Taking Hold of the Flame, 001

May 30th, 2020

Josh Hudson hated surprises.

“Why do I feel like this is a surprise?” He asked his girlfriend, Erica as they drove through the city. They had arrived earlier in the day. She said she’d made plans for them. All he was able to think about, based on his nature, was the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal that loomed ahead for him. It was going to be his return to the ring, and he didn’t want any distractions to cost him.

“You feel the way you feel, babe. I can’t control that.” She said. They drove, windows down. He liked how the wind flowed through her long black hair.

“You really enjoy fucking with me I do believe.” He replied, before looking ahead. He knew he needed to be in a gym somewhere, training. He knew his father would be rolling around in his grave, if the old man was dead, knowing his son had given up training early. It was always his rule. You train, even the day of battle. That was the sermon he’d shove down the throats of Hudson and his siblings. They were all athletes in some way.

And he exhaled heavily, at the very thought of his siblings. Of what had happened to all them. She spoke, breaking him from his mind. “I would never fuck with you. Okay yeah, I probably would. I think I really need to decide on my stance.” She shot him a smile. He gave one back. It felt genuine. “But you won’t know until its too late.” Erica gave him a devilish smirk and a wink, before they continued to drive through Newark.

His career had taken him through the city more times than he had been able to keep up. He had captured several championships, as well as put on extraordinary performances only to end up eating a loss at the end of the night.

She brought the car to a stop. He looked up, recognizing where they were instantly. It was the Prudential Center, the arena hosting the pay per view the following night. “We’re here.” She said, and he looked at her, slightly confused. “Stop looking like an old man.” Erica stated, getting out of the car. “And get the fuck out of the car.”

He let out a playful groan before climbing out of the car. He took another look at the arena, recalling several matches he had taken part of. Matches where he’d been commended for his technical prowess, as well as his ability to bring a crowd into a match and hold their attention. He only hoped he’d be able to the same thing at Taking Hold of the Flame.

It was one match he’d never won, being one of the few legends to never main event the SuperBowl of the SCW pay per views, Rise to Greatness. “What we are doing here?” He asked.

She gave a groan of her own. “You know, you really need to just trust me. I promise it’ll be in your best interest.”

“Fine.” He said, before adding. “I’ve heard that before.” That earned him a scowl, as he drew closer to Erica. “I’m just saying.”

She rolled her eyes before they entered the arena. They walked hand in hand, as they maneuvered through the building, getting nods and greeting from employees and members of the ring crew. He was starting to question his girlfriend’s motives, but all that stopped when they reached what was known as the Gorilla position. Through the curtain, he saw a sliver of the ring. “Close your eyes.” She said.

He gave her a scowl. “Are you serious, right now?”

“Close your fucking eyes, Josh.”

A heavy sigh escaped him, before he did as he was asked. Their hands locked together, and they stepped through the curtain. He felt the silkiness of it graze his skin, the heavy thudding of the ramp echoed in his ears, before they stopped. “Okay open them.”

When he did, Hudson heard the one word he hated hearing. “SURPRISE!!!”

He saw Regan and David Helms, two faces he definitely didn’t expect there, as well as a few of his students. “Fuck you all.” He said, before giving a slight chuckle while shaking his head. He looked at Erica, taking a moment to take in the fact that he couldn’t recall any of his partners doing something as nice as what she had done. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I don’t have to explain shit. Just know I love you.” She said, before entering the ring where the others stood. He scoffed, shaking his head once more, before following her lead.


“Josh, it’s Jalyn.” The voicemail began. “I just want you to know that I love you. That we aren’t bad people. We just come from a bad place.” Hudson let out a heavy sigh before ending the call, as he walked around the backstage area.

The arena was jam packed. The show sold out. He knew he should feel proud of that accomplishment, but with Hudson, he knew the work was just beginning. He wanted the IFW to be a success, and he wanted to give the fans the type of wrestling he felt that they deserved.

Erica walked up to him, and he draped his arm around her shoulders, as they both stared out from behind the curtain. “You did it, babe.” She said, and they shared a smile.

“We did it.” He said. “We fucking did it.” A member of the camera crew ran up, telling him the show would be starting in a few minutes.

“So, can I get the keys to the truck?” Erica asked.

“Why do you need the keys?” He asked, slightly confused. “Aren’t you staying for the show?”

“Well, I was thinking about the issue with your sister, on my way over here.” Erica began. “And it hit me. Why don’t we celebrate what a success tonight will be, after the show is over?”

He moved his head from side to side, like he was pondering her offer. “I think that sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”

“So, let me get those keys to the truck, and I will head to the house where I can get a few things.” She said with a wink. “I will be back before you know it.”

He sighed before pulling out his keys. “Well, you have a lot to make good on, just so you know.”

She kissed him. “You know that I’m always good.” He watched her walk away before he was told that it was show time. Hudson adjusted his suit before his new theme, “H” by TOOL began to blare through the arena. The lights went out as he stepped through the curtain. The lights shined upon him, and the crowd became electric.

He stepped into the ring and saluted the crowd as the ring announcer made the proper introduction, before Hudson riled the crowd up, welcoming them to the promotion that was going to take over pro wrestling with an iron-fist.

The crowd started an “IFW” chant, and once it died down, Hudson continued, promising the people one hell of a show. And that tonight, they would see the crowning of the first-ever IFW World Champion, which got a huge pop as well. “H” hit once again, and he made his way backstage. Once backstage, he looked at his students, at his roster, and he told them that they were going to fucking kill it. That this was their future. “In fact.” He continued. “You guys are the fucking future of this business. Tonight, you’re going to show the world just that. You’re going to do with an exclamation point at the end, so no one will ever question us.” They shared a moment, before he killed it. “Now, get to work.”

Hudson sat behind the curtain, watching the show, taking down notes for the performers, as well as things that weren’t working and what was working in terms of production. He couldn’t take his eyes away, as he felt like he was falling in love with pro wrestling one again.

And all that changed when he got the phone call from Erica. It was about Jalyn, though he couldn’t quite understand what she was saying, as his girlfriend was a hysterical mess. She screamed and cried into the phone, and he couldn’t get home fast enough.

He cursed his sister, as he knew she would have tried to ruin his night out of spite. He had to leave the roster, the show, and the fans. He had to leave it all behind because she wanted to show off her skills as a spoiled brat. He tried calling Erica a few times but couldn’t reach her. He did the same with Jalyn, but her phone went straight to voicemail. That was when Hudson began to actually worry.

He didn’t expect to have those worries confirmed as he arrived at his home. There were police and an ambulance in the driveway. Hudson rushed toward the front door, and police tried to hold him back but he managed to wrangle himself away from them. He heard Erica’s screams down the hallway in their bathroom, and that’s where he found them.



His sister was lifeless. Hudson dropped to his knees and tried to crawl to his sister, but the paramedics were pushing him back. Erica was trying to fight for him, only for police to enter the room, pulling them both out.

“I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER! I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER!” He shouted, as he tried to fight the police off, as they piled on top of him, trying to keep Hudson restrained. Erica knelt beside him, telling him to stop. That they were trying to help. That they couldn’t help. They tried, and they tried, but nothing worked. That they were all too late.

“What…what the fuck do you mean?” The words barely escaped him. And that’s when she told him that his sister was gone.


May 30th, 2020

“Thanks for coming.” Hudson said, as he stepped closer to David and Regan.

“Cheers you fuck.” The HellCat said, as they all lifted their beers, clinking them together.

“Oh, Regan. How I’ve missed you.” He said, and they all shared a laugh before taking sips of their beers. He returned his attention to David, a man he had faced once over a decade ago. David was still trying to get his feet under him in the SCW, while Hudson was well on his way to capturing his second SCW World Championship. “And you…” He said, with a heavy sigh following, “I feel I definitely owe you an apology.”

David shrugged. “I don’t know. I think the night I decked you…”

Hudson cut off his former rival turned SCW legend. “Okay, you’re right. You probably owe me an apology.”

“Yeah, about that.” David said. “Let me drink on it.”

“It’s probably best.” He said, as they all shared a laugh. He looked back at Regan, seeing her not the way he once saw her. She was no longer a sexual conquest. She was someone he respected above many in the industry they had all chosen to compete for. “Are you ready for tomorrow night?”

“Oh, I’m fucking winning.” She hissed. “I guess I should ask if you’re ready? You know…ready to get your ass kicked by me before getting tossed to the outside.”

“Way to bust a man’s balls for his birthday.”

“I’ll make sure you get a birthday present tomorrow.”

“Let me guess.” Hudson began. “It’ll be seeing you winning. Am I right?”

“Well, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

Hudson shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s a good chance that I will treat myself tomorrow night and win. I think it’ll be the best…” He glanced over at Erica before returning his attention back to them. “The second best gift, excuse me, I could have.”

“Alright, you two.” David said, stepping between Hudson and Regan. “Save it for tomorrow night.”

They laughed again, though Hudson knew Regan was serious. Just as he knew that she knew he was just as serious about the matter. “Thanks, babe. We’re here to celebrate the old man.”

“It’s not my birthday.” David said, smirking at Hudson.

“I’m not that old.” Hudson said. “Okay, yeah I’m 43. I’m rapidly entering CHBK territory.”

“I don’t think Syren will put out for you.” Regan added. “You did try to maim her. David should go back in time and try do that.” The HellCat with a sneer.

David scoffed. “And on that note…” He began to push his wife out of the way, before looking at Hudson. “Happy birthday, dude.”

Hudson lifted his beer and nodded. “Thanks, man.” He watched as they returned to the rest of the party, and he felt himself hoping that amends could try and be made between all of them. Hudson had never allowed himself the luxury of friends within the industry. He saw everyone as cutthroat, mainly because he knew that was his own nature. He knew he needed to come with a warning that he couldn’t be trusted.

“Hey, birthday boy.” He turned, to find Erica standing next to him. They clinked their beers together and took a sip. “You happy?”

He gave a grin. “I think so.” He looked around. “How did you manage to get all this together?”

“Lots of sexual favors.” She said, with a wink.

“Should I be jealous?” He asked.

Erica shrugged. “I don’t know. Should you?”

“I feel you’re dropping hints.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’d hope so. I feel like I’m being pretty subtle.”

“Well, we can blow this popsicle stand if need be.”

She shook her head. “No way. We have plenty of time for you to unwrap this present.” She said, running her free hand up and down her body. “Enjoy your party.” Erica stated, staring at him seductively, before she turned and went back to the rest of the party. She was much more outgoing than he was or had ever been. Hudson sighed, recalling how his sister had always wanted him to be more social. How she said it’d give him some peace. A lot more than he would have ever expected.

“Listen to someone else, other than yourself.” He whispered to himself, before walking back over to Erica, as she stood with Regan and David. I hope you can see me, Jalyn. I hope I make you proud.


He heard Erica walking into the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his waist. It had been just a few weeks since his sister had come to stay with them, but it felt like an eternity. To Hudson, at least. Erica didn’t seem to mind. She enjoyed being around Jalyn and enjoyed helping her. Despite their fling driving Kristen Rae away, Erica had turned out to be a truly great person.

“Are you ready for tonight?” She asked.

He was looking at himself in the mirror, adjusting his tie. “I certainly hope so.” He replied. “If not, then I am going to need you to help me lick my wounds later on.”

“You know that I will most certainly do that.” She replied, and he turned around, facing her as their lips met. It didn’t take long for her hands to grab at his lower region, moving up and down, as blood rushed from one head to the other. “I can give you a hint of what I’ll do for you, if you’d like.” Erica said, shooting him a seductive grin. They stood in the bathroom, connected to the bedroom, and he closed the door, telling her to not let him stop her.

Another grin followed before they kissed once more and she dropped to her knees, bringing him out of his pants, and taking him in her mouth. Hudson pressed his hands on the sides of her head, running his fingers through her hair, as his eyes rolled back into his skull. She was good at what she did. Much more than anyone else he had been with in the past, and he thanked whatever God existed for that. He had quite the sexual appetite and she brought it out of him, letting it live like never before.

And then, there was a knock at the door. He was taken from Erica’s mouth, as their eyes met. She seemed to find it funny. To Hudson, it was anything but.

He heard Jalyn’s voice. “Josh?”

He rolled his eyes, but not in pleasure as he had done just a few minutes before. “Yes, Jalyn?”

“Is there anyway we could talk before you left?”

“Yes. Yes.” He groaned. “Just give me a few minutes.” She agreed and he listened as she exited the room. He groaned once again, shaking his head. “Goddamn it. God fucking damnit.”

“It’s okay, babe.” Erica said as she rose to her feet. “She needs you.”

He shook his head again, as he placed himself back in his pants. “I know she’s having a kid, but its like we already have one running around here. She is such a fucking child.” He scoffed. “I don’t know how much more of this that I can fucking take, Erica. I really don’t.”

“You’re her brother, Josh. She needs you. Besides, what are you going to do? Throw her, while pregnant, out on the fucking street?”

He lowered his gaze, gently shaking his head once more. “No, I’m not going to do that. I just can’t have her here anymore.”

“Look.” Erica stated, stepping close and pressing her forehead to his. He looked up and their eyes met. “You just have blue balls.” He scoffed but she continued. “I will take care of you later. Right now, all you need to do is go talk to your sister. Make sure she’s okay. Once you do that, head over to the arena, so we can give the people the best damn wrestling on the planet. Do you think you can manage that?”

“What would I do without you?” He asked.

She shrugged. “There’s no telling.” She kissed him and then he watched Erica leave. He heard her and Jalyn exchange goodbyes, as he looked at himself in the mirror. He finished fixing his tie, before giving himself a really hard look. He stared into his own eyes until it became apparent what he had to do.

Hudson found Jalyn on the couch, watching TV. He took a seat beside her and she shot him a smile. They sat in silence for a few moments, before she rested her head on his shoulder. “We need to talk, Jalyn.” He said, breaking that silence.

“Yes. We do. There’s something I need to tell you, Josh.”

He shook his head. “There’s something I need to tell you, as well. So, I’d appreciate it if you just let me get out what I have to say.”

She exhaled heavily. “Okay.”

He exhaled heavily as well. “This isn’t easy for me, sis but it needs to be said. Has to be. I need you to leave. I can’t have you here anymore.” Hudson stated, slightly regretting his words, knowing Erica was going to be disappointed, just as he already was with himself.

“And where do you expect me to go?” Jalyn asked, and he could tell she was crying.

He shook his head. “I don’t know where you can go.” Hudson stated, as he turned and faced her. “But, its time for you to go. I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but it’s the truth.”

“Can’t you just let me stay here until I can get on my feet?”

“And how long is that going to fucking take? I have a life of my own, Jalyn. I have a girlfriend. We can’t even fool around without you interrupting. Jesus Christ!” He rose to his feet, agitation rushing through him. “I have a show to get to. A wrestling promotion that I’m starting on my own.”

“I won’t get in the way, I promise.”

“The only way you’re going to get on your feet is if I give you money. Is if I put you up in your own place. I don’t have that right now. Everything that I fucking have is tied into this promotion.”

“Can’t you go back to SCW?” She asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “Can’t you go back there for a little while?”

“Are you kidding? You’re asking me to put everything on hold for you? You’re goddamn selfish.”

She buried her face into her hands for a few moments. She looked up, appearing worse for wear. “I’m sorry I’m such a fucking burden to my big brother. I’m sorry I didn’t do what you did and become fucking famous. I’m sorry I didn’t leave our little hometown to make something of myself.”

“I’m sorry, too.”

A hard breath escaped her. “You don’t know what I’ve been through, Josh. You really don’t, but when I say that I need you, I fucking mean it.”

He shook his head. “That’s just it, sis. You will always need me. Because I have always taken care of you. Just as I always took care of the family when Mom needed help. Just as I have since she’s been gone. If I don’t do that, you will all fall apart.” Hudson scoffed. “I think it’s time that I cut ties and let you all figure shit out on your own.”

“So, that’s it then? I’m pregnant and you want me gone? And you call me selfish.”

“I am thinking about myself for once, Jalyn. Instead of taking care of all you. If that makes me selfish, then so be it.”

“Well, you don’t have Alex or Jayden coming around so if you ask me…it seems you’ve always been selfish.”

“And those boys will be able to take care of themselves without me, unlike you. They aren’t weak.” She went to reply, but she broke down, crying even harder. Hudson didn’t stick around for it, however. He grabbed his keys and left his house. He had work to do. That was more important than the never-ending soap opera that was his sister’s life.


May 30th, 2020

The party had ended, but his thoughts about his sister hadn’t.

They traveled to their hotel. He pressed Erica up against the elevator wall as their lips met. He kissed her, trying to find passion. Trying to forget. Trying to ignore the pain and sadness rushing through him. Memories of his sister’s last few months. Memories of how he held resentment against her, until he later found out how Jalyn had been raped.

That was why she came to him. She wanted a fresh start, feeling like she couldn’t live in Morganton, and see the family of the fucker who raped her, taking away her innocence and dignity.

“Are you alright?” He heard Erica ask, and he realized he had pushed away from her.

He sighed. “Yeah, I’m good. I think I just had a little bit more booze than I thought.” He gave a grin, hoping it looked real, because Hudson knew he had lied through his fucking teeth.

“Okay.” She said, pulling him closer, and they kissed once again. He forced passion to generate between them, telling himself he needed to focus on her, to be in the moment with her, to not think about his sister, and how she had died.

He cursed himself once again before the elevator door opened. Erica led them to their hotel room. Once they were behind closed doors, she pushed him against the wall, kissing him once again. He felt something then, and clothes began to come undone before falling to the floor. He lifted her up, as they wandered through the room naked. He rested Erica on the kitchen island, dropping to his knees as he began to serve her.

Her body writhed, as her moans filtered through his ears, before she managed to speak. “Take me to bed.”

He stood up and lifted her once again before carrying her into the bedroom, where he continued to serve her. He was delicate with her. Something he had never been when it came to sleeping with Trish Wiseman, Amber, or even Rachel. He wasn’t that way at first with Erica. They were rough. They were in the middle of tearing into one another when they were discovered by Kristen Rae. He had never been the best at relationships.

Another thing Jalyn had wished he’d change. To be better. To find love, and to keep it.

He cursed himself, before climbing on top of Erica, pressing her hands down to the bed. He went to put himself inside, only for a thought to cross his mind. He asked whether Jalyn had been held down like that while she was raped. More questions followed. He wondered if she managed to put up a fight. If the bastard who did it had hit her or beat her. If anyone had heard her screams. And if they did, why the fuck didn’t they help.

The passion he wanted for Erica died rapidly. He felt nothing but anger. He wanted to find the man who did that to his sister, that hurt Jalyn. He wanted to hurt them badly. Very badly. He exhaled, heavily as he told himself that Jalyn wouldn’t want that. She wouldn’t want him to live in anger, but Hudson knew it couldn’t be helped.


Erica’s voice echoed in his head, and he returned to reality, the reality he was ignoring, the present where he needed to be. He kissed her, but it was out of necessity. He tried to put himself inside, but he felt he wasn’t hard.

His mind began to scramble, picking up Erica being naked, how attracted he was toward her, but all those thoughts were wiped away as guilt emerged. Guilt for not being there for his sister right when she needed him the most. Guilt for calling her a burden.

Guilt, always the guilt.

He told himself that he killed her. He killed his sister.

The guilt.

The goddamn guilt.

His hands squeezed, but not himself. Not Erica. They squeezed the bed sheets, as he realized he had pressed his face into the mattress and blanket, still laying on top her his girlfriend. Not filled with passion, however. Only pain.

He said he was sorry. Not to Erica, but to Jalyn.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…” The statement continued to filter out of him, until the guilt became too much. Until the pain was unbearable.

He felt Erica wrap her arms around him, and for the first time in his life, Hudson felt comfortable enough to do something he rarely, if ever, had done.

He cried.


Hudson told himself that he couldn’t believe it. The statement rushed through his brain repeatedly as he and Jalyn traveled through the city. The only noise filtering between them was whatever noise came from outside. Hudson was happy for it, because he was angry. He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want to hear anything she had to say. He had always wanted more for his sister and felt she had thrown her life away before she could ever truly get started.

Morganton was no place to raise a family, especially around the one they came from. Their father was a piece of shit. Their brother, Jalyn’s twin, was no better. He wanted her to get the fuck out of that Hell hole before making decisions such as the one she had made. He shook his head on that thought, knowing full and damn well she didn’t make the decision. He knew she didn’t really think things through. Jalyn never did, and that would always be her downfall.

He knew that she knew she was a weakness for him. He had always been her protector when they were growing up. He had protected her even when they were adults. That was why she came to him. She wanted him to protect her, to save her from the mess she had gotten herself into. Hudson also knew there was no way he could do that. He had too much going on.

The IFW was starting. Not to mention the fact he and Erica lived together. And Hudson knew his track record with his own children. He was terrible at it. Alex chose not to speak to him, and Jayden simply could not. He knew they were better off without him in their lives, but there was no way he would be able to raise a child from infancy. He knew Jalyn would try to pawn the kid off on him, because she was worse in terms of taking care of things, including herself.

The idea of her being a mother made him sick to his stomach.

“Can we talk?” Jalyn asked, breaking him from his train of thought. He shot her glance before returning his eyes to the road. He had nothing to say, so he cut the radio up.

Jalyn looked at her brother. His gesture of turning the music up let her know where he stood. He was upset, but that didn’t truly describe Josh Hudson. She knew it, but she told herself that if he only knew the truth behind her so-called surprise.

She pressed her head against the passenger side window, looking at the Big Apple as it passed by at a rapid pace. The memory forming in her head did not follow suit.

She was back in Morganton, in a little stretch of highway known as Glen Alpine, swinging on a swing set on what was left of a tiny playground, in the middle of the night. Glen Alpine was dying like most of Morganton. The playground was frequented often when she and her siblings were children. It was filled with great, just as they were. When they were away from home, at least.

She had gone to visit her father and brother, Jacob. They were both drunk and didn’t seem to care that she was around.

The house was a wreck. “Guys, why the hell can’t you keep this place clean?” She asked, tears in her eyes, as she recalled how their mother took care of their home.

Her father, Frank was the first one to speak. “What’s wrong with this place?”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you serious? Look at it! Its fucking trashed!”

Frank looked at his son. “Jacob, do you see anything wrong with our home?”

“Not at all.” Her brother stated, before taking a swig of a beer.

“You know.” Frank began, before climbing to his feet. “You’re an awful lot like your mother. Always goddamn nagging me over some stupid goddamn shit. And I thought…” He paused, opening the fridge and grabbing another beer. “I’d have some peace and quiet once she kicked the bucket.”

She wanted to slap the shit out of him, but she left instead. She got into her car and sped through Morganton, crying her eyes out before coming to a stop at the playground. She sat in the swing, it creaked through the quiet of the night, and she felt a semblance of peace.

That was until a young man named Levy Rayner walked out of the shadows. They had been friends in high school, but Levy turned to a life of drugs and partying. A lifestyle he couldn’t break free from.

They spoke and he seemed alright, but she could tell he was on something with the way he itched and scratched. When he wasn’t doing that, Levy was rubbing her thigh and didn’t seem to care that she had asked him to stop.

“Let me touch you. For old times’ sake. Remember our prom?” He asked, giving a sickening chuckle.

“Stop, Levy. Please. I don’t like that.”

“I know what you like.”

She continued to plead with him, and he continued to not listen. That was when she hit him across the jaw. Jalyn got to her feet and began to walk toward her car. A train began to roll through, so she didn’t hear him coming behind her. When she was knocked to the ground, and Levy was on top of her, she knew what was going to happen. No matter how much she struggled, or hard she fought, he had her. Her screams were drowned out by the train as it barreled down the tracks.

As night turned into day, her underwear at her ankles, that was where she laid until Glen Alpine police helped her to her feet. She felt her life had been taken from her, but little did she know that there was life that would begin growing within.


May 31st, 2020

Night turned into morning. The sun wasn’t up, but Hudson was still awake. Erica slept, but he couldn’t. Despite finding freedom in the tears that fell, the guilt would return. He made his way outside, after grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels and taking it out onto the balcony. He had his phone as well. He popped the top, taking a swig before beginning to look through his pictures.

He saw Jalyn. She had been there the opening day of his school, House of Hudson. They stood next to one another in the picture, both smiling. She had been so proud of him, telling him that their mother would have been as well.

He took another swig, when his phone rang. “Who the fuck…” And then, Hudson realized who was calling him. It was his brother. Accepting that knowledge, Hudson took another swig before answering. “Jacob. What is it?”

“Nice to hear your voice too, big brother.”

“What do you want?”

“Where are you right now?” Jacob asked. Hudson imagined his brother, sitting on the couch in the living room of their childhood home, now dilapidated, drinking his life away as he had done for years. It made him sick to think of his younger brother like that, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do about it.

“I’m in Newark. I have a wrestling event later tonight.”

“What day is it…” Jacob asked. “Oh, wait. Happy birthday, big bro.”

Hudson nodded, not really caring for his brother’s sentiment. “Yeah, yeah. Thank you. So, why don’t you tell me why you’re calling.”

“I’ve always loved that about you, Josh. You’ve always gotten straight to the point.”

“Look, I know you’re drunk and I don’t really feel like having this conversation last any longer than it needs to…”

Jacob cut him off. “He’s getting out, man. He’s getting out.”

“Who is getting out?”

Jacob sighed. “Levy. The fuck who raped Jalyn.” Hudson felt his fingers clench the phone tightly, before he had any other chance to react. “He’s getting out.”

Hudson took a few deep breaths, knowing he didn’t need to get involved, knowing Jalyn wouldn’t want him to, but he knew he was already in deep. That he couldn’t stop the wheels from turning. “When does he get out?”

“Monday. When can you get here?”

He knew his sister was gone, that she wasn’t coming back. The words barely escaped him, but he meant them. “I’ll be there Monday night.” He ended the call, knowing that bad things were going to happen in a few days. That he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on Taking Hold of the Flame. But as soon as his time was done, he was getting on a plane. He had to be there. To look the son of a bitch in the eye. To let him know there were monsters far bigger than him. Hudson knew there was no other way.


His alarm went off. It was 6:00 in the morning. With a tired hand, he turned it off, and rolled over to face her. She had become a light in his life, and she came out of nowhere. Her name was Erica and she brought out another side of him.

“Stay in bed.” She said, her words slightly muffled.

He chuckled a bit. “You know I can’t. I have to get to work.”

“Josh, you work so much. I thought you were retired.”

He grinned. “You’ll learn in this business that no one ever really retires. Its just not a thing.” He sat up. “Besides, I have to do something to bring home the bacon.”

“Are you trying to say I need to get a job?” She smacked his shoulder playfully. “Whenever you get the IFW going, I will have one. So, how about you get on that?”

“You can get on me if you’d like.” He said, giving her a smirk.

“I thought you had to go to work?”

He shrugged. “Well, as the saying goes…All work and no play, makes Josh a dull boy.”

Erica shook her head. “I don’t believe that’s a saying.”

“Are you sure?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow, giving her a confused look. “I feel I’ve heard it in many, many circles.”

“Is that right?”

He shrugged once again. “I’m going to go with yes.” She cackled as he reached over and began to tickle her. Erica brought such joy to his life. Joy he had never really known despite the fact Josh Hudson had been in love before. Even though he had two sons. But he turned his back on love, on his boys, just as he had always done when it came to getting close. He worried he’d do the same with Erica, so the little voice in the back of his head told him to enjoy her for as long as he’d allow himself to do so.

“Well, in that case.” Her voice trailed off as she climbed on top of him and pressed her lips to his. He loved the embrace. He didn’t want it to end. 

The love they made felt real. Felt like it was meant to be so much more. He tried to shake off any thoughts of him ruining it.

He grabbed a shower afterwards, then headed out. New York City welcomed him as the streets were slowly getting busy. He enjoyed driving in the quiet. Hudson didn’t listen to the radio. The silence gave him a sense of peace, albeit a small one.

He arrived at his wrestling school and gym, the House of Hudson. Once inside, he saw his students were hard at work, training. They, like him, knew there was a lot riding on the IFW. The IFW was to be a promotion, Hudson’s brainchild. He wanted to make wrestling about wrestling once again. To make it about the sport, so the sport aspect could entertain the fans who loved wrestling as much as he did. It had been nearly two years in the making. Now, all he had to do was put on a successful show, which was planned for the end of January. It was called “Built from Scratch.”

All eyes were on Hudson as he strolled through the gym, before climbing into the ring. His students stopped what they were doing as they gathered around.

“Alright, listen up.” He began, as he looked at each student in the eye. “We have a lot to be thankful for, just as we have a lot to prepare for. Built from Scratch is a go. Tickets are selling out fast. People want to see what we’re made of.” He noticed a few nods as he held everyone’s attention. “Hell, people also want to see me fall flat on my ass with all this.” That earned a few laughs. “But I refuse to fail. I refuse to let you fail. We are in this together, so when I jump…right now you need to ask me how high and you need to go above and beyond those expectations. It is time to push yourselves more than you ever. And if you’ve not been pushing yourself, then step it up or get the fuck out. It’s as simple as that.” He looked into their eyes once again, as silence fell between Hudson and them, before he broke it. “Let’s get to work.”

He climbed out of the ring and went into his office as everything went back to the way it was. His ears rang with bangs and clangs, shouts and grunts, thuds and cheers, before he closed his office door. He began to look over the final paperwork for the business side of things, before he went to work on the structure of the show. He wanted a tournament to crown the IFW Champion. He had his eyes set on a certain talent that he felt he could build the company around from the start.

There was a knock at his door. He motioned for whoever it was to come in. He looked up. He saw the kid who wanted to be known as John Angel enter. John showed a lot of heart, but Hudson could tell he had more ego than he knew what to do with.

“What is it, John?”

“There’s someone here to see you, sir.”

“Is it Erica?” John shook his head. “Is it Kristen?” Hudson asked, as Kristen was someone whose heart he had broken in more ways than he cared to count, as each way filled him with a guilt he couldn’t stomach. John once again shook his head no. “Then who is it?”

John shrugged. “She said she was your sister. She said her name was Jalyn.”

Hudson swallowed hard. He’d not seen his sister since their mother’s funeral a few years prior. He expected the worst right out of the gate, but knew he had to talk to her. “See her in, John. Thanks.” His student left, closing the door behind him as Hudson worked his best to ensure he didn’t go into panic mode. Family wasn’t his strong suit.

All that was thrown to the wayside when his office door opened again. The person before him, Hudson didn’t recognize as his sister, Jalyn. The person before him looked like she’d been through Hell and never came back. “Jalyn?”

She gave a faint smile. “Hey, Josh.”

“Hey yourself.” He said, leaning back in his chair. “What brings you by?”

She shrugged, taking a seat herself. “Nothing, really. Just wanted to see my big brother. I’ve not seen you since mom’s funeral.”

Hudson nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been going through a lot of shit since then. It was probably best that I didn’t come around. I couldn’t handle Dad or my little brother, Jacob for that matter.”

His sister nodded as well, looking like she had something to say. “I guess you could say that is one reason why I’m here.”

“One reason? So, there’s a purpose behind you being here. More than one? Do tell.”

She exhaled, which made him feel uneasy. Her next statement intensified that feeling. “I’m pregnant.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m pregnant.” She gave a grin, though he could tell it wasn’t genuine. “Surprise.”

He said nothing, because if there was one thing that one should know about him is that…

Josh Hudson hated surprises.



(Recorded May 30th, 2020)

My name is Josh Hudson , and May 31st, 2020 is the night where we’re all going to take hold of the flame.

At least, that will be the intentions of every single superstar who steps foot inside that eight by ten in the Prudential arena.

Everyone is going to be thinking about that big number 40, and what number they enter, and what number they make it to until there is but one left standing. Right now, its just a numbers game. And I can’t take myself out of the conversation. I’m thinking of numbers, too.

Just a different combination.

I’m thinking of 5/30/2010. Ten years ago today. Now, for a lot of the newer roster, or even our newer fans, that number means nothing to you. That date means nothing to you. But, it means everything to me. Everything.

You see, ten years ago, I walked into the arena. I competed on the Taking Hold of the Flame pay per view, in the main event, as the SCW World Heavyweight Champion. When the end of the night came, thanks to Anthony “Glacier” Thomas, I walked out empty handed. And I have scrambled ever since that night.

I am considered a legend in this business, but I could care less about that moniker, that label. Right now, all I see is red, because the truth has reared its ugly face in front of my eyes, and I simply cannot look away. And because of that, I can tell you that I don’t like what I see.

What I see isn’t a legend.

I see a failure.

Every single day since 5/30/2010 has been nothing short of a failure in my eyes. Yeah, I won a Trios contract, but big deal. I know how people like to flaunt that shit. Yeah, I won the SCW Television Championship, but so what. Yeah, I am one title win away from becoming a Supreme Champion. Once again, big fucking deal. I have not won the World Championship in ten years, and I have been considered a championship caliber wrestler for nearly twenty years in this business.

Sure, I am a nine-time World Champion, as I’ve been a journeyman in this industry, but none of those World titles compare to holding the SCW World Heavyweight Championship. Its been called a trinket by many from my generation, and probably even today. Hell, I’ve even called it a prop, but that was because it was in the wrong hands. Just as it is now.

When I have held that championship, I’ve not carried it like a prop. It wasn’t an accessory to show off to my friends so they could see how vain I was. No, I carried it the way it needed to be carried. With respect. Respect seems to have died with this generation. There is nothing short of a sense of entitlement when you hear so many of these people speak.

I know I’m not entitled to a damn thing. I could stand here and say that I am owed based on my legend status, but that’s for the birds.

I’m here to do what I have always done.

Earn my way every single damn step.

I know I will be placed in the ring against people I respect, as well as those who I could care less for. All that is window dressing. It will be cast aside. I will not go out there to put on a great performance, to show why I am the greatest technician to grace this industry. No, I will go out there to hurt each and every competitor that gets into my line of sight.

If it is Regan Helms, I will not care. If it is Syren, I will not care. Matt Hodges, or even if CHBK laces up the boots one more time, I will not care.

Now, I know I turn 43 tomorrow night. I know I’ve been out of the game for quite some time. I’m not going into this thing to compete for five minutes. No, I am here to go the fucking distance. To show that I have it in me to do so, while inflicting agonizing pain to anyone and everyone like only I can. I am tired of seeing failure when I look into my eyes.

I’m not going to hide behind contracts or surround myself with yes men. I am going to come at anyone and everyone will all that I have. Whoever ends up as a casualty is of no concern. Being the last wrestler standing is. Main eventing Rise to Greatness is.

Taking the title from Aaron Blackbourne is a concern. He needs to learn firsthand how creative I can be when it counts, which is in the ring. Not painting my face like a circus clown. Taking the title from Bree Lancaster is a concern. She and I made amends for some personal disagreements, but should I win, and she can post a moronic GIF on social media if she wants, but should I win, then the gloves come off.

People will be hurt.

Maybe not because I want to, but because I have to.

Its gotten to the point where failure is no longer a goddamn option.

Especially when your name is…Josh Hudson.


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