shape, or form.

“You did good son. You did really good.” His father said, before resting his head against his pillow, and closing his eyes.

Josh stared at his father, his brain trying to conjure up memories of any time in their past where his father uttered such words, but as it had been the night before, there was nothing there. He continued to look at his father before whispering to him. “Thank you.”

He said, knowing his father more than likely didn’t hear him.

All he knew was that his father was proud of him. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. That he was no longer filled with fear. He had conquered fear the night before. All he felt was relief. Even a sense of power. He wanted to maintain hold of that power. He wanted to feed off the fear of others, because it made that sense of power stronger. He chuckled to himself, telling himself that he had always wanted to know what that felt like. And now that he knew, he never wanted to forget it. That he couldn’t forget it. He promised himself that he wouldn’t.

He lost track of time thinking about this, before he finally rose to his feet, leaving his father, knowing he’d never be the same again. Josh Hudson told himself that whatever he felt, he owed it to his father. His father was the one person who wanted to see him reach his full potential after all.

As he made his way through the hospital hallways, his phone rang. “Hello?”

“I know your answer.” It was Andrea.

“I did what I was asked to do.”

“And I had asked you not to. I guess I can see where your loyalty lies.” She said, and it sounded as if she hadn’t slept a wink due to crying all night.

He stepped into the waiting room, feeling it would be best for no one to hear their conversation, especially with everything on the news. “I did it for my father. Do you not get that? If you could have seen the way he looked after what they did to him…” He exhaled, and shook his head, remembering how “Red” looked when he stumbled out of the bar. “I have no doubt in my fucking mind…” He felt his body want to pause as he grew frustrated with her, but that didn’t stop the words. “I have no doubt in my mind that you would have done the same exact thing.”

“No. I wouldn’t have. I have responsibilities. Responsibilities that I thought you wanted to share with me.”

“You’re the one kicking me out.”

“If you honestly think we could go back to things being normal after this, then you really are a fucking monster. Just like your father.”

He drew in a deep breath. “Maybe I am.”

“I don’t think there is a maybe to it.”

The call ended before he could say anything else. He looked at his phone, ignoring the part of him that wanted to call her back. He repeated his own thoughts about his father to himself, how the old man wanted to see him succeed and to reach his full potential. The man had raised him to be a bastard, and if anything was going to save him in this fucked up world, that was going to be it.



Josh Hudson could be seen sitting. His head and face filled the entire camera’s view. Slow and slightly eerie music began to play. Hudson took a deep breath as he looked down away from the camera. As the breath exited his lungs, he looked up and began to speak. “I’ve made very little noise in the few months. I’ve come on Twitter here and there. I’ve stirred up some shit. I made it to the finals of the God of Wrestling tournament. I even challenged Blake Mason to a match that will probably not happen. Why? Because at the end of the day, I love this sport. I love this business. I’m good at many, many things but wrestling, I feel I am the greatest. Blake on the other hand, I question his heart most of the time. Just as I question the heart of the SCW more and more these days.” Hudson stated, before slowly shaking his head.

He took another deep breath, before giving a shrug as he continued. “Now, I know what you’re thinking. Who am I to say anything about the heart of SCW? It is the premiere wrestling promotion in this industry. It is the greatest of all time when it comes to this business. Yes, it has been around a long, long time. A lot longer than most. I’ve been with the SCW through the good, and the bad. I’ve been with it at its peaks, as well as when it has found itself in the lowest of valleys, walking towards a potential death. Oh yes, the SCW has almost closed quite a bit in my time. The old gimp wanted to pull the plug so many times, but he never did.”

“He had heart. Just as the SCW had heart. But now, you can tell that heart beat is slowly dying. Things just aren’t the same. There is no competition. The idea that anyone can beat anyone…you might as well as chalk that up to nonexistent like the ratings. I mean, I get it. It is because the SCW doesn’t have any competition anymore in terms of the product. EMERGE really isn’t shit. Its just bad. When I was in my heyday, the SCW was filled with individuals who you could tell apart. It was also filled with individuals who were all ready to step up. You had a few stragglers, but like I said, it was a few. Everyone was hungry, ready to go out to the ring, and tear any house the fuck down.” Clips played, showcasing various matches throughout the many eras of SCW. Matches such as Cid Turner vs. Greg Cherry, Jason Zero vs. Chad Evans, Chad Evans vs. Damian Angel, Josh Hudson vs. Thorn, David Helms, and even Jake Starr. The clips ended, returning its focus on Hudson, as he continued to speak.

“The SCW has lost sight of what made it great. The spirit of competition. Wrestling. The key ingredients that the SCW has done nothing but flush down the fucking toilet over the last damn near decade. The company doesn’t know what to do with itself. It truly doesn’t. It is an overstuffed and overcrowded ship that is starting to sink. It came into contact with a force much more powerful than it could ever be, and that is known as time.” There was a quick break away from Hudson, as the image of a clock appeared in the camera’s view. The view returned to Hudson once again.

“Time hasn’t been kind to SCW. The company, and those in charge, got comfortable and content with the lack of competition. They signed anyone and everyone. Half its roster is filled with people who share the same personality traits. Very few on the roster, are able to stand up and stand out on their own. The SCW has gotten to the point where it only really pushes one or two certain superstars at the expense of others. Those who are trying to lead the charge simply do not know what to do with the talent it has. I mean, the SCW should start cutting people like Max Kane who can’t even bother to find a fucking video camera to cut a goddamn promo. That little arrogant waste of space shouldn’t even be allowed near a wrestling company until he actually shows he gives a shit.”

“Christy Matthews and Rayvn Taylor should have been dropped awhile back. They were booked in championship matches despite not cutting promos, or winning matches for I don’t know how fucking long. Hell, Syren went through a period where she was in the same boat as those two. What was the point in keeping them around? Because they can still go in the ring? So fucking what? The SCW clearly has a hoarding problem.” Hudson shook his head as he chuckled slightly, as he couldn’t believe what the SCW had allowed itself to become. He took another deep breath, shrugging his shoulders yet again, before he continued.

“Shit like that has really killed the product the SCW gives its fan base. I mean, you can tell the interest isn’t there like it used to be. Maybe its because the old man stepped away. Maybe its because his idiotic daughter is in way over her head. Hell, maybe Katya should have been in charge. Or even the Wonderland when that shit was a thing.”

“Either way, I have watched since I’ve stepped away as a full time competitor, the greatest company, the company I’ve called home since 2003, step forward closer to its inevitable death, and as the last remnant of a time when things were amazing with the SCW, when things were on the constant uphill swing, I feel it is my duty to do what is necessary to preserve the survival, not of the SCW, but of the wrestling industry as a whole, and that is to pull the fucking plug on this company that is scraping by on life support.” Hudson’s demeanor changed slightly. It could be seen he was growing more and more agitated as the words continued to flow.

“That is why I am going to enter the Open Battle Royal at the End of the Year Special. That is why I am going to compete for the SCW World Championship. I’m not worried about adding another championship win to my resume. No, I am concerned with winning the SCW World Championship for another reason.”

“Because when if I win the World Championship, I am leaving the SCW. I am not going to stick around and be part of things as the ship sinks. No, I’m better than that. No, I will take the SCW World Championship home with me, and it will rest on my desk as I finish any necessary paperwork as I move forward in bringing the wrestling industry another promotion. A promotion that will help break the industry out of its funk.”

“I’m talking about IronFist Wrestling.” A photo of Hudson standing with members of what would become the IFW roster was shown.

“Yes, I am going to take control of this industry once again, but in a completely different way. You see, fuck having an overcrowded and overstuffed roster. I will have no issue with cutting where I need to. Can’t show up to cut a promo? Can’t be bothered to do so? Fuck you. You’re fired. Want to come out and bitch like Sienna Swann despite being given opportunity after opportunity…despite having the spotlight provided by TV on you week after week? I’m not putting up with that bullshit. You’re done as well.” Hudson paused for a few moments, playing a scenario out in his head. He grinned at the thought of striking Sienna. His mind wanted to conjure up further thoughts of the beating he’d love to dish out, but he exhaled deeply, returning his mind to the task at hand.

“And winning the SCW World Championship will be the perfect precursor to the SCW’s much needed death. It pains me to say that, but the truth fucking hurts as they say. I will bring that Championship to the first IFW show, and I will declare the SCW dead even if they decide to hand Sienna another title, claiming it as the new World title. It will be a lie, and the fans will see that. The same fans who are sick of dealing with Sienna, and the rest of her carbon copies.”

“I know you’re still sore at me Sienna because I made it seem like you couldn’t wrestle a match. I said you had never truly been tested in the ring. I still stand by that. I pushed you. You can deny it all you want, but I could give a shit less. I’d feel your opinion held value if you didn’t have an army of yes men signing your praises on a never-ending basis. I had issue with you skipping out on a pay per view while you held the SCW World Championship to go do a modeling show.”

“The SCW cemented itself as a laughingstock when it allowed something like that to happen. It showed that it didn’t give a shit about this industry. Just as it showed it didn’t hold the title you’ve been gifted thanks to outside interference twice now, in high regard. The fact that it has allowed such a thing to occur to the SCW World Championship, a title the Drachewych family used to give a shit about, a title this industry saw as the end all, be all…is nothing short of a goddamn travesty. And it is a slap in the face of those who competed for that title and made it what it used to be.” Clips filled the screen once more, showing champions such as CHBK, Steve Griffin, Chad Evans, Brian Kinney, Lethal Weapon, Hudson, and even Xander Valentine. Those names and faces were replaced by people like Matt Hodges, James Exeter, Shawn Winters, Jake Starr, and David Helms, before returning back to Hudson, as he continued.

“You know, deep down in that soul of bullshit of yours, that I speak the truth Sienna. Just as you know I spoke the truth that I said I’d run you the fuck over. I wasn’t being some keyboard warrior. I’m not under contract with the SCW. I can say whatever the hell I want. I’d hit you with a vehicle and do all I could to make sure it looked like an accident. I wouldn’t do it to end your life. Just your career. And you can say I just got myself in trouble, but the probability of us ever truly finding ourselves in such a situation is highly unlikely. I will settle for running you down this week as you are being forced, unlike what happened last year, to defend the SCW World Championship.”

“God, I would not put up with your shit in IFW. You would be gone at the first complaint. If you were to step up to me like you did Sasha, calling me a liar…I would have no issue in dropping you where you stood. I’d have you escorted from the building before I wiped my ass with your contract. I’m not here to create drama in an attempt to boost interest and ratings. No, I am here, as I have always been here, as the Drachewych family used to be here and stand for, pure professional wrestling.” Hudson shouted, as he glared into the camera. He took another deep breath, to calm himself.

“Now, it has become nothing more than a publicly traded company that has to cater to certain audiences, not really caring about those who give a damn about all this. About all that I helped build. All that I have helped to keep alive.”

“Pure professional wrestling. This sport, and not the entertainment aspect of it. That is where you come in, Sienna. You’re all about the glitz and the glamour. You have all the talent in the world, yet you spit in the face of the legends who paved the way for you. Who gave you a fucking platform to perform on. And that is why you don’t deserve the SCW World Championship. If you showed you were more than drama, that you were a true top talent, then I would probably care more about your well-being. I would want you to succeed.” He spoke calmly, his words coming off as eerie as the music in the background.

He sighed and shook his head. “But I could honestly care less if you ever wrestle again. I wouldn’t bat an eye if I was able to grab ahold of him, lock you in a submission, applying as much pressure as possible under there was a crack or crunch in your neck. I wouldn’t bat an eye if I broke your neck, Sienna. That is what I am going to aim to do in a few days.”

“When that bell rings, I am gunning for you. You represent all that I hate and have hated in this business for as long as I can remember. You, like the SCW, needs to be punished for the disrespect being hurtled towards those who give a damn about this industry. You, like the SCW, need to be ended on live television, for the entire world to see. You, like the SCW, need to die out and fade away, because you have done nothing but destroy. The SCW has allowed itself to be overrun by a never-ending stream of nonsensical dramatic bullshit, and in doing so, it dug its own fucking grave.”

“I am here with the shovel to do the work that needs to be done. I’m not doing it for God or the Devil. I am not doing it for the True Believers. I am doing it for the betterment of the SCW. I am doing it for the people you insult with your mere presence, Sienna.”

“At the End of the Year Special, I intend to bury the SCW. I intend to close the coffin on a company that has become a shell of its former self. I intend to close the coffin on you, Sienna Swann and your Championship reign.”

“And by winning the SCW World Championship and taking it home with me to the IFW, I will drive that final nail in, not only because I need to, but because I was fucking destined to be the one who killed the SCW, giving it the end, it may not have deserved, but that it needed.”

“Chris can drive you to the hospital in the new car I won’t want or need. He can use the money I won’t want or need to cover any medical expenses you will need after I cause you to suffer like you’ve never suffered before, all while the wrestling world rejoices, as a chapter is closed on a company that lived through the golden age before allowing itself to limp on in purgatory. As a new chapter begins, as this industry can breathe a little easier despite being clutched with an iron fist.” Hudson smiled, breathing a sigh of relief, as his diatribe ended. He leaned back, away from the camera, maintaining his smile, as everything slowly faded to black.

Under Attack, Rp#1

September 24th, 2019

“Are you sure want to do this, son?”

Jayden Hudson looked at the doctor and nodded his head. The doctor sighed before motioning for the child, as well as his guardian, Kristen Rae to follow him. They did, with Jayden staying close. The mental hospital there were in, was no longer the Vaughn Institute like his father had originally told him. His mother had been moved to a place called the Trinity Institute. He wasn’t sure why, but Jayden couldn’t help but maintain a strange feeling like something wasn’t right about the place.

They were led down a few long hallway corridors. Everything was bright and white, with the light seeming to ricochet off the walls. It reminded the child of a maze, like the ones he would do in his free time at home or at school, when he was doing homework or watching movies with Kristen. He loved being with her, especially with how she had treated him when she was with Jayden’s father. She had taken him in when everything went wrong with his dad, and she had done everything neither of his parents ever could.

She showed him love.

That was why he knew he would be able to see his mother if he asked. Kristen had told him before that she wanted him to know his parents, even if it wasn’t all good. These thoughts ran through his mind before the doctor stopped, and they found themselves outside of a room. The doctor looked down at him, “Your mother is in here, young man.”

He looked at Kristen then at the doctor as Jayden asked, “Can I see her?”

The doctor sighed again, “I’m not sure if that would be appropriate.”

Kristen went to speak but Jayden cut him off, “Why’s that?”

He sighed once more, “Your mother is in a comatose state. She can’t really respond to anything. She may hear you, but she won’t be able to really see you, nor will she be able to talk back.”

Jayden cleared his throat as he nodded, before responding, “That’s fine with me. I wouldn’t want her to talk to me anyways. I want to be able to tell her what I need to say before leaving.”

The doctor looked at him as they locked eyes. The doctor then glanced at Kristen, with Jayden noticing her nod her head yes, out of the corner of his eyes. He heard the doctor do his sighing thing before unlocking the door.

Kristen stopped Jayden before he went inside, “Hey sweetie…do you want me to go in with you?”

He thought about it for a few moments before shaking his head, “No, I think I’ll be okay.”

She looked at him, and he could see the concern in her eyes, “Are you sure, Jayden? Its okay. You can tell me.”

He nodded, “I know, but I think I’ll be fine. I need to do this on my own,” he said, with his own sigh,I think that would be best for me.”

“Okay, baby,” she said, giving him a kiss on the forehead before he stepped inside.


A Few Months Ago

Saber sat in the darkness of the basement. His Mika brought him a drink, but he was unable to take his eyes away from the action going on in the center of the room.

“He seems to be doing well, no?” Mika asked, as Saber sipped his drink.

“We shall see how well he can do,” he replied, as they continued to watch. Josh Hudson stood in nothing but tattered shorts, tattered like the rest of his body it seemed, but he was in much better shape than he had been in a while. He looked fresh and driven, despite a look of sleep deprivation in the man’s eyes. Across from him stood one of the many recruits Saber and Mika had managed to bring into their fold.

Another, who wore a clown mask, stood between Hudson and the recruit who Mika had labeled as #17, before signaling for the fight to begin. #17 stepped forward, managing to land the first punch, which caused Saber to exhale deeply and shake his head. He wanted Hudson to be even faster. Mika spoke, “Patience my Kloun…”

“You are right as always, my Queen…I just want his thirst for violence to return. I know it is even greater than ours.”

“You believe so?”

He nodded, “I know so…I’ve felt the power in his violence. It is inspiring.”

#17 went to strike again, but this time, Hudson dunked under, and Saber leaned forward in his seat, trying to hide the grin that wanted to form as Hudson drove his right fist into the rib cage of the young recruit. He lifted him up and slammed him down on the concrete floor. Saber watched as air escaped the recruit’s lungs and loved how Hudson didn’t give him enough time to get it back, as Hudson drove a knee into the recruit’s sternum, before hailing down upon him with lefts and rights.

Saber locked eyes with the clown faced ref and shook his head no. He didn’t want the fight to be stopped. He wanted Hudson to do what he used to. Beat on an opponent until he got tired. He watched with great joy as well as pride, as Hudson continued to drive his fists into the young man’s face. Saber heard his agony, as he saw blood flying. He got up from his seat, edging closer. The roar of the crowd died down quickly, as Hudson continued to dish out the beating.

Saber drew closer and he could see Hudson had turned the recruit’s face into a piece of grotesque art, before Saber finally looked at the ref, nodding. The ref intervened, pushing Hudson away. Hudson went to attack, but Saber stepped in between. They locked eyes. He could see the rage in the man’s eyes and Saber loved it, but he kept his smile hidden. He spoke however, “That’s enough,” Hudson maintained a look, telling Saber he had the intent to kill but Saber repeated, “That’s enough…” Hudson looked at his victim then at Saber, before releasing a low growl as he turned and walked away, leaving the basement.

Saber watched as he left, just as Mika stepped beside him, “He did well.”

“There is one last thing we need to do,” he said, looking at her.

“There is?” she asked, a devilish grin appearing on her face.

“You know what to do…” he replied.

“With pleasure,” she said, maintaining her wicked smirk.


September 24th, 2019

Jayden stepped into the room, unable to take his eyes off his mother. She looked lifeless, nowhere near as vibrant as she once was. He remembered how full of life she was when she was with Justin Davis, at least for a certain period of time. He enjoyed those days, where they would always go out on the town, going to movies, or out to eat at fancy restaurants, before something changed.

He figured it was due to the fact that his mother couldn’t accept the truth. She had told him, as well as Davis, that they were father and son, for so long. She lived with a lie, and she began to drink heavily. She would take pills, from what Jayden remembered. Davis left him there with her, leaving Jayden to suffer abuse every single night, to the point he’d have to sneak into their home while she was passed out, make it to his room, where he’d leave the lights off and hide under his bed, covering everything with his toys so she couldn’t see him, but giving himself enough space for him to breathe comfortably.

He edged closer, looking down at her. Her eyes were opened, but they stared up at the ceiling, lifeless, like no one was truly there. Jayden stepped over a little bit more, to where he could lean over her face, and as he did, he felt powerful like his true father always seemed to be, as Jayden found himself talking, “You never loved me. You blamed me for everything,” he said, in a whisper, so everything stayed between him and his mother, “And you hurt me. You hurt me bad,” he said, thinking he should have been crying but there were no tears,And I just wanted you to know that…I’m glad you are where you are…” he leaned a little closer, “You got what you deserved.”

Jayden then drew back and stepped away, keeping his eyes on her for a little while longer, before turning and heading to the door, feeling like he had gotten something off his chest. The door was opened, and he stepped outside, where he was met by Kristen and the doctor. He looked up at the doctor and said, “Thank you.”

He nodded, looking uneasily, “You’re welcome. We will take care of your mother.”

Jayden just shrugged before heading in the opposite direction. He heard Kristen say something to the doctor, but he wasn’t sure what. She ran in front of him once she finally reached him, “Where are you going?”

“I’m ready to leave.”

She nodded, “Okay, that’s fine. But you have to wait on me first.”

They walked, hand in hand, like a mother and son should, Jayden told himself. Once they reached the car, she turned to him, “What did you say?”

“Oh, nothing much,” he said with a lying grin.

“Okay, you don’t have to tell me,” she said as he nodded, “What would you like to do next?”

“I want to see my dad.”

She sighed, “Jayden, you know we have to get permission for that.”

“Can we?”

Another sigh, “I’ll see what I can do,” she said.


A Few Months Ago

Hudson paced back and forth in his room. He knew he could leave any time he wanted, but being around Saber and Mika, he wasn’t sure why, but it gave him a sense of purpose. The outside world offered him nothing at all. Gone was his ex-wife. Gone was his girlfriend. Gone was his…son. The very thought of his son always caused a sickness to flow through his stomach. When that sickness reared its ugly head, he felt the need to be in the basement, fighting and punishing whatever recruit Saber threw his way. It made him long for the ring, taking his mind off his son.

But now, he was alone. Alone with his thoughts, and those thoughts were not filled with violence or rage. They were filled with thoughts of another type of war. It was a war against himself, reminding him of how he let everything go. How he pissed it all away.

“Lost in thought?” he heard the words come from behind him as well as a knock on the door. He turned to find Mika standing in the doorway, “That could result in such nonsense.”

“What nonsense?”

She grinned, as she stepped closer, running her fingertips across the bed, keeping her eyes locked with his, “You think about the past, and you think about how you could have done better. All that matters is the present,” she reached him, standing barely inches apart, her eyes still locked with his as she continued, “All that matters is now.”

“And what’s so important about now?” he asked.

She shrugged, “What’s so important about the past?”

“It lets you know about the mistakes you made, and hopefully it helps you realize what you can do to prevent them in the future,” he replied.

Mika laughed as she leaned her head back, before releasing a sigh,You cannot worry with such tedious things. Focus on the now. Allow yourself to be delivered.”

“Delivered from what?”

“Your mind,” she said, placing her hands on both sides of his face, “Let go of your thoughts. Let go of your so-called mistakes. Let go of your past.”

Hudson smirked, “You make it sound so simple, when it’s not.”

She returned the smirk with one of her own, “But it is, but it is.”

“And how does one just let it go?”

“You’ve found your release through violence. Now, you need another one.”

“What?” he asked, slightly confused.

She said nothing, as she kept her hands on his face. Their eyes were locked, and she pulled him down, kissing him, with passion and venom, and she pulled away, her teeth pressing into his bottom lip, causing him to taste blood. She did too from what he could, and it seemed she liked it.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Liberating you…” she said before driving her foot into his chest, sending him into the wall. She was there to kiss him again, but her lips and teeth went other places such as his chest and abdomen, before she took him in her mouth.

He reached down to pull her away, but she pushed his hands away as her mouth continued to work. He wanted it. He felt he needed it, but he stopped it, pushing her away. Hudson looked at her as Mika glared at him. He went to put himself away, only for her to speak, “You…are…ungrateful…” she hissed as she rose to her feet. He went to reply, but she attacked him before he could get a word out. She hit him, clawed him, causing him nothing but pain.

He fought back, hitting her as well as he filled with rage, only for that rage to revert to a violent passion. Slamming her into the wall, he ripped her shorts, finding his way inside of her. It reminded him of times with Rachel, and that was all Hudson saw, so he thrusted more and harder, before throwing her down on the bed, turning her around, and he moved his hips back and forth, going in and going out as fast and as hard as he could, doing all he could until he no longer saw Rachel. He saw Mika, and the sadistic smirk on her face as she looked at him from over her shoulder. He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to punish her.

And he did.

And she welcomed it.


September 28th, 2019

Josh Hudson stepped over the nearly lifeless bodies of Amelia Robson and Grace Morningwood, looking down at them, as they lied on the floor. He couldn’t help but take pride in his handiwork. Mika and Saber stood idly by, watching him. He looked at them but said nothing. They unleashed him upon the fallen wrestlers to show how in tune with his violent side he had become.

Saber felt Hudson had lost his way, had lost that violent side when he became married, and aligned himself with Past, Present, Future. Saber did applaud Hudson and the way he dismantled the masked idiot known as Zero. Hudson made it known what he was going to do, and that he would wage a war against Adam Allocco for placing him against such a joke.

Hudson’s blood-lust had been satisfied when he destroyed Zero, but Saber didn’t seem satisfied, as he recalled a face to face with the clown in his locker room.

“You can do better,” the clown had said.

“Did you not see what I did out there? The fucking tool got a few shots in, but in the end, I turned the tables, and made him eat his words. I gave Adam a reason to worry about the rest of my opponents,” Hudson growled.

“I just feel there is much work to be done,” Saber replied, with a grin, “I watched your work and you seemed to enjoy yourself as you tortured Zero…hopefully he will rest in pieces…but, that was in the confines of the ring. Your violent nature used to live and breathe everywhere you want.”

“You want me to hurt someone else? Wait until the second round when I meet my next opponent. And then, the two after that.”

Saber sighed, “Like I said…” his grin faded, “You can do better.”

This only pissed Hudson off even more. He wasn’t sure of what else Saber wanted. He beat the hell out of the recruits. He fucked Mika until she bled, doing all he could to tap into his violent side, to let go of his past.

And yet, Saber doubted him, just as Hudson doubted himself.

He recalled stepping away from Saber as his mind began to wander to just a day prior, which was the first visit he had with his son Jayden in months.

And it was also his last.

Kristen had called, asking if Hudson would meet with her and Jayden. She said she had prior approval from the Department of Social Services. Hudson agreed to do so, as Saber told him it would show how far he had come, or how far he had fallen. Hudson didn’t want to believe he had fallen, so he booked them a flight to California, saying he’d pay for the entire trip. He could tell Kristen was reluctant and heard Jayden’s urgency on the phone, so she agreed to take the trip as well.

The plan was to meet at Yosemite National Park, as Kristen stated Social Services said it had to be in a public place. Hudson had gotten there for them, so he waited just near the park entrance. A cab arrived, and Hudson stood as Kristen along with Jayden climbed out of the vehicle. She spoke to the driver, who kept the cab idling, before she stood near it as Jayden made his way toward Hudson.

“Is that you, Jayden?” Hudson asked, clearing his throat as he heard the weakness in his own voice.

Jayden edged closer before he replied, “Hey dad.”

“It’s…” he swallowed, “Great to see you, son.”

Jayden then stood just a few inches from him,Its good to see you too, dad.”

“You’ve grown up so much since the last time I saw you,” Hudson said, remembering the incident in the field, with the gun as well as the police, “How are you?”

Jayden didn’t seem as scared as he was last time, which caused Hudson to feel some sort of relief, “I’m good, dad. I saw mom.”

Hudson remembered Amber Mendez, the woman he had spent years with in the early 2000’s, someone he came close to marrying before she cheated on him with Justin Davis. He also remembered ensuring she be turned into a vegetable, how he watched the procedure in its beginning stages, and how he saw her lying on a bed, barely alive, and how much delight that brought him.

Looking at his son, Hudson knew that deep down, he enjoyed the pain of others, and there was going to be no escape from that.

“You did?”


“What made you want to do that?”

Jayden shrugged, “I’m not sure. Just felt like I needed to.”

Hudson looked down for a few minutes, knowing he didn’t want to continue doing the same to the boy, knowing he had caused enough damage to his life, “You shouldn’t have come here, son,” He looked up, “You don’t need to see me, or think of me, as your father, Jayden, because I’m not. I never have been.”

Jayden looked down as Hudson continued, “Just as I have never loved you. I didn’t love your mother,” he lied but remained grim, “You…her…Kristen…everyone…you’re all fumes…my love it all goes to wrestling, because hurting people is what I’m passionate about. Its what I’m good at. There is no room for you,” he cleared his throat again, feeling his voice trying to break, “In my life.”

He saw a tear slowly stream down Jayden’s face as they locked eyes and the boy, he couldn’t be a father to nodded, “I know, dad. I know.

Hudson recalled how silence fell between them. He had nothing left to say. Jayden seemed he had so much to say, like he wanted or needed closure, which was something Hudson would never be able to give him. He watched as Jayden turned and walked away, leaving with Kristen who hugged him close, before looking at Hudson, glaring. He watched as they climbed into the cab, driving away, fading into the distance, as did the memory, with Hudson finding himself back in the locker room.

He turned, looking at Saber, “You want to see something?”

Saber merely grinned, before Hudson went out, looking for anyone and everyone to make an example out of. He moved like a shark in the water before his eyes rested upon Amelia and Grace, and then he went in for the kill.

It was over before he, or they knew it. It was quick, but violent. Neither knew what hit them. Hudson walked away, returning to his locker room, with Saber and Mika in tow. He faced the clown, getting in his face, “How was that?”

Saber grinned once again, “Impressive.”

“Good,” Hudson hissed, “Because you’ve not seen anything yet,” and then he walked away, just as he had with his son, letting go of the last morsel of humanity he may have had left.



One by one they fall…

They put me against Zero, and while he thought he was a superhero, I put that concept to rest rather quickly. Time heals all wounds they say, but Zero doesn’t have adamantium. He’s not recovering anytime soon.

They put me against Mad Max Kane. Let’s talk about how much of an idiot this guy was, shall? He talks about how I cut a promo in a studio? That was his first argument. Because I wanted to go old school. Like really? That goes to show that his mother should have had an abortion, or not fucked up when she tried it herself.

And then he brought up my failed marriage. Like, is that really all you had Max? My failed marriage. Big fucking whoop. If that is supposed to hurt me then I would be dead by now, because that is all anyone has really been able to throw at me since things ended with Rachel and I. I should have just snapped your fucking neck Max and been done with it. The world would have thanked me for ensuring it down at least one millennial moron.

That is why you’re a disgrace to my industry, Max. That is why you’re a cancer. Me calling you about not having it in you to cut a promo, in a fucking studio, or on your boyfriend’s phone…that actually pertains to this business. You going after my marriage just shows you knew walking into this that you were going to shoot blanks, which is why you’ve probably never been with a woman. And no, your two-month tag team fling with Dawn Lohan doesn’t count. God knows she doesn’t put out.

But you got put out of my misery, Max. You decided to be tough and look where that got you? You got knocked the fuck out, after I launched your dumbass into the barricade. You couldn’t hang with me, Max. The sport is survival of the fittest, and I showed you were one of the weak links.

I got to face Eli Goddard, who had to get nursed by his father, who more than likely told him everything was alright despite his failure. See ya bye, bitch. And speaking of bitches, Selena…it was great spending time with you. It was great kicking the hell out of you, just as I said I would. It was great showing you how much of a nitwit you are. You got confident, thinking you had me dead to rights then you dropped the ball.

You saw Xander Valentine, and you got a clit boner. We all know you do. You can’t quit him like Sienna can’t quit you. You took your eyes off me and that led to your downfall. You should have known better, but you’re not the ring general you’ve made yourself out to be, which is why this is one war you will always lose when you rise up against me.

And now, at Under Attack, I find myself in the finals of the God of Wrestling tournament. I’ve outlasted would-be legends like Thirteen, Shaun Cruze, and Lucas Knight. I’ve outlasted another Hall of Fame performer in David Helms. I would have loved to have faced him in the finals. I owe him from that little cheap shot he got in at the Hall of Fame ceremony last year. I would have taken great pleasure in placing his face on the apron, before driving my foot into the back of his skull, so he could “bite the curb”.  But David showed me, just as he did in 2010 when we competed in the ring, that he simply couldn’t measure up.

Instead of David, I am facing the unexpected, which I love even fucking more. I am facing the specimen some are calling absolutely amazing. He has the sheer size to be known as nothing short of a damned monster. I am talking about the Scottish Savage, Alban McConnell…

The world caught a glimpse of what is to come when he and I lock up at Under Attack. We traded punches and goddamn I loved that, boy. I need that. I got more fight out of you in three minutes than I did this entire fucking tournament. It’s been a letdown, but trading blows with you gave me a new lease on life so to speak.

And boy, I am ready to beat you within an inch of your goddamn life.

Now, I know what you’re doing. You’re laughing at that notion. Go for it. Look at Selena and what being confident did to her.

So laugh it up, pretty boy! But, I’m not laughing. I know you’re a fierce competitor. I know you can be absolutely brutal in the ring. I watched how you’ve dismantled everyone you’ve faced in this tournament, and I can’t help but smile like a proud dad.

You brutalize your opponents. You hurt them, severely. Guess who else does that? You’re looking at him. You talk about being Scottish Strong Style. Guess who brought strong style to fucking life? You’re looking at him. I was doing that in Japan, China, Scotland. You name it, I went through Hell there, and lived to tell the fucking tale.

So you can thank me, boy.

You can thank me for carving out this path for you, for inspiring you to step foot into a wrestling ring, to learn strong style. You can thank me for inspiring you to become a fucking savage. You can also thank me for not being a flake like Lucas, Shaun, or even Helms. Because, the match you’re about to have…it is going to be the biggest of your life, and I don’t mean that in any sort of cliché form. No, I mean, it is going to be a fight for your life.

You can talk about how you don’t care for titles, or even being declared the God of Wrestling, but that shows you’re just ignorant. If you didn’t want that moniker then you wouldn’t be in this. That was your way of having the world remember your name, because up until this point, I’ve never heard of you, boy. And why is that? Because you’ve been in my shadow, coming up through the arenas I made famous, wrestling the style I helped perfect.

You see, I see a lot of me in you, Alban and one would think that it would pain me to punish you, when I’ve inspired you in so many ways, but the thing is this…I don’t feel. I’ve been to Hell and back in my years building this sport, and keeping it going. I’ve lost so much, and it’s because all I have ever cared for has been this sport.

I can admit that I look at you, and I can see potential in you. I can see you actually being a big name in this industry, and the world will remember you Alban. You took out Thirteen. You killed David Callahan and pinned David Helms before facing the greatest threat in not only this tournament, but your entire career.

You can laugh at that too, but I will make sure you realize when I speak, the world listens. When I speak, the words ring true. I told Adam that anyone who was placed before me would be hurt, and I’ve kept to that. Their injuries, those broken bodies…those are on him. Not me, but him.

He may think you’re going to take me out, and he praises you like his saving grace, his golden child, but as I did the other night, I will come at you head on. I don’t care how big or strong you are. I know at the end of the night, I can wrestle circles around you. I can hurt you in ways your mind cannot comprehend. I can…and I will.

But, hey you want the world to remember you and they will. They will remember you as the man who stood up against Josh Hudson, the man who tried to disrespect the man who inspired him, only to be tortured in ways you could only create hashtags. You claim to be savage, but I just am. And the world knows it, just as the world knows I cannot be forgotten. You my son, will have your moment in the sun, but then I will take it from you, by beating you from pillar to post, having you crying out to the dead you worship, before putting you to sleep, and letting the world know that I have always been the greatest wrestler, and after Under Attack, I will be a God.

Don’t think I’m overlooking you. I know you’re dangerous. I thrive off that. Its going to come down who is sicker, and if you think I’m not, trust me…the worst is yet to come…the worst is yet to come…

Nothing but Time

In 2004, I sat on the sidelines as my greatest rival, CHBK was the last man standing in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. He’d go on and steal the show with Steve Griffin before beating beaten soundly in the main event of Rise to Greatness. He was handed the SCW World Championship after that, and the real feud between he and I would begin the following month. I hated sitting on the sidelines, watching a man who mocked me in JWF win the right to face the World Champion on the biggest stage of them all.

 In 2005, I watched as the Real Speed stole the number one contenders’ spot for Rise to Greatness. He provided us then with camping trips and promos filled with foul language, all before succumbing to a man I’d beat a few months later in Xander Valentine. Speed injured Xander, but in the end, he made a mockery of the Rise to Greatness main event. Watching that piece of shit headline a major event, when he was all talk and nothing more, left a bitter taste in my mouth.

 Not nearly as bitter as the taste I had when I watched Adam Riddick of all people throw Greg Cherry over the top rope in 2006. Adam would go on and headline Rise to Greatness, becoming one of the biggest jokes in the history of the SCW main event scene, right there next to Jay Gold. I was competing in the Revolution tandem with James Toreno while someone who could never lace up my fucking boots in Adam Riddick competed for the richest prize in our sport. Watching him fail, just as I knew he would, brought a smile to my face, but not enough to make me forget how sick it fucking made me.

 Damian Angel was another so called man who made me sick. He won captured the Flame then used his title shot to face CHBK. What a fucking joke! We had to watch Jason Zero face Xander Valentine for the umpteenth time in a main event no one gave a shit about. It could have been one hell of a match had Damian had his priorities straight, but no. He wanted to face the old gimp, a man who has had the Devil’s number in every encounter since. Just as I have, proving that I had what it took then to claim the Rise to Greatness main event spot as my own.

 Same as in 2008, when the Silver Lining of SCW, Matt Hodges outlasted everyone and earned the right to face Brian Kinney for the SCW World title. It pissed me off that I lost, but in the end, I was okay with it, as Hodges ruined Jay Gold’s attempt at having a successful Rise to Greatness, ending his title hopes and dreams. I respected Hodges after that, because fuck Jay Gold and the horse he thinks he rode in on. I didn’t participate in the battle royal for 2009 or 2010. I was okay with James Exeter winning in ’09, because I felt the kid grew during our war the previous war over the SCW Championship. In 2010, I was Champion at the event, but unfortunately, I didn’t make it to Rise to Greatness as champ, thanks to Glacier getting involved and Justin Davis sucking a lot more than normal. Losing the strap to Thorn left an empty pit in my stomach as I would have loved nothing more than to face Greg Cherry and embarrass him at Rise to Greatness, letting him know that no matter how many times he had beaten me in the past, all I would have needed was once, to educate him in the fact that I would always be more than he was.

 In 2011, Shawn Winters won, but I wasn’t there to win. I just wanted to fuck with Dillusion. I wanted to make sure he never received his Rise to Greatness main event, because he wasn’t worthy of it. I wanted him to feel failure once again and he did. I was more than fine with that. In 2012, I watched as Jason Zero came out of nowhere and won the damn thing. I was rather elated actually, because someone from the old guard managed to rise up from the ashes of the history we built, yet like Adam Riddick and the Real Speed, he made a mockery of his title shot. He pissed away every single fucking thing, but that was one of Zero’s biggest faults. He always felt he was a lot better than what he truly was. Same could be said of the 2013 Taking Hold of the Flame winner, Shilo Valiant.

 I didn’t fare as well as I had hoped that year. Shilo was the last man standing, taking out none other than my former rival Hurse in the process. Shilo is a good talent. I said the one time he and I were involved in a match together, but at the end of the day, all he was, was a title mark. If he didn’t have all of the championships to his resume then he wouldn’t be anything else. None of his matches were ever truly buzzworthy. No one really wrote home about them. If they did, it was more about his opponents than him, because he was just known for wearing face paint and shouting messages of Necrophilia and entertainment.

 I was once again on the sidelines in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Kelcey Wallace was a bore with her typical ‘perfection’ horse shit and she never made good on her stance, at the big event, losing to Syren. Rayvn Taylor proved that she, despite how I feel about her partner, had all of the talent in the world to win the top title on the biggest stage and she did, until Kelcey robbed her of that with her Trios Contract. In 2016, I smiled like a proud dad, just as I did with Hodges and Exeter years prior, when my top protégé, James Evans won Taking Hold of the Flame and soundly defeated Ace Marshall for the SCW World Championship at Rise to Greatness.

 I made my return last year, but I wasn’t truly looking to win. At the end of the day, I didn’t want Syren to win. It could have been myself or anyone else, other than Syren. I got the most eliminations and stopped her from headlining the biggest event of the SCW calendar year, so I was good with that. But that was last year. A lot has changed since then.

 You see, I know what it is like to be in this match. I have been in it quite often. I have been in there with friends, just as I will be this year. In 2006, I was shared the ring with James Toreno as part of Revolution. This year, I will share the ring with Regan and Sienna. In both cases, things are the same as it will be about the individual, not the team. That is how it is in these types of matches. I know this. I am not bothered by it. So, knowing that why have I placed myself in the match to begin with? Especially, when it could cause another ripple in my team? The answer is simple really. I entered because I like to keep myself interested in this business. I like to make sure that the sport aspect of it keeps alive and well. Plus, I like keeping the wrestling world tilted a little bit. I can’t have everything being so even kilt. Right now, everything is basic and everything is normal. I’d love nothing more than to shake things up a bit, but of course, the shake-up would be in my favor and mine alone.

 I have thoughts….many, many thoughts brewing in my mind. So many scenarios with various outcomes have been playing out before me like a 3-D movie, each of them bringing me sheer joy and immense amounts of pleasure. Why am I thinking the way I am thinking all of a sudden? Especially after all of these years, when I have been perceived as one way, when I have only wanted to be perceived one way…The answer to that is simple, too.

 When I look at things this day and age, wrestling isn’t as exciting as it used to be. So much of it is by the numbers, things we have seen before, on more than one occasion. I have always prided myself on being something different and if someone has done it before, I do it but I do it ten times better. I have always evolved at the right time, becoming what I needed to be in order to make a statement in this industry. And I have always done that. I have always succeeded. Looking at things nowadays, especially in terms of my career, I just feel the sudden need to evolve, to change things up, for the betterment of me. It has nothing to do with Past, Present, and Future, but with myself. These little changes have been coming out little by little in the last few weeks, especially leading up to my matches with Thirteen and Cunt Frost. Even the time I have been in the ring with Regan or in the office with she and David, talking business, as the world has seen.

 These changes, this evolution keeps me fresh, in my mind, as I could care less about the so called SCW Universe or most people in the locker room. I am sure that I have gone above and beyond to make that abundantly clear. Just like whatever statement I am plotting in my mind to make, it will be seen and heard in the clearest way possible. People won’t believe what they are seeing, and the sounds filtering throughout the wrestling industry, namely the SCW will be deafening.

 And it won’t be the most popular decision, but as everyone should know, I am not here to be popular. I am here to do my thing and my thing is being the best, no matter what it is that I do. If I cheat, I want to be the best. If I am a champion, I want to be the best. If I cripple someone, I want to be the best at that. And this Sunday, if I am the last man standing at the end of Taking Hold of the Flame, then I want to be the best there, just as I will go on and show that I am the best in the main event of Rise to Greatness.


May 18th, 2018

Bringing the truck to a stop, I look over at my sleeping wife. The drive with Rachel has been a fairly quiet one, as she is still not the happiest camper when it comes to me. I know that I’ve brought it upon myself, as I have reminded myself many times before, especially throughout this drive. That is why I brought her here, to a cabin I have in the Rocky Mountains. I have come here several times in my life to get away from all the bullshit going on in the world. Now, I am here to tell my wife the truth.

I reach over and shake her gently. Rachel snaps her head toward me, looking at me like she wants to rip my arm completely off before beating me black and blue with it. I know that I wouldn’t put it past her. I have seen her violent side, in both good and bad ways. I’ve enjoyed them, but I have also been on the wrong end of her wrath. It is not something that I would enjoy going through again. Last time it happened, I ended up being found near death in a fucking dumpster.

I crack a grin, “I’ve seen that look before. It is the look that shrivels me testes.”

Rachel glares, “Husband is found dead in a cabin in the Rockies, due to keeping things from his wife. Now,” Rachel speaks, sitting up in the seat, keeping her eyes locked in on me, “Are ya still feeling cute?”

I shoot back, “I’m always cute, babe and you know this. That’s why you married me in the first place. My looks are a big part of my charm.”

Rachel turns her head, staring straight ahead, still glaring, still fuming, “Ya need to go ahead and tell me every fuckin’ thing that is goin’ on before we get out of this truck. No sense in getting’ settled if I want to end up killin’ ya.”

I grin before realizing just how serious she is. I let out a sigh, “Fine. I will tell you,” I say, drawing in a deep breath and quickly exhaling, “You know, this whole situation with that fucktard Davis?” I turn, looking at her as Rachel nods her head, still not making eye contact, “Well, some of the shit he is saying…it is the actual truth,” I say, almost feeling instant relief as the words exit my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rachel turn to me, looking upset and appalled, but very curious, “Which part?”

“I didn’t take his woman. She came after me, talking about old feelings coming back. That was some time ago…I’m talking years back…”

Rachel cuts me off, “Get to the fuckin’ point, Josh! Which part was the truth?”

Looking down and closing my eyes, I can see my bastard child, my accident, my mistake, resting in his hospital bed. The image makes me want to run back to the hospital and put a pillow over his face, just to end the misery we are both in. I open my eyes, letting out another sigh, “The woman got pregnant. For so long Justin claimed the boy to his son, but the mother knew differently. She knew the truth, but never said anything…until recently…”

“Are ya the fuckin’ father, Josh?!?! Is that what yer tellin’ me?” Rachel asks, demanding an answer. I say nothing, feeling like a goddamn coward. She slams her fist into the dash, repeating her question.

“Yes! Yes! That is what I am telling you! I am the father of a goddamn bastard that I never knew about or would have ever wanted!” I shout. We look at each other in a state of disbelief, before I look away and climb out of the truck. I begin pacing back and forth until I find myself bumping into Rachel. She stands there, with her arms crossed, “Don’t look at me like that, Rachel. I have a lot of shit going on right now and I can’t deal with that.”

“I don’t give a fuck about what ya can’t deal with! This shit is fuckin’ insane, Josh! Do ya know that? Do ya get that? Yer in a mess and since I’m yer wife, I am in this mess with ya!”

I reply, as calmly as I possibly can, “I am taking care of it, Rachel. There is no mess. I am in the process of cleaning it up.”

“And how are ya doin’ that? Lyin’ to me hasn’t worked out for the best as I am sure ya know by now,” my wife states, pure fire in her voice.

Another sigh exits my lungs, “I know lying to you has obviously not been the best choice, but at the time, I didn’t think I had any other options. The night the bitch laid that shit on me, I lost it and things didn’t end well.”

Rachel stares at me, slightly confused, “What do ya mean? What happened?”

The memories begin to flood my brain. The yelling and the screaming between Amber and I. Hands going around a throat. The kid trying to intervene before I see him falling down the stairs, hitting his head on the floor below.

I reply, trying to mask any worry in my words, “The kid is in the hospital. He’s in a coma…”

Rachel rolls her eyes, “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Josh!”

I nod, “I know, I know. And the mother, this Amber bitch…she’s in a mental health facility in New York. I had her committed after all of this happened.”

Looking down and kicking a rock, Rachel asks, “Did she knock the kid down the stairs?” Silence grows in between us as I say nothing. Not knowing what to say. Afraid of the words that could come out of my mouth due to the possibility of losing my wife, but she doesn’t let the silence linger for long, “Did she knock the kid down the fuckin’ stairs, Josh?” Still nothing, “Answer me!”

Finally, the words explode, “No goddamnit! I did it! I knocked him down the stairs. The little bastard jumped on my back because Amber and I were fighting after she attacked me. He wanted to help his mother. I got lost in the moment, not knowing what was going on. I just…” I say, lifting my hands, “I just…fuck…I don’t know…I just reacted.”

“Oh my God!” Rachel exclaims, pressing her face into her hands and shaking her head from side to side, “What have you done?”

I take a few steps closer, trying to reach out and touch her, going to rub Rachel’s arms in an effort to calm her but she jerks away, “Rachel, I said that I am taking care of it. I have told the cops and the doctors that Amber attacked me and ended up knocking the boy down, causing him to hit his head. And she hasn’t done herself any fucking favors with her behavior. She makes herself seem crazier and crazier by the goddamn minute,” I say, feeling myself growing agitated the longer the conversation continues.

Rachel finally looks at me, slowly nodding, “Alright. I am yer wife and I am supposed to support ya…this is too fuckin’ much to process, Josh. How did ya get yerself into this mess?”

I throw my arms up in surrender, “I have had a problem with keeping my dick in my pants in the past. I can’t help that shit comes back to haunt me sometimes. I fuck up. We all do, but I really need you to be on my side with this. As long as that cunt keeps going crazy and her son stays in a coma, or if he doesn’t remember shit when he wakes up then we will be good.”

Rachel pauses for a few moments, before finally speaking, “And what if he wakes up…and he does remember shit?”

I sigh and nod, “Then, I will have to take care of it the only way that I know how.”

“And what way is that?” Rachel asks and I can sense the uncertainty in her voice.

I bite my bottom lip and shake my head, “Just know that I have my ways. I can take care of things if need be.”

Rachel takes a step forward, “No, ya tell me what ya mean.”

“Fine,” I say, grinding my teeth together, “I’ve never told you this but I guess since I am coming clean about things, I might as well come clean about this, too. Do you remember when your uncle was killed in prison?”

I watch as Rachel’s eyes grow wide, “What…what are ya sayin’?”

Looking into my wife’s say, I boldly state, “You should already know what I’m saying. I had that piece of shit killed. I made a couple of calls and I made sure that he paid. He paid dearly and it was beautiful. He deserved to die. I would have rather killed his sorry ass myself, but I decided he didn’t deserve to die by my hand.”

Rachel takes a few steps back now, running her hands slowly over her face and through her hair, her eyes focused as if she is truly contemplating everything I am telling her. A few moments pass before she finally looks back at me, “Were ya ever going to tell me? And ya best answer honestly.”

I shrug, “Honestly?” She nods before I continue, “I don’t know. I did what I did because I care about you. I have done terrible things in my time when it comes to protecting those I love and care for. And…” I say, taking a few steps closer, Rachel looking at me as if she is unsure of how to act. I place my hands on her arms, maintaining eye contact, “You’re my wife. I would do all that I could to protect you. And when it comes to protecting myself…if you see what lengths I go to for those I care for…just imagine what I would do to keep my name safe.”

Rachel says nothing.

I speak once more, “I need to know that I can trust you. I had good reason to keep things from you, because I didn’t want us to be out here like this, but here we are. And now that you know, I need to know that I can trust you. That you are on my side,” I pause for a few moments, realizing just menacing I am beginning to sound. It makes me feel good actually, “Are you…on my side?”

Rachel says nothing. She just nods her head.

“Can I…trust you?”

She frowns at me and brushes the hair out of her eyes before replying, “Whatever happens, whatever ya have done and whatever ya end up doing…I will take everything to my grave. Take that however ya want.”

I nod, “As long as I know that I can trust you then all is good. I’d go to bat for you and I expect the same out of this relationship.”

Rachel smirks, “Ya know that I’ve done terrible things too, so we are in the same boat. Just we are in the same boat together. We’re married and ya shouldn’t keep things from me.”

I shrug, “I have to be sure. I have to protect myself if need be. And I will do the same for as long as we are together. Whatever happens while we are together stays between us.”

She replies, “Fine.”

“Now,” I say, my eyes looking away from her and towards the cabin, “Can we please put all of this shit behind us so we can fucking enjoy ourselves while we are out here? I don’t want to worry about that bullshit back home. So can we?”

Rachel nods, “Why of course we can, sugar. Now that we got all of that shit out of the way, what’s stoppin’ us from havin’ some fun?” She flashes a smile in my direction. I can’t tell if it is real or masking something else. Watching my wife walk away, I tell myself that I don’t think Rachel has ever known just how dangerous I am.

And it’s not like I know how dangerous I am either.

When it comes to what I am capable of, I have never really pushed my limits. The shit with Amber and the bastard may change that. And as I told Rachel, I will do what I have to in order to protect myself.


The camera cuts on, and it displays a scene for those who will surely see this once all is said and done. It pans around, showcasing several bookshelves, littered with countless books. It also puts awards and trophies, as well as wrestling championship replicas on display for the viewing public to see, before the camera finally settles. When it does settle, it shows me, SCW wrestling superstar, Hall of Fame legend, Josh Hudson. I am tailored in a black blazer, as well as a black T shirt underneath, with Hudson written in the color white and in cursive. My hair has gotten longer, just as my beard has. If you were to place me in for a movie role, sign me up for Jesus based on appearance alone. That would have nothing to do with the God of all things professional wrestling moniker I have surely earned during my time spent in between the ropes of any ring I’ve graced my presence with. Before me sits a piece of paper, but my attention isn’t on it or the camera. Right now, I am staring out of the window to my study, looking out over the Big Apple for a few moments, focused in on nothing in particular as my mind begins to work, cranking out thoughts, gathering information. These moments pass and I turn to the camera, placing my hands on the desk as I begin to speak, “Hello world,” Staring at my face and into my eyes, I am sure those who watch this will try to get a read on me, trying to pick up hints in my tone of voice, yet they should know that nothing is for sure with me,The last time you saw me in the ring, I was viciously attacked by the Coward Queen, Selena Frost. She attacked me with a chair and left me lying, while trying to use me as bait to lure Regan Helms into the ring. I wouldn’t want Regan to do that, because I don’t think I would have done it either if the roles were reversed. You know, Regan and I…we are smart in that regard. Every member of Past, Present, and Future is resilient. We can take a loss. We can take punishment because at the end of the day, we know that we will get back up and fight another day. Sorry, if I am coming very motivational because I know that is Selena’s thing. She will spend ten minutes trying to come off like a hero and as motivational as possible. So I will leave that to her. What I do want to talk about is how I know that for most of my time back in the SCW, it seems that I have been seen face down or my back pressed against the canvas. And for that, I cannot help but have the sudden desire to apologize. So, I want to take the time to apologize, but not to anyone in the locker room, or to any of the fans who spend their hard earned money to see pieces of shit like Selena Frost perform in a ring for a promotion that I built and bled before she even knew what wrestling was. No, I won’t apologize to any of them. I will apologize, however, to…” I stop speaking as I slowly lift my hands up off of my desk, my eyes shooting back and forth before continuing to speak,My skills.

A grin forms on my face as I keep my hands lifted in my line of sight,Why am I apologizing to my skills? The reason is simple really. I haven’t won most of my matches since my return. Hell, I lost my first three matches back and that isn’t like me. Now, I know that winning and losing are things that I typically say do not matter to me, and they don’t, but losing as much as I have, when I have the sort of skills that I do, it just…it just flat out fucking disgusts me. I know that I don’t come out and get in front of a camera so I can whine, bitch, and moan about a result of a match. I am not really going to cry over the fact that I picked up a disqualification win over Selena. I won’t talk about how she robbed me as well as her idiotic fan base of a top notch main event. I already know Selena talked about it for twenty minutes and I know she painted a different picture, trying to make herself out to be the hero, when she truly is the villain that she claimed everyone was calling her, yet nobody really was. That bitch is all about herself yet she condemns someone like who is all about me. The hypocrisy never ends, and neither should my skills. My skills developed over many years, fighting in Japan, working the death-match circuit over there, competing in what is now known as the ‘strong style’ method. I helped develop that, just as I helped perfect the hardcore craze of the 1990’s. My skills continued to grow, generating a legacy of serious submissions and a never ending knowledge of suplexes. Those skills lead me to nine World Championships in various companies all over the world. My skills led me to the main event on the Super-Bowl shows of many of those promotions, competing in matches that lasted longer than sixty minutes. I am talking best two out of three matches with no time limit. I have wrestled damn near two hours before, and not just once, but many times because I have had the skills to do it. I can still do it, as it isn’t my skills that have let me down. No, it is I who has let down my skills. Now, I am not going to be the guy trying to justify why I have lost, or any of that bullshit. I know that my name can draw fear as well as hesitation when it comes to getting into the ring with me. I’m not stupid. The same could be said like a former opponent of mine, Thirteen but when our paths crossed, I embarrassed him in the middle of the ring.

I know that opponents, even that stupid bitch Selena who believes that she is all high and mighty even though she isn’t all she is cracked up to be, know that I bring it each and every time I step into the ring, commanding that ring and owning it, generating the best possible match out of my opponents, because I have the skills to elevate them. I was elevating Selena until she introduced a chair into the fold. So, why haven’t I been winning? Well, I know that I got disqualified against Syren. I was getting tired of kicking her ass and I just wanted to end her career. She had to hire CHBK to help her beat me. CHBK got handed a win over me, but I made him my bitch so I was satisfied enough. I know that I lost to Quinne and that one sort of sucked because most of the time, she is a low-rent garbage wrestler who rarely decides to give a fuck about this business, despite what she says on social media. I should have been better on that night. It was a night of where I let my skills down, just as I let my skills down at the end of my match against Thirteen. I didn’t want to go any longer against him. I was embarrassing his sorry ass, but he didn’t have enough common sense to just stop. I didn’t use my skills to just put him down like everyone knows that I am more than fully capable of. So, why didn’t I? Is it because I am spiraling further and further from the man I used to be, Mr. Silent but Violent? Is it because I am getting older and I am basically biding my time until I decide to retire? Am I getting ready to announce my retirement, right here, right now? Sorry, true believers, that won’t be happening and for those of you who want it to…please…get cancer. Like right now. It would mean a lot to me,” I say with a slight sneer, knowing that there are many people in the crowd, as well as in the back, who would love to see me just disappear, ignoring the fact that if it wasn’t for me always sticking around while fuck faces like Xander Valentine, CHBK, and Jason Zero all came and went as they fucking pleased. While names like Matt Hodges and James Exeter were merely flashes in the pan,Did that hurt any of you? I sure hope so, but kindly fuck off. I am not here to play kiddie games and pander to anyone. I will leave that to Frost, or Amy, or even Kayl and Kennedy. No, I just tell you exactly how I feel. My thoughts and feelings used to always speak through my skills, and as of lately, it doesn’t seem like they are talking as much as they used to, my skills aren’t speaking like they used to. It could be that I don’t have as much heart as I used to, but I don’t buy that. I built the business and reshaped it. It could be because I want to be competing for championship gold, but I have always felt that this business is much more than titles. To me, it is always about being the best, title or not, and I have always done that.

As I said, this isn’t me signaling my retirement. I’m not going anywhere. The SCW needs me. Past, Present, and Future…we are the best thing going on in SCW. The bullshit with Syren and her precious lot, no one really gives a fuck about. The whole El Angel thing is going to fall as flat as the shit with Amy Chastaine and Jason Helms. I got more out of scratching my left ass cheek than I did paying attention to that nonsense,” I say, smirking and shaking my head. I tell myself that whole ordeal is even more reason for me to hate TV segments on Breakdown. I know that I have been in quite a few in my time, but I don’t take up thirty minutes of air time, and I don’t produce a consistent stream of nonsense, which is why when I was watching that, the urge to find a trash can so I could spew my fucking guts out, crossed my mind more than once,And you can all call that arrogance, or ignorance. Go for it. I won’t stop you. I stand by what I say. The SCW needs me. I am not one for drama or over exaggeration when it comes to this sport. I can’t stand when someone comes out and pours their fucking heart out. It is annoys me to no end. I want to slam a camera into their faces, or even my own, just as long as it makes it stop. When it comes to my cohorts, I know that I am the cooler head of the group. Regan is hot headed and quick tempered. God love her. Would I have nailed Mr. D with a pile-driver? Probably not. Besides, I have already kicked his ass once, which is probably why he won’t agree to another match with anyone. I know Sienna is quick to state that she deserves this and that. I do believe my teammates deserve a lot more than they get, but I don’t go about it the way that they do. But what about what I deserve? What I think I’ve earned. I think I have earned my shot at the Rise to Greatness main event. Like, I don’t even need to win Taking Hold of the Flame to get that shot. Why do I say that? I have been in the ring with several of the winners of the match and I have defeated them, one on one, and I have also made them look far more worthy of a Rise to Greatness main event than they did when they competed under those RtG lights. Adam Riddick, Real Speed, Matt Hodges, James Exeter…I elevated them and I have beaten them all. Greg Cherry…that piece of shit wouldn’t have been the caliber of wrestler or superstar he was if it wasn’t for me. I kept him relevant and pushed him to be a star, yet he gets handed a Rise to Greatness main event spot. Same with Jason Zero on more than one occasion, he was gifted a main event spot, despite the fact that I have made that man my bitch in this ring every single time our paths have crossed.

The words exit my mouth and I shake my head, swallowing the disgust,The fact that I am even competing in Taking Hold of the Flame makes my head hurt. The fact that I have to do that to get the Rise to Greatness main event I have been owed for many, many years astounds me. This company truly has no comprehension as to how this business works. In 2010, Thorn won the SCW World Championship because that cancer Glacier gifted him the title, gifting him the Rise to Greatness main event spot. Was I allowed my rematch for such an injustice? Nope. I mopped the floor with Tommy Valentine on more than one occasion and would have done it again, winning the SCW World Championship once again, but the suits made sure that didn’t happen. They wanted their real main event of Josh Hudson versus Jake Starr. It was shit like that made me not give two fucks about that match. I knew where I belonged. I knew what I was owed. And that…that is why I am sucking it up and competing in this match, chasing down the flame once again. My goals are important. What I want and what I am owed is important. My partners in crime, Regan and Sienna, can do what they do, going on Twitter, saying that they are going to come out and win the match, that they are going to do this and do that. I am going to win and if I have to take them out then so be it. I know they think the same and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but Sunday night, it isn’t about friends. It is about the individual and on that night, I won’t give a damn about them or what they want. I will only give a damn about what I want and if that means I have to crack their spines or their skulls to get it then so be it. That may come off a little harsh, but truth is truth. None of us will pull punches with the other. We tell it like it is.

My hands touch the piece of paper before me, the Trios contract. I stare at it for a few moments, repeating in my head the meaning behind it and the power that it holds, before I look back into the camera,This Trios contract, something that nearly broke Past, Present, and Future apart is something that I can use. It is indeed a tool and I can use to get my Rise to Greatness main event with ease. Just cash it in and get what I have earned and deserved. But, I am not going to do that. I am not Donovan Kayl. I am not grabbing for straws, trying to get that one last hurrah before I call it quits. Donovan is one hell of a competitor and we’ve had our words, but I know that he can go. He led our team to victory, resulting in he and I, along with Ice Bitch, being the Trios winners. I know that Donovan can go and I know that he is more than capable of defeating Kennedy Street for the SCW World Championship. I know that Kennedy has come a long way over the last few years to regain respect, as well as that SCW title, and I know that she can put Kayl away to get her main event spot. Just as I know that I can ruin all of that. I could go out to the ring and beat them within an inch of their lives with my hands, or the Selena Frost way using a steel chair. I could do all of that then cash in and pin either of them for the World title. I could do that. I could change the entire landscape of the Rise to Greatness main event. I know that many people, Kennedy and Kayl included, would call my actions cowardly and pathetic, but the fact remains this. I have more than earned that spot. I know I’ve repeated that quite a bit in the last few minutes, but I want to make sure that I drive the point home, stating fact and rubbing in everyone’s face.

I know that if I go that route, then my partners would be pissed off at me. I know that Kayl is basically seen as family and I know that Kennedy is family when it comes to Regan, but once again, this is about me and my goals, me getting what I deserve. I haven’t held the SCW World Championship in nearly a decade. I was never granted my rematch. I had to watch Greg Cherry and Jason Zero get title shots against Tommy Valentine. Greg at least won Taking Hold of the Flame, while Jason lost to everyone in sight. How ironic would it be, for me to cash in and win the belt back, at the same event I lost it so long ago? I think it would be extremely fitting, but that is just my opinion. The only that matters at this point. I know I would piss off my wrestling family, but I have never been one to really try and be friends with people when it comes to reaching my goals. If Regan and Sienna want to get pissed off at me then so be it. If we are truly friends then they would get over it, they would see things my way and respect my decision. I have no doubt that they would say the same of me. I mean, we all already know that Selena is more than likely going to cash in for Rise to Greatness, because she is under the impression that people want to see her in the main event. She already considers main eventing every single pay per view of 2017 as an accomplishment, but a lot of those buyrates went to shit, or did well due to her opponents. Selena only stays relevant due to who she is facing. I mean, do I need to repeat that Past, Present, and Future is her crutch, otherwise she would be lost in a sea of obscurity. How does that saying go? Sorry, not sorry… I press the contract down onto my desk once more, taking a few more moments to look at it, considering my options, even allowing the image of me making my way into the ring, coming through the crowd, taking out both Kennedy and Kayl, leaving them lying on the mat. I even see myself grabbing a chair and using it to make sure that they do not get up, making sure that they do not ruin my moment before pinning either one and having the SCW World title given to me and graciously wrapped around my waist.

A smirk forms across my face once more as the image plays out. I then bring my hands together, locking my fingers around one another,I could go that route, ladies and gents. I could make it easy on myself, because I have more than earned that right. I know people like Selena have brought up the fact that I wasn’t around to fight Blood Grove and New Eden. Why that is relevant is beyond me, but that is someone like Selena reaching for straws, because in the end, she truly has no dog in this fight. But yes, I could go that route. Will I? I don’t know, which is what makes this exciting to say the least. It is why when I have been quiet while Regan and Sienna do their rants, I have been plotting. I think quite a bit and so many ideas and thoughts cross these brain waves. I have never really been one to go the easy route, but that brings up the memory of Tactical Warfare 2010. Jake Starr was battling Hurse, and Starr ended up getting the better of my former rival. Starr thought he had it all wrapped up. I mean, I was in the back, stating that I wasn’t going to fight in that structure. What was I doing? I was thinking. I just said that I do a lot of that, remember? I was thinking and I was plotting, as I watched the action unfold. Then, I struck at the right moment, hitting Jake Starr with the Go to Sleep after I entered the cage. I dropped Hurse with the Go to Sleep as well, just for the hell of it and three seconds later, I was a two time SCW World Heavyweight Champion. The world was livid but I was smiling from ear to ear. Nobody expected me to come out. Nobody expected me to do what I did and in the end, I got what I deserved, what I had earned. I mean, winning every single match I was in for nearly a year more than warranted the fact that I deserved to be the SCW World Champion.  That I shouldn’t have had to wait so long to even get a World title shot. It could be that I wait a little longer, enough time to outlast thirty nine other superstars to get that shot, or it could be that I grow tired of waiting, and just take it whenever the hell I want. I wouldn’t announce my decision until I decided I wanted to do it. That builds excitement, not boredom which is the Kayl and Frost way.  I have always wanted to make this sport exciting and flat out better than the mundane shit that is typically on display when those cameras are rolling. It is why the world rejoiced when I defeated Jason Zero for my first SCW World title, because it was something different. It was why eyes were glued to the product even more when I pinned Hurse. You’re welcome SCW. Heh, this is exactly why the SCW needs me,” I say shaking my head, letting out a slight snicker.

Everyone is talking about Syren and the spot she won. Everyone is wasting time in screaming until they are blue in the face about when they want to enter. Everyone is wasting their time talking about how they are going to win, claiming that they are going to win. Apparently everyone is going to win this fucking thing. They are going to come in at number one and they are going to last until the very end and they will be the last person standing. They just know it! Hell, I am sure people are interested in what will happen when I am in the same ring as Syren again, or Rayvn Taylor. Not to mention when Regan and I cross paths. Hell, people are probably thinking that Justin Davis and I are just going to kill each other, Taking Hold of the Flame and Rise to Greatness main event spot be damned!” I frown and release a deep breath through my nose, “But nobody is talking about the off chance that I could come in and change everything. I could get eliminated from the match before cashing in on the eventual winner, taking advantage of them being exhausted, barely able to stand or walk, barely about to even catch their breath before I lift them up onto my shoulders and then proceeding to send them face first on a crash course with my knee before I end their hopes and dreams with three seconds that will haunt them for their rest of their careers. I’ve got options unlike everyone else in this match. This is do or die for them. They have to win Taking Hold of the Flame to get their shot at the biggest prize on the biggest stage. I will be the most envied person when I enter the ring. I mean, I stopped Syren from getting her main event shot last year. I can change things once again with a snap of my fingers. I don’t even have to do any heavy lifting , really. I won’t have to exhaust myself or put forth any real effort. The more I talk about this, the more intriguing it becomes. While people like Blake Mason will be fighting to gain an ounce of redemption, as Amy Chastaine will try to show she still has it, and Bree Mason fighting her hardest to ensure she gets yet another championship shot only to fall short yet again, I will be biding my time, thinking and plotting, contemplating my next move, because when you really look at it…as the saying goes, I’ve got nothing but time… I say with a smirk as I bring my diatribe to a conclusion. I lean forward and cut the feed. As I rest my back against the chair once more, my mind does begin thinking about what I am going to do and how I could do it. I’ve been the most hated man in SCW, but that was years ago. I know if I do what I talked about, being the most hated in SCW would be much more than a self-proclaimed moniker. I would be public enemy number one for many reasons with many people, friend and enemy, but in the end, it’s all about me.

Vs. Frost II

April 2018

New York City, New York

…I am here because I have a big announcement to make in regards to my career. It is an announcement that I’m pretty fucking excited about. The building has 60 floors in it. Everything is marble, with the architecture and the designs animating the walls nothing short of immaculate. It is a huge building getting ready to be rocked down to its foundation, because I am the biggest client it has.

I step towards the receptionist’s desk where Emma looks up and smiles at me. I’ve been coming here for years and we are on a first name basis. And we’ve fucked in many of the bathroom stalls here, during and after business hours. Like I said, it is a gift that cannot be controlled.

“Hey Emma, can you buzz Zeke the Geek to let him know yours truly is here?” I say with a smile.

She returns the smile, but I can tell it’s not genuine in the least. She is mad because I took Trish back. I guess I should have warned her that she was expendable, like most people in my life. I nod and give her another smile before stepping away and taking a seat as my phone goes off again. I roll my eyes and let a sigh as I bring the phone to my ear, “Hey babe?”

“I have been trying to in touch with ya all fucking day. Where the hell have ya been?” Rachel screams into the phone. I have been gone for quite some time and I didn’t exactly give her a reason I was leaving, other than I was going to the gym.

I run my hand over my face, trying to keep myself calm, “It’s alright, babe. Remain calm,” I say, trying to generate a laugh. It doesn’t work, but I stay the course, “I was at the gym and I lost track of time. But now, I am getting ready to meet with my agent, Zeke…not sure if you remember him at all…”

“Yeah I do…”

I nod, “I am going to talk to him about starting my own promotion. Hopefully he can make a few offers to get this thing up and running.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see elevator doors open up and Zeke’s face comes into view. We nod at one another. I could care less for the guy most of the time but he has definitely come through for me in the clutch. I put up a finger, letting him know that I need a moment or two. He nods once again and gives me a thumbs up which I hate when he does that. I get up from my seat and walk out of his view, “Alright, let me get off of here, Rach. I will call you as soon as I am done here. I promise. And hopefully by then, you won’t be so steamed at me.”

She fires back, “Being a smart ass isn’t helpin yer case, sugar. Remember that.”

I crack a grin, “Yeah, I love you.”

“Love ya, too…” she says.

I then turn and head over towards Zeke and Emma, “Zeke,” I say, extending my hand, which he accepts graciously, “Long time no see. You don’t call. You don’t write.”

He grins and shakes his head, “You know that’s not true. I call you or text you every single day.”

I chuckle, “I know. I was just fucking with you. Let’s head to your office, shall we?”

Zeke, with his receding hair line and cheap glasses, as well as his cheap suit, disgusts me but he is a hard worker despite all of his apparent flaws. I know my flaws but I don’t let them hold me back like he, and a lot of people, tends to do. He points towards the elevators and I see his watch he bought at Wal-Mart, “Right this way.”

I give him a smirk, like I do most people, “After you….” I then follow him to the elevators.

“Where is Rachel? I figured she’d be here with you. She usually is when it comes to these big announcements.”

As the elevator doors close I say, “That was her on the phone. She sends her best.”

He says, “Fair enough.”

We reach the top floor and the elevator doors open. We step out and head towards his office. I can’t help but have a smile on my face, because despite the fact that I have so many things going on in my personal life, my professional life is about to get interesting.

Big things are coming. Nothing and no one will stand in my way, I tell myself as I take a seat across from Zeke’s old mahogany desk. Once seated, he looks at me and smirks, “Alright, let’s get down to business. Have you got something for me? Are you planning on leaving the SCW and going elsewhere? I only ask because your career hasn’t been receiving any favors recently. You lost to Quinne and you haven’t done much since then.”

I smirk, “Let us not forget that I own a pin fall victory over the lesser version of me, Thirteen. But, that isn’t why I’m here, Zeke. It pertains to my career as well as my legacy more than anything.”

Zeke runs his hand over my fading hairline and repositions himself in his seat, “Okay that sounds a little promising. What are you getting at my good man?”

I lean forward, “I want to start my own promotion. That is why I’m here. I won’t be wrestling forever like that Canadian faggot CHBK seems to do. I want to build something up and make it bigger than anything the SCW has ever done.”

Zeke shrugs, “Okay but why? The SCW gave you a platform to bring your wrestling genius to the world. It helped you grow just as you helped it grow.”

“Exactly,” I fire back, “I helped build that goddamn company and it has become a joke. It is rubbing it in my face, taking all of that I’ve done, the hard work I put in to make it more about the sport than the fucking entertainment aspect…they have pissed all over that and I would love nothing more than to watch that place crumble, starting from the tip top all the way to the fucking foundation.”

Zeke leans forward in his chair now, “And I get that, Josh but what you want to do is a huge risk. I know you can start things up but keeping it going…that is a huge gamble and I’m not sure you know what it is you want to do in all honesty.”

I chuckle, “In terms of getting things started and maintaining, you’re right. I don’t have the slightest fucking clue. But I know you know people who have been involved with several wrestling companies in many different aspects and jobs. People who know what they are doing. People who will work with me to ensure my idea becomes a reality and that the reality becomes a success. You’re the best at finding what I need. That is why I’ve kept you around for so long.”

Zeke nods, “You keep me around because I’m the only besides your wife that will put up with your stubborn ass,” I grin, knowing that he’s right, and then Zeke continues, “But in terms of what you’re asking, I can see what I can do. It won’t happen overnight, but it isn’t impossible.”

I nod, “That is what I’d like to hear.”

Zeke nods as well, “In saying that, have you considered going another route? This is something that may be what you’re looking for and may even get you started on your path to shut SCW down a lot faster than you’d expect.”

His word run through my mind as I lean back in my chair now and I smirk, “Alright Agent Zeke. You have my attention. What is on your mind?”

Zeke placed his elbows on the desk, using his thumbs to hold his head up, “Have you heard of Emerge?”

I roll my eyes as soon as I hear the name, “Are you talking about that little developmental promotion that the SCW already owns? Thanks but no thanks.”

Zeke shakes his head, “I know the SCW already owns it but what if I could put you in a position where the SCW wouldn’t own it?”

I lean forward, “Then who would?”

Zeke smirks, “You.”

I sit for a few moments, mulling it over in my brain. I tell myself that I want wrestling to be presented in my image, the way it should be. This or my own promotion could do just that. I let out a sigh before climbing to my feet, “See what you can do,” I say, shaking hands with Zeke before making my exit.

I reach the city outside where Riley meets me with an opened limo door. I climb inside and send Rachel a text, letting her know that I have one last stop before I come home. Once inside I hear Riley call to me, “Where too, Josh?”

Shaking my head at my answer before I give it, I say, “Vaughn’s Hospital. Take me there.”

When I say Vaughn, I am referring to Dr. Vaughn, a man that I received therapy from years ago. I know that he has helped my protégé, James Evans as well. When my bastard’s mother started talking crazy which led to the incident that resulted in said bastard being hospitalized for a coma, I made sure that Dr. Vaughn received a phone call from me. I was able to say what needed to be said, backing up the mother’s behavior, which resulted in her being involuntarily committed. Vaughn is one of the most, if not the most, respected mental health providers not only in New York, but the entire country.

I remember calling Vaughn and letting him know what was going on. He was immediately interested in the details I provided him with and was very eager to help. Once the boys in white coats showed up, the bastard’s mother knew that her time had run out. Thinking about it now, I can’t help but have a smile form on my face. Despite the nightmare she was trying to cause, everything has played out perfectly for my benefit. I mean, I couldn’t write that shit myself.

We arrive at Vaughn’s facility and I tell Riley to wait. I make my way through the outside common area, seeing that Vaughn is really going for a peaceful and serene setting. I tell myself it is something that these crazies need, yet I know it is nothing more than a mirage. A fabrication like the so called truth someone like Selena Frost speaks, yet her words are filled with lies. Just like the crazies in this place, the fans are nothing more than mindless sheep, nothing more than bumbling idiots.

I check in with the receptionist, letting her know that I am here to speak with Vaughn. I take a seat in the waiting area and I send my wife a text, telling her that I love her and that I will see her soon. I typically get a rather quick response, but this time I don’t. I know that Rachel is nothing short of pissed off at me. I know that she has good reason to be, but I’m not a fan of dragging her into this, as I am not sure how she will react. My wife is like Amber, attractive but unpredictable. I guess I attract that sort of woman, I tell myself with a slight snicker. The only difference between Amber and Rachel is that I fully intend to keep Rachel around. By any means necessary, even if it means keeping Amber here and the bastard in a coma.

Before my thoughts can continue running through my mind, I look up to find Vaughn walking towards me. He smiles at me as I rise to my feet. We shake hands as he says, “Good to see you, Josh. What brings you here today?”

I shrug, trying to put on my best concerned face, “I came by just to see how she was doing doc. I don’t know if you can tell me much, but if it’s okay, I’d like to see her and maybe talk to her. If that’s okay, of course,” I say, hoping that my words are coming off as genuine as I’d like them to.

Vaughn nods, “Of course. If you want to follow me to my office, I can tell you a little bit about what is going on. You did put your name on her caretaker form, so I can disclose any and all information with you,” I nod as well before following Vaughn to his office. Once there, I take a seat in front of his desk, “So, Josh, to give you a little update on our friend, Amber…she isn’t in the most stable place, obviously.  She is projecting this fear for her son’s safety,” I nod my head, as if I understand, as if I actually care, which I don’t. I’m here for other reasons, but Vaughn doesn’t need to know that. Vaughn stops speaking for a few moments before releasing a sigh, “And she seems to have come up with this narrative where you are the reason she is in here and that you are the reason her son is in a coma.”

I scoff and shake my head, “Well that couldn’t be any farther from the truth, Vaughn. As I told the police, I have helped her and the boy financially for awhile, due to the father being a real prick. She started sending me messages, talking all kinds of strange shit so I went over there and shit just hit the fan to say the least.”

Vaughn nods, “Oh I am sure, Josh. I am just telling you what she says in regards to why she is here. She believes you are trying to destroy her,” His words resonate in my ears, and I frown, but on the inside I am delighted that she knows what I am going to do. There will be no try involved. I will execute successfully. She should have watched my interactions with Selena Frost. She and I were on a team, but I still went out of my way to bring Frost nothing but harm.

I shrug, “I guess she sees it more as that since I called you as well as the police. But the truth is that I am trying to not only protect her, but the boy as well,” I say calmly, when in truth, I could give two shits if the boy lives or dies. When it comes to the wrestling world, I do not care to speak my mind and share my truth, but out here, in the real world, saying what I think and feel can result in me being in a place like this. As the old adage goes, you have to pick and choose your battles, I remind myself.

Vaughn frowns now, “Well would you like to talk with her, despite knowing what I just told you?” I simply nod, “Alright, Josh. If you will follow me,” And I do, after he makes a quick call down to the ward. Once we leave his office, he leads me down a long corridor and into another room, where I see her, staring out of a window, wrapped in bars, telling her that there is no such thing as escape. This brings a smile to my face that I have to hide when Vaughn turns to me. He frowns once more before speaking to Amber, “Miss Amber, you have a visitor who says he would like to speak with you,” She slowly turns and we lock eyes, as her mouth drops. I see her fists clench and her bottom lip quiver. Vaughn looks to me, “I will be outside with a few other members of the staff just in case she attempts to get physical. If you need anything, just holler for us.”

I nod before Vaughn makes his exit. Once the door is closed, I regain eye contact with Amber, who will step any closer to me, so I take a few steps toward her, “How are you feeling, Amber? You don’t look too happy to see me.”

She doesn’t say a word. I shrug it off, taking another step closer, “So, I will take that as a fact. You’re definitely not happy to see me,” I maintain a smile on my face as I shake my head, “Now, I just can’t figure out why that is.”

And then she finally answers, her voice low, “You know damn well why. You put me in here, you son of a bitch.”

I look at her, as if I am taken aback by what she says, “Oh but Amber, I know that I put you in here. You have to know,” I say, speaking slowly as my smile returns, “That I put you here…for your own good. I couldn’t help but fear for your well-being.”

She nods, her legs trembling a little bit as she replies, “Oh you care about my well-being?” I simply nod before she continues, “You haven’t cared about me in years. Why would you all of a sudden care now? Huh?”

I sigh and shake my head once more, “I can’t believe you’d say that,” I say, slyly, “You know that I have always cared about you. We have a history, you and I. You can’t erase the past,” I say with a smirk, letting her know that is exactly what I intend to do, “And our past is filled with ups and downs, but that doesn’t change the fact that I care…especially,” I say, pausing for a few moments, looking down at my feet, before slowly looking back up as a smile forms on my face once again, “After what you did…to your son…”

As soon as the words escape my mouth, Amber lunges forward, her knuckles cracking into my face. It doesn’t take long for me to taste blood. The pain stings, but it is all part of the plan, I remind myself as we fall to the floor, with Amber still throwing all that she has into her shots, before Vaughn and his staff rush into the room, restraining her. I watch, wiping blood off of my lip, as one of the orderlies drives a needle into Amber’s neck. I watch as she goes from a raving lunatic to completely catatonic.

Our eyes lock as she fades. I stare at her, letting her know that this is exactly what I want. That she is giving all that I need to keep her locked away forever. That no one will ever believe a single solitary fucking word that will come out of her mouth. And then she goes under, as Vaughn steps before me in my line of sight, sighing and shaking his head, “Are you alright?”

I touch my lip again, still tasting a little bit of blood and nod, “Yeah I will be fine, doc. No worries. You have known for the majority of my career so you know that I have been through and endured a lot worse.”

Vaughn forces a grin before leading me out of the room, where I take one last look, seeing the orderlies strap Amber to her bed. I tell myself that it couldn’t happen to a better person, before they all disappear from view. A few minutes pass and we are back in Vaughn’s office. He reaches into his desk, bringing out two glasses then a bottle of Jim Beam. I watch as he pours both glasses to the brim before he hands me one. I smirk, “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking, doc?”

Vaughn sighs as he looks down at the brown liquid, “I try to run a pretty peaceful establishment, but ever so often, things like this happen and they drive me to drink. A chat with Jim has always kept me going. It keeps me from ending up as a patient instead of a doctor.”

I grin and nod before lifting up my glass, “In that case, cheers…” And then we down our drinks. After the burning sensation leaves my throat and stomach, I look back at Vaughn, “So, I basically take it that Amber isn’t doing herself any favors with behavior like that.”

Vaughn sighs again and shakes his head, “No, she isn’t. These attacks, both physically and verbal…she isn’t painting the sort of picture one needs to, especially if they are planning on leaving this place.”

I lower my head, staring straight down to my feet, doing my best to hide my smirk. His words are like music to my ears. It is the sort of song that a person hears that brings nothing but joy to their lives. I look back up and shrug, “Well just keep doing what you do, will you?” I say, handing my glass over to him then shaking his head. Vaughn nods then I turn and head out. Upon my exit, I reach outside and I see Riley standing outside of the limo.

Riley apparently sees my busted lip, “Damn, Josh. Are you alright?”

I smirk, “I’ve seen better days,” I say, “Just open the door.”

Riley does as he is told and I climb inside the limo. He gets into the driver’s seat, and turns back to me, “What happened in there, exactly?”

I glare at Riley and shake my head, “The less you know, Riley. Now,” I say, as I roll up the window, “Take me home.”


May 2018

New York City, New York

Hudson Manor

Home hasn’t been the best recently and for good reason. I have been keeping things from my wife. Things that many would consider important, just as I consider it important to keep these things from my wife. I don’t want to fuck things up between Rachel and I, but as I have always done in relationships, I try to do things that will not mess the relationship, but do so in the process. Getting out of the car after my ride home, I am exhausted, but I know that there will be another fight once I walk through the front door. I know what my cards are. I can either continue to lie and make things worse, or come clean and hope for the best.

I’ve never been one for hope when it comes down to it. I know things happen based upon our choices and so far, I’ve been hurting my marriage by choosing to keep Rachel in the dark. I tell myself that Rachel has done some fucked up shit in her time. She practically crippled Katelyn Buehler’s sister. She kidnapped her children. Then there is her time in Blood Grove and all the hell she created with that group. She helped Rachel Foxx in kicking the shit out of me. I let that shit slide, so Rachel could do the same with this, I tell myself as I put my key into the door. Rachel is unlike any other woman I have ever met or been with. She claimed to be the violent kind at one point, and that side may come out when and if I do choose to tell her the truth. There may only be one of us left alive afterwards I tell myself as I call out, “Babe…I’m home.”

I walk into our bedroom, dropping my bags off. She isn’t in here, which surprises me as she typically meets me here so we can play a few games of catch-up. Not seeing her here lets me know that I am indeed in a world of shit, number one on her shit list. I sigh before making my way downstairs where I head out to the pool, which is where I find her. She is doing laps back and forth across the pool. She reaches the wall in the deep end before turns and sees me. The look she gives me cuts right through, down to the bone, letting me know what she thinks of me. I hold her gaze for a few moments before she takes off swimming again. When she reaches the other side, Rachel climbs out of the pool and I step beside her holding a towel. She gives me a quick frown, taking the towel and wrapping it around her body. Locking eyes with her I say, “Hey.”

Rachel nods, “Hey sugar,” She says before heading inside.

I follow, “I had an idea. Would you like to hear it?”

I watch as her shoulders move back as Rachel shrugs, “Sure. What did ya have in mind.”

I follow her into the kitchen where I grab a beer for her and I. I lift my beer up after popping the tops, waiting for her to toast, but I get nothing. I nod, telling myself that I did this to myself. I take a few gulps of my beer before I say, “I think we need a little vacation. More like a getaway. We can get away from the city and go up to the mountains. I have that cabin in the Smokey’s. I know we haven’t been there in a long time.”

I watch as Rachel smirks before taking a few gulps of her beer. Those few gulps turn into her chugging. Once she is done, Rachel brings the empty bottle down and lets out a satisfying sigh, “What makes ya think I would want to get away with ya all of a sudden? Ya have been pretty distant recently and you know that I don’t like that. I have kept up appearances because ya know I don’t like people in my business. But we ain’t on Twitter or in front of a camera, so I can openly ask ya…are ya fucked in the head?”

And the gloves are off, I tell myself before I take a few more gulps of my beer. Once I bring the bottle from my lips, I scoff and shake my head, “You know I’m fucked in the head, Rachel. It is one of the many things you love about me.”

Rachel glares at me, “That doesn’t explain why ya have been so fucking distant with me recently.”

“I have my reasons, Rachel. And don’t think that I haven’t been beating myself up about it, either,” I say, talking to my wife unlike how I talked to Vaughn. I am sincere and genuine, even though I know that I haven’t been the best at that with Rachel in the last few weeks.

“Then, what are those reasons, Josh? And what is it that yer covering up? Do you have the balls to tell me that?” Rachel asks, her scowl remaining, as she eyes me like prey.

Before I say anything, I look down and sigh, my mind accepting defeat, knowing that there is no other way around this. For all of my macho bullshit, telling myself that my wife could not and would not know about this, I didn’t look ahead. I didn’t think about the future. I didn’t think about how my behavior would change once I started dealing with this situation between Amber, the bastard, and I. But, I tell myself, here it is. In my face. Can’t overlook it or outrun it. I sigh once again and shake my head before I look up at Rachel, “I do have my reasons and I don’t know how to tell you anything in regards to what I am dealing with right now. I know that I come off big, bad, and brave but right now, I am overwhelmed and fucking scared to death of losing you. If you were anyone, I probably wouldn’t give a good goddamn, but you’re not just someone else. I actually love and care for you. I have been my best to protect that from this shit I am in…”

Rachel chimes in, “Lot of fucking good that’s done huh, sugar?”

I crack a bit of a grin, telling myself that I deserve that, “Yeah, trust me I know it hasn’t done me any good. I can see it as plain as day. Just know that I approached all of this with the best of intentions. But, it has done nothing but kick me in the fucking ass since day one.”

Rachel rolls her eyes, “Then just fucking tell me, Josh. It ain’t that hard.”

I nod, “It is a lot harder than you think. Like I said, I’m not sure how to approach it. I guess that is why part of me wanted to get away for a while. To go up to the cabin for a few days, so I could tell you…So I could tell you everything.”

“Well, when did ya want to go? Because the sooner we get this over with, then the better I’ll be. And maybe ya will feel better too,” Rachel says, grabbing another beer.

I nod, “Then we can go after I get back from Japan. I will have a few days. I’m not booked for Japan, but I know that I need to be there. Regan is coming back on that show and I need to be there just in case all Hell breaks loose.”

Rachel nods, “I am fine with that. Regan will need ya, especially with all the shit that is going on with that fucking company. But,” Rachel says, taking a few gulps of beer, “That doesn’t mean yer ass in the clear. You can sleep on the couch, outside, in the doghouse…I don’t give a damn, but ya ain’t sleeping with me. So, ‘til ya tell me what the fuck is goin’ on, find somewhere else to sleep.”

Before I have the chance to say anything else, Rachel walks out of the kitchen, dropping her towel, showing me all of the things I am putting at risk, everything that I could potentially lose because all of this shit. I tell myself that I should have had Amber killed. A couple of phone calls and all of this could have been avoided, I remind myself before finishing my beer and heading into the downstairs guest bedroom and lying down, hoping to sleep until its time for the plane to Japan to make its departure.



You know, last week…A lot of things were said about me that were nowhere true. I know that Sienna’s friend interviewed Justin Davis and listened to his story. It was a carefully crafted story. It was crafted so well that many see Justin Davis as this victim. He wrote this story and he presented it to the world and like most of the sheep who watch our show, who buy tickets…they eat it up without question, like a homeless person getting a nice hot meal placed before them for the first time in months. They ate it up and saw Davis as this victim. A victim who was out to redeem himself, to make himself look stronger. It is the same shtick Amy Chastaine has been spewing for the last few years, so congratulations Justin. You did real well.

But make no mistake about it, Justin. The only time you will look like a victim is when I get my hands on you. You want this match so bad, but you will live to regret it, like the few fans who cheer for you will regret doing so. I said a few weeks ago that I didn’t want this match. That things didn’t have to be this way, yet you continue to push the issue. You want to spew lies and slander my good name. You want to play the victim. You can go fuck yourself, Davis. This has got to end. You are obsessed with me and all that I want is for you to simply…go away.

Yet, you refuse to go away. You always come back. When I do get my hands on you, I am going to make sure you are unable to come back. That your so called retirement will be a permanent one but not by fucking choice. You want to talk about how I stole your girlfriend? Give me a break, Justin. I dated Amber years ago and then she dumped me for you. I came back, kicked your ass and saved your career in the process, so you’re welcome for that. I forgot about Amber and I forgot about you for a very long time.

And yeah, you told some truth. We were friends for awhile. I elevated you to levels you would have never reached on your own. I brought you to the main event that you always dreamed about. I put that spotlight over you and what thanks did I get? You stabbed me in the back. You joined up with Asher Hayes and Rachel Foxx.

But…look where that got you. So many times I have left you broken, bloodied, and battered. I am going to do the exact same damn thing when we have our match. I will repeat that I didn’t want this, but you keep pressing the issue, dragging my name through the mud. You can’t just let it go. I did, Justin. I went out and I started a wrestling school, to provide this industry with a brighter future. I went out and I got married. I have a lovely wife. I have accomplished so much in my wrestling career and I think that is what it boils down to.

You are jealous of me, which is why you are so dangerously obsessed with me. That is why I asked for the SCW to release you. I guess you threatening to kill me and the fact that you stalk me, slander me…none of that seems to matter to those in charge. Just as you have pushed me, the office is pushing me to take matters in my own hands. That will not bode well for you or anyone else who wishes to get involved.

Don’t be surprised if I make an appearance during your match with AJ. AJ may not be blood, but he is family. I destroyed Ikiro and Sam Raine to make sure he wasn’t harmed over a month ago. I know you will fight your heart out, Justin but AJ will school you. He has something you have never had, unless you were carried by me. He has drive. And if I get the chance, you son of a bitch, I will drive your skull into the pavement. I will make sure you regret opening your mouth in Japan. I will make you regret every single lie that you told and I will beat on you until there is nothing left to beat.

Maybe then you will start thinking a little smarter and realize that when I said this isn’t a path you want to take, I was telling you the truth.

Speaking of truth, my opponent Selena Frost will probably address me soon. I am sure she will have heard my previous message to her and she will come up with some clever way of trying to use my words against me. She will deliver a message that she will find so powerful and motivating that it will fill the hearts of fans, and that it will make me regret ever uttering a single word to her.

But I won’t. I regret nothing I have said to her or about her. I meant every single time. I hate her and cannot stand the fact she exists. Selena will give some speech with passion in her voice and she will make me out to be immature and she will do this and that, taking a page from the book of Justin Davis, to make herself out to be a victim before copying Amy Chastaine, portraying herself as this independent and strong female.

She will say that she isn’t afraid of me and that she has dealt with monsters a lot worse than me. Good for her. Let’s give her a round of fucking applause. She thinks Vixen Cain is more of a monster than I am. That is as funny as Tommy Valentine saying someone else was far more dangerous than me. Selena’s words are typically nothing short of kiddie games. I’m not here to play games, Selena. I am here to hurt you. You know this. You won’t shake in your boots, but I can damn sure knock you out of them.

I am not saying anything to make you afraid. This isn’t a comic book. This isn’t some Saturday morning cartoon. I am not some villain in a Disney movie. This is real life. In real life, there are good people and bad people. I have already explained that I am one of those bad people. Look at my history with this company. I am not referring to accolades either, you dumb bitch, as I know that is all you care about. You care for wins, losses, and championships. You care about having a billion goddamn nicknames. I don’t. And you will see that when you look at my history. Look at all of the blood that’s been shed by my hand. Look at all of the damage I have caused with my boot hell. I go as far as I want to go. I did that this past December to CHBK.

This is real life, Selena. I have no issues with slapping the shit out of your wife while she sits in the front row. I don’t mind hurting you in front of your child, or any other child that happens to be in our audience. Rally them behind you. Give them a war cry. I will kindly drive an elbow into the side of your skull over and over again just because you make me sick. Not to mention that I enjoy doing that sort of shit.

This is real life, where tragedy occurs and hate exists, despite how many positive speeches are given, despite how much empowerment that people like you try to pass along. And you will experience a tragedy this week on Breakdown due to the hate that I have in my black heart for you.

So go on, do your typical shtick. Tell the true believers that you are going to continue this fight against Past, Present, and Future. Sure, you’ve traded victories with Regan and you were unable to topple the Iron Angel. Hell, you may even be able to beat me in the middle of the ring at Breakdown, but the fact remains that you need us.

Oh yes, you heard correctly. You need us, Selena. We have been your crutch for quite some time. We have kept you relevant on social media. We have kept you relevant at Breakdown and live on pay per view. And I am sure that will get under your skin as soon as my words enter your ears. I know I got under your skin the last time a camera was in my face. You will more than likely make it seem like I didn’t, but the truth is that had I not gotten under your skin, you wouldn’t even mention it.

You can label me a lackey just as you’ve done on Twitter. It’s cute, Selena, real cute. I know that is another perception of me. I have even thought it myself ever so often, but you see that is the thing with Past, Present, and Future. We may fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but we are not afraid to tell one another what we think and feel. We will get into each other’s faces and say what is on our mind. Regan and I have gone at it. Sienna and I have had words as well.

So go ahead, call me a lackey, Selena. I built this house. I built the platform that you are able to perform on. It wasn’t the fans or your true believers. It was me. I built it with my blood, sweat, and tears. You can say that I am nothing more than the past, but the truth is that I will forever be immortalized in this company as well as this business. You can even say that I am one of the best that has ever competed with the SCW, but that I have tarnished my legacy, but that would be you trying to come up with something just to hear yourself talk, and burn the picture that I saw beautifully painted a few days ago.

I have not tarnished my legacy. I have helped Regan as well as Sienna grow as performers. I have used the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my career and passed it along with them. My history, my legacy is written in record books as well as the scars along my body. I sacrificed so much more than you could ever possibly fathom. You have never been through the Hell I have been through, Selena. You never put your body through a deathmatch and had C4 go off underneath you. You have never wrestled near two hour matches. I have done it all in this business. You may consider yourself a queen, Selena but the truth is that I am a God of all things pro wrestling.

I am a diamond. I will be everlasting in this business. People will look back at the history of our sport and they will see you accomplished a lot, how many title reigns you’ve had, but I will be remembered for my title reigns plus the quality of my matches. How every match I have had has always been of main event caliber, even if I was in the middle of the show. How I have elevated so many talents. How I made main event stars out of Thomas Valentine and David Helms. How I made Jason Zero and CHBK relevant again. How I changed the game time and time again.

You are a hell of a competitor. You won Shot of Adrenaline. You won Best of the Best. You’re a two time SCW Champion. You are the UWA Queen of the Ring and the Adrenaline Queen here in SCW. Congratulations, Selena. You have beaten opponents that I haven’t. Kudos for that. You have won so much more than I have in terms of championships. I can’t take that away from you. But no matter what your perception of me is, the one thing that I will always have, no matter my course of action, I will always have the respect of this business.

I will always been seen as a legend, the best of the best without having to win some tournament. In saying that, Selena you need this win. You may chalk it up to beating Past, Present, and Future but that is just you talking to talk, trying to create your typical narrative of overcoming adversity, but you need this win because it will elevate you. I will push you beyond your brink as I have done each and every opponent that has faced me. I will make you better than you are now. You can even twist that around and say that I need this win, but the fact is that I WANT it.

I want it so bad that I can taste it. I want it because you have this self-righteous mindset that you are better than me, and you turn your nose up to me because you can claim that I’m an idiot. I want to beat you, not to get a title shot or to get a win for Past, Present, and Future. No! I want this win because you need to know that I am the best there ever was and the best that there ever will be when it comes to raw natural wrestling ability. That I don’t need fancy nicknames or pyro to be the best. All I need is a wrestling ring and my skills. Those are my tools and once I get to work, Selena I am going to crush you and you will be driven lower than you thought possible.

And I am not one for religion like most of your opponents seem to be when they address you, but once this over with, you will need a priest to pray over what is left of you, in hopes of cashing in on a certain match that someone else will have to outlast half the roster in order to get.

Believe in that, Selena.

Vs. Frost

Well, that was lovely even if I have to say so myself. Of course I am referring to my match against the Dark Messiah, Thirteen. It was a match that was hyped for the entire evening. The fans were clamoring for it. They wanted to see two former World Champions go at it in a first time ever match. They wanted to see who would win in a battle pitting two of the absolute best technical wrestlers to ever step into the halls of Supreme Championship Wrestling.

They got a match and the fans were completely invested in it, but it didn’t end the way the fans wanted. I treated Thirteen like I did Dillusion a decade ago, driving my foot into his legs before I put him out of my misery. Yes, the crowd booed but it was nothing short of music to my fucking ears. I loved every single second of it. I didn’t give a damn what the crowd wanted or what they thought. That still stands as these thoughts enter and exit my mind.

I don’t owe the people a goddamn thing. I do not care for their opinions. The fans believe their opinions matter, like they know the ins and the outs of this business. The so called smart fans have absolutely no fucking clue what they are talking about. They expected a classic between Thirteen and I, but at the end of the day, I have put on enough classics in my time that the fans don’t deserve another one from me. I could care less if I give them a classic match, which is why I ended things the way that I did.

I already knew going into the match that I was the better wrestler out of myself and Thirteen. I didn’t really need a match to prove that. It was fun, throwing him around and locking him in submissions, letting him know that I would always be one step ahead of him. He wanted to know which Josh Hudson he was going to get once the bell rang. Well, he got the Josh Hudson that has always been here, the Josh Hudson that will enjoy hurting others and taking from them without a single fucking care in the world. And I took from Thirteen, just as I took from the fans.

I kicked Thirteen in his balls and watched him drop to his knees. It was symbolic to me, as he was showing his appreciation for his one true king, the God of all things professional wrestling. He belonged down there shining my boots. The fans may choose to not believe in that, but that’s fine. As I said, they don’t know nearly as much as they think they do. And boy, does that sound fucking familiar. It reminds me a lot of someone else I know. A certain queen if you will.

You see this Queen seems to think she has me figured out, but she really has no idea. She knows nothing about me. She only knows what I allow her to see, the same things that the fans see on the big screen or from their seat in the stands. This Queen will start off by talking about how the people deserve her at her best, and to see her win, because she represents what is right with the SCW. She will say that the people demand it and that they believe in her, even if she has been losing her battles against Past, Present, and Future.

This Queen will move on from talking about all of that, giving you some inspirational speech to get the fans rallying behind her, before she will begin to address me. She will talk about my strengths and my weaknesses. She will more than likely talk about how I’ve been in the background and she will waste my time by calling me an idiot, as this has happened before.

She will talk about how I robbed the fans of an amazing match against Thirteen. She will talk about how I tried to cripple her a few months back. I, along with her moronic fans, know all of this already. I was there, during the match with Thirteen. I was there when I tried to cripple her a few months back. She will use that and say that I basically couldn’t get the job done then, just as I will more than likely not be able to get it done this go round either. That is all well and good. Just as well and good as this Queen resorting to the same song and dance. She will probably fill the peoples’ ears with tales of how I am unable to win without help from Past, Present, and Future, or some other underhanded tactic.

All of these things occur on television, so that is all she knows when it comes to the multiple choice of yours truly. Just as I don’t owe the fans a damn thing, I don’t owe this Queen anything either. I won’t believe in her and even if she manages to beat me, it won’t make me a true believer, which is something she labels the opponents who have fallen before her, like some sort of arrogant cunt. That seems like something Regan Helms would do, because she can be a bitch like that. But I believe in Regan and I know what she can do. This Queen I do not believe in, nor will I ever.

This Queen may state that I have my head up my ass, but once again, it is the way she perceives things. If anyone has their head up their ass, it is this Queen that I am going to have to deal with. She claims those she defeats are True Believers, yet as mentioned before, none of them believe in her. They take their losses and move on, not really giving it a second thought. If anything she is doing all that she can to make sure she believes in herself. She is always in need of gratification, but just as I robbed the fans and Thirteen of something a few weeks, I will take from her as well.

The only thing gratifying will be when I leave her lying in the ring, rolling around in agony and defeat, as I walk away victorious.


May 2018

New York City, New York

Wrestling is a sport that so many people are passionate about. I am referring to the little people. Yes, those who work mindless jobs, breaking their backs for little to no money, just so they can come home, or save up enough to buy a ticket, so they can watch professional wrestling. They are so passionate that they never miss a fucking show. If they do then their entire world comes unglued. The shit cracks me up. It’s not like I wasn’t like that growing up, but then again, I was a teenager when I’d get mad and yell at the screen when my favorite wrestler lost a match.

Being a professional wrestler, the hatred I get is outrageous. Those on the inside refer to that as ‘heat’. When I returned and rang Syren’s bell a few times, revealing myself to be the culprit of her near retirement, I received an extreme amount of heat. When I beat the shit out of CHBK, I received ‘heat’. Anytime I walk out to the ring with Past, Present, and Future the heat we receive is damn near monumental. Just like the heat I received when I kicked Thirteen in the balls I didn’t believe he had, and trust me, I still question that whole scenario to this day…but when I kicked him and pinned him for the three count, the heat I received was damn near monumental.

It was like I slapped someone’s grandmother on live television, which is something I’ve done. The bitch had it coming, what can I say? All I can say is the truth and the truth is, the heat that I receive, I absolutely adore. I enjoy pissing people off, especially the fans. The fans cheer and boo people they see on television, wishing that they were us and it is nothing short of fucking pathetic. That is why I look at all of them in absolute disgust. They work those mindless jobs just so they can give us ratings or purchase a ticket. It is like they believe that gives them some sort of power over me, like they have the right to share their opinions with me.

I found myself walking away from the ring, embracing the chorus of boos, when I heard a teenager shout, “Fuck you! You’re a piece of shit!”

I kindly smirked at him and said, “I bet you kiss your mother with that mouth. I know I’ve kissed her with mine, plus a whole lot more,” before making my way through the curtain.

I honestly cannot stand people. I love my wife and my son, Alex. I sort of have a love for Regan. Sienna, I’m still on the fence, but we are making progress. But all in all, I hate people. The human race is filled with nothing but idiots. This life is on a long supply of morons. And the majority of them are wrestling fans. They cheer the likes of Alexis Quinne, even though not too long ago, they booed the ever loving shit out of her. They boo Syren, despite cheering for her up until the last two months or so. Hell, I know that they have cheered me and that they have booed. I can’t help but look down upon them and shake my head. I can’t help but insult them every single chance that I get.

And maybe I am a bad person. Wait, who the fuck am I kidding? I am a terrible human being and I am not afraid to admit that. I’ve never been afraid to say so. I do not care for the people who watch our show. It’s not like I can’t find work in this business if the SCW were to fold. It isn’t like I even really need to work due to the fact that I am me, which equals a fucking legend in every single aspect of the word.

You want to boo me? I’ve got nine World Championships to my credit, so go fuck yourself.  I was a work horse for my entire SCW career and I helped build this place. I don’t have to take shit from some low-life who will never amount to anything. Someone who is nothing more than a fucking fickle groupie for their favorite superstar, until another flavor of the month shows up.

They will love Selena Frost today, but when she becomes boring and stale, which she’s not far from, they will find someone else to love. It is the nature of this business and I get that, which is why I don’t concern myself with it.

That is why as I make my way through this fucking airport, I ignore everyone as they race towards the rest of the roster who are arriving in New York City. James Evans, my protégé is there. People still flock to him sort of, despite his psychopathic tendencies. Then, there is Beard, the lovable doofus who the people cheer for now, despite the fact he made fun of AJ Helms and Shaun Cruze with his domestic violence history. As I said, people are fucking fickle.

As I continue to make my way through the lobby, the fans turn their attention to me. I begin to get heat and while they say things like, “You screwed Thirteen! You deserved to lose!” Or my personal favorite now, “Die Hudson Die!”

It cracks me up, knowing that they want my head on a stick. I want that hate. I love it. It is like I crave it much more than Rachel Foxx craved heroin, or Ace Marshall in his need for attention, the sad little sad sack that he is.

The mob follows me as I continue to make my way through the airport. I reach outside to find my limo driver, Riley standing with a sign. I motion to him and he opens the limo door. Once inside, the sound of hands pounding against the roof of the limo enters my ears. I can’t help but cackle loudly, seeing these snot nosed teens and their pictures of their so called heroes, telling me that I will never be them.

I will never be Thomas Valentine or Gable Winchester. I will never be Amy Chastaine or Selena Frost. I  hear these things and all I can think is thank fucking God! Gable and Thomas have never amounted to much despite the fact that I pushed them to elevate themselves. They are both one hit wonders and that is on them. There is nothing really interesting about Amy. She is as bland as paint drying, despite all of the bullshit drama surrounding her. She likes to drink. So, fucking what? We’re adults. We can drink. You should be able to handle your goddamn liquor. If not, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

“Josh, are you alright man?” I hear Riley call out to me, “These people seem pretty pissed off. Did you say something racist or sexist to them?”

I chuckle and shake my head, “No, I didn’t do either of those things. I pissed them off the other night during my match, but this,” I say, pointing to the barrage of angry fans as we start to move away from the airport and the mob, “This is nothing more than part of the territory. I guess you could say that I’m used to it.”

“I guess doing what you do…you’d have to develop a thick skin. Am I right?”

I nod, “Yes you are right. But now that we are away from those pieces of shit, I’d like some peace and quiet if you don’t mind. Just take me home.”

“You got it,” Riley says, and then we are surrounded by quiet.

People say that I will never be like Selena Frost. Good. I don’t need some sort of kiddie fucking T-shirt, or some terrible catchphrase. I do not need to cater to the fans before coming off like a complete asshole, trying to show that I think I’m better than everyone but in a nice, subtle way. I am an asshole and I show it proudly. You can put it on a T-shirt and watch it sell out, just because there are those who can’t stand a two faced trickster like Selena.

And hell, I hate them too.

But what I hate right now, is being back in New York City. It is my home, but like every home I have ever had. It contains ghosts. My home with Rachel is fine. She is perfect. She puts up with my shit and still sticks with me. But there are ghosts out there that I am going to have to work extra hard to get rid of. That I have to confront.


April 2018

New York City, New York

Hello…my son…

As I stare down at you resting in your little room, needles piercing your skin, tubes in your nose, monitors surrounding you as they keep a look out on your breathing as well as the amount of fluids being pumped into your body, I can’t help but feel anything less than numb. I am telling you this through a little microphone attached to the headphones around your head, as it rests comfortably I hope, on the pillow the hospital has provided for you. It is hard for me to imagine the events that led us to this destination, especially for you. Right now you are seven years old. Up until this point, it seemed you had your entire life ahead of you, son. Things seemed to be going perfect, not only for you, but for us as a family, including your mother. I hope that you remember her, little man because I know that she loved you and wanted nothing but the best for you. And whether or not you would ever care to acknowledge it, I would have always wanted the best for you. I would have always loved you. I just never knew that you were my son, but you are.  You are of my flesh and blood. You could have been the one to carry on the legacy I have created, had I known from the get go.

When I say legacy, I am sure you would remember the fact that I am in the wrestling business. I have been an wrestler a lot longer than you’ve been alive.. I have been appearing in wrestling rings on the big stage as well as small. My legacy has been built upon a foundation of hard work and dedication. Each brick represents a layer of my success and the layers seem to be endless. I became champion in wrestling. But back to this legacy, my success…well, it doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. The possibilities and the opportunities, they are endless, son. That is something I would have wanted you to see, something that I would have wanted you to experience firsthand. But right now, it seems that may or may not happen due to your current status.

I hope that you are able to make it out of this situation and return better, harder, faster, stronger. Haha, sorry son. I can’t help but laugh at that. Saying that reminded me of the time I hung out with Kanye West, which is something that I wouldn’t highly recommend ever and I mean, ever. I hope you are able to wake up to find me here with you. I want you to be able to smile at me while I smile back at you, sharing an experience between you and I for the first time. I want you to see that smile and realize that I can love you. I want our eyes to lock and in the instance they meet, I want both of us to know that everything will be okay. Your mother would want that. And I am sure your brain may be trying to string together what happened and what I mean by the statement I made about your mother. I will tell you everything, son. I will bring you up to speed on the little world I’ve created for all of us. But before I get to all of that, I want to tell you the story of how your mother and I met. It was quite some time ago, just a little after the turn of the century as we left one of the greatest decades in my mind, which was the 2000s, and entered the 2010’s. You may be wondering why I would want to tell you about all of that, and trust me, as you always should especially since I am your father and I’d never lie to you, that there is a reason behind this information. The reason is because I want you to know the sort of person I was and who I am today. I also want you to know your mother and the sort of person that she ultimately became.

Do you remember me telling you just a little while ago that I have been a professional wrestler? At the time of the first meeting between your mother and I, I had been in the wrestling business for about six years, having started in 1995 at the age of 18. I was a long way away from achieving the status of Hall of Famer and multiple World Champion that I have today, but I was on the right path to becoming known as one of the very best that the sport would ever witness. I was with this little promotion that had formed in Europe but had migrated over to the States to do a few shows. We were in your hometown of Los Angeles, California on this particular night doing a pretty big event entitled “Living and Dying in LA” or something along those lines. I had been working pretty hard for the promotion to get some really good exposure at the time. I was seen as a hell of a hand, which at the time wasn’t a bad thing. Through that hard work, months of busting my ass, I was scheduled to compete for the promotion’s second tier title which was their Television Championship. I was told to job, which means lose the match, but that was only because the owner had bigger plans for me. He wanted me to chase down the champion, resulting in a big match at the promotion’s biggest event where I would win the title. More on that later son, so stay put. Haha, sorry once again. That is just my sick sense of humor.

I wrestled this guy who had been playing the game for a few years longer than me. I believe he went by the moniker of the Tower of London or T.O.L for short. Yes, I know the man is quite a tool for using it, but that is just my opinion. He also had nearly two hundred pounds on me at the time and he was a stiff worker, which means that he put all of weight and mass into every kick, punch, head butt, or splash. He nailed me a few good times, giving your dear old Dad a nice shiner for a souvenir. I gave him a good run, making him a lot better than what he truly was, which was an egotistical yet fat and lazy bastard. And once again, trust me when I say that I ran circles around the prick when we had our next match up. I mean, come on…you know me. I have never had an issue with bringing out the best in people, but also making them look their worst when and if they try to fuck me over. That is knowledge that I would have tried to instill in you as you’ve gotten older. Hopefully hearing this story will help you accepting the sort of knowledge I am trying to pass along to you.

Well, the lazy prick beat me one, two, three after nailing me with a kick to my man parts when the referee wasn’t looking. After the match was over, I received a standing ovation of cheers and applause from the people in the crowd. I then made my way through the curtain where the owner met me and gave me a hug. The champion had shit to say to me because he knew he wasn’t two squirts of piss. After the show ended, a few of us stuck around to push our merch, which is short for merchandise. I am not sure if you know what that means. I was pushing my T-shirts and 8X10’s. I did that sort of thing in order to get a little extra cash but there shirt I gave away for free that night.

And who was the lucky customer? Don’t worry. I won’t keep you in suspense…It was your mother.

Yes, the one and only…

She was gorgeous then just as she was the last time you saw her. Just different circumstances of course. I’d say the only difference was that her mocha colored hair was instead blonde, glowing like rays from the sun. She stepped up to the table, with a big smile on her face. I could tell she was nervous, like she had been dared to come up to talk to me. She seemed excited about it but not sure how to approach the situation. When she reached the table, she just stood there, awestruck more than likely because she was in the presence of somebody that was famous. I can’t blame her, son. I am sure I would have been the same way if the shoe were on the other foot.

We stood there, staring one another in the eyes before I finally said something to break the awkward silence we found ourselves entrenched in. It wasn’t anything special. I went with the causal approach by saying, “Hello.”

Her cheeks, which were tan like the rest of her body seemed to be, became very flushed, turning a pink color like a medium rare sirloin fresh off of the grill. I remember her twisting from side to side for a few moments before finally responding, “Hi…” She said with a very Californian surfer girl accent. I liked it almost instantly, though I detested most of the burnt out, stoner personalities that seemed to be all around us in those days, son. There was something about your mother that made me forget all of that, however. She seemed different. I cracked a grin, speaking with my Southern drawl that I inherited from your grandparents from North Carolina, “What can I help you with on this fine evening?”

“Fine evening?” She asked, sort of mocking the previously mentioned Southern drawl. It was a cute attempt. I had to give her that, “You are not from around here, are you?”

I fired back, giving my best impression of a so called surfer dude, “What makes you say that…brah?” As soon as the word escaped my mouth, I couldn’t help but laugh. It made me feel ten times better when your mother joined in on the laughter. A few moments later, the laughter ended and I remember letting out a sigh because I knew I had to follow that up, “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. But no, I am definitely not from around here. I am from a little place out of North Carolina that I am sure no one up here has ever heard of.”

Your mother retained her smile, “Try me.”

I nodded, “Alright. I’m from Morganton, North Carolina. Born and raised.”

I watched as your mother twisted her upper body once again, keeping her hands in the little dark green coat she had on over her white tank-top embroidered with a yellow, pink, and blue peace sign with an orange sun hanging up in the corner of the shirt that dangled a little bit over her blue jean skirt before she confessed, “You’re right. I have no idea where that is. Are you sure you’re not making all of that up? I know North Carolina is real but Morganton…I don’t believe it’s an actual place.”

I cracked a grin myself as your mother was pretty charming, especially back in those days, “No, trust me. It’s real. I couldn’t make that up if I tried. I’d show you if you ever wanted actual proof.”

Her smile then faded, “There is a slight chance, if we grew to know one another better, that I’d like that. I’d also like getting to know you better.”

Curiosity struck me big time, Alex. She was winning me over, but I was also a little hesitant. At least I did my best to appear so, “You don’t know me now. I don’t even believe we’ve properly introduced ourselves. I believe that is the first thing that should happen.”

Your mother rolled those beautiful hazel eyes of hers before cackling, “What is the fun in that? It takes away all of the mystery. Besides, I know who you are. I watched your match. That is one of the reasons I’m here. I wanted to tell you that I was sorry that you lost. You did a hell of a lot better than that tub of lard you had to wrestle.”

Her words gave me the big head and don’t worry, I am talking about the one resting on the top of my shoulders. I remember a small smirk appearing on my face. It was only small because I was doing my best to fight it, but your mother caused my ego to grow a little bit more than it already was at that moment, “Well thank you. I appreciate that. I am sure I will get another shot at him and I will outdo him even more next go round. So,” I said, looking down the spread of merchandise I had between us, “Would you like anything? I got T shirts for ten bucks. A 8×10 photo of yours truly,” I said, lifting the picture up to my face and striking a similar pose, “These are five bucks.”

She looked at the shirts and the picture in my hand before looking back at me. Her eyes then began to dart back and forth, appearing to me like she was thinking about it, you know…weighing her options before your mother responded with, “What if I give you my number? Do I get a shirt for free?”

I laughed, “Are you trying to bribe me?”

“Definitely not. I am bartering with you, brah…” She said with a laugh of her own, “I mean, I believe that my number is worth something.”

I looked at the shirts before returning my gaze to hers, “You think your number is worth ten bucks? I mean, this is part of my livelihood. You’d have to give me something more than that.”

She then stepped forward, seducing me with her eyes and I know you wouldn’t want to hear me say that, but son it is the God’s honest truth. Your mother reached me, taking the picture from my hand. She used the pen on the table and wrote something on the back of the 8X10. I did nothing. I was just amazed by her for reasons I couldn’t explain. She then reached over and grabbed a shirt off of the table then said something that I am sure I will never forget, “Maybe if you use that number, you’ll realize how much more I’m worth…” She said before blowing me a kiss and walking off, rejoining a group of friends. I could not take my eyes off of her. All I could do was watch as she walked away. She even gave me another look before disappearing from my view. She flashed that warm smile that made you feel right at home. I am sure if you were awake you wouldn’t hesitate to agree with me.

Damn it, boy…I wish you were okay. I’d like to know what you are thinking. I’d like to know if you could hear me or if you could remember anything from before the accident. Hell, I wonder what your mother would say to you if she had the strength to be around you.

Before I say anything else, I remove the microphone from my lips. I take the headphones off of my…son’s head. For a few moments, I contemplate placing a pillow over his face, or injecting an air bubble into one of the tubes pumping fluids into his body, but I don’t. Repeating to him over and over that he was my son has brought nothing to me but disgust. Absolute fucking disgust. This shouldn’t even be happening, but the reality is that it is. Just as the reality is that he is my son.

My own little bastard child.

Despite my words to him, I never would have wanted him. Hell, I don’t want him now. Had I learned the truth when his mother was first pregnant, I would have made sure she got an abortion. I would have done anything and everything to keep it quiet. That isn’t changing now, either. With him in the hospital and with the mother being where she needs to be, I know that I will have to keep this quiet and I will.

By any means necessary.

My wife, Rachel can never know. Regan can never know. Hell, the son that I claim, Alex…he can never know. This will be a secret I will have to bury. I know that can mean anything and I know with the right person for the right price, all of my secrets can stay buried. It’s not like I haven’t gone that route before. Taking care of Rachel’s uncle is a secret I will take with me to the grave. What happened to my sister Jalyn’s attacker is another secret that only I share with the attacker, but he isn’t exactly around to tell the tale.

And what a tale it is. My entire life is quite the tale. This is another chapter, adding another layer to peel away at my own psyche. I know the man my bastard child grew to know as his father will more than likely come after me. He and I have quite the history as well.

It is a history of violence, and that will never change. With this added layer to our own story, I have no doubt that this book will be closed in such a violent way, with one of us walking away, leaving the other for dead.

I walk out of my bastard’s room and I am immediately eye fucked by every single nurse walking by. They fumble through their charts, taking as many sideways glances at me that they can. I just give them a smirk and a nod of approval because I am used to this sort of thing. I have been in the public eye for years. I am past the age of 40, but even as the critics say, I am like a fine wine. I only get better with time. I can’t say argue with any of that. I mean, come on. Honestly. Why would I? The facts are facts and you can’t argue with facts.

I left the pro wrestling world back in 2013 and journeyed into the realm of film. It was something that I had always wanted to do. I got cleaned up in terms of my looks and began a serious training regimen to have the chiseled Greek God of a body that I have now. I got the lead in a show that is based upon an amazing book and if anyone ever gets a chance to read it, they fucking should.

The mentality was that a pro wrestler couldn’t make it anywhere else except a wrestling ring. I proved that to be bullshit.

I have always had talent and charisma. I played many roles and wore many hats during my pro wrestling career. I was the cocky individual. I was the angry young man who wanted to hurt people. I was the good guy who wore honor like a badge. I always prided myself on having the best match possible on any given night, no matter my position on the card. I brought that mentality to filming. It would be hard to argue when it comes to the amount of success that I have garnered for myself. I always push myself to do better. When it comes to anything that I do in this world, I push myself to get better.

I like to think that I can manipulate people to my will, playing any role on command. Yes, I am that damn good. And yes, it is a gift that I simply cannot control.

“How’s the kid?” My driver, Riley asks me. Even he is in tip top shape and dresses to impress, with his three piece suit and shades that cost over $1,000.00

I shrug my shoulders as he opens the door to my limo, “He’s…ya know…just lying around.”

Riley cracks a smile, “You’re a funny motherfucker, bro. You know that right?”

I smirk, “It’s part of my charm. What can I say?” I then climb into the limo and stretch out my arms and legs, getting myself comfortable.

“I bet it was good to be able to see him and talk to him,” I hear Riley call out from the front of the limo before he starts it up and merges into traffic.

I look outside of the window and see that New York is alive and well. The sun is hanging high above us all, beaming down upon us, letting those who truly shine bask in its flames of glory. I return my attention to Riley, “Yeah it was. I hate that he’s not able to talk but I have faith that he will return to full health.”

And then Riley’s next question follows, catching me completely off guard, “So what exactly happened, man. That is…if you don’t mind me asking of course.”

I let out a small scoff, feeling my face tighten up into a scowl but only at first. I am not someone who likes to constantly talk about my private life because that is exactly what it is. Fucking private, “Why do you ask?”

I watch as Riley shrugs before looking eyes with me as he stares in my direction into the rearview mirror, “Just curious, I guess you could say.”

“What makes you so curious, Riley?”

“It’s just that…you know…it’s like one day you see your kid running around, smiling and having a blast. And then the next thing you hear is that he is in a coma. It would just be a big surprise to me,” He states.

“If you must know, Riley, I will tell you. The little brat was fucking around, doing some dumb shit while he was at school. He was running around that place like a mad man before collapsing and falling down the stairs. He took a bad shot to the head and now he is where he is unfortunately. I hope when he wakes up, he will get the wakeup call that he needs.”

Riley nods, “Damn. I am sorry to hear all of that. I hope he realizes that the path he was going down wasn’t the best idea.”

“I’m glad you agree with me. I need as much support as I can get,” I say before removing my cell from my pocket. It had gone off so many times during my time with the bastard that I had lost count. All of the messages were from my wife, Rachel, “Jesus fucking Christ,” I whisper as to not draw Riley’s attention. The private life stays fucking private, I remind myself.

“What does the mother think about all of this?” I hear him ask as we continue down the highway.

I release a deep sigh, “I really have no clue as to what his mother thinks about it. Hell, I don’t know what she thinks about anything for that matter.”

We pull into the parking lot of the firm that represents me, ACC with my agent being Zeke Bannon. I lock eyes with Riley, “Riley, I love you and all but that is none of your fucking business, alright?” He says nothing. He just nods and I continue, “Now let me out me and park the limo. Are we clear?” Another nod before he brings the limo to a stop. I begin to read through all of my messages until my door opens. I place my phone back in my pocket and step outside. I grin and nod at Riley before making my entrance…


– S H O O T –

There is this perception of me that I am a man who once fought for good. A man who would have stood alongside Team SCW when Blood Grove and so many other factions tried to burn the SCW down. That I am someone who cares for others, especially the fans. There is this perception of me that I have wanted the people to truly believe in me. There is also this perception that I am someone who is riding off of the coattails of two of the best wrestlers in this company today, two wrestlers who will reach Hall of Fame status.

I laugh at these perceptions. Just as I laughed at the perception that I was a bit disgruntled when I labeled SCW security for certain wrestlers leading up to Rise to Greatness in 2011. What I am is someone who doesn’t mince words when I speak. What I am is someone who doesn’t have to talk, but I am someone who has something to say and when I say something, those words are heard loud and clear. The people who hear my words hang off of every single noun and pronoun, clinging to each sentence like a Baptist preacher clings to a Bible verse.

I don’t give you a Royal Letter, or post a blog, because I feel that those are stupid. That is me being honest, and honest is always something that I am. If I don’t like you, I will let you know it. If I respect you then you will know it. If I wouldn’t piss on fire to put you out then you will know it. I have no issue in making it abundantly clear how feel about any given person or any given subject on any given day. When I state how I feel or give an opinion, I am not looking for someone to agree with me. My opinion is my own and that is all that I need when we get down to nitty gritty of it all.

I have no issue in stating that Xander Valentine isn’t as scary as this company makes him out to be. I have no issue in laughing at these ideas that Chad Evans and Damian Angel are God and the Devil walking amongst us. I have no issue in stating that Syren is nothing but a cancer to this company. I don’t care what any of them say to justify why I am wrong. It isn’t going to change a damn thing in regards to how I think and feel.

Just as there is nothing that someone like Selena can say to change the way I view myself in terms of fighting the good fight. Her good fight is to please all of you. She will state she is doing this all for you and that she is trying to make the SCW a better place. I don’t buy it, but that won’t stop her from preaching the same fucking message she preaches every single week. I believe that I fight the good fight. I have always fought the good fight when it comes to this industry.

My good fight was to get rid of what I deemed cancers in this company. People who were making this more about entertainment than sport. By entertainment I am referring to the cartoonish nicknames, the catchphrases, the stale faces in the same main event spots on every single card the SCW conjured up. I fought against that, because I believe it is more about ability than how much merchandise you manage to sell or how many nicknames you can rip off from a Disney movie, or how much you make it seem like you care for the fans, because the people who say they believe in you just you believe in them…are they helping the fans out?


You true believers line my pockets by paying to see me. You line the pockets of everyone that competes for the SCW, by buying their merchandise, buying anything with their faces on it. What do you get in return? Oh you get a shout out in a Royal Letter, or a blog, or you are labeled as a true believer, or members of the Wonderland, or something idiotic.

I have never needed any of that, because I knew I would reach the top simply based on my ability. I have always gotten to the top, I have always gotten over quietly. I’ve never needed to raise my voice or have a T-shirt. No, that shit is for the birds. To me, that is fake. I am not a friend of the people. I wouldn’t donate my money to any of the people in the crowd, because I worked hard for my money. If they want a better life for themselves then they need to go out and earn it. Hard work is something that they can truly believe in, not the lie that most of the so called good guys in the SCW preach.

Was that too much? Should I apologize? I’m not going to, because I stand by what I say. Just as someone like Selena Frost will stand by what she says. I don’t believe anything she says, and I can’t help but laugh at how she starts just about every single promo or Royal Letter about how she has been a victim of crushing lows, and how she has had to stand up to myself and the rest of Past, Present, and Future. I can’t help but laugh at how she presents herself as this genuinely good person, yet she will belittle anyone and everyone she competes against. Like Blake Mason said she would never be as good as he was in the ring, yet she brought up how she beat him weeks before Unflawed. An actual good person wouldn’t need to bring that up. An actual good person would shrug it off and keep going instead of participating in a high school argument.

I am not a good person. I have said some pretty terrible things and I have done some awful things to people. Stuff my family have shaken their heads at and condemned me for. Just like the people have. But I won’t apologize for any of that either. I am not a good person and I won’t act like it either. Selena is the exact opposite. She will make this presentation where she is the good guy, and the people buy it because they are too stupid to realize it. She gave them all a cute nickname so she is alright in their book. But Selena Frost is not a good person.

And yes, I am sure she has heard this before, but once again, this is my opinion and I am going to state it. When you look at how Selena talks to other wrestlers on Twitter, such Regan Helms or Sienna. They are able to manipulate her to the point where they can trash her and instead of shrugging it off, Selena will stand up for herself. She will trash them despite claiming she wants to make the SCW a better place, by riding the SCW of Past, Present, and Future. Selena plays write into our hands. She claims to never stoop down to our level, but she does each and every time she is insulted over social media. She becomes a snarky bitch, doing all that she can to come out on top, instead of being the so called bigger person and walking away.

We’ve made sure that her true colors shine, as Selena has to come off like the Alpha every single time. She is nice when people are praising her, but if you insult her, Selena comes off like a cheap imitation of Regan Helms. She ends up sounding like one of the so called bad guys that she is doing her best to fight. And then she will apologize for her actions so the fans don’t think differently of her. That is nothing more than a joke. Just like it is a joke that Selena calls those she gains a win as true believers. She holds victories over her so called friends, Amy Chastaine and Kennedy Street, but she egotistically calls them true believers.

But then again, it does work because that is what she calls her fans. True believers. She treats them as she does Amy and Kennedy. She treats the people like they are all friends and that she would do anything and everything in the world for them, yet there is a hidden truth. That hidden truth is that she knows she has beaten the fans. She has made believers out of them by having them buy into every single lie she has ever presented to them.

I can’t help but laugh about that. Oh, I know Selena will hear these words and it is going to turn her pale skin many different shades of red. Selena, I know that you are going to get mad. I know that you will stoop to levels you claim you don’t, and you will find a way to bury me, discrediting my accomplishments, calling me an idiot, but you will say that you say these things for the people. I know that you are going to lose sleep, trying to think of things to say in regards to a rebuttal, to somehow save face and make yourself appear respectable.

You will do all that you can to grab at the layers of yourself that I have exposed. Layers that have been easily exposed by so many people who don’t buy into your horseshit. You can try to change the perception I’ve presented, the perception that your true believers are hearing as they slowly start to question how they view you. You can try to change it, but I know the truth, and as I’ve said, you can’t change how I think or feel.

I know I will always be viewed as an asshole, as the villain. I embrace it because I know that telling the truth makes you out to be the asshole, because so many people hate hearing the truth. They don’t like having the truth exposed. Sorry to melt your igloo and burst your bubble, when it comes to the truth, I just can’t…let it go.

Just as I may not let go of a submission that I will surely place you in. I want to win, sure, but hurting you will give me just as much satisfaction. Breaking your bones, tearing ligaments, putting you on the shelf…that is truly satisfying. That is something that I can get behind. It is something that I can truly believe in.

Vs. Thirteen

Taking a look back at the history of SCW, there have been various personas to etch their name into the stories told within the ropes, underneath that SCW banner. There have been so many vicious, hard hitting and cold blooded killers to step in between those ropes, that it makes me laugh. People have claimed Xander Valentine to be the Boogeyman of the SCW, yet I have broken him in more ways than one. I humanized that Boogeyman. I did what no one else felt to be possible. So, Xander…he is no Boogeyman. He is just a man and nothing more, just as Chad Evans is no God. He’s just a man.

I am a vicious human being. I am an evil man. I know this. I have accepted it. That is why it makes me laugh when I remember Xander showing up in his white face paint, looking like Marilyn Manson on steroids. That is why I laugh when someone like Damian Angel claims to be the Devil. They try to look the part, and put a name on it, in order to make themselves appear to be monsters, these big bad men who will inflict pain and haunt your dreams. These big, bad men who rely on metaphors and poetry in order to instill fear into the hearts of those around them.

Give me a fucking break.

I have never needed make up, or a nickname to show that I am a terrible human being. That I have no concern for the safety and well-being of others, especially those who stand across from me in the ring. I have always enjoyed driving my knee into the side of another human being’s skull. I have always enjoyed sending my elbow into the nose of someone, feeling it break and shatter. Same with applying more pressure to a limb just so I can hear my opponent scream in agony, and the way a bone breaks, when I twist, bend, and press a leg in the direction it isn’t meant to go.

Cracking Syren’s head on the wall and the cold concrete floor…I loved that! That was fun. Toying with her head for a few weeks was spectacular. Most people like to get on social media to stir up shit and vent their frustrations. I am not with that. It is annoying as fuck. Sure I will post here and there, but it isn’t every single goddamn day, every single time a fucking show goes off of the air. I don’t feel the need to reply to someone else’s Tweet. If I have an issue with someone, I will make sure I hurt them physically, as I am typically a man of few words. I let my actions speak for me.

My actions spoke for me every single time I kicked the shit out of Alexis Quinne. I didn’t need to take to Twitter to talk about random horse shit before typing levitate repeatedly. It is all nonsense. And what else is nonsense is the fact that I have been wrestling a pay per views more or less since my return. I have not been happy with this before, which is why I told the boss months ago that I wanted more of a full time deal. That fell on deaf ears, in front of blind eyes.  And that is has left me bored. I’ve been bored with the SCW and its current product for a very long time now. I have been rather bored with a lot of what has gone on in my SCW career since I came back.

Being in the background of Past, Present, and Future was okay at first, but then the boredom grew. It grew and it fucking grew. Wrestling once a month, if that, only made the boredom intensify. Winning the Trios, as it turned out, was more for me than it was for the group. I feel good in stating that now. I was being asked to cost my team the win just so someone else could get it. You didn’t see me uttering a single fucking word like that. I am a fighter. I go to wars. Alexis Quinne went through one and barely survived. You don’t see me bitching about it.

But I don’t bitch about much. It’d be hard to, as Regan and Sienna are typically bitching enough for everyone else on the goddamn roster. I could gripe and I could be louder if I wanted, but I have chosen not to be, thus far. Like I went against what I truly wanted a few weeks ago, and that was to punt AJ Helms’ balls up into his fucking neck before winning a shot at the United States Championship. But instead, I set aside my personal feelings for Regan. After that, I don’t think I am going to do it again. It just isn’t as…fun.

And I want to have my fun. My time in wrestling may be over before I know it, so I need to do all that I can to enjoy it. It is time to get back to doing things for myself. I will stand with Regan and Sienna, but I will always come first. I helped build this house. I built this house before it ever became possessed by a Devil, or haunted by the Boogeyman. I was violent and vicious before they ever decided to lace up a pair of boots. Reminding the world and the roster of this will be fun. I will take great pleasure in reminding them as much as possible.

And it starts with Thirteen. He is a submission specialist, just as I am. He has been known to be violent, but he needed a car to do so. All I have ever needed are my fucking hands. That will be placed on display when we enter the ring at Breakdown. He is another Boogeyman that I laugh at, not because of his in-ring skill, as he is superb in competition. I laugh because, like Xander and Damian, he does all that he can to look the part. His little eyeliner and Gothic appearance…once again…

Give me a fucking break.

Well, he may not give me one, but I damn sure plan on breaking something of his. An arm, a leg…maybe going under the moniker of Thirteen will prove to be truly unlucky.


Years Ago

It was hard to believe. I was standing on the back porch of a home belonging to a man I came close to killing on more than one occasion. What was even harder to believe was that I was having a beer with him, while he flipped steaks over on the grill. Taking a sip of my beer, I couldn’t help but shake my head at the very reality that was going on around me.

I was in the company of Justin Davis and I was actually enjoying it. I never thought that would have been possible given our history. I had taken him under my wing when he was nothing more than some blonde haired loud-mouth. We held championship gold together for quite some time. Shortly after we lost them, he turned his back on me and injured me. Not only that, my then girlfriend left me for Davis. That is another funny thing. She stood in the kitchen, chopping up vegetables for a salad, as Amber was always a fucking health nut.

“You alright, man?” Davis had asked.

I looked over at him and took a swig of my beer, cracking a grin afterwards, “It is just all too fucking surreal, Justin. I never thought I would be here. I never thought we would be friends again after all that happened.”

Davis shrugged, “It could have been worse, dude.”

I looked at Davis, cocking my eyebrow in the same instance, “Are you crazy or what? I dropped you off of the big SCW screen and I watched you land on the metal stage below. I made you bleed several times…”

Davis chimed in quickly, flipping the steaks once more, “Hey man. Give me some credit. I made you bleed too. There is no reason to leave that part out.”

I nodded, “Okay, fair enough. We made one another bleed. Profusely. Like we went out of the way to hurt each other. We went out of our way to make sure the other felt nothing but absolute fucking harm. Yet here we are,” I said, extending my arms out, as if I was showing him the entire landscape surrounding his house, “Hanging out, having a few beers. I am getting ready to have dinner with you and my ex. I don’t think shit like this is normal in most circles, Justin.”

Davis cracked a grin, “Yeah you’re probably right, but dude, I’ve grown after all of that. Amber has, too. It has been years since all of that shit went down. You and I have had our ups and downs, but we’ve handled it. Hell, you’re the one who truly gave me my first big break and that is something I’ll never forget.”

After another swig of beer, I replied, “I saw something in you. I am not sure what it was, especially after all of the shit we had gone through, but yeah I saw something in you. You had potential. I felt you could take on the entire industry and give them a run for their money.”

Davis sighed, “I wish I could have. I had a fire lit under my ass when you took me under your wing…”

I cut him off, “And then you thought you knew more. You thought you knew better,” Davis shrugged and moved his head from side to side, as if he was thinking about what I said, as I continued, “But I have always been the sort of person to take an interest in those who are not your stereotypical main event players. You know that. It is why I linked up with our old friend, Glacier. I saw potential in him, but look where that ended up going.”

Davis shook his head, “I’d rather not talk about that son of a bitch,” He said, tossing a steak onto a plate, “But I see what you’re saying. I did think I knew more, but it turned out that I had no idea what I was thinking or what it was that I was doing. I had my head up my ass.”

“That couldn’t have been a pretty sight,” I said, with Davis looking at me and we actually shared a laugh. It was something we hadn’t done it quite some time. Not since 2008. I finished off my beer before grabbing his empty bottle, “I’m going to grab another beer. You want one, man?”

Davis nodded, “Yeah man. There should be some cold ones in the fridge in the kitchen. Help yourself.”

I nodded before stepping inside. I noticed Amber was still cutting off vegetables. She paused for a moment or two as I stepped inside, before going back to chopping away. We made brief eye contact before I made my way to the fridge, grabbing a beer for myself as well as Davis. I then began to make my way toward the door when Amber spoke, “Hey.”

I stopped and released a deep breath before turning and facing her. She was still as attractive as ever. Flashbacks of nights filled with wild sex with all things passionate thrown out of the window, entered my mind for a few moments before I finally managed to reply, “Hey Amber.”

Her chopping went from vicious to calm as she smiled and asked, “How are things going with you two?” She asked, motioning towards Davis with her eyes.  Eyes that I had gotten lost in several times before in the past.

I looked out at Davis before locking eyes with her once again and I shrugged, “As he said earlier, it could be worse. We seem to be doing alright. I told him it was still unbelievable to me that I am even here to be honest. Especially with all that has gone on with he and I…and hell, even you.”

Amber nodded, “I get that, but I am sure he said that we’ve all moved on, right?” I simply nodded, and then she continued, “And we have. None of us were in a good head space. Things between you and I went south. Justin and I happened. It was all such a mess…”

I chimed in, “I think nightmare would be more like it…”

She smiled, “Okay fair enough. But what’s done is done. No reason to hang on to what happened back then. The harm we all caused.”

I nodded, “I completely agree, Amber. I think with me being here…it is a definite sign that we’ve all moved on. Unless, you are both planning on poisoning me or knocking me out just so I can wake up, tied down, as you guys prepare to torture me.”

She replied quickly, “I didn’t think me tying you up was torture…” And then silence fell over us. I looked down, then back up as she looked down. She turned her body away from me as she shook her head. Our eyes met once again as Amber spoke, “I’m sorry, Josh. I guess there are some things one never truly gets over.”

Feeling slightly uneasy in the moment, I shrugged and nodded, “You’re probably right, but you’re with Justin and I’m doing whatever it is that I’m doing.”

She nodded as silence fell between us again. A few moments passed and then the door opened, Davis stepped inside, breaking the silence, “Everything alright in here?”

I looked at Amber slightly before quickly giving Davis all of my attention, “Of course it is, you jack ass. We were just catching up. She was telling me how terrible of a cook you are.”

Laughter filled the kitchen for a few moments before Davis finally replied, “Well, I know that’s a lie. I am a great cook. I remind myself of that every day. Honey is the salad almost done?” Amber simply nodded before Davis continued, “Well, come on dick head. Bring the beers so we can chow down. I want to hear what you have planned for your return.”

Amber spoke again, “Oh…you’re going back into wrestling?”

I nodded, “Yeah. You know me. I can’t stay away,” We all shared another laugh before I followed Davis back outside, doing my best to forget what Amber had said. I told myself it was an accident and that I didn’t need to think any more about it.

“So…” Davis said, breaking me from my concentration, “What are you planning on doing? Are you going to go after Starr and get your rematch from last year or something else?”

Forcing myself to forget the moment with Amber, I sat down with Davis as he handed me a plate with my steak on it. I shook my head, trying to come off like I was into the conversation as much as I possibly could, “No, I am going after Dillusion. My whole thing is going to be me destroying the Underground division…”

Davis made a sad face, “But that was like my first singles title, man. Such hate.”

I shrugged, “You’re right. I do hate it. Hardcore wrestling is a joke in my opinion. It is like I told that ass hat, Helms last year. I didn’t need weapons. I would just hurt him with my fists. They are all I need to be hardcore…”

Before we could continue our discussion, Amber emerged from the kitchen , bringing a beer for herself and a bowl of salad, “Alright boys, no shop talk. I don’t want Justin getting any ideas…”

Davis replied, “Oh you know me. I’d never do such a thing.”

I spoke next, “This man and his ideas…talk about scary…” We then shared a laugh, before digging into our dinner as well as conversation, with me doing all that I could to keep my eyes off of Amber, to make my mind from going to places it didn’t need to go.


A Few Months Later

Rise to Greatness 2011

Post Match

The plan was for me to return with every single intention to destroy the Underground division. I wanted to piss all over it and set it ablaze, so I could sit back and watch it burn. It is why I went after Dillusion. He loved that division and being hardcore. He was the true embodiment of the division, his words displayed that, especially as he was preparing to face Jake Starr for the Underground Championship. His painted face was indeed the face of the division, even in a sea of blood containing the likes of Ducky and Rachel Foxx. His face that I wanted to pummel. His face I wanted to see once I destroyed him and his division.

But that didn’t happen. When I opened my mouth, no words of hatred came out in terms of my thoughts and feelings on the Underground division. Words came out and they were filled with hatred but the words were directed towards the SCW as a whole. I pissed all over the company and I took my goddamn head out of the match in the process. I wasn’t in it and it ended costing me big time, as I found myself draped over the top rope, a noose tightening around my neck. I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted it to snap my neck or choke me to death, because I indeed wanted to die. I wanted it all to end because I was nothing more than a fucking failure.

Once I found my way back to my locker room, I cut loose. There wasn’t a wall, locker, or door that my fist didn’t meet. My knuckles connected with all that I could find and at first the pain was sharp, but the more I unloaded on everything in my path, the pain left and I started to feel somewhat better.

And then my phone rang.

“Hello?” I asked, placing it to my ear, without even checking to see who it was.

“Hey, how are you?” The voice asked, quickly letting me know who was on the other end.

Air escaped my lungs as I pressed my back against the wall, “Hey Amber…I’m…” I started as I rubbed my neck, “I’m fine. Could be better but could definitely be worse.”

“Yeah you could be paralyzed. I saw your match…”

“Hazard of the job I guess you could say. Not that you’re a stranger to the way this sport works,” I replied, feeling myself coming down off my surge of anger the more our conversation continued, “So, I appreciate you calling and checking up on me. I’m sure you need to get back to Justin. Tell him that he doesn’t need to have his woman call to check on me next time.”

“I wanted to call, Josh,” she stated, “It had nothing to do with Justin. I wanted to know you were alright though something told me you were.”

“That something was correct. I’ll live to fight another day,” I said, as I started to remove my gear before grabbing a shower and heading back to the hotel room, “If you and Justin would like, we can meet at my room before going out and grabbing some dinner. Maybe a few drinks.”

Amber replied, and it was like I could sense that she was smiling, “Yeah, that sounds good. Justin should be finishing up his promotional work here shortly and we can head over. What hotel are you staying at?”

I provided her with the information before ending the call. I took my shower, washing away the defeat and watching it glide down the drain along with my blood, sweat, and tears. I got dressed and walked out of my locker room just as I heard Shawn Winters’ theme song begin blaring through the arena’s sound system. He was in a position I wanted to be in numerous times, but never quite reached.

The main event of Rise to Greatness. Him being there, along with the other face painted piece of shit, Shilo Valiant, made me sick. I left the arena with a bitter taste in my mouth. I got in my rental before heading back to the hotel. I got into my room and tossed my bag to the floor and drew in a deep breath. No longer than the time it took for me to exhale, there was a knock at my door.

I walked over and opened it to find Amber standing before me, in a short red dress, her makeup done up just right, and her fixed in a way that always drove me crazy. Sticking my head out of the doorway, I scanned the hallway for Justin Davis before locking eyes with her, “Where is that asshole, Davis?”

Amber gave a halfway smile, before replying, “He’s not here…it’s just,” she stopped speaking, clearing her throat, not hiding her uneasiness, “It’s just me.”

“Are you alright?” I asked, surprised at the fact I showed concern. Here was a woman who turned on me. I quickly reminded myself that I pushed her to that point with my own set of mind games years ago.

Her half smile remained, “Like you said it could be worse but I’d rather not talk about it out here. Are you going to invite me in?”

I looked down at the floor for a few moments, asking myself whether or not this was a good idea. I told myself that she and I could be friends. That would be fine. I then looked up at her, repeating it over and over in my head that things would be fine before I nodded, “Yes of course. Come on in,” I stepped aside as she stepped inside. I then closed the door behind me, not sure what was going to happen next.

I watched as she strolled through the room, keeping her back to me. A few moments passed before I broke the silence, “So where is Davis?”

Amber turned to me and frowned, “I don’t know really, Josh. He and I…we’ve grown distant over the last few months. He has been going out and gambling away our money. God knows what else he is doing.”

I stepped closer to her, each step feeling more hesitant than the other, “I’ve never known him to be a gambler. Are you sure that’s what he’s doing?”

Her eyes began to water as her cheeks started to turn red, “He told me!” She said, gasping for air, “He told me. Money was always missing and I always kept track of what I spent…Hell you know how I am with money…” she said, laughing out of desperation, “And when I confronted him…he lied to me over and over before he finally cracked…” Amber took a seat at the bar in the room, burying her face in her hands.

I stepped around the bar, “You want a drink?”

Pulling her face from her hands, and wiping the tears from her eyes, Amber cackled and nodded, “Yes, please. Make it a strong one.”

I grabbed a few bottles and two glasses, placing them down on the bar before getting to work, “If I remember correctly, you always enjoyed a good rum and Coke. I don’t have any Coke in the hotel room, but I definitely have rum.”

Taking the glass and drawing it closer to her lips, Amber replied, “Rum will do just fine,” I watched as she downed the rum before placing the glass back down on the bar and locking eyes with me, “I’ll take another, if you please.”

I smirked before downing mine as well. I then poured two more drinks, “Cheers,” I said, lifting my glass up.

“What are we toasting to?” Amber said, readjusting herself by placing one knee on the barstool, her other leg stretched out and her elbows on the bar.

I went to speak, but couldn’t find the words. I let out a sigh plus a slight chuckle, “You know I honestly have no fucking clue. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I’m more than open for suggestions.”

Amber grinned, which was good, because I’ve never been one to enjoy seeing a woman cry, unless of course they were an opponent. In that case, I’d give no fucks. She sipped slightly on her rum before shrugging, “Why not to us?”

“What is there to toast to in terms of us?” I asked, not sure of how I was supposed to feel with her uttering words like that. In my mind, there was no “us”. There hadn’t been an “us” in years.

I watched as Amber slowly removed herself from the barstool and began to make her way towards me, our eyes locked the entire time. She then stood a few inches from me and downed the remainder of her rum, “The fact that we’ve always had that spark. It’s been buried for a long time, but as soon as we saw one another at the house…it found its way back.”

“You’re married, Amber…” I said.

She continued, my words meaning nothing to her, “And ever since that night, I haven’t been able to keep my mind off of you…” Amber pressed her hands onto my chest. I started to drink, as she continued speaking, “And with Justin caught up in himself, leaving me to be alone, I just want to be touched again,” She said, her hands undoing my shirt, “I just want to be cared for again…” I finished my drink, my hands pressing against her, but not exactly fighting her off either, just as she undid my belt, “I just want to know what it is like to be loved once again…” And then her lips met mine.

“What…what…what are you doing?” I asked, doing my best to fight the urge of kissing her back, but finding it more and more obvious that I was weak in this instance. I kissed her back, lifting her up onto the bar, the sound of glasses breaking into my ears, causing me to come back to reality, “Wait…wait…you’re married, Amber. You are married…” I said, taking a step back.

She climbed down off of the bar, looking nothing short of defeated. I watched as she made her way to the door and before I knew it, I was behind her, slamming her into the door, locking it in the process. I found my way inside, and all of the memories of our past flooded my brain. Our bodies intertwined. The taste of her sweat. The wet warmth that always welcomed me. The memories of the past became our present, as we made new memories against the door, then the floor, on every piece of furniture, before reaching the bed.

Then, once it was over, the reality of what I had done, washed away any sort of joy and pleasure I had received, “Get out, Amber,” I coldly stated.

She looked up at me, “What?”

“Get out,” I repeated. She did not move. Amber looked at me, unsure of what was going on. I felt the same way and that infuriated me. Justin was supposed to be my friend. I shouldn’t have done this, I told myself. She shouldn’t have come here, I thought as well, before the words exploded from my mouth, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!”

Amber sprang from the bed, tears pouring from her eyes as she gathered her things, getting dressed as quickly as possible, before giving me one last look as she hurried out of the door, slamming it behind her. I sat on the bed, naked and filled with anger. I was disappointed in her and I was disappointed in myself.

I was also disappointed in the fact that I had no idea what the night’s disappointment would lead to.


March, 2018

New York City, New York

Regan smirks, “I guess the next time I see you in a ring, it may not be us standing side by side, but across from each other.”

I grab the ropes as I lock eyes with her, “If this destroys us, it is because you let it. You let your insecurities get the better of you. If we face, and you win then congrats to you.”

Regan goes to say something, but she doesn’t. She glares at me once again before turning and walking away. I watch as she exits the gym and I stand in the ring, knowing that the entire conversation did more harm than good.

I lean over the ropes and let out a sigh, as I shake my head, “Goddamn it,” I say, before pushing myself off of the ropes. I can’t help but question everything in terms of my relationship with Regan, as well as the entire concept behind Past, Present, and Future. I worked hard to earn the status of a legend, but that doesn’t mean I have to be considered “the past”, I tell myself.

My phone goes off again. I had ignored it during the confrontation with Regan. I grab it and look down, seeing that my own past was trying to contact me. I feel my grip tighten around the phone, wishing I could break it in the palm of my hand. I feel my body begin to tremble slightly as the anger I receive as soon as I see the identity of the caller. I take a few deep breaths before lifting the phone to my ear, “I told you not to fucking call me, yet you do. You don’t seem to take direction very well.”

“I need to talk to you.”

I roll my eyes, “I don’t really give a damn. There is nothing to talk about. You need to realize that.”

“Josh, this is important. We have to talk.”

My hand squeezes the phone even tighter, as I imagine it being her neck, “Amber, we have nothing to talk about, especially not something important. Whatever you think we shared years ago…you need to realize and you need to understand that it is all bullshit. I have moved on. I am married. I am happy living my fucking life. I suggest you do the same.”

It was Amber. I want her to stay in the past, where I buried her. I haven’t spoken to her since the night in my hotel room. That was nearly fucking years ago. I felt that I could just leave things be, not have to worry about a fucking thing. I paid for the house she lives, just as a way to do one last nice thing for her. I guess I thought that I was buying her off. I tell myself that money doesn’t always talk, and that it truly can’t buy you what you want.

She fires back, “But we do have something to talk about and it is pretty fucking important, Josh. A lot more important than whatever it is that you’re doing now. I need to see you…otherwise I will track down that wife of yours and fill her in on what’s going on.”

I imagine her in this ring, and I see myself club her down to the mat before I proceed to stomp on every single fucking inch of her body, stomping until skin splits and bones back. Stomping until there is nothing left but a broken and bloody mess.

“There isn’t a goddamn thing going on, Amber…” I hiss into the phone, “And if you come near my wife then I will make sure I have you arrested for trespassing.”

Silence falls over us for a few moments before she finally speaks once again, “Then meet me.”

“I don’t understand why you are trying to ruin my life all of a sudden. After everything that I have done for you and your family. I made sure that your son has had a rough over his head, because Davis decided to become a fucking deadbeat. I am the one who made sure you never had to live out on the streets. I told you when I bought paid your house off that there was to be no more contact, yet here you are…calling me out of the blue, wanting to talk! I really don’t fucking get you….”

“Josh…” Amber begins, taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling, “If you meet me then it will be the last time you have to see me. I promise you that. I just need to tell you what it is that I need to tell you. Once I do that, I don’t care what you do at this point. I just need to get this off of my chest. I am not asking for much and I swear I won’t ask you for another fucking thing. You can go on and live your happy life with your new bride. You can forget about me, about everything that I need to tell you and that will just be it.”

I run my hand over my face, “You know, with you telling me that I won’t hear from you again…excuse me when I say that I don’t believe that. I have heard that before, Amber.”

She cuts me off, “I swear this is the last time,” Amber states, sounding like an addict, “I swear on all that I have…”

“That’s not really saying much, Amber.”

“Please just meet me. For fucks sake, Josh. I just need five minutes of your time.”

I bring the phone away from my ear and I mimic punching it, as if I am punching her before bringing it back to my ear, “Fine. When and where.”

“As soon as you can….my house…”

“You mean the house I bought for you and Davis to live in. I knew bringing you to New York was a big mistake….” I state, feeling a sense of dread beginning to blend in with my present anger, “But I will be there. So, if you have to practice what you need to say in front of a mirror, I suggest you get to it, because I won’t be staying long,” She goes to speak, but I end the call. I send a text to Rachel, letting her know that I am going to be a little late. I can’t let her know what is going on, because the way I see it, this is my mess and I have to be the one to clean it up. I get into my car, squealing tires as I exit my parking space and when I make my way onto the highway.

I repeat my thoughts to myself, that this is my mess and I have to be the one to clean it up, not thinking about how messier things could become.



“I’d like to start off by giving a big fuck you to Justin Davis, not to mention catering. Hell, let’s throw in Mr. Drachewych and the suits in SCW. Fuck all of you with a double sided dildo wrapped in barbed wire. You can go ahead and fine me if you wish. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with, as monetary gain has never been anything I’ve cared about.”

I turn away from the camera as the light turns green. I am in my truck, making my way to a certain spot in New York City. As I continue to drive, I keep my eyes on the road, but I speak loud enough to make sure my voice is heard.

“So, why the harsh words for all of those mentioned. Well, a few weeks ago at Unflawed, I had some jackass in a chef hat coming at me, swinging sharp objects. How is that promoting a safe work environment? Isn’t that something that Mr. D and the Board have been trying to promote for quite some time now? Maybe I am just mistaken, but either fucking way, idiots like that should not be allowed anywhere fucking near the talent. I am talking about Justin Davis because he is far from a talent, no matter if he has signed a contract with the company.”

I shake my head in disgust at the very mention of Davis, before I continue to speak.

“Speaking of Davis and keeping with this talk of safety, why is this son of a bitch even employed again? I am not saying this because he is a waste of roster space. This has been a proven fact for fucking years, so I don’t need to speak any further on that. What I do need to talk about is the fact that this fucking jackass said he was going to kill me over social media. Isn’t that considered communicating a threat? Now, you can all say that I have said some pretty harsh things over social media or even on camera, period, but the fact that is I am a sound and stable individual. I don’t have mental health issues. Davis, on the other hand, he is a loose fucking cannon. Not only does he have health issues…have you seen how bad he has let himself go? When he was under my wing, he was defined muscle wise. Now, there is nothing but matted hair and flab. It is disgusting and a disgrace to this sport. But the fact that he is able to communicate threats, threatening to kill me and nothing is done about, is a fucking disgrace to me. Do you hear me, Mr. D? I am not sure if you’re still in a coma after Regan put you in your fucking place, but if you can hear me, I want this taken care of yesterday.”

I find myself in traffic for a few moments, so I turn toward the camera once again, fuming at the thought of Justin Davis even mentioning my name.

“And, I want to go on record to state that Justin Davis is clearly psychotic. The motherfucker has been stalking me for years. It has become worse over the last six months or so. He is clearly obsessed with me, yet he is allowed to come back. He is allowed to be an employee of Supreme Championship Wrestling, yet James Evans, my protégé was cast out for smacking a bitch and grabbing her wrist? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. This goes back to something I said years ago. SCW truly means Security for Certain Wrestlers. This company shows you what it truly thinks of you, depending on how you are treated. And I guess that despite being a Hall of Fame legend in this company, hell in this entire industry, I have to walk around, looking over my shoulder due to the fact that some fucking lunatic who has a hard-on for, who is obsessed with me, is able to run around the hallways of any arena that I am in. He is given free rein to do as he pleases. He can say he is going to kill me and that he doesn’t have to suffer any sort of consequences. I guess he will have to take a page from Blake Mason’s book and run me over, or chop me up and feed me to the fucking poor before some sort of action takes place.”

Traffic begins to move and I turn away from the camera. I am still fuming, but I take a few deep breaths, doing my best to maintain control over my actions as well as my words.

“Justin Davis wants a match with me. I don’t want it. You may ask yourself…but you have never backed down from a challenge. And you are exactly fucking right, and this isn’t a fucking challenge. I have mopped the floor with the broken and bloodied carcass of Justin Davis more times than I can count. Yeah, it has been a fucking lot. You would think the fact that someone had to throw in the towel for him during an “I Quit” match we had nearly ten years ago would be enough for him to realize. But the sad part is that it isn’t. He should have realized a long time ago that he doesn’t measure up to me. That he never has and he never fucking will. I don’t want to waste my time beating him black, blue, and red with his own blood. It isn’t worthy of a man with my skills as well as my accolades. Those in charge need to do me a favor and fire the son of a bitch, if not based on the fact that he doesn’t measure up to what it takes to survive in the SCW, then they should do it because he is insane and a danger to myself as well as others. In one on one match, then I have his number yes. But he attacks me from behind, then who knows what will happen? He could kidnap me and take me somewhere to torture me before ending my life and wearing my skin for a coat. That shit happens. It isn’t just something you see on TV. It happens in reality. But then again, those in charge don’t exactly use logic, do they?”

I finally pull into my destination. I turn the truck off and grab the camera. I then pan around, soaking in the view of numerous tombstones before bringing the camera back to my face.

“You see, I use logic. I know that the SCW and those in charge will allow Davis to do what he’s been doing. They will force this idea of a match between he and I. When it eventually goes down, what happens to him will be on them. The blood that will inevitably be shed will be on their hands. And when all is said and done, I will tell them that everything was their fault, not mine. I don’t want things to go that route, but they will. And when does, they won’t have the balls to hold themselves accountable. And Justin Davis’ career will be like those who apparently rest here…it will be dead.”

I let out a slight chuckle before I continue.

“But enough about Justin Davis. Let’s talk about why I am here. This is the Calvary Cemetery. It has over three million burials, and covers over three hundred and sixty-five acres. So, why am I here? I felt it was only logical to come here, as my upcoming opponent likes to spend his times in cemeteries based upon what I’ve heard. Oh, the big and bad spooky Thirteen enjoys long strolls amongst the dead, to clear his mind from whatever has been troubling him that particular week. Oh yes, poor Thirteen has experienced trauma for the better part of his life, and he finds solace in places like this, because for the better part of his life, he has apparently been dead inside.”

I scoff before shaking my head. I then turn and begin to make my way through the cemetery.

“What is it about places like this that you enjoy so much Thirteen? Do you have a touch of necrophilia? Did you and Shilo Valiant take turns with a corpse in your youth, that it shaped you for the rest of your lives as potential grave robbers? What is it? I am only curious because I want to know you and what makes you tick, little one. Do you believe in darkness? Well, if that is the case then I need you to step out of that darkness and come into the light, so I can educate you on a few things, little one.”

I take a seat on an unclaimed plot of grass, placing the camera in front of me on the ground. I bring my knees to my chest and cup my hands, as I begin to speak once more.

“I am calling you little one, because you are like the son I never wanted. Like you, I was an angry, antisocial individual. Like you, I specialize in submission wrestling. Like you, I have gone out of my way to hurt people. I see quite a bit of myself in you, minus the infatuation with places like this. Had you been my kid, I would have whipped your ass and told you to stop being such a fucking creep.  But then again, I am sure you dealt with that growing up, which is why you are the way that you are. All doom and gloom. Yeah, I went through some shit during my youth. Shit that left me with scars, but instead of being all doom and gloom like you, I made a choice to do what I wanted when I wanted. I made sure no one forgot who I was, be it in a conversation or a fight. I made sure those around me had scars of their own once things were said and done. And you can bet your pasty white ass that you will add a few more scars to your already staggering collection. These scars will be physical, mental, and even emotional. Physically, I am going to hurt you. That is already a given. It is what I do in that ring. It is my thing. Mentally, you will be hurt and scarred by the fact that the man you have tried to emulate is better than you, and that no matter how many submissions you lock on or wins you obtain, you will always be in my shadow, you will always be known as a poor man’s Josh Hudson. You will be scarred emotionally, because these truths that I speak to you now, will become much more apparent once we are between those ropes.”

“I am telling you this so that you can prepare yourself for the worst. You see, I know that this is a match that the world has been clamoring for, for a very long time. They have wanted to see what it would be like when the two of us get into a ring and go at one another, trying to wrestle move for move, hold for hold. And don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of that. It is why I got into this business. I smiled like a proud dad when you won the Adrenaline Championship and I smiled even more when you won the World Championship. You were a technical wrestler, one who relied on submissions like I have always done and it was a nice to see someone like me holding the richest prize in this sport. But you see, those smiles faded when I looked at you and saw nothing but gimmickry.”

I shake my head in disappointment, something I want my opponent to experience once our match is over and done with.

“Yes, I said it. Gimmickry. With your eyeliner and your all around Gothic look, like we are still living in the late nineties…it all screams attention seeking, in my humble opinion. Is that it? Are you doing all of this for attention, Thirteen? You want the entire world to look at you, because your mommy and your daddy didn’t give you the time of day, growing up? Well, seeing how I am basically your father in a wrestling sense, let me give you some fatherly advice. I have seen your matches. You are a true technical wizard in between those ropes. You are a serious submission specialist. A true suplex machine. So, the eyeliner and all of that bullshit…it is just that. It is bullshit. It is complete and utter useless nonsense. From a wrestling standpoint, I can take you seriously, but when you add all of that other nonsense, I can’t help but scratch my head and ask myself, where did this guy go wrong? I mean, you go around claiming to be this Dark Messiah? What is all of that? Are you going to summon the dead and seize the souls of those you defeat as your own? Do you have an urn or some other religious artifact from which you gain supernatural strength? Do you have people who believe in you like you are some sort of living, breathing Jesus who decided to take a walk on the dark side of the moon? It is shit like that that makes me shake my head at you in disappointment, boy.”

“I said you are a technical wizard. A submission specialist. A suplex machine. I meant all of those things, but here is the kicker, here is why people have wanted us to go at it for years. I am all of those things. I am the first person in this fucking company to receive those labels. I have never needed eyeliner or anything of that nature to get those titles. No, all I have needed are the skills I possess and these hands…”

I say, lifting my hands up into the camera’s view.

“With these hands, and my skills, I have outwrestled God and the Devil, so I have no issues with wrestling a Dark Messiah. And it has been said that out wrestling you is damn near impossible. Well, challenge accepted, bitch. You see, in that ring, on that mat, I am the best. Win or lose, I am the greatest wrestler to ever grace the SCW with his presence. I don’t go out and I don’t showboat or wear women’s underwear like I am Ace Marshall. I don’t need to be known as the Executioner, God, or the Devil. That is all window dressing. It is all nonsense. I am the greatest of all time in terms of wrestling ability, Thirteen. I have proven time and time again that I am the only one who can truly make any other performer out there look like they are worth a million bucks. Hell, chalk it up to a billion. I have proven that I have the ability to make any match you’ve seen me in on Breakdown look worthy of Rise to Greatness. I single handedly forced the so called Next Level to actually reach that next level and become world championship material. And I did that with my skills and these hands…”

I stop speaking for a few moments, letting the thought of how I have outwrestled names such as Xander Valentine, Chad Evans, the Real Speed, and Damian Angel race through my mind. I run my hands over my face before looking back into the camera and continue speaking.

“With these skills, and with these hands, I will elevate you, Thirteen. I am going to force you to up your game. You are going to have to do so if you want to beat me. I know that you can. It has been proven that I can be beaten over the years. You have proven that you have what it takes to be the World Champion in this company. You came back last year and you have achieved success once again. You have gone toe to toe with Kennedy Street and Bree Mason. You have pushed them, but there is still something missing. Something holding you back, boy. You are in my shadow, son and beating me this week will remove you from said shadow. You need this win more than you’ve needed anything else in your pathetic existence. You need this win, but I am not just going to give it to you. Oh no, I am going to make sure you have to scratch and claw in order to beat me, if you’re able to. If I allow you to survive, Thirteen. I am unlike anyone you have ever faced before and that is because I am who and what you strive to be.”

“I paved the way for your submission wrestlers, your monsters, your war machines. My record, my history with this industry, is littered with broken bodies that I have left in my wake. They aren’t buried in a cemetery, but I left them buried in the past and I will be looking to do the same to you. You see, when I win this match, Thirteen, I will prove to the world that I am the greatest technical wrestler. Hell, I will remind them is more like it. I will remind them why I have always been known as a submission specialist and a suplex machine. I will remind everyone what I can do with these skills and these hands. Hands that will reach out and wrap around your neck, choking you until the point you are feeling that you’re about to take your Last Breath. Hands that will grab you and throw you around a goddamn rag doll. Hands that will lift you onto a pair of shoulders before being throw off so you have a knee meet your face. Hands that will elevate you, but still pat you on the back, as I tell you that you fought well, that you gave a valiant effort, but you will never be who you wish to be…meaning, you will never be me…”

I lean forward and grab the camera as I stand up from the ground.

“Once I defeat you, you can come to your temple of darkness, you can have your pretend followers praise you and all of your dark ways, but then you can tell them what you were at Breakdown, which is a failure. You will not live up to your Dark Messiah moniker. You will be outwrestled, outclassed, and outdone in every way. I know you will give it your all. You always do. There is a reason you are a former World Champion in the most competitive company in the history of this industry, but you are facing a man who helped build this company, this industry. At Breakdown, you will be in my house, son. I will welcome you home with the worst beating you have experienced and when it is all said and done, you can simply thank me for putting you in your place. In the shadows….”

I then cut the feed.

The Josh Hudson Saga, Pt. One

New York City, New York

Retribution was a violent affair. I went to war, just as I said I would, with Alexis Quinne. I survived, taking a few more bumps, adding a few more bruises to my body, but here I am. Still alive and well. My body is getting old, but I still feel like I am in the best shape of my life. Yes, others around me are young. They are fast and agile. I was once like them. My speed isn’t what it used to be. My stamina is top notch in my book, but it isn’t what it used to be. I can still take as much abuse as I can dish out. My body may be aging, but it still holds up. I know that there will come a time when I won’t be able to do this, but that doesn’t mean I am going to stop anytime soon. I am sure the fans would love nothing more than for me to pack it in and hang up my boots. I have heard rumblings from that idiot Justin Davis about a farewell tour. It is something that David Helms did but that isn’t something I am going to do. I have said it before and I stand by my creed, that I will live and die in the ring. That is exactly what I will do. Now, my body is breaking down the older I get. I understand that. That is why I pick my spots. That is why I take my time. The pace of my match with Alexis Quinne slowed down when I was in control. The fans, with their A.D.D mindsets, may have found it boring, but luckily I am of the mindset where I could care less what they think. Just as I will not care what they, or anyone else, thinks when it comes to me cashing in my Trios contract. Just as I do with my body, I will take my time. I will pick my spot.

When it benefits me then I will make sure I do what I want, whenever I want. I am not worried about Mr. D being pissed off about it. He has never cared whether or not I have agreed with his decision making, so why shouldn’t I return the favor? It only makes sense, right? Now that my war with Alexis is finished, I have to look forward to what is next. My future. Sure, I will do what I can to ensure the future of PPF is well taken care of, but we all have individual goals and those will be my primary focus at the end of the day.

A little snot like Bree Mason isn’t going to change that. Sure, she is on the same side as PPF, but that doesn’t mean I have to personally like her. She is not my cup of tea. I don’t like Blake either, but I won’t let that get in the way of progress. If they are fighting alongside Past, Present, and Future then so be it. They will be seen as a necessity in my eyes. I don’t see myself inviting them over for dinner or training with Blake. For all I know, they may turn on us and then they will be targets. I am not going to be surprised in the least when and if that time comes. I will just be ready for another war. I am always ready, as I always know that one is just around the corner.

Even as I reach the front door to the home I share with my wife, I can already sense one on the horizon.

I step inside, dropping my bags at my feet. I feel soreness in my body and am in need of a nice, long hot shower to ease my muscles. Everything appears quiet as I make my way upstairs. I reach the bedroom floor is littered with my wife’s clothes. I hear the shower is already running, so I remove my clothes as well before stepping into the bathroom. I stand in the doorway for a few moments, looking at my wife as the water runs over her body, the water glistening off of her tan skin. I make my way over and pull the shower door open. Running her hands through her hair, exposing her breast to me as she smiles.

I smile back, “Mind if I join you?”

Maintaining her smile and the seduction in her eyes Rachel replies, “I was hopin’ ya would ask that. I’ve been waiting on ya to get home. What took ya so long?”

Stepping inside, pulling the door closed behind me I say, “Traffic,” The words exit my lips just as hers meet mine. Hands begin to travel over our bodies as we touch and feel every inch within reach. She presses me against the shower wall, dropping to her knees, showing me praise. I then return the favor as she drapes a leg over my shoulder before rise to my feet, our bodies become one as the steam surrounds us, our bodies connecting in every possible position and angle. Our passion reaches its climax in the bedroom as morning turns into afternoon. Lying side by side, panting for breath, our hearts pounding as sweat trickles down our bodies, we both share a laugh as I say, “I believe we are in need of another shower.”

“I believe ya missed me,” Rachel replies, reaching over and resting her arm on my chest,

“Yer heart feels like it’s gonna beat right out of yer chest.”

I chuckle, “I guess I do need to work on my cardio. I am an old man after all.”
Rachel sits up and shakes her head, “Ya sure know how to wear a woman down. Old man my ass.”

“And a fine one at that.”

She stands up, exposing her backside to me, slapping the left side as she looks at me over her shoulder, “And its all yers. I’m gonna get that shower. Feel free to join me, sugar.”

I sit up in bed, “I’m right behind you.”

I watch my wife as she re-enters the bathroom. I sit on the edge of the bed, shaking my head at the thought of me being an old man. No wonder they say I am the past, I think to myself. I do the same, so why shouldn’t anyone else for that matter? As I get to my feet, I feel my bones snap, crackle, and pop like a bowl of Rice Krispies cereal. I walk over to the vanity sitting just a few feet from our bed and I see my body. I am still muscular and in decent shape for my age.

“How much longer ARE you going to hold up?” I ask, as I study my reflection. I ask the question and then I ask, “What will you do when you can’t hold up any longer? Have you thought about that…old man?”

“Are ya comin’?” I hear my wife yell out from the bathroom, above the sound of the running water.

I call back, “I’ll be in in just a minute,” I take one last look at my body before joining her in the shower, “Sorry it took me so long. I was having a little heart to heart with myself.”

“What do ya mean?”

“I am getting old,” I start, “I’m getting old and as I have said before, I won’t be able to do this forever. I also don’t want to be one of these old fucks who wrestle in trunks and have flabby man tits. That is just embarrassing and I don’t want that to be me.”

Rachel wipes her hand over her face, removing water from near her eyes before looking up at me, studying me, peering into my soul like only she can, “Yeah ya gettin’ older, but that doesn’t mean ya can’t go out there and compete with the best of ‘em.”

I shrug, “Yet I lost to Quinne. She was able to get one up on me. Syren has beaten me. I even cost myself against Alex. Am I doing more harm than good? I can’t help but question as to whether or not I am truly tarnishing my legacy.”

Rachel shakes her head, “Ya were born to wrestle. Ya are a legend. Ya have earned yer stripes just as ya told that bitch of a cunt, Quinne. Ya pushed her beyond her brink and she had to dig down deep in order to beat ya. It wasn’t like ya just handed her the fucking victory, sugar. Ya made her earn it, just as ya always have.”

I nod, “Maybe you’re right. I have always made anyone who beats me, earn it. Be it CHBK, Zero, Cherry….Syren…anyone who has stepped into the ring with me has survived more or less because I have let them. And that will continue to be the case for as long as I continue to perform, but even in saying that, I know that I need to start looking to the future, for when I do hang up the boots.”

Rachel shrugs her shoulders this time, “I can see that, sugar. But is that somethin’ ya have actually thought about at all? I mean, do ya want to be a road agent or talent scout for the SCW?”

I quickly shake my head, “Lord God no. I have scouted talent before. Hell, I am the guy who scouted that piece of shit Ace Marshall years ago. I saw something in him and sadly it took him damn near ten years to really reach that potential. I don’t think the company would trust me, but then again, I am not sure I would want to work with the SCW once I’m gone. As much shit as the so called owner has tried to pull in my career, and now more than ever, I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to sell out and become some sort of fucking yes man.”

“I don’t ever see ya becomin’ a yes man, not for Mr. D or anyone for that matter,” Rachel states, “So, did ya have somethin’ else in mind?”

I shrug again, “Actually, I think that I do. It is something I have thought about from time to time, during many of my little sabbaticals. Even when our old friend Foxx put me in the hospital…pretty sure you helped in that by the way…”

Rachel smirks and rolls her eyes, “Ya will never let that go, will ya?”

I chuckle, “It gets you riled up and then you show me what sort of hardcore cowgirl you really are…which I fucking love, so hell no I won’t let that go. I will keep it stored in my brain so I can pull that card when I am feeling a little froggy.”

“Yer an ass, ya know that?”

“Guilty as charged,” I say with a smirk, “But, I have thought about doing something. I am sure it would be one hell of a fucking gamble, but it is something I am sure I could make work,” I say, capturing my wife’s attention.

“And what is that?” Rachel asks.

“I’d open my own promotion,” I begin, “I have been training students for quite some time. I already have the talent. I wouldn’t want to bring in big names as I would rather my promotion make its own name, using homegrown talent.”

Rachel’s eyes grow wide, “Ya damn right that’s one hell of a fuckin’ gamble. I support ya, of course, but do ya really want to go that route? I have seen many promotions come and go, sugar. I’d hate to see ya come then go before ya really get something going.”

I look down and nod, “I know. I have done the same. I have been in promotions that have died. I have watched it happen with my own two eyes,” I say, as my mind begins to conjure up old memories.


Years Ago

Hard Core Championship Wrestling folded. Business was dying, as wrestling fans’ thirst for hardcore wrestling wasn’t what it was. I walked through the old HCCW arena in North Carolina, its home base of operations with one of my mentors, a man who would go onto become one of the biggest rivals before his death in 2009, Greg “Psycho” Hood.

“It’s hard to believe, it’s over Josh…” He said, walking with his hands in his pockets, kicking a few rocks here and there. The arena was built on old fairgrounds, with dirt and rocks littering the ground we walked on. Landing on any of it never felt pleasant, “This is where I got my start. This is where I made my goddamn name. This is where I helped the industry grow.”

“You say it like you’re going to retire,” I said, “You and I both know you’re not giving up anytime soon. I’ve heard the rumblings in the locker room. You are already getting offers, Hood so don’t try to give me this sentimental shit.”

Hood chuckled faintly and shook his head, “You’re right. I have gotten offers, but I am not sure I am going to pursue any of them. There is that fucking outfit based out of Connecticut that has been calling, but I have seen what they do with talent that they didn’t create or build themselves. They shit all over you and hang you out to dry,” Hood said, spitting out a bit of tobacco. That was always his go-to. It disgusted me then as it does now, but I never said anything to the man, “There are also rumblings of an outfit coming up in Canada. That has caught my eye, as I know Canadians treat wrestling the way it should be…like it’s a fucking sport.”

I nodded in agreement, “Yeah, if I go anywhere, that is the sort of company I would want to be part of. I am not into this glitz and glamour bullshit. I am not here to be all entertaining. I am here to wrestle. That is what I am paid to do,” I said, my words full of venom, even back then.

“That is the attitude you need to always have, son…” Hood said, we are stopped in the middle of the entrance ramp, “Don’t ever lose that mentality,” He said, passing on words that I have never forgotten, no matter how things ended up going between he and I, “That is the sort of shit Mad J and I have tried to beat into you young fuckers.”

I nodded again, rubbing the back of my head, “Don’t I know it? I have been on the opposite end of many beatings you bastards decided to throw my way. I have the lumps, bruises, and even scars to prove it.”

I watched Hood nod out of the corner of my eye, spitting his tobacco onto the ground beside the ramp, “Good. It is what he and I wanted to do. We wanted each and every opponent to know we appreciated this business and treated it like a sport. We weren’t worried with TV deals and getting fucking pyro added to our entrances. We did it to instill the same DNA in you guys. And not to be biased, but I feel like you were the only one who truly understood that and appreciated the concept.”

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the ring before us, “I did then, just as I do now. It was more than just some concept. It is a way of life and that isn’t something I will forget. I will carry that shit with me no matter where I end up. I respect this sport as well as those who came before me, to make it what it is. This company lasted for as long as it did because of guys like you, guys like Mad J. Even that son of a bitch, Monstermania. You went to every match ready for war. That’s my approach. I am out there to fight and to make sure that this industry survives.”

Hood slapped me on the back, as he always did, especially after I managed to pull off a win, or went through one hell of a match, “I have no doubt in my mind, boy. Besides, if you did…you know that J or I would come and kick the shit out of you to set you straight,” He said, with a slight chuckle.

We stood there for a few moments, staring at the ring in silence. I had my first match in this little arena. Earned my first win in this arena, as well as my first loss. Took my first bump here. Nearly had my career ended before it really started in the same damn arena. All of these thoughts ran through my mind, before I started to wonder about Hood. He still had years in him, gas left in the tank. I turned to him and I could see him focused on the ring, as he always was, even then when I finally broke the silence, “So, any idea what you’re going to do?”

Before Hood could reply, another voice shot out from behind us, “Have you told this young man what you’re going to do, Hood?” Hood and I both turned to find the owner of the HCCW, Alex Moore walking towards us, his cocky strut ever apparent despite the fact that his company was done. His father had started it and Alex turned it into more, but turning it into more didn’t end as well as one could have hoped. Alex reached us and stood in between us, putting his arms around Hood and I before continuing to speak, “Did you tell him that you have this grand scheme of starting your own promotion?”

I looked at Hood, the man who mentored me, and replied, naïve as ever, “Hood, man that would be sweet! If anyone could run a place, it’d be you. You have the knowledge and the experience…”

Before I could continue rambling, Hood lowered his head and simply smiled, “Thanks, kid.”

And then Alex piped up, “Oh yeah, he has the knowledge and the experience, but there is also another key factor that you’re forgetting, Josh.”

I turned to Alex, staring at him coldly, “And what is that?”

Alex’s smirk washed away before lifting up his hand and rubbing his thumb against his index and middle fingers, “Money. You have to have money in order to get things going. You have to have money to keep things going as well. If your product sucks then you won’t make money, which means you have to have talent and in order to have talent, once again, your ass needs money.”

I looked at Alex then at Hood, as if I wanted his permission to clean Alex’s fucking clock for being such a disrespectful bastard, but Hood didn’t look at me. He kept his eyes on the ring so I whispered, “Hood…are you going to take this shit?”

Hood just shook his head and walked away, heading back to the locker room area, leaving me with Alex. The thought to beat him within an inch of his life crossed my mind multiple times, but I didn’t, knowing deep down Hood wouldn’t want me to defend him. The man always wanted to fight his own battles, something that he instilled in me from the early outset of my career.

“Yeah, kid, he will take shit from me. I gave him his career. I am now taking it away,” Alex said, spraying some breath freshener onto his tongue before giving me his douchebag smile, “You see, when it comes to running a promotion, as the owner, you can’t be weak. You can’t take shit from your talent. I have never taken shit from any of you…”

Glaring at Alex, I felt my hands working hard to clench into fists, the rest of my body fighting that urge, “We’ve never given you any reason to, either. Hood has always respected you and has been grateful for the career that your father gave him.”

Alex chuckled, “That is funny, kid. You think that just because I am not like most of the other asshole owners who come out on TV every single week, every single show to mingle with the talent, to have the focus on them…you think that just because I am not like that, that none of you have given me a reason to bring harm to you? If that is what you think, then you still have a lot to learn, kid.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I stepped forward, keeping my eyes locked with Alex’s, “First off, you need to stop calling me kid. I am far from a kid, Alex. And if you want to say something to me, then go ahead and say it. Stop beating around the fucking bush. I am not into playing mind games. That is for that Canadian Heartbreak fag and his heart covered tights. The only difference is that he is more than likely better at it,” I said, grinding my teeth.

Alex shrugged, “I have always liked you, Hudson…” He said, looking me up and down, sizing me up possibly, “You have much more tenacity than the rest of the boys. And I know you look up to Hood as well as J, but they aren’t exactly appropriate role models. J has cheated on each and everyone of his wives, hell even his mistresses. He loves the powder too my friend. And Hood, oh my fuck don’t get me started on Hood,” Alex said, rolling his eyes, “That man may love his wife and his children, but the thing is that all of his money, all of the money that his family has needed…he has gambled the fuck out of it, to the point where there is no more money.”

I shook my head, growing angrier by the minute, plotting a way to pull Alex’s intestines out through his mouth, “Yet, he lives in a fucking mansion. He has better cars than your dad did. You are lucky I don’t stick you in the mouth for disrespecting either one of them, especially Hood, you son of a bitch.”

Alex smirked, “You may want to hurt me, but it’s the truth. Hood has what he has based on the simple fact that I have helped him along the way. It is part of the reason why this company is finished. I have had to bankrupt shit because of him. It is the reason why he wouldn’t answer you or look at me,” Alex looked down at his knuckles, prompting me to do the same. I could see marks and bruises on them. Scars as well, “Also, because I have had to knock Hood’s teeth down his throat on more than one occasion.”

My anger intensified, “What do you mean?”

Laughter escaped from Alex’s lungs, “That is the thing, Josh. When it comes to keeping talent in order, you have to take matters into your own hands. Threats of firing them, or not renewing their contracts, shit like that doesn’t always work. I know that you wouldn’t know that, Josh but that is because you don’t take shit or give shit,” Alex said, looking back up at me.

“So, you beat on your talent?” I said, trying to make sense of things, “You do what you can to maintain power over them? What sort of bullshit is that?”

“It’s not bullshit. And I wouldn’t call it power, Josh. It is all about respect. My family built something with this company. I tried to keep it going. The talent here ran roughshod over my father. I remember him coming home, frustrated resulting in him drinking. I wasn’t going to live like that. That is why I expect perfection and if I don’t get that, then I make sure someone pays,” Silence fell over us for a few moments, before Alex reached up and patted me on the shoulder, “Those are words my father told me when he was drunk and frustrated. Words to live by,” Alex said, walking by me and heading towards the locker room area as well.


Present Day
New York City

Sitting in the stands of my gym, I watch. I do nothing but watch. My students work out, lifting weights, running on the treadmills, and calling a match on the fly in the center of the ring, a ring I built with my own hands. I watch for three reasons. One, to know if my students have what it takes to take their game to the next level, to be known as actual wrestlers and performers. And two, because I am trying to avoid thinking about my upcoming match.

The wise boss, the owner of SCW, has placed me against three other opponents for a potential shot at the United States Championship, a belt currently held by someone I have mentored for over the last year in Regan Helms. Helms, I can admit, is the star of our little group. I know that she loves sharing the spotlight with Sienna and myself in some capacity, but in the end, she is the true highlight. She is the one winning her matches and making her title more and more relevant as times goes on. Sienna has the tools to get there, but it will be a long hard road with Regan in the way.

I have done my time in the spotlight. I continue to wrestle, putting on stellar matches when I do compete. I am not following some simple formula where I suplex someone for ten straight minutes. I am not one to have a boring chant break out in the stands. I am not here, trying to be at the forefront. That hasn’t been my purpose since helping Regan. I saw potential in her and felt the need to help her work through whatever funk she was stuck in at the time. A respect and a friendship bloomed from that. That respect and that friendship are things that I truly value, which has helped me stick around despite rolling my eyes at a lot of Regan’s overly dramatic outbursts for example.

I know what Drachewych is trying to pull. He wants to break the friendship and respect down. He wants to shit all over it, as he wants to have ratings. Regan equals ratings. I have equaled ratings. Past, Present, and Future has equaled ratings. We have went through competition and, despite taking a few hits here and there, we have always come out on top. Now, the owner, our beloved boss is trying to burn down what we have built, by doing his best to turn us against one another.

And not only that, he has added another element to this match. Sure, I will be in the ring against Ikiro and Sam Raine. I have no issue in tearing into either of them, or hurting them, especially Raine. I owe her one or two, more or less. But, while I have no issue in being in the ring against those two, I do have an issue in being placed against the third member of this match. Yes, Drachewych has entered AJ Helms into this match, the adopted son of Regan. Regan is being punished for voicing her opinion and being against Drachewych, and being against the so called face of this company, Syren. Hell, AJ and I are being punished due to the fact we are associated with Regan.

Another thing I am trying to avoid thinking about, is something I thought about upon my return home from Retribution. My own individual goals. Each member of Past, Present, and Future has their own individual goals. Sienna wants to be World Champion, just as Regan does. I would love to be World Champion for a third time. That is not something I can or would deny. But right now, I may end up facing Regan for the United States title. That is, if I participate in this match. I am against it, but I am also torn in the same respect. I have my own goals, and I would enjoy being champion once again, but should I step aside and ignore my goals?

Would Regan? Would Sienna?

I mean, they were both highly upset that I won the Trios contract. There was no true congratulations. There was nothing but animosity. Sienna and I nearly came to blows. Rachel was ready to rip Sienna limb from fucking limb. Regan made peace, but I could tell that she was nothing short of disappointed.

Disappointment is washing over me right now, as I see one of my star pupils, Tyler Angel hit a shooting star press onto another star student of mine, Asher Grayson. I forget about PPF and the other bullshit for a few moments, as I feel myself rising from my seat now, bringing my hands together, clapping for my students, especially Tyler. The rest of the students join me, stopping what they are doing, showering Tyler and Asher into adulation, as I shout, “BRAVO!!!”

I make my way down to the ring, keeping my eyes locked with Tyler as he rests on the top rope now, embracing the cheers and respect he is receiving. I then make my way into the ring, where I help Asher get to his feet, as he holds his ribs. I shake his hand and tell him that I proud of him, before meeting Tyler in the middle of the ring, where we shake hands as well, and I bring him in for a hug. Cupping the back of his head, I bring him close and say, “You did a hell of a job, kid. I wouldn’t expect anything less,” I say, trying to keep a smile from appearing on my face.

Tyler replies back, “Thanks, man. Couldn’t be doing this without you.”

I shake his hand some more and squeeze him tight out of respect, and the love I have for the kid. I go to reply, but before I do, the door to the gym slams shut, silencing everyone, as all of our eyes rest on her.

“Regan Helms, ladies and gentlemen,” I say, as I break the embrace with Tyler.

Regan places her hands in pant pockets, and tosses her head to the right, getting her hair out of her eyes. She is dressed to kill as always and begins to walk towards the ring, keeping her eyes locked with mine. My students look at her in amazement, because she is stunningly beautiful and an inspiration. The guys want to be with her just as the girls want to be her. I don’t break eye contact with Regan as I state, “Alright, everyone come back in an hour,” I say, holding the rope open for Regan, but she goes to the opposite side, “Hopefully everything will be intact and I’ll still be alive when you all get back,” I say, only half joking.

Once it is only Regan and I, we stand in silence for what seems like an eternity. We are both stubborn and hot headed. She is typically the more vocal out of the two of us, but I am the one who breaks the silence, “So, you came by to train?”

Regan rolls her eyes, “Cut the shit, old man. You know exactly why I’m here,” I say nothing. I just nod, maintaining eye contact with the Hellcat, preparing myself for any surprise onslaught she may have running through her mind, “Are you planning on going through with it, Josh? This match. This bullshit match,” Once again, I say nothing, prompting Regan to scoff and shake her head, “You are going through with it. Jesus fucking Christ, man! We are a team, Josh. A fucking team and you are in a match to name my next challenger…And you’re actually going through with it?”

Feeling my fingers grip into fists, my survival instincts kicking in just in case I have to fight now, I reply, “You should know me better than most, Regan and in saying that, you should know that I have never backed down from a challenge. Not in twenty years. That is half of my life and I have never backed down from a fight when it has come to getting into a wrestling ring. And yes, we are a team, which means we should be able to rise above this bullshit, especially if I manage to win at Breakdown.”

Regan shakes her head again, “You honestly think that if we end up fighting one another, that things will be okay afterwards? I know what you are capable of, just as you know what I am capable of. We both know one another very well and how hungry we can both be. If we go down this road, it won’t be pretty. It will ruin everything. It will turn into a fucking nightmare.”

I smirk, “You’re right. I am hungry. I have been for a long time. Just as I know you are. But you see, there has been a question racing back and forth in my mind, shaking the walls around my goddamn brain. Should I let myself starve? And better yet, would you…or even Sienna do the same if the roles were reversed?”

Regan glares at me. I can see her hands turning into fists as well. Knowing her, she wants to land a few punches before clawing my fucking eyes out, “That is not what we are about, Josh and you fucking know it.”

“That doesn’t answer my question, Regan,” I say, my voice growing louder this time, “Sienna wanted me to take Selena out and basically let her make it to the finals, removing myself from having a chance at winning the Trios contract. And you, even Sienna, basically calling me out over Twitter, making it out like I am not a fucking team player,” I say, looking down now, shaking my head. I look back up at Regan as I continue, “I guess maybe that does answer my question.”

“Oh fuck you, Josh! Team player? It seems to me that you are going through with this match. That piece of shit old man has already threatened my kid with termination papers. Has he gotten to you? Did he threaten you, or did he manage to get you in his pocket?”

As the words exit her mouth, my fist comes down onto the top turnbuckle as I now glare at her, “How…dare…you, Regan,” My voice grows loud once again, “How fucking dare you stand here…in my ring…in my gym and accuse me of being in Drachewych’s pocket. Have you fallen and bumped your goddamn head? That son of a bitch has never and will never have me in his pocket. I have never been a yes man! I never will be, either. The fact that you stand here and accuse me of that, shows that you truly don’t know me at all.”

Regan rolls her eyes and shakes her head, “I guess, maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t know you at all. We are supposed to be Past, Present, and Future. Seems like it has basically been you here recently. Maybe that is what you really want,” she says, turning her back to me and proceeding to climb through the ropes.

I chuckle, “You’ve got to be kidding me. I stand back and let you, as well as Sienna have your time in the limelight on a weekly basis. I take shots for the two of you. I don’t bitch about it. Ever! This is exactly why a team like ours doesn’t last. This is what Drachewych wants. He wants to destroy us and we are helping him achieve that goal by doing this stupid bullshit.”

Regan drops to the floor, “We all fight together, Josh. It’s always been that way…well, until now it seems.”

“Get out, Regan, just get out…” I say, fuming.

Regan smirks, “I guess the next time I see in a ring, it may not be us standing side by side, but across from each other.”

I grab the ropes as I lock eyes with her, “If this destroys us, it is because you let it. You let your insecurities get the better of you. If we face, and you win then congrats to you.”

Regan goes to say something, but she doesn’t. She glares at me once again before turning and walking away. I watch as she exits the gym and I stand in the ring, knowing that the entire conversation did more harm than good.



This Wednesday night at Breakdown, four superstars will compete for the chance to compete for the SCW United States championship. Normally that is the reason for anyone to get excited especially the competitors who will be stepping into the ring. The key word there is normally. This week’s fatal four-way match is nothing more than corporate mind games at its finest. Yes the SCW owner is throwing his weight around and trying to compensate for where he is lacking the most and that is his lack of testicular fortitude. Yes he lacks the balls to step up to Past, Present, and Future so he is trying to destroy us from the inside showing his true cowardice. Many of you fans may think he is a wrestling genius when it comes to his ideas in the way he books matches but all he is showing his desperation. It isn’t genius or intelligence. No! It is sheer desperation.

The man behind this company, is so goddamn desperate that you can see it coming out of his pores. And what is he desperate for? He is so desperate to rid the SCW of Past, Present, and Future, that as I said, he is trying to destroy it from the inside. He wants to see me, go against Regan Street, the current SCW United States Champion. He wants to see us go to war, because this creates drama and this company survives off of drama these days. Someone always has to bitch, moan, and complain about something. It doesn’t just stop on your TV screens folks. It comes out over social media. It is a never ending flow of overdramatic horse shit! I am not going to be overdramatic, Mr. D. I am not going to give the SCW universe something to tweet their friends about. I am going to give you something to question your own mentality.

What do I mean by that?

It is simple really.

You see, you are pitting me against AJ Helms. You are sick and twisted. You get off on the idea of having mother take on her son, knowing that their relationship could be damaged once all is said and done. You want the same between Regan and I, should it come down to mentor taking on his student. And then you have your two pawns, Ikiro and Sam. Yes, they are just pawns to you, because we all know what angle you are looking for. I am not looking to fight AJ, but I will hurt Sam and I will hurt Ikiro. I will hurt them and I will hurt them badly. I cannot truly put into words how badly I will hurt them and their pain, their agony…all of it will be on you, Mr. D. You see, I will get away with it as well. This is a wrestling contest, meaning that this is the equivalent of legalized assault. I didn’t ask for this, but you made this happen, boss. Do you think you will be okay with what happens?

I am considered the past. I get that, but at Breakdown, I will make sure I am in the present and that I will take out two chunks of this company’s future, all because of your actions.

Ikiro, he is a rock star. He provides this company and its fans with nothing short of entertainment, be it his in-ring skill, or just his comedic antics. The crowds eat it up. The fans loved it when he went toe to toe with Jake Starr for the SCW World Championship. They were greatly disappointed when he was unable to overthrow Starr for the title, but they saw what he could do in the ring and that he was capable of competing at that level when he is on his game. You know what I call that? I call that worth and right now, based upon your decision to make this match, you do not value Ikiro and for that, I am sorry. Ikiro you didn’t ask for this, but when I split you open and you bleed all over the mat, just know that this is because of your boss. When I lock you in a submission and bend your limbs beyond their means, or when something snaps, remember, it was because of your boss. He put you in this situation.

Same with you, Sam. Sure, you and I have exchanged shots over the last few months here and there, but this time, we will be in the ring together, in an actual match. There will be no running or hiding. Our paths are bound to cross and when they do, I am going to destroy you. You will put up a fight as you always do, but in the end, I am going to punish you for the sins of the SCW owner. I will leave you as merely scraps in the center of the ring. And when that time comes, and you regain consciousness, please remember that I didn’t want this. Your boss did and you suffered the consequences for his actions, but I repeat, I didn’t want this.

Are you hearing me, Drachewych?

What about you, AJ? I know that son of a bitch has put you in a tight spot, threatening you with termination because you don’t want to do this, you don’t want to even consider the possibility of facing your mother, someone who opened up their home to you. The SCW Owner wants to ruin that just so he can make money. He isn’t concerned with what happens once the cameras stop rolling. As long as his company continues to rake in money, so be it. We are nothing more than spokes on the wheel to him and this company.

That means we shouldn’t give him the fucking satisfaction. You can come out to the ring and I will destroy our opponents. You can help if you wish, but once that is all said and done, we can walk out, leaving them behind, leaving the boss’ bullshit plans behind. The fans may boo you and see you in a different light, but they are no different than the man we work for. They want to see us rip one another apart. I don’t want to do that.

I like you, AJ. I respect the Helms family. I went to war with David when he was really beginning to make a name for himself in this company. Not many people know that after our match, despite our differences at the time, he told many people that I pushed him to get better and he respected that. Even though I wanted to destroy Jake Starr and take the SCW title from him at the time, I respected your father’s words.

Just as I respect David, I respect Regan. I respect them enough to stay away from you, as when I get competitive, the world knows what I am capable of. I am not saying you couldn’t hold your own, as you have been trained by the best, by another legend of this business. You have the tools to win any title, to win any match and I know if the circumstances were different, that you even have it in you to beat me and earn a shot at the United States title. But Regan holds the strap. It doesn’t need to come down to you and I trying to figure out goes for the win. We need to do what is best for family.

I am ignoring my own hunger, as this company hasn’t been feeding me. I have asked for more opportunity, more matches and when they decide to actually book me on Breakdown, Mr. D pulls this stunt. I have fought tooth and nail for this company. I have given buckets of blood and sweat for this company. I have generated millions of dollars for the SCW and this is the thanks that I get. Fighting family just so the SCW can earn an extra buck.

I am not going to fight you, AJ so let’s stay out of each other’s way until Ikiro and Sam are down for the count. Let the weak take out the weak. Out of the two of them, I am sure one will muster enough strength to get the pin cover.

If not, then they have no business fighting Regan for the United States title.

I have held the title and I have proven I can compete for it, but I am not going to do it this time. I don’t back down from a fight or a challenge, but this is different. Many people may see this as out of context for me, but I will not fight family. I hope you are of the same mindset, AJ as this doesn’t need to go down a different road where things get ugly.

I am asking you to do the right thing, son. Out of respect for me, for your mother and father.

For family.

I have no issue with doing what I say I am going to do. I will leave bodies in the ring and I will walk to the back. You can threaten me all you want, Mr. D but you don’t intimidate me. I have more money than I know what to do with, so if you fire me…I will be just fine. I will gladly sign my termination papers, but that will be after I lay you the fuck out, because if you fire me, I am going to make sure you have a damn good reason to do so.

Past, present, or future…I own a piece of history, either way.

And if I am sent home, I will take a piece of you with me, Drachewych. I will make you bleed and before I am escorted out, I will tell you that you brought this upon yourself.

That you did this.

Not I.

War, Part One

San Antonio, Texas…

…Oh the memories I have of this place.

I have had some great wars in this city. A few years after breaking into this business, I traveled with my home promotion, HCCW to San Antonio, where I had been booked into a Texas Bullrope match. It is a match that you don’t see anymore, but HCCW may have something to do with that, due to the no restrictions rule we had going for us, like most promotions during the 90s. The promotion was the epitome of violence and bloodshed, something I enjoyed and craved at the time.

The Texas Bullrope match I was in had me going against none other than a grizzled veteran who went by the name of MonsterMania, due to the fact that he was simply put, a fucking monster. He and I had been at each other’s throats for months, and this match was billed to be the final match in our feud. He and I had our hands taped up, and the straps wrapped around our wrists. What happened after that was nothing short of a war. The match itself lasted close to thirty minutes and while I went in as a young lion, I believe I came out something else entirely.

I ended up losing the match. My face was beaten to a bloody pulp. I managed to break my opponent’s nose, and cut him quite a bit, but I was a mess. Hell, thinking about it now, I was a goddamn wreck compared to him. Sure, I did damage, but he let me know that I still had a ways to go, especially if I was going to survive this business. He battered me every time I turned around. Sure, I gave him a hell of a fight, but he ended up giving me a loss, plus something else. He gave me insight. He taught me a lesson. And that lesson was that I needed to approach every single match, no matter what its place on the card was, like a war.

As that is what I was put through. It wasn’t a gauntlet. It was a fucking war.

Texas is a place that is not new to the concept of war. It was built upon war. The blood of the fallen. And that is what I find myself in, every time I step out through the curtain, or hell, even an arena. I know that someone is ready and willing to attack me from behind. Just as I am with them. There are no short cuts or time outs when it comes to war. I have been involved in one since I signed a contract over half my life ago. This war has been far more apparent since I returned to the SCW. I have put my body through Hell since I came back and it doesn’t appear to be coming to an end anytime soon.

In fact, it appears as this war is just now really beginning to pick up.

“The fans or the SCW universe as they have been labeled, are fickle. They are morons. I can’t help but insult them. I can’t help but shake my head at them each and every week when I make my way through that curtain, or when I am standing in the middle of the ring, peering out them, looking into their eyes. What do I see? I see mindless sheep. Do you not believe me? Look at the current situation with Syren and CHBK.”

I chuckle and shake my head.

“When I shocked the world, revealing myself to be the mastermind behind Syren’s injury, when I revealed myself as the person who tried to take Syren out last year, the world booed me. They showered me in jeers. They forgot when I fought against the Mercenaries. They forgot when Justin Davis turned against me. They forgot when I came back to stop Damian Angel. Oh yeah, they forgot when Rachel Foxx took me out with a sledgehammer and left me for dead in the back of an alley. All that mattered was that I attacked Syren. I cracked her head open and left her lying in a pool of blood. That was all that mattered.”

I can’t help but grin as the memory creeps back into my mind.

“Syren went against her word leading up to our final battle at Rise to Greatness, saying she would never stoop to lows such as attacking someone from behind, or having someone help her win. Yet, CHBK did just that. She reveled in it and took the opportunity to pick up a win. The crowd cheered her as she did this, ignoring the fact that she was a liar and a cheat. But look what happened, just a few weeks ago. Syren won the SCW World Championship, and she did it by stooping to lows she SWORE she never would, and what did the fans do? They decided to boo her.  They have booed her ever since and I have done nothing but laugh my ass off!”

“Just as I can’t help but laugh at the fact that Alexis Quinne is now cheered. She spent a large portion of her career, engaging in activities that were considered “gang-like”. She was going around with PUNK Hazard and attacking superstars left and right. But Dante turned on her and the rest of PUNK Hazard, resulting in her having a change of heart. And the fans went from booing her every move, to cheering every single time she showed up in the ring, or picked up a microphone. They have cheered Alexis as she has stood up to Past, Present, and Future, yet booed her when she was the one doing the attacking, and running roughshod over the competition, backing the SCW into a corner. People praise her because she has stood in the ring as we have walked away. She wants to call us cowards, she wants to insult us and label us just as the locker room and fans did during the height of PUNK Hazard. How fucking hypocritical, Alexis. How fucking hypocritical the fans are as well.”

I release a sigh as I glare into the camera.

“Idiots. That is what we are dealing with here.”

I run my hands over my face and through my hair.

“And I get it. I really do. This is war, Alexis. This is war, SCW. The fans, the wrestlers, we all have to choose sides. We all have to draw a line in the sand. I have chosen my side. I chose my side at the end of 2016, when I saw the potential in Regan Street. I chose my side when I cracked Syren’s skull and made her bleed. I was not going to embellish in the cheers of the fans. I could give two shits about them booing me as well. I do what I want to do, no matter what anyone thinks. I could care less about the consequences, and the same goes for those who stand beside me in Past, Present, and Future. There is a reason we are at the forefront of professional wrestling. There is a reason we are truly the most dominant group to come along in the SCW in quite some time. It isn’t Ace and his little band of misfits. It isn’t Dark Fantasy. We have proven to be resilient. You knock one of us down, somewhere is there to pick up the fight where it left off.”

“Because that is the thing with war. You can choose your side. You pick where you stand. But in the end, you are there to kill or be killed. The same could be said with pro wrestling, Alexis. You see, boos or cheers, they don’t mean shit to me. I know that my opponent is there to hurt me and win. They better fucking know that I am there to hurt them and win. As I said, it is kill or be killed. I will walk into our match at Retribution and I will be conjuring up ways to hurt you, Alexis, to make you scream out in agony, to make you wish you were fucking dead. You better be doing the same, otherwise, we shouldn’t even be in the same match. As I said, this is war Alexis and this is a fight that I intend to finish before burying you next to all of the other bodies I have left in the wake of my wrath.”

I lift my hands up into the camera’s view, slowly clenching them into fists.

“Yes, I said bodies. You see, I have done so many things with these hands. I have shed the blood of countless competitors who have stepped into the ring against me. I have used these hands to wrap a chair around the head of Glacier, a man I led to believe he was my friend. I have used these hands to throw Justin Davis off of the SCW tron. I have used these hands to take a cheese grater across his flesh. I have used these hands to damn near cripple Jason Zero, CHBK, and even Asher Hayes. Why have I done those things with these hands? It is fairly simple, Alexis and trust me, these words aren’t mean to intimidate you. These words are meant to get it through your thick skull a message and my message, as I said, is simple. We are in a war, and in war, there are no good guys, there are no bad guys. You are seen as a good guy standing up against someone like me, and that is all well and good, but as I said, there is no good nor bad guys. In the end, there are only survivors, Alexis.”

“I have survived so much in this business. I have been competing for twenty years. I have seen empires rise and I have watched them fall. I have seen superstars come and I have watched them go. I have broken bones and I have pissed blood. I have been put through the ringer and I have survived. Have you truly endured, Alexis? I don’t care what you have experienced in your personal life because in the end, when you step into that ring, it means dick. What have you endured as a wrestler? Compared to me, absolutely nothing. And that is the thing with a lot of your generation. You think that because your best friend turned his or her back on you, that it is the end of the world, so you flood Twitter with bullshit like levitate, levitate, levitate. You may want to float around and you may like to keep your head in the clouds, but at Retribution, I will do what I do best and that will be bring you back down to Earth, introduce you to a harsh reality, so you can experience pain like you’ve never felt before. I will break you and I will humble you. You may think that I won’t, but in the end you will see that was nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you.”

I then lift my hand up once again, the hand that Alexis tried to crush in the door of a rental car a few month back.

“Speaking of playing tricks, do you remember this hand? This is the one you slammed into a car door. You hurt me, Alexis. You took me out for a little bit, but as always, I came back. You may have thought you were going to get inside my head, but you didn’t. All you did was let me know that you wanted to play. I like to play, Alexis so thank you. You and I have been doing this dance for quite some time and this Sunday will be our last tango. Yes, I heard you little speech at Breakdown a few weeks ago. You’ve taken shots your entire career! Bravo! When you’ve been doing this for twenty years then maybe we can talk about the abuse you’ve taken. You keep getting up and that is good. I want you to get up, because when I put you down, I want it to shatter your entire existence.”

“I found it funny that you basically want me to prove to you how much of a legend that I am. The thing is, Alexis…I don’t have to prove anything to you, or anyone else. I know what I have done in this business. My accolades and accomplishments speak for themselves. You need to prove to me, and the entire world, even to yourself, that you are as big and as bad as you seem to think you are. That is a lot of pressure. Do you think you can live up to the hype? I have seen countless superstars hype themselves up, only to crumble to the pressure, buckling when their “legend” became too much to handle. I have seen this happen to you on more than one occasion. Most recently, against Regan Street. You were going to do this and you were going to do that en route to becoming the new SCW United States Champion. How did that work out for you? You caved, Alexis and that is exactly WHY I know you WON’T be my worst nightmare, child.”

I stand up and back away from the camera, so my entire upper body is shown. I stare at the camera for a few moments before reaching down to the bottom of my shirt and lifting up and over my head. I toss it aside and lift my arms up and out, still staring at the camera, as if I want Alexis and the entire world to look at my body. Not because I want them to think I am some self-obsessed jock with the body of a Greek God. No, I want them to see my scars.

“Do you see these scars, Alexis? These scars represent experiences that I have endured. Moments of war that haunt my dreams, becoming a nightmare that I can’t always escape. I have competed in death matches in Japan. Matches that I am sure you’ve never experienced. And no, Alexis, watching them at home with your nerd friends, in between episodes of your favorite anime doesn’t count. These scars…”

I point to my sides and portions of my arms, before continuing to speak.

“…are from being dropped on explosives hidden by the ring canvas. They are from taking shots from baseball bats covered in barbed wire, and having that wire sinking into my flesh only to have it RIPPED out! And these…”

I say, pointing now to my chest.

“…are from putting my body through tables scorched in flames. Going through glass panels. Competing in numerous Tactical Warfare matches and Elimination Chamber matches. Once again, matches that you may have watched on YouTube with your friends when you were simply daydreaming about being a professional wrestler. While you were dreaming, I was living it. I deal with the aches and pains of being a pro wrestler every single day of my life, so you may have gotten more shots than me…you may have hurt my hand…but I deal with pain every day so what you’ve done is nothing new. It is just something I else I deal with. Something you may never have to truly experience, because the SCW has grown more sensitive as we enter the PC world, with its PC mindset.”

“And that is something I can’t stand about your generation. You talk tough, but your words simply amuse me. You have talent when it comes to stepping in between those ropes, and you have proven you can overcome the best this place has to offer, but when I hear your words, and I watch your actions, I am unimpressed. There was a time when talking tough made believers out of people. They knew your words mattered. Most of your generation immediately take to Twitter or some other social media outlet and bitch, moan, and complain, before putting a hashtag by it. It is hard for me to take you at your word when you are simply a hipster, claiming to be hip with a billion different things. But I understand, Alexis. You are catering to your fans, the same fans who booed you not too long ago, despite putting together the World Hazard festival.”

“That was innovative and I felt you were doing something amazing for this sport. I even participated and for that, you could simply thank me for taking the time to give back to this business, to agreeing to participate in your event. But no, you show me disrespect. I get it. You want to make a name for yourself and like so many others who have tried in the past, from Justin Davis to Gable Winchester, I will make you earn your stripes, but you won’t make your name off of mine. Hell, you should thank me for sparing you once Regan handed you your ass at Learning from History, which is something I figured you would have actually done from wasting your life on the internet like most hipsters do these days. I figured you would have learned from the history of violence I hold close to my heart, that I am the last person you should pick a fight with. I tried to tell you after that match that this isn’t a road you want to go down, but here we are.”

“This is what you came after. This is what you wanted. I will remind you of this as I take my time breaking you down at Retribution…”

I say as I step closer to the camera, to where only my face is in full view.

“You will know what a nightmare is. It is being in the ring against me as I torture you. You will that I have taken more a thorn to my side. I know you will fight me. I know you have a fight in you. I’ve seen it, but this isn’t going to be like playing a video game. I am not some big boss that you can beat after numerous tries. This is your one shot, your real shot. You better make it good. If not, then I will decimate you. You will be up against twenty years of anger, frustration, blood, sweat, and tears. Twenty years of not caring what I do to someone. Twenty years from a war torn veteran, who seen it all, been through it all, and lived to tell about it. If you think you are going to force me to quit then you have another thing coming. Remember this is what you wanted, but despite your little speech, you aren’t going to enjoy this one…little…bit…”