It was a nightmare and nothing more, despite how real it felt. Josh Hudson repeated this to himself over and over as his head rested against the pillow. He looked over and saw his wife, Rachel still sleeping peacefully.

Hudson’s eyes darted towards the ceiling once again and once again, he repeated that it was a nightmare and nothing more. The attack on his son, his arrest, and even his diagnosis, none of it was real. Hudson knew he could sigh in relief but it didn’t change the fact that his nightmare truly haunted.

Hudson knew the purpose behind the nightmare. It was his subconscious telling him that time wasn’t on his side. He was not going to be wrestling forever. His body was easier to break down than it was to rebuild. He was still one of the most talented to ever step between the ropes and that his place would forever be cemented within the industry.

He had thought about stepping away after his feud with Syren ended, with him on the losing end. But it was the way he lost that resulted in Hudson second guessing his exit from the sport. It was a ghost from his past, that cost Hudson his match against Syren, resulting in Hudson tapping out for the first time in years.

It was heartbreaking.

The ghost was the Canadian Heartbreak Kid, CHBK. A man that Hudson had battled at various points in his career, dating back to 2003 in a little promotion known as the JWF. He had aligned himself with Syren, thrusting he and Hudson into another inevitable war.

Hudson recalled his mindset once the match was over. His wife and her sister, the infamous Red Rayne or Daisy Lee if you were on her good side, had sat out in the crowd and watched how it all went down. Once Hudson had reached his locker room, he let it fly as he was someone who could handle a loss as long as the opponent earned it.

Syren had not earned a victory over him. She had it handed to her. And the fact that CHBK had the audacity to interfere only made the man many knew to be silent but violent, that much angrier. The very thought of CHBK made his blood boil.

He stood in the bathroom and shower area of his locker room. His hands clutches the sink as he wanted to rip it from the wall and smash it into the skulls of Syren and CHBK. Hudson saw his reflection and glared.

“Baby, are ya in here?” Hudson heard his wife call. He was pissed off and wanted to tell her that of course he was. He wanted to ask where else would he be, but Hudson didn’t.

Rachel came into his life abruptly and had been nothing short of a nonstop support. Someone he confided in. Someone that Hudson could say that he truly loved and love wasn’t really in his vocabulary. He removed his hands from the sink and ran them over his face before replying, “Yeah babe. I’m in here.”

In the mirror, he saw as Rachel stepped inside of the room. She looked concerned. Hudson slowly turned to her, “Sorry to have disappointed you. I know you and the girls were really rooting for me.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and her hand met Hudson’s face, “Don’t talk like that. Yer not a disappointment. Ya had that bitch beaten fair and square. That slimy sum bitch cost you out there.”

Hudson shook his head, his ears ringing from the match and the hit he took from his wife, “This was supposed to be it, Rachel. You know that. I was going to end that fucking bitch and be done. None of that happened. And Alex…fucking Alex…that bastard blindsided me in order for her to win. He helped her because he knows deep down that he can’t beat me,” Hudson declared, venom behind his words and fire burning through his veins.

“Well ya know that ya don’t have to keep doing this, sugar,” Rachel stated as matter of factly, “Ya can call it quits. Ya have done so much in yer career.”

Hudson’s hands formed fists and his teeth gritted back and forth as he shook his head once more, “There is no way in Hell I am stepping away now. That son of a bitch wants to interfere in my business then so be it. I will play. I like beating Alex at his own game. I did it almost ten years ago and I can do it now.”

In saying that he couldn’t call it quits, Hudson knew the purpose behind his nightmares to be true. The memory faded as he found himself staring at the ceiling once again. Hudson pushed himself from the bed, ignoring the typical aches, snaps, and crackles that came with his age, and made his way into his office.

It took a few minutes for the laptop to boot up but once ready, Hudson began to browse the internet, bypassing all of the typical PC and hipster bullshit, before settling on a wrestling website. People were excited CHBK returned and that Syren was victorious over him. People also stated that Hudson may need to pack it up and call it a career. That he couldn’t even lace up the boots of CHBK. He gritted his teeth the more he read. The world had become a band of keyboard warriors who believed their opinions to have some sort of real value. It reminded him of most of the SCW roster. Quick to react, always having to be in your face. It annoyed Hudson, even when his protege Regan did it.

He slammed the laptop down and ran his hand over his face when he heard, “Ya can’t let them get to ya, honey.”

Hudson turned to find Rachel standing before him. She was a sight to behold, something Hudson had never truly said about his son’s mother. Rachel was on a completely different level, “I think it irritates me more when those virgins talk shit about a sport they truly know nothing about, while they jerk off in their mom’s basement. Like has it been forgotten that I was on top while Syren was trying to make a name for herself or that I was using Alex as my own personal punching bag?”

Rachel strolled over to Hudson, his eyes zoned in on her legs, hanging below her tank top and panties. Hudson reached out, wrapping his arms around her waist, as she ran her fingers through his thick hair, “Josh, ya know it’s just the new trend. People are going to run their mouths whether they know what their talking about or not. And maybe they have forgotten about ya. Ya said ya weren’t leaving. Now is the time to let them know ya can’t truly be forgotten.”

Hudson looked up at his wife, staring deep into her brown eyes, “People, be it the fans or the locker room, probably see me as Regan’s lackey because I don’t speak as much as she does. Sienna uses that mic more than I do.”

Rachel shrugged, “Well ya don’t have to talk. I love Regan but I know she loves to run that jaw of hers. Can’t say anything bad about her though; I do it myself if I’m being honest with ya, sugar.”

Hudson smirked, “Oh trust me I know you do,” Laughter followed his words. A few moments passed as the laughter died down, “But perhaps you’re right. I have never been one to talk. Why should I do so now?”

Rachel replied, “Ya don’t have to. Ya just do what ya have always done. It has always worked for ya.”

Hudson nodded, “It has, but I am getting older. What worked in the past may not work like it used to. This is definitely a new time, a different era. I may not like it, as I am not used to how things are. Things are different than when I was rising to the main event. Maybe I will have to eventually adapt to the way things are…” Hudson paused for a few moments, looking like he was about to vomit. The words that were coming out of his mouth made him question his sanity.

Rachel asked, “Are you alright, sugar?”

Hudson shook his head, “Yeah. I’m fine. At least I think that I am. I don’t know why I would even say things like that. You can definitely tell that I still don’t have my legs or wits about me. I stopped questioning myself years ago. I can’t believe I am doing it again.”

Rachel shook her head, “Ya need to realize that yer a strong man. You have a brilliant mind when it comes to this sport. The sport may change, but that doesn’t the meaning of it changes and I know ya have always fight to preserve that meaning.”

Hudson responded, “I have. And I will continue to do so. I haven’t had the best of returns this time. I lost to Syren twice. But,” Hudson added, “I need to realize that I have helped Regan find herself again. I have worked with Sienna as well and she is well on her way. I have been utilized, using my knowledge for this business to help better secure its future.”

Rachel added, “And no one can take that away from ya…”

Hudson leaned in and kissed her, wrapping his arms around his wife, as he told himself, “I won’t let them, no matter how often they may try.”


A few days came and went, Josh Hudson found himself in his study once again. His eyes darted to and from the clock. He was waiting on a very important phone call. The phone call, Hudson knew, would bring good news. It would also force him to make a decision. It had nothing to do with the law. God and the Devil. It had to do with protecting those he loved. Those he cared for. It had to do with doing what was right, even if lawmakers would see it otherwise. It would have an impact on his future, but Hudson did not care.

Being with Rachel made him realize how overprotective he was. He had always had that instinct. In his personal life, he always wanted to protect his family. In his professional life, he always wanted to protect the sport of wrestling. He recalled protecting his mother from his father during his many drunken rages. Hudson recalled protecting his siblings from neighborhood bullies, going above and beyond what would have been perceived as normal punishment. Hudson always prided himself on leaving a lasting mark on those he targeted.  On all of those he punished.

He felt neglectful in terms of protecting his wife. Hudson knew that Rachel could more than handle her own. She was still youthful compared to him. The ring wars would catch up to her, always they did everyone who stepped between the ropes, but she still had time left. His time was going to come to an end rather sooner than later. Inside of the ring, Hudson knew that Rachel was as violent as anyone he had ever locked horns with. Her violence ever translated into the bedroom. It kept Hudson young in all aspects, but outside of the ring, Hudson had not done the greatest job of protecting her.

It reminded him of the time he and his sister, Jalyn had been traveling. She had wanted to see the nature of the business, as at one point she had shown interest in Hudson training her. One morning, they pulled over to a gas station. Hudson was famished. His sister was asleep, so Hudson figured he would get a quick snack, maybe even buy her something. Hudson wasn’t a kind man to most, but when it came to family, he did his best to provide for them. Hudson grabbed a coffee and a candy bar. He paid for his items before returning to the car. His sister was wide awake as Hudson saw movement in the passenger seat. The closer Hudson got to the car, the more the truth became apparent.

His sister was crying. Hudson picked up his pace before climbing into the car, “What’s wrong, Jalyn? Are you alright?”

“Josh….” She said, her sobs intensifying.

Hudson placed his hand on her shoulder, “Jalyn…tell me what’s wrong. Did you have a nightmare or something?”

She shook her head, but was unable to say a word due to crying uncontrollably. Hudson remembered pulling her close and telling her that everything was going to be okay. Once she calmed down, and she told him what happened, what the cause of her anguish was, Hudson knew that things were not going to be okay.

Hudson spoke again, trying to hide his building rage, “Jalyn…Sis…tell me what happened.”

She finally calmed herself down and told Hudson the reason behind her tears. An older man had pulled up, tapped on the window, waking Hudson’s sister up, before proceeding to jerk off in front of her. Hudson’s rage boiled over, “I am so sorry, Jalyn. I should have been here.”

“It’s not your fault.”

Hudson’s hands gripped the steering wheel, “I should have been here.”

In between quiet sobs, Jalyn was able to state, “I did get a picture of his license plate before he pulled out of the parking lot.”

Hudson asked his sister to send it to his phone. He looked at the picture, thinking to himself about all of the things he would do to the son of a bitch once he got his hands on him. Hudson looked at his sister, and could tell she was still visibly upset. Hudson reached over and once again placed his arm around her, “Don’t worry. I will make sure this piece of shit doesn’t get away with this.”

Jalyn said, “You don’t have to do anything, Josh. It is over and done with.”

Hudson recalled smirking at his sister, “I am your big brother, no matter how old you get. I am still your big brother and it is up to me to protect you. Jacob is too busy smoking pot to really do much, so you have me. And you know how I am. I don’t let bullshit like this slide. I never have and I damn sure won’t be starting now.

Jalyn pulled away, wiping her eyes as she asked, “What will you do?”

Hudson stared out, his mind already plotting as he said, “I will have a friend of mine with the police run the plates and see if he can get an address. If he can then I will pay this motherfucker a visit. What happens after that, will be of no concern for you, sis. All you need to know is that I will take care of this and he will regret today when it is all said and done.”

Hudson then pulled out of the parking lot and not another word was spoken of the incident, except when Hudson asked Jalyn for a description of the pervert. Hudson did exactly what he said he would. He called his friend in the police department, TJ McGalliard, a friend from high school. TJ ran the plates then called Hudson back with an address. He dropped his sister off with one of her long-time friends, thinking that she needed a girls’ night after the bullshit she had gone through earlier in the day.

Hudson drove through the small town, as day faded into night. Hudson had not been competing at the time, so he had a lot of frustration to get rid of. What had happened to his sister added fuel to the fire, just like Hudson beating himself up over not being there to protect her added icing to the cake. As the night grew darker, Hudson decided to find his sister’s attacker and make sure he knew what it felt like to be a victim.

Using the information TJ provided, Hudson drove until he found the house, before proceeding to drive a little further down the street, parking his car just a few feet away from the nearest street lamp, concealing it in the darkness. Hudson got out of his car and went into his trunk, grabbing a gym bag before getting back inside. He changed into a hoodie and jogging pants before climbing out of the car once more, draping the bag over his shoulders. Hudson looked around as he started to lightly jog in place before taking off at a light speed, jogging around the block as it was just one big circle. Hudson’s mind raced with thoughts about what he would do once he found himself face to face with Jalyn’s attacker. It looked to be a quiet neighborhood, which Hudson liked, as it meant he would have the piece of shit all to himself.

So he knocked on the door. There was no answer, so Hudson knocked again. Finally the door opened, and Hudson recalled Jalyn’s description. The man, who fit the bill, looked at Hudson curiously, “Can I help you?”

Hudson smirked before turning and pointing at the truck parked in the driveway, “Is that your truck?”

The curiosity remained on the pervert’s face, as he stared at Hudson through thick black framed glasses, “What business is it of yours?”

A slight chuckle emerged from Hudson’s lungs before he scratched the back of his neck. The laughter died as Hudson uttered, “My sister has seen that truck before. In fact, she saw it today. At the gas station off of exit 100,” Hudson noticed the man’s demeanor change, his eyes growing wide, “And I wanted to speak with the owner of the truck. Are you the owner?”

Hudson watched as he took a few steps back, “I don’t know…I don’t know what you’re talking about. You need to leave. Otherwise, I will call the fucking cops…”

Hudson chuckled again, “They won’t make it in time…”

Before the memory could continue, Hudson’s phone rang, bringing him back to the present day. Hudson looked around, finding himself in his study. He reached over and grabbed his phone, bringing it to his ear, “Hello?”

The voice on the other end asked, “Is this Josh Hudson?”

Hudson nodded, “This is he. I am assuming this Officer Kyle Moss. Correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hudson smirked, “I am also going to assume that you are calling me with good news, yes?”

Moss cleared his throat before replying, “Yeah. I got a call from your buddy Officer McGalliard. He told me who you were looking for. I just got word that we are having him shipped in real soon. And based on what your boy told me, you don’t want this fucker to last long. Am I correct?”

Hudson looked around, making sure Rachel was not nearby, “You’re goddamn right. The piece of shit hurt my wife. Took her childhood from her as well as her sister. I can’t stand someone like him. He is nothing more than a disease and he needs to be eradicated.”

Moss snickered, “I understand. Pedophiles come into our bunks, we make sure to have more than a little fun with them. It is our motto to make sure they taste the ends of sticks as well as the heels of our boots. We pride ourselves on making the sick fucks feel welcome.”

Hudson felt a sense of delight with the officer’s words, feeling like he and Officer Moss were on the same wavelength when it came to Jack Lee.

Moss’ voice echoed in Hudson’s ear once again, “So what exactly do ya want done?”

Hudson paused for a few moments before he replied. He recalled the horror stories he had heard from Rachel as well as Daisy Lee. The things that they had experienced. The thing that they had endured with no one to help them. The thoughts made Hudson’s blood boil, just as it did when his sister shared her story with him. Hudson snapped back to reality once again, “I said I want him eradicated. I want him terminated with extreme prejudice. I don’t want him to just have the shit kicked out of him. Oh no, that simply will not do. I want him to suffer, so I don’t want it to be over quick. I want him to feel the pain. I want him to know what it is like to have life taken from him, just as he had taken life from my wife. Do I make myself clear?”

There was a pause on the other end but only at first, “I hear ya, boss. We will be sure to take good care of this piece of shit for ya. We are going to put him in a cell with a man who feels the same you do when it comes to maggots who prey on kids. His daughter was taken from him, so he killed the fucker who did it. I don’t agree with him being in prison, because he was doing society a service, but hey…the fucking justice system am I right?”

“You’re right. But there are ways around the justice system. I learned all kinds of shit from my old man,” Hudson hissed, “What is this guy’s name?”

Moss replied, “Gregor Brink. Real evil looking son of a bitch. Cold hearted bastard. He castrated the fucker who hurt his little girl. Made the fucker choke on his own cock and balls.”

Hudson grinned, “I like this Gregor already. Let me know when it is done.”

Moss responded, “Will do boss.”

Hudson hung up the phone and leaned back into his chair. He knew that most men would second guess taking an action such as this, but Hudson was not like most men. He did not care for the well-being of many. He cared for his son, Alex as well as his wife Rachel. There was also Daisy and Regan along with the members of Past, Present, and Future. Outside of that small circle, no one else mattered. Hudson knew he would sleep well at night knowing of Jack Lee’s demise.


When I think about my career…hell, even the career of my opponent at the End of the Year Special this Sunday, CHBK…There is one thing that keeps popping into my head. It isn’t how often we have one upped the other. It isn’t about how many times I beaten him black and blue before leaving him a pool of his own blood. It isn’t how many times he has landed the Bittersweet Ending, driving his heel into my jaw. No, it is something else entirely.

It is time.

Time is something that isn’t on our side, Alex and we both know this. Your career is dwindling down a lot quicker than mine. You have age over me. Your body has been broken down by the likes of Jason Zero, Xander Valentine, so many names of the past, not to mention a name like Trinity Street. You have had the hell beaten out of you and you have been left for dead by so many, including myself. And you have dug down deep, and be it sheer will or stupidity on your part, you have always gotten back up, living to fight another day.

But I know you, Alex. You have a concept of time.

You know that there will come a time when your body, your heart, your spirit, will not be able to take those beatings from forces such as myself, Xander, Zero, or Trinity. You know that there will come a time that you will not be able to take the beatings and keep getting back up. You know there will come a time when not even stupidity will be enough to grab your boots and lace them up, or train for another fight. You know that when I say time isn’t on your side, that I am telling the truth.

And just like time, truth is something else that comes to mind when I think about our careers.

The truth is that when our paths were crossing for the first few years after we met, you didn’t see me as a threat and honestly, I can’t blame you. I was a contradicting dickweed. I can admit that. You, nor anyone else, paid me any mind. It took me getting a little angry. It took me beating you within an inch of your life, to have the old man’s daughter throw in a towel for you…it took me conquering Tactical Warfare and claiming the SCW World Championship for me to truly be placed on someone’s radar, someone like you, hell….someone like Xander. He came back in 2010 and was ready to face me, stating it was a goal of his.


I am a legend in this business. I have never needed titles. I have never needed to be a consistent mainstay presence. I busted my ass and earned those things. I didn’t need Twitter to overpromote myself like so many people that you and I know do these days. All I have ever needed is a wrestling ring. In between those ropes, I am a God. It isn’t a gimmick. I will let Chad keep that one. But I am a God inside of the squared circle. I earned my main event stripes. I earned the recognition I once craved. I will go down as one of the absolute best to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots.


So will you, Alex. I will never be able to deny your ability or the things that you have pulled off in your career, no matter your place on the card. But that doesn’t mean I have to respect you, just as I know that you do not respect me. I am okay with that. This match isn’t about respect. It is no longer about Syren ruining this business and you protecting her, or staying relevant…you can choose whatever suits you in that regard. No, this is about me kicking the shit out of you. No, I am going to talk about breaking you. I have said it many times. It has been said by so many other people who have stepped into the ring against you.

I am going to kick the shit out of you. I am going to put you through hell, just as I am sure you will. It is what we do to one another. We always have. You will try to play into your Master of the Mind Games title, and I will take time, wearing you down and thinking up ways to hurt you. You know that I enjoy working over limbs and bending them in angles they shouldn’t bend. I enjoy hearing the screams of agony. I enjoy making this about being a sport and not entertainment. And Alex, I feel that you disrespected all of that, everything that I worked to build.

You gave our rivalry a super-kick to the face. Back in 2009, and the way through mid 2010, we reminded the world that this isn’t about the glitz and the glamour. People were talking about the clinics you and I were putting on. Nobody said a goddamn word about Jake Starr or Greg Cherry. Nobody was mentioning Jason Zero. Nobody knew who the hell Lucas Knight was until he decided to after the scraps that I left for him.

The same will be said this go round. This won’t be a Passion of the Christ spectacle. No, this will be a wrestling match between two men who know how to get it done in the ring without all of the other bullshit. This will be a match between two wrestling purists. I won’t need, nor will I allow anyone from Past, Present, and Future to be at ringside. I refuse that. You don’t need Dark Fantasy. It will be you and I, mono y mono, as it has always been.

I don’t care how old you are or any of that nonsense. This is about you disrespecting me. Syren needed you to beat me. I find it funny Alex, that she claimed she would never stoop to lows like that in order to win, yet she did. During our feud, I claimed that she ruined the SCW. I still stand by that. I busted my ass to change things in the past, to remove cancers like you, like Zero, like Xander from the main event spots that you had attached to you at the hip.

I sought and brought change.

I tried to do the same again. It wasn’t about me going for the World Championship. I don’t need one, as I have said. I have accomplished many things in my career. Titles are secondary to me, just as they always have been. I wanted to remove Syren from the equation, because she had become like you, Jason, and Xander combined. I had to hurt her and put her out of this business, then you came along and ruined everything.

That is why I must ruin you.

One last time.

And truth is, I don’t know how much longer I want to continue after this. I don’t know how much longer I need to continue after this. I don’t need to main event Rise to Greatness, as I am bigger than Rise to Greatness. Just as I am bigger than becoming a Supreme Champion. I am all about the bigger picture which is preserving the wrestling industry, especially SCW. It has been ruined, but it can be salvaged. It will have to be rebuilt once the war is done, and the casualties have met their demise. Blood must be shed just as walls have to be torn down.

That means I will give it my all, as I always do, as I have always done, for the betterment of this sport. You have to be brought down, Alex. For your own good. Aligning yourself with Syren and Rayvn, clearly shows that you are not thinking straight. So, I will do as I said I would. I will beat the shit out of you. You can call this a mercy killing or whatever you wish, but you have to end, Alex. The legacy of CHBK will always live on as long as wresting is alive and well. But in order for that to happen, wrestling must progress. Right now, you are standing in the way of progression.

Syren and Rayvn are as well. That is why Past, Present, and Future was built. To remove those who stand in the way of progression, those who hold others down. You did it to me years ago. Syren has done it for the last several years. It has to stop. It will stop, Alex. Regan already put Syren down. Rayvn can be next if need be. But that will be after I do what I need to do to you. Time may not be on my side, but I still have stamina. I can thrive in the ring for a long time, meaning that I will have all night to do what is necessary, Alex and the demise of your career is necessary.

Things didn’t have to be this way, but you brought this upon yourself.

To many it will be a heartbreaking tragedy, but it will be poetic, as it will go down as one of my greatest contributions to this sport that I cherish.

Sunday night, not only will I steal the show, but I will stop it as well.