Vs. Frost II

April 2018

New York City, New York

…I am here because I have a big announcement to make in regards to my career. It is an announcement that I’m pretty fucking excited about. The building has 60 floors in it. Everything is marble, with the architecture and the designs animating the walls nothing short of immaculate. It is a huge building getting ready to be rocked down to its foundation, because I am the biggest client it has.

I step towards the receptionist’s desk where Emma looks up and smiles at me. I’ve been coming here for years and we are on a first name basis. And we’ve fucked in many of the bathroom stalls here, during and after business hours. Like I said, it is a gift that cannot be controlled.

“Hey Emma, can you buzz Zeke the Geek to let him know yours truly is here?” I say with a smile.

She returns the smile, but I can tell it’s not genuine in the least. She is mad because I took Trish back. I guess I should have warned her that she was expendable, like most people in my life. I nod and give her another smile before stepping away and taking a seat as my phone goes off again. I roll my eyes and let a sigh as I bring the phone to my ear, “Hey babe?”

“I have been trying to in touch with ya all fucking day. Where the hell have ya been?” Rachel screams into the phone. I have been gone for quite some time and I didn’t exactly give her a reason I was leaving, other than I was going to the gym.

I run my hand over my face, trying to keep myself calm, “It’s alright, babe. Remain calm,” I say, trying to generate a laugh. It doesn’t work, but I stay the course, “I was at the gym and I lost track of time. But now, I am getting ready to meet with my agent, Zeke…not sure if you remember him at all…”

“Yeah I do…”

I nod, “I am going to talk to him about starting my own promotion. Hopefully he can make a few offers to get this thing up and running.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see elevator doors open up and Zeke’s face comes into view. We nod at one another. I could care less for the guy most of the time but he has definitely come through for me in the clutch. I put up a finger, letting him know that I need a moment or two. He nods once again and gives me a thumbs up which I hate when he does that. I get up from my seat and walk out of his view, “Alright, let me get off of here, Rach. I will call you as soon as I am done here. I promise. And hopefully by then, you won’t be so steamed at me.”

She fires back, “Being a smart ass isn’t helpin yer case, sugar. Remember that.”

I crack a grin, “Yeah, I love you.”

“Love ya, too…” she says.

I then turn and head over towards Zeke and Emma, “Zeke,” I say, extending my hand, which he accepts graciously, “Long time no see. You don’t call. You don’t write.”

He grins and shakes his head, “You know that’s not true. I call you or text you every single day.”

I chuckle, “I know. I was just fucking with you. Let’s head to your office, shall we?”

Zeke, with his receding hair line and cheap glasses, as well as his cheap suit, disgusts me but he is a hard worker despite all of his apparent flaws. I know my flaws but I don’t let them hold me back like he, and a lot of people, tends to do. He points towards the elevators and I see his watch he bought at Wal-Mart, “Right this way.”

I give him a smirk, like I do most people, “After you….” I then follow him to the elevators.

“Where is Rachel? I figured she’d be here with you. She usually is when it comes to these big announcements.”

As the elevator doors close I say, “That was her on the phone. She sends her best.”

He says, “Fair enough.”

We reach the top floor and the elevator doors open. We step out and head towards his office. I can’t help but have a smile on my face, because despite the fact that I have so many things going on in my personal life, my professional life is about to get interesting.

Big things are coming. Nothing and no one will stand in my way, I tell myself as I take a seat across from Zeke’s old mahogany desk. Once seated, he looks at me and smirks, “Alright, let’s get down to business. Have you got something for me? Are you planning on leaving the SCW and going elsewhere? I only ask because your career hasn’t been receiving any favors recently. You lost to Quinne and you haven’t done much since then.”

I smirk, “Let us not forget that I own a pin fall victory over the lesser version of me, Thirteen. But, that isn’t why I’m here, Zeke. It pertains to my career as well as my legacy more than anything.”

Zeke runs his hand over my fading hairline and repositions himself in his seat, “Okay that sounds a little promising. What are you getting at my good man?”

I lean forward, “I want to start my own promotion. That is why I’m here. I won’t be wrestling forever like that Canadian faggot CHBK seems to do. I want to build something up and make it bigger than anything the SCW has ever done.”

Zeke shrugs, “Okay but why? The SCW gave you a platform to bring your wrestling genius to the world. It helped you grow just as you helped it grow.”

“Exactly,” I fire back, “I helped build that goddamn company and it has become a joke. It is rubbing it in my face, taking all of that I’ve done, the hard work I put in to make it more about the sport than the fucking entertainment aspect…they have pissed all over that and I would love nothing more than to watch that place crumble, starting from the tip top all the way to the fucking foundation.”

Zeke leans forward in his chair now, “And I get that, Josh but what you want to do is a huge risk. I know you can start things up but keeping it going…that is a huge gamble and I’m not sure you know what it is you want to do in all honesty.”

I chuckle, “In terms of getting things started and maintaining, you’re right. I don’t have the slightest fucking clue. But I know you know people who have been involved with several wrestling companies in many different aspects and jobs. People who know what they are doing. People who will work with me to ensure my idea becomes a reality and that the reality becomes a success. You’re the best at finding what I need. That is why I’ve kept you around for so long.”

Zeke nods, “You keep me around because I’m the only besides your wife that will put up with your stubborn ass,” I grin, knowing that he’s right, and then Zeke continues, “But in terms of what you’re asking, I can see what I can do. It won’t happen overnight, but it isn’t impossible.”

I nod, “That is what I’d like to hear.”

Zeke nods as well, “In saying that, have you considered going another route? This is something that may be what you’re looking for and may even get you started on your path to shut SCW down a lot faster than you’d expect.”

His word run through my mind as I lean back in my chair now and I smirk, “Alright Agent Zeke. You have my attention. What is on your mind?”

Zeke placed his elbows on the desk, using his thumbs to hold his head up, “Have you heard of Emerge?”

I roll my eyes as soon as I hear the name, “Are you talking about that little developmental promotion that the SCW already owns? Thanks but no thanks.”

Zeke shakes his head, “I know the SCW already owns it but what if I could put you in a position where the SCW wouldn’t own it?”

I lean forward, “Then who would?”

Zeke smirks, “You.”

I sit for a few moments, mulling it over in my brain. I tell myself that I want wrestling to be presented in my image, the way it should be. This or my own promotion could do just that. I let out a sigh before climbing to my feet, “See what you can do,” I say, shaking hands with Zeke before making my exit.

I reach the city outside where Riley meets me with an opened limo door. I climb inside and send Rachel a text, letting her know that I have one last stop before I come home. Once inside I hear Riley call to me, “Where too, Josh?”

Shaking my head at my answer before I give it, I say, “Vaughn’s Hospital. Take me there.”

When I say Vaughn, I am referring to Dr. Vaughn, a man that I received therapy from years ago. I know that he has helped my protégé, James Evans as well. When my bastard’s mother started talking crazy which led to the incident that resulted in said bastard being hospitalized for a coma, I made sure that Dr. Vaughn received a phone call from me. I was able to say what needed to be said, backing up the mother’s behavior, which resulted in her being involuntarily committed. Vaughn is one of the most, if not the most, respected mental health providers not only in New York, but the entire country.

I remember calling Vaughn and letting him know what was going on. He was immediately interested in the details I provided him with and was very eager to help. Once the boys in white coats showed up, the bastard’s mother knew that her time had run out. Thinking about it now, I can’t help but have a smile form on my face. Despite the nightmare she was trying to cause, everything has played out perfectly for my benefit. I mean, I couldn’t write that shit myself.

We arrive at Vaughn’s facility and I tell Riley to wait. I make my way through the outside common area, seeing that Vaughn is really going for a peaceful and serene setting. I tell myself it is something that these crazies need, yet I know it is nothing more than a mirage. A fabrication like the so called truth someone like Selena Frost speaks, yet her words are filled with lies. Just like the crazies in this place, the fans are nothing more than mindless sheep, nothing more than bumbling idiots.

I check in with the receptionist, letting her know that I am here to speak with Vaughn. I take a seat in the waiting area and I send my wife a text, telling her that I love her and that I will see her soon. I typically get a rather quick response, but this time I don’t. I know that Rachel is nothing short of pissed off at me. I know that she has good reason to be, but I’m not a fan of dragging her into this, as I am not sure how she will react. My wife is like Amber, attractive but unpredictable. I guess I attract that sort of woman, I tell myself with a slight snicker. The only difference between Amber and Rachel is that I fully intend to keep Rachel around. By any means necessary, even if it means keeping Amber here and the bastard in a coma.

Before my thoughts can continue running through my mind, I look up to find Vaughn walking towards me. He smiles at me as I rise to my feet. We shake hands as he says, “Good to see you, Josh. What brings you here today?”

I shrug, trying to put on my best concerned face, “I came by just to see how she was doing doc. I don’t know if you can tell me much, but if it’s okay, I’d like to see her and maybe talk to her. If that’s okay, of course,” I say, hoping that my words are coming off as genuine as I’d like them to.

Vaughn nods, “Of course. If you want to follow me to my office, I can tell you a little bit about what is going on. You did put your name on her caretaker form, so I can disclose any and all information with you,” I nod as well before following Vaughn to his office. Once there, I take a seat in front of his desk, “So, Josh, to give you a little update on our friend, Amber…she isn’t in the most stable place, obviously.  She is projecting this fear for her son’s safety,” I nod my head, as if I understand, as if I actually care, which I don’t. I’m here for other reasons, but Vaughn doesn’t need to know that. Vaughn stops speaking for a few moments before releasing a sigh, “And she seems to have come up with this narrative where you are the reason she is in here and that you are the reason her son is in a coma.”

I scoff and shake my head, “Well that couldn’t be any farther from the truth, Vaughn. As I told the police, I have helped her and the boy financially for awhile, due to the father being a real prick. She started sending me messages, talking all kinds of strange shit so I went over there and shit just hit the fan to say the least.”

Vaughn nods, “Oh I am sure, Josh. I am just telling you what she says in regards to why she is here. She believes you are trying to destroy her,” His words resonate in my ears, and I frown, but on the inside I am delighted that she knows what I am going to do. There will be no try involved. I will execute successfully. She should have watched my interactions with Selena Frost. She and I were on a team, but I still went out of my way to bring Frost nothing but harm.

I shrug, “I guess she sees it more as that since I called you as well as the police. But the truth is that I am trying to not only protect her, but the boy as well,” I say calmly, when in truth, I could give two shits if the boy lives or dies. When it comes to the wrestling world, I do not care to speak my mind and share my truth, but out here, in the real world, saying what I think and feel can result in me being in a place like this. As the old adage goes, you have to pick and choose your battles, I remind myself.

Vaughn frowns now, “Well would you like to talk with her, despite knowing what I just told you?” I simply nod, “Alright, Josh. If you will follow me,” And I do, after he makes a quick call down to the ward. Once we leave his office, he leads me down a long corridor and into another room, where I see her, staring out of a window, wrapped in bars, telling her that there is no such thing as escape. This brings a smile to my face that I have to hide when Vaughn turns to me. He frowns once more before speaking to Amber, “Miss Amber, you have a visitor who says he would like to speak with you,” She slowly turns and we lock eyes, as her mouth drops. I see her fists clench and her bottom lip quiver. Vaughn looks to me, “I will be outside with a few other members of the staff just in case she attempts to get physical. If you need anything, just holler for us.”

I nod before Vaughn makes his exit. Once the door is closed, I regain eye contact with Amber, who will step any closer to me, so I take a few steps toward her, “How are you feeling, Amber? You don’t look too happy to see me.”

She doesn’t say a word. I shrug it off, taking another step closer, “So, I will take that as a fact. You’re definitely not happy to see me,” I maintain a smile on my face as I shake my head, “Now, I just can’t figure out why that is.”

And then she finally answers, her voice low, “You know damn well why. You put me in here, you son of a bitch.”

I look at her, as if I am taken aback by what she says, “Oh but Amber, I know that I put you in here. You have to know,” I say, speaking slowly as my smile returns, “That I put you here…for your own good. I couldn’t help but fear for your well-being.”

She nods, her legs trembling a little bit as she replies, “Oh you care about my well-being?” I simply nod before she continues, “You haven’t cared about me in years. Why would you all of a sudden care now? Huh?”

I sigh and shake my head once more, “I can’t believe you’d say that,” I say, slyly, “You know that I have always cared about you. We have a history, you and I. You can’t erase the past,” I say with a smirk, letting her know that is exactly what I intend to do, “And our past is filled with ups and downs, but that doesn’t change the fact that I care…especially,” I say, pausing for a few moments, looking down at my feet, before slowly looking back up as a smile forms on my face once again, “After what you did…to your son…”

As soon as the words escape my mouth, Amber lunges forward, her knuckles cracking into my face. It doesn’t take long for me to taste blood. The pain stings, but it is all part of the plan, I remind myself as we fall to the floor, with Amber still throwing all that she has into her shots, before Vaughn and his staff rush into the room, restraining her. I watch, wiping blood off of my lip, as one of the orderlies drives a needle into Amber’s neck. I watch as she goes from a raving lunatic to completely catatonic.

Our eyes lock as she fades. I stare at her, letting her know that this is exactly what I want. That she is giving all that I need to keep her locked away forever. That no one will ever believe a single solitary fucking word that will come out of her mouth. And then she goes under, as Vaughn steps before me in my line of sight, sighing and shaking his head, “Are you alright?”

I touch my lip again, still tasting a little bit of blood and nod, “Yeah I will be fine, doc. No worries. You have known for the majority of my career so you know that I have been through and endured a lot worse.”

Vaughn forces a grin before leading me out of the room, where I take one last look, seeing the orderlies strap Amber to her bed. I tell myself that it couldn’t happen to a better person, before they all disappear from view. A few minutes pass and we are back in Vaughn’s office. He reaches into his desk, bringing out two glasses then a bottle of Jim Beam. I watch as he pours both glasses to the brim before he hands me one. I smirk, “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking, doc?”

Vaughn sighs as he looks down at the brown liquid, “I try to run a pretty peaceful establishment, but ever so often, things like this happen and they drive me to drink. A chat with Jim has always kept me going. It keeps me from ending up as a patient instead of a doctor.”

I grin and nod before lifting up my glass, “In that case, cheers…” And then we down our drinks. After the burning sensation leaves my throat and stomach, I look back at Vaughn, “So, I basically take it that Amber isn’t doing herself any favors with behavior like that.”

Vaughn sighs again and shakes his head, “No, she isn’t. These attacks, both physically and verbal…she isn’t painting the sort of picture one needs to, especially if they are planning on leaving this place.”

I lower my head, staring straight down to my feet, doing my best to hide my smirk. His words are like music to my ears. It is the sort of song that a person hears that brings nothing but joy to their lives. I look back up and shrug, “Well just keep doing what you do, will you?” I say, handing my glass over to him then shaking his head. Vaughn nods then I turn and head out. Upon my exit, I reach outside and I see Riley standing outside of the limo.

Riley apparently sees my busted lip, “Damn, Josh. Are you alright?”

I smirk, “I’ve seen better days,” I say, “Just open the door.”

Riley does as he is told and I climb inside the limo. He gets into the driver’s seat, and turns back to me, “What happened in there, exactly?”

I glare at Riley and shake my head, “The less you know, Riley. Now,” I say, as I roll up the window, “Take me home.”


May 2018

New York City, New York

Hudson Manor

Home hasn’t been the best recently and for good reason. I have been keeping things from my wife. Things that many would consider important, just as I consider it important to keep these things from my wife. I don’t want to fuck things up between Rachel and I, but as I have always done in relationships, I try to do things that will not mess the relationship, but do so in the process. Getting out of the car after my ride home, I am exhausted, but I know that there will be another fight once I walk through the front door. I know what my cards are. I can either continue to lie and make things worse, or come clean and hope for the best.

I’ve never been one for hope when it comes down to it. I know things happen based upon our choices and so far, I’ve been hurting my marriage by choosing to keep Rachel in the dark. I tell myself that Rachel has done some fucked up shit in her time. She practically crippled Katelyn Buehler’s sister. She kidnapped her children. Then there is her time in Blood Grove and all the hell she created with that group. She helped Rachel Foxx in kicking the shit out of me. I let that shit slide, so Rachel could do the same with this, I tell myself as I put my key into the door. Rachel is unlike any other woman I have ever met or been with. She claimed to be the violent kind at one point, and that side may come out when and if I do choose to tell her the truth. There may only be one of us left alive afterwards I tell myself as I call out, “Babe…I’m home.”

I walk into our bedroom, dropping my bags off. She isn’t in here, which surprises me as she typically meets me here so we can play a few games of catch-up. Not seeing her here lets me know that I am indeed in a world of shit, number one on her shit list. I sigh before making my way downstairs where I head out to the pool, which is where I find her. She is doing laps back and forth across the pool. She reaches the wall in the deep end before turns and sees me. The look she gives me cuts right through, down to the bone, letting me know what she thinks of me. I hold her gaze for a few moments before she takes off swimming again. When she reaches the other side, Rachel climbs out of the pool and I step beside her holding a towel. She gives me a quick frown, taking the towel and wrapping it around her body. Locking eyes with her I say, “Hey.”

Rachel nods, “Hey sugar,” She says before heading inside.

I follow, “I had an idea. Would you like to hear it?”

I watch as her shoulders move back as Rachel shrugs, “Sure. What did ya have in mind.”

I follow her into the kitchen where I grab a beer for her and I. I lift my beer up after popping the tops, waiting for her to toast, but I get nothing. I nod, telling myself that I did this to myself. I take a few gulps of my beer before I say, “I think we need a little vacation. More like a getaway. We can get away from the city and go up to the mountains. I have that cabin in the Smokey’s. I know we haven’t been there in a long time.”

I watch as Rachel smirks before taking a few gulps of her beer. Those few gulps turn into her chugging. Once she is done, Rachel brings the empty bottle down and lets out a satisfying sigh, “What makes ya think I would want to get away with ya all of a sudden? Ya have been pretty distant recently and you know that I don’t like that. I have kept up appearances because ya know I don’t like people in my business. But we ain’t on Twitter or in front of a camera, so I can openly ask ya…are ya fucked in the head?”

And the gloves are off, I tell myself before I take a few more gulps of my beer. Once I bring the bottle from my lips, I scoff and shake my head, “You know I’m fucked in the head, Rachel. It is one of the many things you love about me.”

Rachel glares at me, “That doesn’t explain why ya have been so fucking distant with me recently.”

“I have my reasons, Rachel. And don’t think that I haven’t been beating myself up about it, either,” I say, talking to my wife unlike how I talked to Vaughn. I am sincere and genuine, even though I know that I haven’t been the best at that with Rachel in the last few weeks.

“Then, what are those reasons, Josh? And what is it that yer covering up? Do you have the balls to tell me that?” Rachel asks, her scowl remaining, as she eyes me like prey.

Before I say anything, I look down and sigh, my mind accepting defeat, knowing that there is no other way around this. For all of my macho bullshit, telling myself that my wife could not and would not know about this, I didn’t look ahead. I didn’t think about the future. I didn’t think about how my behavior would change once I started dealing with this situation between Amber, the bastard, and I. But, I tell myself, here it is. In my face. Can’t overlook it or outrun it. I sigh once again and shake my head before I look up at Rachel, “I do have my reasons and I don’t know how to tell you anything in regards to what I am dealing with right now. I know that I come off big, bad, and brave but right now, I am overwhelmed and fucking scared to death of losing you. If you were anyone, I probably wouldn’t give a good goddamn, but you’re not just someone else. I actually love and care for you. I have been my best to protect that from this shit I am in…”

Rachel chimes in, “Lot of fucking good that’s done huh, sugar?”

I crack a bit of a grin, telling myself that I deserve that, “Yeah, trust me I know it hasn’t done me any good. I can see it as plain as day. Just know that I approached all of this with the best of intentions. But, it has done nothing but kick me in the fucking ass since day one.”

Rachel rolls her eyes, “Then just fucking tell me, Josh. It ain’t that hard.”

I nod, “It is a lot harder than you think. Like I said, I’m not sure how to approach it. I guess that is why part of me wanted to get away for a while. To go up to the cabin for a few days, so I could tell you…So I could tell you everything.”

“Well, when did ya want to go? Because the sooner we get this over with, then the better I’ll be. And maybe ya will feel better too,” Rachel says, grabbing another beer.

I nod, “Then we can go after I get back from Japan. I will have a few days. I’m not booked for Japan, but I know that I need to be there. Regan is coming back on that show and I need to be there just in case all Hell breaks loose.”

Rachel nods, “I am fine with that. Regan will need ya, especially with all the shit that is going on with that fucking company. But,” Rachel says, taking a few gulps of beer, “That doesn’t mean yer ass in the clear. You can sleep on the couch, outside, in the doghouse…I don’t give a damn, but ya ain’t sleeping with me. So, ‘til ya tell me what the fuck is goin’ on, find somewhere else to sleep.”

Before I have the chance to say anything else, Rachel walks out of the kitchen, dropping her towel, showing me all of the things I am putting at risk, everything that I could potentially lose because all of this shit. I tell myself that I should have had Amber killed. A couple of phone calls and all of this could have been avoided, I remind myself before finishing my beer and heading into the downstairs guest bedroom and lying down, hoping to sleep until its time for the plane to Japan to make its departure.



You know, last week…A lot of things were said about me that were nowhere true. I know that Sienna’s friend interviewed Justin Davis and listened to his story. It was a carefully crafted story. It was crafted so well that many see Justin Davis as this victim. He wrote this story and he presented it to the world and like most of the sheep who watch our show, who buy tickets…they eat it up without question, like a homeless person getting a nice hot meal placed before them for the first time in months. They ate it up and saw Davis as this victim. A victim who was out to redeem himself, to make himself look stronger. It is the same shtick Amy Chastaine has been spewing for the last few years, so congratulations Justin. You did real well.

But make no mistake about it, Justin. The only time you will look like a victim is when I get my hands on you. You want this match so bad, but you will live to regret it, like the few fans who cheer for you will regret doing so. I said a few weeks ago that I didn’t want this match. That things didn’t have to be this way, yet you continue to push the issue. You want to spew lies and slander my good name. You want to play the victim. You can go fuck yourself, Davis. This has got to end. You are obsessed with me and all that I want is for you to simply…go away.

Yet, you refuse to go away. You always come back. When I do get my hands on you, I am going to make sure you are unable to come back. That your so called retirement will be a permanent one but not by fucking choice. You want to talk about how I stole your girlfriend? Give me a break, Justin. I dated Amber years ago and then she dumped me for you. I came back, kicked your ass and saved your career in the process, so you’re welcome for that. I forgot about Amber and I forgot about you for a very long time.

And yeah, you told some truth. We were friends for awhile. I elevated you to levels you would have never reached on your own. I brought you to the main event that you always dreamed about. I put that spotlight over you and what thanks did I get? You stabbed me in the back. You joined up with Asher Hayes and Rachel Foxx.

But…look where that got you. So many times I have left you broken, bloodied, and battered. I am going to do the exact same damn thing when we have our match. I will repeat that I didn’t want this, but you keep pressing the issue, dragging my name through the mud. You can’t just let it go. I did, Justin. I went out and I started a wrestling school, to provide this industry with a brighter future. I went out and I got married. I have a lovely wife. I have accomplished so much in my wrestling career and I think that is what it boils down to.

You are jealous of me, which is why you are so dangerously obsessed with me. That is why I asked for the SCW to release you. I guess you threatening to kill me and the fact that you stalk me, slander me…none of that seems to matter to those in charge. Just as you have pushed me, the office is pushing me to take matters in my own hands. That will not bode well for you or anyone else who wishes to get involved.

Don’t be surprised if I make an appearance during your match with AJ. AJ may not be blood, but he is family. I destroyed Ikiro and Sam Raine to make sure he wasn’t harmed over a month ago. I know you will fight your heart out, Justin but AJ will school you. He has something you have never had, unless you were carried by me. He has drive. And if I get the chance, you son of a bitch, I will drive your skull into the pavement. I will make sure you regret opening your mouth in Japan. I will make you regret every single lie that you told and I will beat on you until there is nothing left to beat.

Maybe then you will start thinking a little smarter and realize that when I said this isn’t a path you want to take, I was telling you the truth.

Speaking of truth, my opponent Selena Frost will probably address me soon. I am sure she will have heard my previous message to her and she will come up with some clever way of trying to use my words against me. She will deliver a message that she will find so powerful and motivating that it will fill the hearts of fans, and that it will make me regret ever uttering a single word to her.

But I won’t. I regret nothing I have said to her or about her. I meant every single time. I hate her and cannot stand the fact she exists. Selena will give some speech with passion in her voice and she will make me out to be immature and she will do this and that, taking a page from the book of Justin Davis, to make herself out to be a victim before copying Amy Chastaine, portraying herself as this independent and strong female.

She will say that she isn’t afraid of me and that she has dealt with monsters a lot worse than me. Good for her. Let’s give her a round of fucking applause. She thinks Vixen Cain is more of a monster than I am. That is as funny as Tommy Valentine saying someone else was far more dangerous than me. Selena’s words are typically nothing short of kiddie games. I’m not here to play games, Selena. I am here to hurt you. You know this. You won’t shake in your boots, but I can damn sure knock you out of them.

I am not saying anything to make you afraid. This isn’t a comic book. This isn’t some Saturday morning cartoon. I am not some villain in a Disney movie. This is real life. In real life, there are good people and bad people. I have already explained that I am one of those bad people. Look at my history with this company. I am not referring to accolades either, you dumb bitch, as I know that is all you care about. You care for wins, losses, and championships. You care about having a billion goddamn nicknames. I don’t. And you will see that when you look at my history. Look at all of the blood that’s been shed by my hand. Look at all of the damage I have caused with my boot hell. I go as far as I want to go. I did that this past December to CHBK.

This is real life, Selena. I have no issues with slapping the shit out of your wife while she sits in the front row. I don’t mind hurting you in front of your child, or any other child that happens to be in our audience. Rally them behind you. Give them a war cry. I will kindly drive an elbow into the side of your skull over and over again just because you make me sick. Not to mention that I enjoy doing that sort of shit.

This is real life, where tragedy occurs and hate exists, despite how many positive speeches are given, despite how much empowerment that people like you try to pass along. And you will experience a tragedy this week on Breakdown due to the hate that I have in my black heart for you.

So go on, do your typical shtick. Tell the true believers that you are going to continue this fight against Past, Present, and Future. Sure, you’ve traded victories with Regan and you were unable to topple the Iron Angel. Hell, you may even be able to beat me in the middle of the ring at Breakdown, but the fact remains that you need us.

Oh yes, you heard correctly. You need us, Selena. We have been your crutch for quite some time. We have kept you relevant on social media. We have kept you relevant at Breakdown and live on pay per view. And I am sure that will get under your skin as soon as my words enter your ears. I know I got under your skin the last time a camera was in my face. You will more than likely make it seem like I didn’t, but the truth is that had I not gotten under your skin, you wouldn’t even mention it.

You can label me a lackey just as you’ve done on Twitter. It’s cute, Selena, real cute. I know that is another perception of me. I have even thought it myself ever so often, but you see that is the thing with Past, Present, and Future. We may fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but we are not afraid to tell one another what we think and feel. We will get into each other’s faces and say what is on our mind. Regan and I have gone at it. Sienna and I have had words as well.

So go ahead, call me a lackey, Selena. I built this house. I built the platform that you are able to perform on. It wasn’t the fans or your true believers. It was me. I built it with my blood, sweat, and tears. You can say that I am nothing more than the past, but the truth is that I will forever be immortalized in this company as well as this business. You can even say that I am one of the best that has ever competed with the SCW, but that I have tarnished my legacy, but that would be you trying to come up with something just to hear yourself talk, and burn the picture that I saw beautifully painted a few days ago.

I have not tarnished my legacy. I have helped Regan as well as Sienna grow as performers. I have used the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my career and passed it along with them. My history, my legacy is written in record books as well as the scars along my body. I sacrificed so much more than you could ever possibly fathom. You have never been through the Hell I have been through, Selena. You never put your body through a deathmatch and had C4 go off underneath you. You have never wrestled near two hour matches. I have done it all in this business. You may consider yourself a queen, Selena but the truth is that I am a God of all things pro wrestling.

I am a diamond. I will be everlasting in this business. People will look back at the history of our sport and they will see you accomplished a lot, how many title reigns you’ve had, but I will be remembered for my title reigns plus the quality of my matches. How every match I have had has always been of main event caliber, even if I was in the middle of the show. How I have elevated so many talents. How I made main event stars out of Thomas Valentine and David Helms. How I made Jason Zero and CHBK relevant again. How I changed the game time and time again.

You are a hell of a competitor. You won Shot of Adrenaline. You won Best of the Best. You’re a two time SCW Champion. You are the UWA Queen of the Ring and the Adrenaline Queen here in SCW. Congratulations, Selena. You have beaten opponents that I haven’t. Kudos for that. You have won so much more than I have in terms of championships. I can’t take that away from you. But no matter what your perception of me is, the one thing that I will always have, no matter my course of action, I will always have the respect of this business.

I will always been seen as a legend, the best of the best without having to win some tournament. In saying that, Selena you need this win. You may chalk it up to beating Past, Present, and Future but that is just you talking to talk, trying to create your typical narrative of overcoming adversity, but you need this win because it will elevate you. I will push you beyond your brink as I have done each and every opponent that has faced me. I will make you better than you are now. You can even twist that around and say that I need this win, but the fact is that I WANT it.

I want it so bad that I can taste it. I want it because you have this self-righteous mindset that you are better than me, and you turn your nose up to me because you can claim that I’m an idiot. I want to beat you, not to get a title shot or to get a win for Past, Present, and Future. No! I want this win because you need to know that I am the best there ever was and the best that there ever will be when it comes to raw natural wrestling ability. That I don’t need fancy nicknames or pyro to be the best. All I need is a wrestling ring and my skills. Those are my tools and once I get to work, Selena I am going to crush you and you will be driven lower than you thought possible.

And I am not one for religion like most of your opponents seem to be when they address you, but once this over with, you will need a priest to pray over what is left of you, in hopes of cashing in on a certain match that someone else will have to outlast half the roster in order to get.

Believe in that, Selena.

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